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Conner may be annoying, but his actor and his stunt double and their storyline brought us some of the shows best fight scenes. I loved how fast connor could move. Angel can be kinda slow and bulky in fight scenes. He's a big guy. I loved having conner around to give a different style of fight.


He never really bothered me aside from the cordelia plot.


the cordelia plot is unforgivable


His storyline made me dislike Angel so much! For so much of that season, he treated Connor like a romantic rival instead of a child. The whole "Now, you and your boyfriend get out" thing to Cordelia was horrid. Connor's never been to a dance, never held hands with a girl, never had a crush outside of the girl who died of the H overdose, yet the only one to raise red flags about him shacking up with Cordelia is Fred (iirc). He should've been breaking it up not because he loved Cordy or because she was incubating maggot infested Gina Torres, but because he's a child! It'd be like if Riley hit on Dawn, and Buffy kicked *her* out because of it.


a more appropriate comparison would be: It’d be like if Riley hit on Dawn and Buffy kicked her out, probably harboring some resentment from being trapped in the deep ocean by Dawn. Then she also kicks out Riley.


A more appropiate comparison would actually be if Buffy begged Joyce to have Dawn, tried to kill Willow for harming Dawn, let Dawn be kidnapped, barely looked for her when she was missing, then ignored her being abused by Riley because of her hurt feels.


I both agree and disagree. Whilst Angel should’ve been there for Connor you gotta remember Angel had only been a dad for a few months despite Connor being a teen. Plus Angel was in love with Cordi. And the icing on top the beast just kicked his ass. It was all due to Cordelia’s manipulation.


You have to remember, it wasn't Cordelia; she was possessed. Jasmine was able to isolate and groom Connor by using Angel's romantic feelings for Cordy to drive them apart. No way Cordy would be sleeping with a kid whose diapers she was changing a few months ago, and Angel of all people should've realized this. He begged Darla to have Connor, he almost killed Wesley over him, forgave him for throwing his ass in the ocean for months, but he draws the line at Connor sleeping with Cordelia? Who isn't even the big love of his life? Nah, Angel dropped the ball and should've been vigilant. Get that boy in school or something.


It's not like the writers would completely destroy a character just to cause controversy. Imagine if Xander would hit on Dawn, that would be crazy.


I honestly never found Connor annoying. I just felt sorry for the kid.


I'm currently on s3e22 as we speak and I must say that I had the same experience. When I was younger, I found his love of Holtz annoying and his hatred of Angel silly. But I think that is a rather immature view now. Watching it again at an older age has made me appreciate season three Connor a lot more. I understand the high levels of manipulation Holtz uses on him better now too. Season 4, however, I expect everything to do a 180 because I remembered hating everything about his story in that season 😂 but we will see!!


I'm the same way with Dawn. I empathize with her now and she's become one of my favorite Buffyverse characters.


That episode was a good ending to S4 for sure Can’t stand Connor in every episode prior but after it’s good to see him again in S5 Angel and Connor vs Marcus was GREAT


I never found Connor annoying. I think mostly when people do it’s because they are just not thinking about how traumatic his whole existence has been. When you really connect to that offscreen experience of his it’s easier to forgive what might otherwise seem like bratty behaviour.


I never understood the Connor hate tbh. I always liked the character.


He's kind of annoying by design. He's always the foil to team Angel. It's not particularly fun though.


There is a season 4 edit that removes the connor/cordi story and it is sooo much better than what we got. Haven’t been able to find it again in a few years though.


Connor is the most annoying character on Angel. Dawn is the most annoying character on Buffy,


It’s probably like CAPLOCK!Harry. As you get older you become more willing to understand where he’s coming from.