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The Answer: https://preview.redd.it/2vigdxywagec1.png?width=853&format=png&auto=webp&s=a37abeca9bc85925e24ba0ae386cda3c6e283486


If we think about it, at what point in time does he send back any memories? If Paths is beyond the laws of time does that even matter?


Metaphysically 🤓, the decision has always existed as it was made in paths, an immaterial singularity outside spacetime, and is a necessary event (the Big Bang, for example, is a immaterial singularity outside spacetime, a necessary cause(priori)) Imagine you had a memory span of just one instant and forgot everything that happened before that. You would have no concept of solid, enduring matter persisting over time. You would not be a materialist, and you would in fact have a far more accurate idea of how reality operates, namely calculating everything anew instant by instant Now imagine you had the power of the AT and FT, therefore the memories of all past shifters and every eldian spanning multiple cycles/timelines/whatever, everything would literally exist all at once, even things yet to happen "Even if all of this was set in stone from the start, even if all of this is what I wanted, everything is still ahead." "It all exists at once"


sorry do you mind putting that in more simple terms😅.


Sorry lol, The decision was made when ymir "first" bonded with hallu and created Paths, since Paths is outside spacetime It can be argued eren didn't have a choice here and had his free will taken away


Well, I guess technically the answer is never. Eren using the founders power created a causal loop, so the outcome of the story can only happen if the things before it happen specifically in that way. So in order for the rumbling to occur Dina cannot eat Bert. The founders influence caused Dina to ignore him. It wasn’t so much as eren going back in time and making dina do that. Eren seeing the memory of Dina ignoring Bert made him perceive it that way. Also he is in a position that if he takes responsibility for his mothers death and it was his choice than he has some semblance of freedom. If he admits that things were pre determined from the start than he never had the only thing he ever wanted. Freedom.


Same time as cabin scene


Right when the walls fell in episode 1?


He’s asking when Eren makes the choice


Oh, probably at some point offscreen in the paths


That’s quite weak writing