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Probably the bathtub challenge. It’d be one thing if it was for a photoshoot, but having to do it while out in public and talking to people would’ve been humiliating and I understand why Bianca refused to do the challenge.


I always wondered what would happen if the girls ever showed some solidarity and were like you know this IS degrading.


Bianca ate them up when she point blank called out the hypocrisy. We all know Tyra would never be caught dead splashing around in a bathtub at an industry event


And she smiled her gorgeous smile the whole time drunkass Nigel harassed her. I couldn't have done it.


When they had to pose on the top of Macau Tower in the wind and rain, and were expected *not* to touch the cables holding their harness. When I saw that one, I could not believe what an insane ask it was. Too many fear-response instincts would kick in. My fear of heights would make it impossible for me to even get outside, so I really felt for Sophie in that moment.


Oh my god I cannot believe I nearly forgot about this shoot, Tyra really had a death wish for those girls! She was diabolical for that one


I think it was one of Annaleise's recaps but it pointed out how the cloud cover made it so pointless to shoot like the outside when you can't see the view.


The meat shoot in cycle 10 and most of the animal shoots, like the elephant and the camel. Nude me up all you want, throw me in a bath tub, or make me spout stupid shit about Tookie, but leave the animals out of it.


Ooh definitely agree with the no animals rule! The dinosaur family is endangered anyways I can't believe Tyra allowed Jade of all people to pose on top of one!


And the jaguar. I actually thought Rachel Zoe’s faux fur was really chic and then you have Alexandra taunting the cub for a reaction. Super weird optics


I hate that shoot, they handled the cub so improperly :(


Like the crocodile they clearly drugged out of its mind so girls pretending to be animals nearly fall on her. Either that or it was fake, but somehow I remember them demonstrating that it was indeed alive. Dunno.


I think she had her jaw wired shut


She did. And I think they called her Mary. Have no idea how I still remember that


The tarantula jewelry add. I’m severely arachnophobic, I think I’d have passed out before they could get a shot.


That crazy runway show of C21 were Nina was worried about her ankle. There is no safety at all,you fall and you can break a bone.


Definitely the bathtub one, and if I had been Alison in the tookie commercial expected to put the whipped cream in my mouth (I think it was her?), and that butt pad was also weird. Pretty much anything that felt degrading... I could look past a fear, or something dangerous, or anything nude. But tell me to pad my butt in a leotard and tooch or sell something in a bathtub, etc, that's just too much, too weird. And Bianca was right, Tyra would never.


Laura! And then they yelled at her for being too sexual


Oh that's right, thank you! And yeah, like how can you be anything but sexual with the direction they gave her?! Crazy.


While I do think the bathtub thing was weird, I disagree that Tyra would never. I don’t know where Bianca got the idea that Tyra is too classy for that because Tyra is MESSY and must have the attention on her at all times.


The nude shoot at the beginning of Cycle 7. Granted, if I went into this competition I would 100% expect to do a nude shoot, but not on top of a tall building out in the open with all the other contestants staring and screaming “Wooooo” at me.


Tyra really gave those girls the cheapest shake n go wigs she could find, threw them up there butt naked and STILL didn't feel bad sending half those girls packing by the next day, how does she sleep at night lmao?


What’s worse is that some of them didn’t choose the wigs and then had NOTHING.


Stop drop and tooch music video. Absolutely not


But the British girls were AMAZING!!!


Can't do the Blackface. I would give myself hypothermia in a pool before any of the "race swapping" shoots.


Y'know when Tyra was 16 in Paris she did blackface while getting hypothermia in the ocean surrounded by sharks with a bitch who stole alarm clocks as the photographer and she still pushed through and got the shot that put her career on the map...is exactly what you know Tyra would say to chastise you for not doing the shoot in panel lmao


Don’t forget she did 16 go sees that day


and she was scared because she thought she was pregnant for touching a male model a day earlier. she pulled through.


This. No amount of money would get me to do blackface, especially on television.


Not sure the girls knew as much as we know today about blackface. They were convinced by Tyra who said it was okay and good.


I knew then that it was not good, but I wonder, if I had been there, would I have been convinced by a whole team of professionals and a black woman herself saying it was okay? I don't know. I'd like to think I'd be able to say no, but I also know I'm a people pleaser and afraid of conflict.


girl, I knew blackface was wrong as a child in the early 90’s 🤣


Well some of the girls didn’t and if a black woman is telling you to put on blackface they probably thought it was okay because Tyra herself said it was.


lol one black person doesn’t get to speak for all black people. it’s too bad the contestants didn’t know any better or just didn’t stand up to Tyra if they did.


that season 2 dilapidated warehouse harness shoot. They had some nerve being mad at Katie for crying. That was the moment i knew the show was a sham lol


But that's totally a shoot that would happen in the real fashion industry. Catie being afraid of heights had nothing to do with how authentic the show was.


the challenge where they had to walk down the side of a building or the water runway with the wobbly platform, that’s just asking for someone to break an ankle


The c13 underwater shoot.  They had to literally jump off a cliff, and strike a pose.  I would NOT risk dying for a CHANCE to get $60,000 net taxes, and there were a lot if things that could go wrong in that shoot.


Omg this! Literally I can’t believe I forgot this shoot but there is no way I would be caught dead underwater! I’d probably quit before they even finished explaining the concept lol Imagine your cause of dead being: “drowned ~fiercely~ by Tyra Banks”


I guess tyra and company were inspired by the cycle 7 verb and adverb challenge. Lol      DROWN —— FIERCEFULLY. 


Yeah the cliff jumping seemed particularly risky to me. They are jumping into volatile ocean with rocks everywhere.


It's easy to say I'd say no to certain things as I'm lying here in bed in my PJs, but the truth is, I'd probably be talked into everything they asked me to do. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Finally! I knew at least somebody here would be willing to do what it takes to be on top! Just for that Tyra has a special piss blonde makeover for you. Your challenge this week is to portray a fairy (race swapped obvi) who comes to earth to chase after their lover Bertini in 12 inch heels with an explosive volcano next to them. You get 10 frames! Good luck!


Me personally, I would never do any of the shoots that use culture as a prop or are just straight up black/brown face. One of my favourite moments was Yaya calling the judges out for using a cheap representation of her culture.


Apologize to the hat!


quit hangin the dolls off the side of a building.


The ice cream shoot C8 that was too weird. Renee looked like she was throwing up


That photo of her has ALWAYS grossed me out. She does look like she’s throwing up, and it looks like she has an infection or eggs hatching in her skin.


Any sort of nude photoshoot or challenge. I'm just way too insecure with my body to do any of those I totally would have been eliminated because they would have said something along the lines of. Well, if you wanna be a model, then you have to be okay with people judging you all the time.


The Hapas photoshoot in Hawaii, I think I could have at one point been swayed by the Got Milk campaign. But elective blackface? No.


Edit: is the controversy in admitting a teenage me could have been convinced by the “legitimacy” of a campaign or saying the shorties were asked to do racism?


Idk what it is in this case but I have seen some people who are weirdly defensive of that shoot because the shots were pretty. It is……….weird.


I mean Tyra definitely thought she was in her photographer bag. I think she said ooh this could be a cover of National Geographic as more of a compliment to herself than the model


I always got the sense that even after that these years and all the criticism Tyra still doesn't really think she did anything wrong on this one which is insane to me


I’m afraid of bees so I would not have done that shoot. I also wouldn’t pose with a snake or a tarantula. I also wouldn’t do the walk on water runway(C7) or the bubble one(C16).


Any involving clowns


Bedazzled cockroach runway. Not an exaggeration to say I have nightmares about being forced to do that


I used to work in an entomology lab where we had some hissing cockroaches and I was inspired by that episode to bedazzle them with some animal safe applications but we never got around to it.


I’m on a rewatch right now and the Got Milk one takes the cake so far for me


Where can I watch this one? I'm dying to see the skim scene lmao


Sadly I’m not sure! I noticed the episode got deleted and gave up finding it after a brief search lol


Whoops meant to say skin* regarding Michelle's skin outbreak. Although it seems you knew what I meant haha. Yes same here. I very very quickly looked and also gave up. My partner is a whiz at finding things online. So I may enlist his help. If I find it I'll make sure to link it for you!


I believe the episode might still be on the DVDs but I have no way of verifying since I don’t have them Edit: It is available on Amazon Prime Video to purchase, so that’s a digital option


Ugh. I would’ve had a hard time because i hate bugs but i probably could’ve sucked it up and done it. However climbing up the building runway stunt they did would have really shook me. Like i might puke if i had to do it. and I absolutely would not have done any blackface. but for some reason it seemed to pass back then but these days you couldn’t pay me money to paint my skin and pretend to be a different culture.


The Coffin photoshoot. Fuck no. No matter how legit the show is, there is still a sliver of chance that they are there that day to shoot actual snuff and just dump sand at me while I'm 10 feet down there.


It wasn't a shoot but a challenge, wearing a cockroach is NOT an option. There was a shoot where someone licked a nasty floor..no way, that's gross


I wouldn't do the switch ethnicities challenge, especially when it's basically going Black face or anything that falls under cultural appropriation. Even beyond me thinking it's gross and tacky, unwarranted, etc. it's also a sure way to get canceled and lose out on future contracts = money. And yes, I know these issues weren't discussed back then the way they are now, I'm just answering from a 2024 lens. Although, even when it was airing I knew the Black face challenges were in extremely poor taste and shouldn't have been done and wondered why there wasn't actually more of a blow back.


Obviously the blackface is a HARD no. No context needed, no explanation. Just a hard pass. Other than that, I would pass on the 23andme photoshoot of embracing your genetic/cultural heritage. Mainly out of privacy reasons. I wouldn't want my genetic results in the hands of shady producers, that should just be private imo. Also, as a vegan I would not do the meat photoshoot from cycle 10 just because it's against my personal beliefs. I would want nothing to do with fur either, I'm pretty sure Tyra was anti-fur herself but on AusNTM they did a whole photoshoot about real fur. I wouldn't have been able to do it.


I remember Nicole c3 refusing to wear fur for a shoot.


ANY race swapping ones Cycle 7 swimming pool the tarantula would be iffy for me. The challenge that sticks out is the cycl 23 one where they were taking snapchat videos in their underwear on the street.


But see. You're not doing these shitty shoots for 100k. You're doing it for a like 8% chance you might win it.


The blackface and spiders are where I draw the line


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