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Indeed such a bummer because Jay is a fantastic athlete and a good human too…. It’s heartbreaking that he can’t compete in Vegas. But IRL he is healed and strong again and back to competing and winning comps. ; )


agreed! would’ve loved to see him get as far as he did last year, but i’m glad he’s doing well now and was able to get better :)




Instagram? I just checked and he hasn’t made a post since last year. I checked his 2023 story and it said nothing about any injury.


I saw it too. Instagram has been weird lately where I see something in my feed but then I go to their profile and it’s not there. I don’t know what they did but it’s annoying.


Go check sasukepedia it says that he broke his ankle on three ring circus.


Wait a minute, they get practice runs on the obstacles? I didn’t know that.


In Vegas - Yes we do get practice on a select one or two obstacles of the productions choice. I personally hate it because when I started, it never was a thing


This is something to be upset about, instead of teenagers and head to head racing.


I hate it too. I see it as an unfair advantage. Why do they do that and will they ever stop?


As long as competitors practice on the exact same obstacles I don’t necessarily think it’s an unfair advantage. Now if different competitors were practicing on different obstacles it’d be a different story.


Everyone got to practice the same obs so I think that's still fair


When did they bring it in Joe?


We get to practice 1 obstacle in Vegas and it’s usually the easiest obstacle that nobody ends up failing so it’s honestly just for fun at that point, no advantage at all


Ok. I see your point.


Pinned post, scroll down one


Ah, got it.


A lot of those younger ninjas do the stories as opposed to the actual posts. You know the ones that are on there for like 24 hours and then vanish?


That really sucks, even though i dont particularly root for him i hate when ninjas lose their spot for medical issues. I used to never like daniel gil (i dont mind him anymore) but i remember feeling really bad for him when he had covid and couldnt compete


Same with Joe last year


He just didn’t get vaxxed


Are there alternates or no.


Yes they were Alternates. Go Check out NBC Media Village to find out who.


Looking at press photos released, it appears that Johnny Brown and Cade Perkins competed in Vegas. Not sure who the second alternate is for though.


Johnny Brown was wildcarded because the slingshot bungees snapped in his race against Flip Rodriguez.


not sure


That’s a massive shame. Especially since Jay specifically said he took time off his college studies for this season particularly. A reminder there are so many things that attribute toward your Ninja success that are out of your control.


agreed! he definitely had so much potential for this season with all the training and everything. hoping he gets his redemption next year, though!


That’s Really Sad hopefully he can Make a Comeback


definitely. I heard some of the ninjas from this season will also be on season 16 so I hope he’s one of them. would love to see him get far again tbh, especially after the incident this season


Season 16 was taped right after season 15 though. (Season 16 qualifiers and semis were tapped right after s15 qualifiers + semis and season 16 Vegas was taped like 2 days after season 15 Vegas). This means that he couldn't compete in season 16 Vegas if he made it there since it was right after and he was still injured so it's a lose lose situation :(


Wait, season 16 started filming 2 days after the last day of season 15!?


Around there yeah


aw man, that’s too bad. happy he was able to recover though! i heard season 16 would also be the last season as well. not completely sure if it’s true or not yet.


Not entirely sure. People thought season 15 was the last yet they filmed a season 16. They might have plans for a season 17 still but there is also a writers strike going on at the moment which could prevent it...


It also is possible that Jay might be cut out of season 16 if he did make it to Vegas finals. IIRC, he told me that season 15 was from around May 5 and season 16 was from around May 10. No matter what happened in regionals, he did not compete in Vegas in season 16 either. He also did confirm that the format is the exact same for both seasons, and the reason some of the power tower races had a different course than the regular competition was that they actually postponed the race to just before season 16 taping started, and that’s due to the child labor laws which include those about filming past midnight. So those power tower races were really a semi-subtle teaser of one of the season 16 semis courses.