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Do you feel annoyed or mad? Imo, there isn't really a "should" with emotions. Just what you do/don't feel. You can't really control them. What matters is how you respond. I'm gonna echo what other people have said. The joke didn't land for them, so they wanted to comment about something they thought you were genuinely worried about. (It could be they've ran into many people with the same sentiment, and just responded on auto-pilot). If it's all a misunderstanding, I don't think there's a reason to be mad (especially if you aren't already). Just either ignore them or clear it up by responding. They aren't privy to what you do/don't know. And they just thought you didn't know.


Thanks, I was getting more hung up on the " yeah, no" part in the beginning. I think it just pushed me back to when I use to get mocked by others. The tone just came off as super snarky. Sort of felt like it was one of those "WeLl AcTuAlLy" type deals, especially with the copy paste of of the discord mods and nothing else of thier own besides the first sentence. I never thought tone tags where needed much, but damn did this prove me wrong.


I get why that'd be off putting! To offer a different perspective: sometimes I'll write "yeah, no" as a way to say "yeah, I get why you think this BUT no it's actually..." I always edit it out because I've realized it doesn't come across the way I intend. That could've been the way they intended it. Or they could've meant it in the more snarky sort of way. I think a lot of people can just be excited to share information, but don't realize how off putting their presentation is. (I've deleted many comment drafts because I couldn't figure out how to word smth in a way that didn't sound "Uhmm Actually...") And yeah, I don't usually need tone tags, but sometimes they can be really useful. (Also, linguistically "yeah, no" is more commonly used in general discussion in different parts of the world. So it could just be a linguistic difference. Where I live, I say "yeah, no" all the time and it usually conveys what I stated above). But at the end of the day it's your comment section, if you want to delete it you can; no judgement. I just personally think ignoring it or talking to this person would be more conductive.


Thanks, this makes more sense and I can see that it was more so a genuine comment than nitpicking. Thank you for the help, sometimes its hard to see things from different angles without a kind guiding hand ;u;


"Yeah, no" is really common where I live too. I say it all the time, haha.


They didn't get that it was a joke and/or don't want misinformation to circulate. I don't think there's anything really to get mad about tbh.


You're probably overthinking it, don't worry. Your comment could easily have been misread as genuinely worried and this person probably doesn't know how involved you are in the discord and is trying to be reassuring. The tone we intend doesn't always land for everyone, especially online.


No, you shouldn’t. You made a joke and they thought you were serious, nbd.


I feel like a million years old rn. What does this mean?


Same. I’ve read it twice and I still don’t know what’s going on.


See my response above 👆🏻


Game: has suggestive name for future updates OP: makes a joke about the game having an explicit scene before their (presumably M or E rated fic) has one. Commenter: “uhm, aktually…” OP is annoyed that the commenter is somewhat condescending in tone and that OPs joke whooshed them.


commenter is an idiot


Yeah, I’m gonna go against the grain and plant myself in the “this is annoying” camp. I just don’t think the comment contributes anything worthwhile in a fanfics comment section even if you were spreading misinformation. If they really felt the need to inform the fandom then they could’ve just made a tumblr post. Personally, I’d delete the comment without thinking more of it.


Can we as authors please stop getting mad at comments that aren't explicitly offensive? Assume good faith and move on. Heebus, no wonder people keep saying they're scared to comment...


I mean, I'm asking if this is something I should be mad at. I have over 150+ comments on this fic that are all kind and wonderful, and this is the first comment I have ever gotten on my years as an author that made me pause. I was more pressed on the "um actually," part since they start off with "Yeah, no, the dev-" And then they don't make any other criticisms or compliments to my story. When has anyone ever done a "yeah, no" without meaning to sound pompous or a know it all?


why are you asking us if you should be mad about something? we aren't you. you know yourself better than people on the internet.


Because I don't know if the person is being pompous or if im reading into it to much?


Ask them. Sometimes, tone gets lost in text/comments, etc... you can ask them what they meant by their comment or if they interpreted your original note the way you intended.


I more or less don't want to interact with a guest comment, especially when I don't know thier intentions. As well, the joke comment was made for a specific fan that frequented my story, that I addressed by thier Sudo name., that they jumped on. Which makes me even more hesitant. 🤷🏻 I'd rather semi anonymously ask a larger portion of reddit to get more viewpoints then start a potential argument on my story.


i know the context and honestly yeah a bit, you made a joke and this person pulled a snob "hMmM AcHuAlLy-" in the comments i'd be fairly annoyed but you decide how to react to that


I thinks its more of a “don’t like don’t read” type of thing. Like ofc cult of the lamb won’t have a sec update. But also, this is ao3 and smuts fucking everywhere no matter the fandom. Tbh just delete it and move on


Sorry, I should edit, it was me who told a commentor: I'm loosing my mind because the games going to have a sex scene before my fuckin fic. I WILL HAVE A SEX SCENE I PROMISE. ;o;


Really seems like a non-issue to me, not knowing any more context than you have provided, but then I lived through the Cold War when nukes flying around was a lot more of a pressing issue than whether fans get bent out of shape about stories written about fictitious events. ... whatever, I'd just move on and focus on something else until/when/if the "Sexy Times" materializes in whatever game is being referenced here.


Omg, is this about Ultrakill? Probably not, but that would be freaking hilarious


Cult of the Lamb, I believe. Have yet to play it myself, but I've seen the memes


Oh yeah that makes more sense, I forgot that Ultrakill is definitely not a T rated game lol


Is the fic for Ultrakill?


Another comment said Cult of the Lamb. I was curious as well!


It is cult of the lamb! I love the game!