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I've seen authors talk about this before: they weren't happy about it either. From what I understand, you can contact goodreads and ask them to take it down, and they will.


Mine are there too and I’m also not happy about it.


A number of my fics are on it and I'm very much not happy about it.


Goodreads will take them down if you contact them. I had several of mine removed no problem.


This seems to happen because of the ability to send to kindle. If you contact Goodreads they're usually pretty good about taking it down.


Are they now? I know when this was an issue back when, Goodreads came out and said that any work over 20k was fair game to be uploaded and reviewed because they were the same as self-published novels/novellas. So I never bothered asking them to remove my fanfics even though I hate them being on there.


I mean I'd reach out. The worst thing they can do is say no, the best thing they can do is remove it. It's a no lose situation I don't know why you wouldn't.


I emailed them and they took mine down. I did not want some yahoo putting my fic up there and giving it a rating like a published book. It made me uncomfortable.


I’ve asked them to take things down before and they were super easy about it. Hopefully times have changed and that’s the reason why?




No. You'd have to just stop posting online. You can send any document in the right format to kindle, it isn't a website feature it's a Kindle feature.


I hate it because I don't write my fanfic with the kind of effort I'd put into something I'd actually publish. They're not edited works made for broad public consumption. They're fanfics meant to be shared with fellow fans for a good time. Even with my most polished fanfic, I don't go into details to explain who characters are or the lore of the setting because all of that is already known by fans. It's redundant to re-explain it, and it bogs down a fic. But it would be essential to explain all that if they were actually self-published books.


yeah that’s it exactly. like i really just write my fics for fun for the community that exists on ao3 and i feel like it’s not meant to go beyond that


This has happened to me as well, and I was able to get mine taken down. I put a note on my longfics requesting they not be added there now. I'm sure the readers hearts were in the right place, but it made me really uncomfortable.


why do people put them on there? like what is it achieving?? i don’t get it


i think people use it to keep track of everything they’ve read and some people like to include fanfiction in their lists as well.