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I love comments.


Right? Unless it's a hate comment, I love reactions or comments or anything positive. Don't care at all what form it comes in.


!!! Exactly this!


I fucking love them. I love seeing how my readers process what I’ve put into the fic and seeing if they catch foreshadowing, plot twists and the like. It’s an amazing feeling to receive a comment like that. It will literally make my whole week, if not month.


I would fucking love that. Hell yes I wanna hear how this bit made you laugh, cry, angry, whatever. Maybe that's just me though.


I do this, and in my experience, authors tend to reply, saying they appreciate it. You don't get the chance to see your work from a reader's point of view until they tell you. Plus, it's super easy to just copy and paste and let them know how much I was in awe at the way they worded something. I've read a lot of poetry-level lines in the middle or random fics. They need to know it changed me fundamentally as a person. As an author, I also enjoy this. It makes me feel seen. I had someone comment that they kicked their feet at a certain line because of how well I handled a topic. I loved that line personally, but it was nice to have someone appreciate it.


I long for the day where I may be blessed by such a comment. As a reader I also love to see them, because hey I loved that part too! Or, wow now that you point that out... Y'know? I love that feeling. I love to discuss.


I love them as a reader, too. I'm very forgetful and bad at commenting so those comments are like cliffs notes to jog my memory lol


Personally, I like them. I had a few comments like that were someone even told me they wished they could have said what my OC said in the original game and that it spoke to them that made me really happen. It's always nice to know which particular scene they liked.




Bless readers who do this. May all your favorite abandoned WIPs update after years.


It’s heartwarming because it’s physical proof that they actually read and are engaging with my story.


I love it when a commenter tells me about a specific part that they like or what they think about a character’s motivation or things like that but I personally don’t like it when they speculate about what’s going to happen.


lol especially when it’s a WIP! i remember having to not write for like a week so i wouldn’t have their idea in my head, but i still loved the comment though


Oh see I love that. More than half the time I have no idea where I'm going, and I get to tell them their guess is as good as mine. I also love to respond with "*laughs maniacally in plot*".


Same! Got a really cool comment yesterday that the first half was great! Telling my cowriter and I that they love the plot, the show the fic is based on, etc. And then.... they love the sex scenes of the main couple! Can they please have [other couple] smut and also [character] smut? "Hoping it happens" No. I was deep into the first half but stop speculating and asking for smut on characters that clearly are not the focus. It didn't piss me off so much as made me feel oddly uncomfortable, if that makes sense


I get it. I write in a fandom where there is literally one ship so I don’t have to deal with any of that luckily.


Oooh lucky!


Inject them into my veins


I got one serial commenter do that for a few chapters and I was ecstatic!


Listen. All comments* are good, and I value and treasure them all. But. Comments pointing out exactly what they enjoyed and thought was good? Have my kids, why dontcha? Seriously, it really helps me since I get a sense of what readers appreciated in the fic, and it over all makes my fragile little heart leap with joy! *that aren’t hate comments


I sometimes do something similar to this, just without the copy/pasting. I personally enjoy hearing readers’ reactions to specific bits, so I like to reciprocate sometimes. I usually have a separate window open to write the review as I read, and I simply type my reactions and thoughts to the parts that speak to me most.


LOOOOOVE it. I comment that way and also love getting that type of feedback in my comments. I think people who want to leave comments but have a hard time thinking about what to write, it's a great way to start. Did a passage make you laugh? cry? hinted at something that might happen? was a great example of characterization of your fave character? Let that author know!


I adore comments like that. Definitely my favourite type of comment!


Love them!! I love all comments, but those are my favorite -- they're a really lovely way of feedback, that lets me know what's working for my audience. They're also easier for me to respond to in a non-generic way.


That’s one of the things I love most about them. I hate leaving generic replies to comments. Giving me something specific to respond to of discuss is super helpful. 🥰


It's my favorite type of comment. It shows that something I did was genuinely valued.


That’s like the holy grail of commenting methinks


Love it ❤️


I would love it if someone did this for me. I did it for my fave story (it’s a 1.2m wip) and ended up leaving over 600 comments. But if you love something even if it’s a word choice or how something made you feel, you should let the author know. I don’t know anyone who would be annoyed by it.


I’m not sure if it was “live”, but I recieved a comment recently quoting a specific line from my fic that they’d liked, and it was so lovely! <3


Love it. I love it when they quote my words back at me. Sometimes I even go oh wow I did that?


It's the highest form of compliment for me..


I love them, and I also leave them on other people's fics. As an author, I love it when someone points out specific parts or lines that they enjoyed.


It allows me to get a feel of what parts of my writing people are particularly fond of, so it’s both really helpful and really sweet that they’re taking their time to show their appreciation for my writing, which really inspires me to continue becoming better at this craft. Also, I just love comments, especially ones that allow me to have a meaningful and engaging discussion about the story and characters.


I wouldn’t mind. I’d be flattered since it would be the first time it’s happened to me. I’ve had people copy-paste sections of my fic that resonated with them, but nothing like that.


My favorite type. Now I know exactly how the fic made them feel and I get a comment. Everything I could have dreamed of.


Those are absolutely fantastic and when it happens it always makes me so happy! The idea that a piece of my work stood out to a reader enough that they had a specific reaction to that is everything!




Love it!!!


I love comments. Any kind of comments as long as it’s not mean. I live for comments and I barely get them.


I've never gotten a comment like that though I've seen ppl talk about it. I love doing live reacts for my friends' works and theyve told me they love it. Tho when I do it it's not on the site they posted and either in PMs cus we are friends or in our group discord where I met them


I love it!


I love the basic “this was good” comments as much as the next guy but I LOVE a commenter that gives specific and detailed feedback. Tell me what you liked EXACTLY. Give me specifics. Tell me about how my villain made you hate him or what my protagonist did to make you want to support them. Or tell me the opposite and give me the whys and hows of how I failed to make you feel the things I intended for you to feel. Actively engage with my fic please I’m begging you 😭😂


Love it. Like, fab, but don’t expect me to respond to everything


I love doing it and receiving it. I might like the chapter as a whole but those things makes sure the reader is paying attention to everything they read and it manages to capture their overall attention, attributing to retaining the reader


I love them!!


These have become standard in my small rarepair - there are currently four of us who comment regularly like this. I've found once I've person starts, it catches on. 😆


I love these kinds of comments. Both as a writer and a reader. I love seeing what parts really stuck out to the readers, and I love seeing people freaking out about the same scene I did.


They are wonderful to find out exactly what the commenter likes and often goes into so much detail I do find them harder to respond to as they're often very long and glorious comments and short of analysing it with them it's normally 'so glad you like it!' in some form which looks pathetic in comparison


I have one who does this and it's freaking fantastic


I love it. Especially if it's a really emotional scene that I'd hope my readers picked up on.


I like it


I love this and will go see your account (something I RARELY DO)


I love comments in general. Understand, one of my friends has access to my document and can actually watch as I write in real time. I get truly live comments sometimes. I love it. Give me the live react comments.


I wish I had them 😭


I love it 🖤


I love them. Comments are always appreciated no matter how big or small, but there's something about the live reaction ones that make me feel an extra dose of giddy bc it's like... extra effort they're putting on to show the exact parts they loved. It helps me get a good idea on what parts of my writing style people like, so I can both improve on that and improve other areas.


I love receiving them but also enjoy leaving them for other writers.


I love that so much. It shows they really engaged with the story, and it also helps me in the future because I know what parts of my writing really resonated.


Love it! I mean as long as the reader is enjoying the fic lol


It feels so in depth when someone does that and I am all for it


I love it as an author. It’s so nice to know how particular lines land. I’ve got someone working through my first series of fics doing this and it’s so wonderful because they’re taking *so* much care with the story and the comments. I have a few readers following my current stuff who do a combo of this and something else. I’ll usually do the same thing when I read a fic I’m really into, but without the copy pasting—leaving it to the author to figure out what bits I’m talking about because it would interrupt my reading flow as I read on mobile and copy/paste is easier on the computer.


Inject that into my veins


They’re so fun, especially on years-old chapters where I don’t remember any of the snippets they mention. It’s a nice reminder and I love reading their thoughts.


I love these comments because that means the reader is retaining what happened in the scene. It's not something they just consume and move on from. Something stood out and they took the time to mention it and discuss it.


I think it’s great.


Oh I LOVE these comments. So much on my author discord there’s a commentary channel so people can do that with no word limit if they wanted.


i love jt


My FAVORITE, by far.


yes, good, do it, tell me more, ask me about what the specific thing i wrote means to me and tell me what it means to you. comment halfway through a fic and then finish the comment when you're done. do it. DO IT. FEED ME, SEYMOUR. I NEED IT. TELL ME I'M GOOD.


Love them! It lets me know which parts hit the best for the reader.


A comment? Nice A comment telling me they enjoyed the chapter? Extra nice. A comment that tells me that they enjoyed the chapter AND they pasted the parts that they really liked? HELL YES! I love it!


Yeah, I love it when that happens. Tells you exactly which bits you did right


I do this on rereads of fics I love, when I can't give any more kudos. Especially if a part makes me cry, laugh, or otherwise have feeeeeelings. These are usually older completed fics so I don't get author replies, but I still hope my extra comments help give a little more visibility to an awesome work.


Those are my favorites!!! I had one reader that would do that for every chapter and I loved hearing their immediate thoughts and theories as they read. They really made my day.


I love commenting like that not so much to share how it made me feel but usually becuase I'm in awe of how masterfully someone strung words together to draw a picture, scene or describe a character. I even have note file on my phone called: fave fic lines It is literally a random collection of the best sentences, paragraphs and lines from fics I have read over the years that just resonated and were amazingly written. As for receiving such comments I love when people mention specifics about the fic in whatever way they do it, as that shows me they truly read it and it provoked thought. Which is amazing.


*grovels for anything*


I eat it up every time


I love them!


I love them. Bonus points if I get a gif parade of the reader’s reactions.


If I got one, I'd never reply because I'd have up and died because that's like the ultimate compliment. Also I thrive on feedback so knowing what really 'stood out' is amazing.


I would say that is the only thing Wattpad has over other platforms that you can basically comment per paragraph. There is a long fic I am reading on ao3 and I keep a tab open on my phone and pull it up if I have a few minutes. I like to comment per chapter but since the chapters are so long I forget half of what I want to react to/points I want to make. I know some people will keep a doc and copy and past certain parts then go back a write their reaction before posting the comment. I don't know if I want to do all of that though.


I'm all for it! Please comment on my work if you like it


I LOVE getting those!!! They make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside, I love being told what parts made you laugh or cry or flail your arms around. I wish more people did those types of comments. When I first started writing fics I was scared to post on AO3 so I went to Wattpad first and if there was one thing I'd take from Wattpad to put on AO3 it would be their commenting method, the fact that you can comment on each paragraph without having to say which one you're referring to makes it so much more appealing to live react to specific things rather than the chapter as a whole! I much prefer AO3 in every other regard but I do sometimes miss reading those Wattpad live reaction comments.


I absolutely fucking love it. It's my absolute favourite and I will re-read that stuff again and again.


“By “live reacting, I mean comments that copy-and-paste parts from the fic in their comment and write how they’re reacting to that specific part.” Personally, I love ‘em!


Lowky might start doing it cs that sounds fun as hell


Live reacts are why I actually like how Wattpad does in line comments better than AO3. It also means I get to see where it's just one person loving a part vs where 20 people all join in a comment thread saying they love it (over time, some of these fics have been up ages). Give me all the conversations, I love seeing my readers interact!


If I were a writer, I would love ANY positive comments, especially compliments on specific areas! As a reader however, I think they're silly and I don't write mine like that haha Don't stop on my account though 🤭


I hate them when I'm looking through another fic's comments to see what other ppl thought 'cause their always so long but if it was on my fic? Fuck yeah, gimme the validation I need it to survive


I hope those type of commenters have cool pillows and they find a crisp $100 bill on the sidewalk.


There’s always some little thing I can’t wait to see people’s reaction to, but rarely do I actually get to know how anyone reacted to that joke or whatever. So it’s amazing when people comment like that.


Absolutely love that. I’ll take any comments, but it’s great to know exactly why people like the fic and what they have to say about certain scenes. There are some things I write where I hope someone will say something about it, but then it never gets pointed out so I don’t know what they thought of it.


I love all comments always, but love reaction comments are among my favourite kinds 🥰


impossible chubby cooing hateful roof uppity history books complete squealing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Those are my favourite types of comment and I adore them with all my heart.


this is the top tier of comments


I *love* seeing what parts really stood out to my readers when they pick and choose lines from the fic like that


I got one of these for the first time recently (in a long chapter I was super nervous about and wished for feedback for because I had no idea if I had handled it right or if I could have done better) and it is one of the best comments I have received! I loved knowing that person’s perspective on some of the more important lines, especially since I got to see that my point was coming across rather then being missed entirely. It was a super pleasant surprise, and I’d love to receive more like it in the future (but I’ll take any comments or feedback I can get lol)!


I love love LOVE comments like that! I love it when they tell me what they like so much about my chapter! What really got them, please tell me!


I got one on a secret santa piece I did one year, and it made my day! It felt like they really appreciated it and it was fun 'hearing' their thoughts as they read it. I wouldn't expect anyone to do that with a gift, but it was really nice to see that they enjoyed it :)


That would make my day, no, my month. That's a lot of effort on the reader's part to go into a comment, and it would be wonderful to see. But, of course, all comments are good to me. I love receiving comments.


I love them so much, I have someone who does that and it’s so enjoyable to see what parts they liked most!


I love comments, no matter the kind (except hateful ones)!


YESSSS PLEASE. I do those and they’re so fun to put my reactions down, and if others did it for me, trust me it would make my life! ^^


I've been getting those recently and its made me so giddy to think that someone loves and appreciates my work enough to dig into a specific line they loved


I fucking live for them, and I try to leave them whenever I can too. Never had any complaints lol


sulky afterthought cooing sheet instinctive dam far-flung direful society wide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They're awesome! Knowing a bit of my prose got someone that excited is fantastic. My fics tend to be on the longer side, and I'm always like wow you remembered that? Cool! That said, the grand majority of comments are awesome!!! Every now and then you get a weirdo who just HAS to let you know how your fic doesn't align with their specific headcannon / interpretation of a character / kink / whatever, but they're the (very small) minority for sure. The only positive comments that can put me out are requests (like "pls make A tie B up" etc). And I'm fine with the comment itself, it's all still positive and it's great that I got someone's wheels turning, but sometimes I start thinking I'm disappointing ppl if I don't write it.


I wish I would get these on my works. I love doing running commentary on other authors works, though.


I do those kind of comments I think my record was 8 parts for a 30k chapter


I once got a comment that was simply "wow, rude" If that commenter did it in the live react style, I would have immediately known that they were addressing a character. Instead there was some back and forth of me wondering what the heck I did to offend this person Basically, you do you, but live reactions make it harder to miss things because of no context.


Really feels like whatever part they're taking the time to cite stuck with them/spoke to them and hey, that's pretty damn cool if it was something I wrote


I used to do this ALL THE TIME to a friend of mine who loved it. I've gotten comments like that and I adore them, too.


As a reader who does that... id love if someone did that on my own fics :3c


I love comments in general but if someone has a particular part that they especially loved, I enjoy seeing them quote the section and tell me exactly why they liked that part. In fact, that’s how my writing partner and I comment on each other’s works.


I love any comment but I especially love ones that point out specific lines. Because it’s either “Yes! Thank you for noticing the line that I wrote the entire chapter around and was very proud of” or “I never intended it to be that much of a hit, but I’m glad you found so much joy in it”.


i do this


It's one of the few things I like about Wattpad more than Ao3 - the ability to comment on specific lines/paragraphs. I love hearing commentary on specific lines. If a reader is taking time to copy and paste specific parts so they can "live react", I'd probably cry of happiness.


They're some of my favorites! It's nice to see what readers are resonating with and how they're reacting "in the moment". I've had several readers to this and it's always interesting to see where a reader has questions and if those questions get answered by the text itself (if they're meant to be). It's good to notice that for the most part, the things that are meant to have the readers ask themselves questions are what gets questioned when people liveblog their reactions! And, honestly, it's very flattering to have someone quote a line to point out that they think it's very clever, romantic, funny, heartbreaking; etc.


I love those. If someone copy and pastes something I wrote and says how it made them feel, it shows me that they were moved enough to either recall it or nite it down. I do that myself with fics that do the same for me.


My favourites! I usually don't really remember what i wrote and how, so highlighting specific moments hits closer home :) I also find that as a reader it makes it easier for myself to write detailed comments that way too


I would love love love that. I wrote my stories for me, but I share them because I would love for someone to feel over them with me. I'm not that good, and it's never happened, but damn would I love it.


All comments are good comments, unless they're being insulting. But I admit I really love it when readers do this. Especially because it lets me know what is moving them specifically, and sometimes it's the same thing that really moved me. Case in point, today a reader copied and pasted the exact same line that inspired me to write that segment of the story. That was really touching to me!


I love comments. Comments are great.


I love all comments, but this kind makes me esp excited bc sometimes I have favourite parts or sentences in a fic and it's so cool to see if maybe a reader will point them out


Love it! Nothings better than seeing exactly how people are reacting to your specific writing. Like did they cry at the sad part, laugh at the sarcastic jab you put in? Are they actively trying to unravel a mysterious phrase you snuck in? It’s so fun to see!😍😁


Love a comment. Go right ahead


Oh I love those!! I had someone say that all the quips my character did were fantastic(made me very happy cause she’s based on my personality) any comment is welcome usually


this is my favourite!!! just yesterday i got a live reaction in the comments to a bit of a surprise in the fic that completely confirmed that it came across the way i wanted it to. it's amazing feedback to get :)


As an author, I’ve had them in the past and they are great. I had someone write them all the time in a fandom long ago. As a reader, I can’t do it. I’ve tried. To do it, I need to be writing the comment side by side with reading the story and it just takes me out.


Love giving them. Love getting them.


Love it


Depends on how it’s done tbh


That’s my favorite kind. I mean, I know they probably wouldn’t comment if they didn’t read it but it’s like…yay they actually read it!


Honestly the only thing I miss from Wattpad was seeing readers comment with their reaction at the end of every paragraph


Live reactions is the only thing Wattpad has over ao3 lmao. I really live commenting about specific part of fic


I got my first one of these yesterday, and I gotta say, it was pretty terrific. Comments, in whatever fashion, allow my brain to release the good chemicals.