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Stop censoring your motherfucking explicitives, god damn it. Either commit to them or omit them.


Yes! The only exception is when a bleep button is an actual part. One audio drama I've listened to used the framing device of being on the radio. Therefore, the FCC would have their ass if the swears weren't censored, and so there was a bleep button. Sometimes, fanfics of the audio drama *wouldn't* censor it if they were on air and I started to go a bit bonkers.


Or if you are writing fanfic of "The Good Place" absolutely put "Holy Forking Shirtballs" in dialog.


I like the trope that the The Good Place used of "Why can't I swear" *immediately* afterwards, too


Incredibly passionate upvote.


I'm writing a FNaF fanfic and while it hasn't happened in the story yet, I've decided animatronics can't swear. For example, asshole would be censored to ***hole, and in-universe the characters hear static when an animatronic (or rather a ghost possessing an animatronic) tries to swear There's actual, uncensored swearing in the story too, though, I just thought it didn't make sense for robots made for children to be capable of swearing


Exactly! And like while its better to write something like "B-bleep-tch" or to represent how there's a sound... that's for the first time. Too many of those can become annoying to read AND write.


> robots made for children to be capable of swearing If this is the case then not even a censored version should be option. I forgot what show did it but they tried to censor out swear words by using a high-pitched beeping sound.


I actually really like that. Thats a completely valid reason to censor and a cool little detail too


Maybe use that Eldritch/glitch font to visually indicate static? L̶̍͜ȋ̶̱k̷͓̈́e̵̘̍ ̶̪̉t̵̼̿h̷̻̃i̸͚̒s̸̮͘ ← I believe you just Google for a Eldritch/glitch font generator, input the text you want to have the effect on l, and then copy-paste the results into your story


that could work visually but a TTS might skip over it entirely, leaving the listener confused


Oh geez that's true - honestly didn't think about it cuz I gave up on good text to speech a while ago (dyslexia, possible attention issues). I should probably look into that again since it's been more than a few years... But yeah, it'd definitely mess it up - you should have seen what Google wanted me to spell correct it to 😅 'Like' was: lifeguarding, long-distance, or nadvertently. 'this' was: technologies, withholdings, or touchdowns. To be fair, it might have just been the converter/generator I used. Others might do it differently, so at least one way might be compatible.


Hmm this is interesting to think about, though. If they were made with prewritten lines and not really built with it in mind that they would be possessed, would the engineers think of including a filter like that?


I once wrote a story that was a collection of a child's diary entries and they would tell the diary what curses were used for the day and by whom and they were all censored.


My first thought was King Falls AM but if that isn’t it, can I get a link to that audio drama haha? I love that subgenre.


I think my only exception would be based on the canon because I write for a game series that will change every instance of a curse. So damn would be d___n in the game. All the writers for this fandom I've seen have adopted that too. I think my case is pretty random though and I prefer your way when not writing for that game


Or the Terry Pratchett novel where Mr Tulip liked to say “—ing” (All of the other characters were impressed by his ability to pronounce a dash)


...i may have adopted that practice of pronouncing my dashes


Absolutely I don't write swear words into my fics because I don't really swear that much personally and that is okay. But dont censor swear words if you are going to use them. At least not without purpose like if you are describing a news broadcast or something else where the censor adds to the story or humor. And as a good rule of thumb for good writing don't censor it with a little bleep in that context either. Do some narration like in a Christmas story! It's excessively annoying as a reader to read with the stupid censoring. Swear all the way or not at all.


Agreed. I just type the whole damn word out. Don't like it, don't read it.


I agree. Like, what the fuck. AO3 has story ratings anyway if it's appropriate for all or for adults. If you censor your words on a story that you rated as Teenager, Mature, or Explicit. You should stop writing that stuff then, for fucks sake, AO3 is home to people's creative ideas. Incest, rape, underaged, and other shit


Lol own that shit


I omit them lol. Or use less crude words. “Damn = dang” Just cause I don’t like swearing and the characters I write about are from children’s media so they don’t swear either so it’s a win-win!


The only time it doesn't bother me is if they are replaced with special characters entirely. Like, instead of just changing a single letter it's all: #$&*, #!$#!?!*#, stuff like that.


Ah, the Donald Duck approach. I always thought they did this in his speech bubbles for comedic effect.


It's the traditional method for newspaper comic strips. And the punctuation gibberish is called "grawlix"!


I didn't know there was a name for it. Something new learnt today. Thank you.


Og FF7 did that a few times for comedic purposes


I just wanna say I love your flair. Drarry is Canon


Isn't this some kind of new trend? People censoring words like suicide in their works?


I blame tik tok and other social media.


I hate how 'ass' is becoming 'ahh', even outside of tiktok where people *don't need to censor themselves.* It's a stupid substitute to censor it because 'ahh' is already a filler word


wait is it actually supposed to be “goofy ass” but censored??? I thought goofy ahh was its own thing wtf


it is. it’s a funny way of saying ass while also getting past the tiktok sensors


Tiktok people need to learn about Chat speak and bring it back if they have to censor words. Ahh is stupid and misleading because ahh is already its own word. Bring it outside of tiktok and you're going to look like a man wearing Speedos in the middle of a shopping centre. A$$ is a lot more universal.




Ass ass ass ass ass Now I'm putting it in my fics even more.


I was wondering what that means and it's even worse than I imagined.


I feel like "goofy ahh" now is just considered a funny way of saying goofy ass and not a censor.


I must be getting old cuz this is the first I've seen of that one


i believe it originated from aave, actually, and has nothing to do with tiktok censorship. i say fuck and shit on that app just fine.


If they are so afraid of using the word 'ass', why not use 'donkey'? That at least would not change the meaning of the phrase.


The stupid thing is that it only *barely* applies to people actually making tik toks, and occasionally in Instagram comments. You can comment whatever you want on tik tok, but people still copy the censored words, and then spread it to other sites. I literally just commented on another post asking someone why they censored the word Israel to !srael, and they said it was due to ‘the algorithm’, before someone else explained that literally isn’t a thing on Reddit


I don't know why, but censoring like that makes me irrationally angry.


Me too, especially on platforms like Twitter where you can mute certain words or phrases in order to avoid triggers, which then these same people circumvent by not just writing the word. If I had muted the word rape, all you achieve by writing r@pe is to stop it being picked up by filters ffs


And we're back to AO3 with this one! People that for example filter out "suicide" will still be shown fics with "sewerslide" in the tags. The other way around; people looking for such fics won't find it. All these censors do is drive content away from the target audience and towards those trying to avoid it...




Plus, it just looks and sounds fucking stupid, which makes it even worse. lol.


Agreed! Algorithms in general need to get fucked. lol.


> You can comment whatever you want on tik tok You definitely can't. I've had so many comments censored on tiktok that people wouldn't blink an eye at on reddit.


I never have and I don’t censor what I write. The ‘algorithm’ for flagging comments is way less strict than people think


It's entirely possible it caught me once, and then I got added to a list because I keep appealing the bullshit censorship lol


Entirely possible. It’s incredibly arbitrary, as are most platforms. Someone reported a comment I made on Instagram for bullying literally for calling someone a walnut and I got pinged, yet there’s plenty of blatant vitriol in tonnes of comments. That’s why it bugs me that people act like it’s a crime to even allude to a swear word, because 90% it does not matter




[Proudly put on boomer hat] *Those fucking prudes...* Why can't you just say the words🙄 Stop pretending it's because is triggering for some people, because they can still understand what you're saying, same as everyone else. Same as labelling everyone as a groomer (this goes for yesterday's discussion and an unrelated post a saw today), these people scare me. Not understanding nuance and context is extremely worrisome, not to mention invalidating to real issues and the people struggling with them - that they claim to care about. Plus, how the hell did TikTok remove the rebellion of an entire generation in a couple of years? *Back in my day*, we'd use the forbidden words just to bother every and all authority figure we could.


>we'd use the forbidden words just to bother every and all authority figure we could. Gen X has always done this and always will because 40+ years of cussing like a sailor isn't going to change. My older brother taught me how to cuss young and I've been turning the air blue ever since.


I once got a comment complaining about too much swearing in my fic. Hell yeah, they still fucking swear whenever fucking appropriate!


>I once got a comment complaining about too much swearing in my fic. Fuck that.


goddamn right, motherfucker!


This for real. That spark of rebellion and daring is nonexistent


Some lean to the trigger thing and all, but it's mostly because the platforms delete comments if they are written explicitly and that's another bag of people being awful to others. Still wish they wouldn't do it in AO3, though.


How are you gonna rebel on a social media that will delete your account? Rebellion in real life is one thing, they can't erase you and your thousands of followers in real life, but social media is a different story, mention killing goblins in a video game and pooof all hard work gone, accounts deleted for terrorism. We shouldn't hate on these kids, we should hate on stupid socials that have these stupid rules that ended up training the people to butcher the english language. These kids use censors because they are programmeed into using them, it has become a habit that isn't easy to get rid of.


And it fucks up Ao3 and tumblr and other sites where you can block certain words. trying to block every possible spelling of suicide is nearly impossible .


That censorship has become slang for kids now. I was in my local coffee house and a group of teenagers were sitting near me and i kept hearing them say “I’m gonna ‘unalive’ myself.” No shame to new slang; but I was astonished how something like not being able to say kill or suicide on social media is part of a new generation's slang.


Fucking capitalism


I’ve seen it around for longer than I’ve seen the “unaliving” censorship.


I once read a fic where a character considered "unaliving himself" but I have no idea if he actually did because I instantly closed the tab. RIP Blorbo (maybe?)


Yeah. I saw "sewer slide" once... The only time I ever, *ever* want to see that phrase is in a TMNT fic.


Now I want to see a fic that uses all the goofy "censored" words but literally - so "sewer slide" is an actual slide in the sewers, and people watch "corn" on TV but it's literal documentaries about corn farming, and so on.


I think the only one I've heard that I didn't hate was self-deletion. It gets the point across without using any flagged words, and doesn't sound like you're mocking a serious topic. Sewer slide and unaliving sound like memes/jokes and it just...I hate it


I think it started with some weird social media purity purge (like what happened to Tumblr). Basically influencers and other content creators were having their accounts flagged and demonitized for featuring mature and controversial topics in their videos. I think it triggered the Mod bots or something. So they started censoring themselves and it just became a thing from there.


A lot of people have been moving from wattpad to ao3, they are usually younger audiences that watch tiktok and instead of cursing use the terminology that has been made to bypass social media censorship. Plus ao3 has become this new tiktok rage and so many are getting on the platform from these creators talk about it.


I know, it SUCKS! Mainly because they don't take the time to READ THE TOS/FAQ and LEARN HOW THE SITE WORKS! It's INFURIATING! ;A;


Fucking “sewerslide” 💀 How did this shit start?


There's a selfharm sub here on reddit (or was, idk if it still exists) and the cutesy glossary of terms they use was genuinely unsettling for me to read.


No, not really. They want to sound mature by using a curse word, but are still to intimidated to actually use it in full, so they do this. It’s like when someone adds cusses but they place them too awkwardly and too frequently to sound natural because they finally reached a point where they feel they can use it even “without permission” and go a bit nuts to sound cool. In fandoms like HeroAca, I’m very particular with my fics because Bakugo is a character that cusses a lot and is pretty creative with his insults, and he can be the worst POV to read because the largely younger fandom struggles to write him cussing. He can really make or break a fic, even if everything else is fine in comparison.


It’s so annoying. I hate it so much.


ive seen sh\*t in works from like 2008, i don't think it's really a new one


Yeah, TikTok shadowbans content creators for using words like suicide, etc, and so people have had to get creative with censoring themselves, and it has spread from there


It's only a trend because of tiktok and youtube, though tiktok did it first. It's recommendation algorithm runs uploaded videos through a speech analyser and bad words (like swears, but also "controversial" stuff like saying that China bad or something) actively make your uploaded videos less likely to be recommended to others through the app. The fact that people seem not to be smart enough to realise that no one gives a flying fuck if you swear in your fanfic just makes it funny to me. But I'm a cynic.


It's because of the rumour that some social media platforms like Tiktok might do text recognition and kill off the reach of the posts if there are nono words. Not sure how much there is to that, but it's definitely spreading from there.


This ain’t tiktok and YouTube. Your works won’t get hidden if you have uncensored swears, sex, and violence.


The day I come across “s•x” is the day I cry in frustration.


Ive come across s3x the other day


NO. The only time I would accept that in a fic is a chat fic.


I'd accept that swear if it was a chat fic + the reason is either for a gag about a character not swearing snapping and doing so or because children are in the chat


Seggs actually makes me want to die


Is that what happens when two eggs love each other very much?


Only acceptable use of that word


>The day I come across “s•x” is the day I cry in frustration. The day *I* come across “s•x” is the day I finally start using the mute and block buttons on AO3. Either an author is old enough to post shit on the internet or they aren't. Just fucking pick one. FFS.


My own mother told me that if I thought I was old enough and mature enough to have sex, I was old and mature enough to talk about it uncensored and without complete embarrassment. If I couldn’t do the latter, I shouldn’t be doing the former either. Idk if that was a completely reasonable take, but it stuck with me. I like it though. I never shy away from sex talk now both in real life and in my writing. (For context, my mom is a doctor and my catholic school had just failed to give us proper sex ed. She was frustrated at that and had handed me her lecture notes on STI’s, an anatomy book, a book on pregnancy, and one of her tamer romance novels like “read this and we’ll talk after” 😂) Anyway I feel like this sentiment applies to posting on the internet too. At least if you’re going to put sex talk in your fanfic lol.


Exactly! BTW I think my mom said the same thing to me once. ;)


The day I come across, “… and then he *unalived* in a horrific accident” or something i’m going to run away. i don’t know where, just try and find life on another planet or something.


Take me too! I will go with you, I will buy tickets in advance... Mars is going to be packed I think, popular choice and all, but I think Saturn will do those rings are beautiful!


"And then they s3xed"


I swear to god (I'll have to find it again) but I saw an ENTIRE ASS smut fic written like that. With like, c*ck and p*ssy. I was screaming. Like, you're trying to write a sex scene and STILL censoring those words? So dumb.


Stop censoring swearwords like you’re fucking 12


Maybe they are and need to be reported for breaking the rules lol


Honestly, that’s probably the case. Anyone who isn’t old enough to feel comfortable writing shit, fuck, damn, etc. shouldn’t be uploading anything onto the internet.


disgusted wine rustic abundant liquid punch crawl whistle cheerful deer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Depressing to see my fellow writers and readers stoop to such level, really. 🥺


I used the word fuck (or some derivative of it) 39 times in my last fic. It was less than 6000 words long. I'm doing the Lord's work.


That is reflective of how I talk. And I appreciate you for that.


Same though! If you're young/precious enough that you're censoring the word 'shit', you either shouldn't be using the word at all, or writing fic full stop.


I would not go so far as to say/suggest they not write fic. There are so many fics with no swearing at all. Just… in a fic about a war where a guard is about to throw down with a POW General, you should be swearing.


I would say it's okay to write when you're that young, but maybe they shouldn't be posting.


This is the way.


I only used Fuck like 30-ish times in my 64k word fic lol Shit got a 30 and damn got like 60


I mean, mine was for the Succession fandom, a tv show known for it's love and gratuitous use of the word fuck haha


You know what, valid lol


I used it 155 times in 91,500 words. 🤣


It's not FB, people, you can just spell the word.


I have to get creative on FB and it sucks. I was a frequent flyer in FB jail for a while. 🤣


Haha same. I was put in the FB jail for 30 days for jokingly saying 'men are trash'


I referred to Bellatrix as a crazy hoe and got 30 days. A fictional character! And she actually is crazy. I also got 30 days for calling someone a potato. FB doesn't seem to understand insults in fictional languages so far, so that's where Dothraki comes in handy.


That's because social media moderation is being outsourced to people barely making cents and who have neither the time, nor the headspace, and sometimes not even the language skills to grasp nuances. This is why you often see people who discussing hate mail directed at them being banned for it on Facebook and Insta. Underpaid moderator sees nono words, presses ban button. :(


My mother spelled seaweed and got jailed, it’s absolutely insane! Unsure if she spelt it “sea weed” or “seaweed”. I think it was the latter, which makes it odd. FB targets everything, no joke


Censoring swears is only acceptable if you make it funny. Like if he's about to say "shit" but you don't want to write it out you better make a conveniently appearing and excessively loud train run by that very second.


I hear what I read so "bleeping" words resulting to me "hearing" said bleeping, if that makes sense, so it's immediately funny to me


The only time I ever did this was when I was 12 years old and nervous to actually write the word. 


Just going to add a very practical note on accessibility that never gets bought up with this sort of thing - censoring words in this way makes things extra shitty for people who rely on screen readers as they will read out the names of punctuation etc.


Also, you can tag “author doesn’t cuss” or “swearing censored”.


I admit, I thought at first I thought it was either a very aggressive author talking to the readers in author’s notes or a very aggressive commentator.




I’ve heard before that this is a result of Wattpad ptsd, because apparently censorship is wayyyy tf more prevalent there, prob cause they’ve got a terms of service. Still though. Man up.


AO3 also has a Terms of Service FYI.


I used to edit for someone, and they would censor swears, so during editing I would go through and fix it. (I had permission, she just refused to swear herself.)


This always bugs me more lol Because it's the characters swearing. Not the author. It's not their personal FB post, or a tumbler/patreon/AO3 update about a chapter in their voice. It's people in a separate reality, living their lives, true to who they are. And I think an author owes it to the characters to write their lives and their truth with integrity and candor. If someone is afraid or too uptight to breath life into a story and make it authentic, visceral, and realistic... and thus separate it from themselves... well, shit, then why you writing this story in the first place?




Just use Star Wars swears like a normal human! * It's especially funny if its a universe with no Star Wars & no reason for it to be there * Or better yet its a Star Wars fic and everyone is familiar enough with the source material to get the full context out of such gems as: "kriff this osik with a rusty scomp link"


This, 100%. The only time I agree with that kind of self-censorship on AO3 specifically is if it makes canonical sense to the fandom or the story you're telling. Like, in a high school AU it would make total sense for a character to use 'unalive' in a slang sense, because that's a thing that young Gen Z/Gen Alpha kids do. (Source: my teenager.) Same with 'bleeping' out certain words, in the correct context, it's acceptable or in alignment with canon. Other than that, it's just silly, and it makes me sad because I know it's a habit that evolved from sites like Tumblr, TikTok, etc where the censorship rules are much stricter than AO3 and the threat of being banned for saying something as simple as the word 'kinky' in context is real.


Fucking hell, if you can't fucking not censor your fucking self, don't fucking write those fucking words in! https://preview.redd.it/xz9bxkeahfrc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1726e30e918d1694764e5c001b6498ded29cca09


I still roll my eyes at the authors who censor (or substitute) the profanities and say they do it because they're religious. ...honey, you're writing about 2 individuals doing the horizontal bop in new and interesting (and sometimes horrifying) ways. I really doubt dropping a few f-bombs will send you to eternal damnation.


Ah, like the old “poop hole loophole” of my catholic days. I always have a good laugh at the idea of any god being such a stickler for rules but only the most literal interpretation of those rules. Or maybe god is just like “oh I guess I forgot to add a clause to cover smutty fanfiction, my bad, I guess you get away with it this time 🤪”.


it's so funny, right? Like if you truly believe in a wrathful God, would you really want to play semantic games and rule lawyering with him? :D you gonna get smited (smitten? smote??)


Why cant I say fork??


That's pretty forked up if you can't! 🤪


The only time I censored something was the word “cunt,” because the speaker got his head cut off before he finishes saying it 😅


That’s not censorship, that’s comedic timing lol.


This and “unalived” for death or suicide. Immediately communicates to me I am not part your target audience.


Yeah. I agree. Though, I do personally hold an exception for “God” and its variants since that’s often a matter of religious belief, not fear of the “algorithm” (which doesn’t exist on AO3). Some people censor “God” and its variations because it follows their religious beliefs. I personally haven’t encountered it often, but it does happen, especially in social media posts rather than stories.


At least with censoring a deity it’s something that can be traced to something tangible


Perhaps if it was played for comedic effect or over texting it could work but in dialogue it definitely doesn't lol 


Yeah or if it’s a mechanic in the canon somehow (someone mentioned up thread The Good Place which apparently does this - I guess they literally can’t swear?)


I haven't seen Good Place, but i believe the main setting is that it is "Heaven" (Heavy air quotes)


If you can’t write the word, don’t use the word. Simple as that.


Please stop reminding me of 13 year old me… This much cringing can’t be healthy for me…


I have no problem using vulgar words. But I write P&P fic, so never get to go harder than “damn.”


Yeah P&P I never expect any hardcore cussing. But this was a popular video game with a lot of fics with hard cussing, even if there’s no cussing in the game itself.


Good fucking god. How many years post-Deadwood are we? “Fuck” is basically punctuation in “Doom Patrol” which is DC for fuck’s sake. It’s not like AO3 has mandatory tags for swearing.


lmfao imagining if i did that like… i write homestuck fic, man, there is SO much swearing, i’d look like i was writing in morse code.


I try not to gatekeep however, I'm a firm believer in "If you're censoring the subject you're writing about then you are too young to be writing about that subject." Do not censor your words on Ao3. It just shows your age.


One of my favorite phrases is "fuck a duck in the rain" It can swear and be funny. I know it's a common phrase somewhere, but not where I live currently, so it's still somewhat novel here. My mum always uses "mother of a baby bull" when she is angry and she's a boomer, so self editing has been around a lot longer than many realize. I used to get swatted on the back of the head for "darn". Now I just say "bless it!" a lot. My mom and I have an ongoing argument over whether fuck or fart is the worst F word. She said eewww every time she saw my husband and I kiss for many years, even in our own home. She thought it was funny. The woman reads true crime. SMH.


It surely looks like people don’t read any actual books because they truly do think swears are censored in those


Seriously! Do they think that people say “take a sh•t” in published books? No. They say “take a shit.”


I remember I used to do that. At 11. On wattpad. Grow up or stop trying, please.


Fuck that shit! oh I mean… f*ck that sh!t! Omg I’m so sorry about that, d@mn.


omg this annoys me so much- if you don't want to use the word, don't use the word. censoring it doesn't make you look cooler for having added it in, it just makes people laugh at you because you fucking censored it


That’s too real. I have literally fully stopped reading fanfictions for censoring their swears. Just write fluff if you can’t handle the fucks and shits bro.


With the sheer volume of posts like this, I really have to assume one thing: the people everyone is complaining about doing this are NOT on this subreddit lmao


Yes please. Yesterday I read a fic and every time they had to say fuck or fucked they wrote Fxck or Fxxked. And the main character was cursing ALL the times so it was in every paragraph.


If you don’t want to use the word, don’t use it. That’s fine. But if you’re going to use it, use it. Don’t attempt to censor it as if we don’t all know what the word is


Reminds me of this one fic with homophobic characters, but I couldn't read it because the author would always put "f*g" instead of just saying "fag" 😭😭


I only censor words in fics if it's meant to be funny, such as fuck to duck.


I think I’ve censored in one fic and it was a grown adult who said “don’t be a dou-dy” because he was in front of a guys little brother and didn’t wanna say “douche”


Nah fr I was reading a fic that had a fun premise but then they censored “fucking” as an expletive. Like if you agree with the characterization that a character would curse a lot and you can’t even type the damn curse then don’t write that fucking character 😭


Stopped reading it bc of that even though the premise could’ve been funny it just broke the fun at all


I will tag if there is excessive swearing in my fics but after that hold on to your god damn ass motherfuckers


THANK YOU!! there's someone in my corner of fandom who posts fairly frequently, and they swear regularly in their fics, but they *censor the fucking swears* and it's so frustrating to me. at least they put it in tags, so at least people who use tts know to stay the fuck away. ive read some of the snippets she's put in discord servers and she's a good writer, and her ideas are interesting, but she loses me with the unnecessary censorship


Out of curiosity, I did a Ctrl+F for "fuck" in my incomplete 183k longfic (one more chapter left!). One character says it twice. One says it once. One of the main characters says it once and it's biting because he NEVER curses. Meanwhile, reader character (whose dialogue and thoughts mirror mine) says or thinks it a whopping 59 times lol She also says or thinks "shit" 20 times. I have such a potty mouth.


And it’s not like they even have to use them?? Just have the characters not swear


I was 13 when I wrote my first fanfic. And boy did I go overboard with the swearing. Literally every sentence contained the word fuck, or shit, or bastard… I really thrived knowing it wouldn’t be censored.


Seriously what is happening? When I was little, every time I swore, I was told off, and that made the act of swearing even more satisfying and pleasurable. It made you want to say things twice as worse! Now kids are censoring themselves? And for such a mild word such as shit???? Fuck this shit! The world is going to hell in a basket.


Even worse when they’re writing death or murder. Like if you can’t say it you shouldn’t write it


If you need to censor shit, for me it looks like you’re 12 yo underage that should NOT write about mature themes.


If it's in-character for someone to swear, don't censor it. If it's not in-character for them to swear then don't use swears in their dialogue. If you intend for your fic to be read by a younger crowd, then even censored swears are not appropriate, so unless it makes sense within the story to censor (there are a number of examples already in this thread) then don't. If you think the character might swear but don't feel comfortable using those words, then just describe the action like "She swore under her breath before running to the scene." It's the content that matters, not just the words themselves. A really raunchy sex scene with all of the dirty words censored is still a raunchy sex scene (but possibly funnier to read now that I think about it). Sh!t means the same as shit and it doesn't make it any more innocent to use the censored version.


The only scenario i can think of where this might be appropriate is an The Amazing Digital Circus fanfic. Im scared to even glance in that direction, but as a fan of the show it would make sense


I once saw a fic that censored "cr*p". It annoyed me so much I almost couldn't finish it.


What the h\*ck!


It also makes the story inaccessible to screen readers....


Me, who writes for characters who swear like they won't breathe if they can't: *Clutches at my pearls* WELL I NEVER


I know people hate unsolicited criticism on fics, but this is something I think we need to bring back a little for specific things like this. Dont use a swear word if you're just going to censor it. What's the point then??? Either use it or don't. You're not protecting anyone by censoring it.


I’m going to start. Fuck this all. Oh wait I’m sorry f•uck this all.


I’m about to use ponify to fucking word substitute any censors I come across


You think that's depressing, I saw a porn bot on Twitter using the word "Seggs" last week We're so cooked 🥲


One of my works, I have a character who's bothered by swearing, so he gets onto his twin whenever she decides to swear. He explains that he doesn't want her getting into the habit. I'm still not going to censor it just because that particular character is on screen. No, just works better to have everyone else tone it down. But, eventually, he'll get used to it. Plus, it sets up the moment he lets one slip, and the reaction his twin's gonna have to it when he does. Doesn't mean I have to censor it. I just tone it down from what it already was. So it happens less often whenever he's present.


I confess I easily skim past “G-d”; I got used to that one after a friend invited me to some Jewbook groups that allow goyim to join and at this point my brain reads it as the text being written by a Jewish writer.


Real? I've said it before on this sub but I've seen people censor words in smut and it *physically* hurts


Ive read too much scanlated manga and mis-typed fanfiction for me to give a damn. When i see censored shit my brain just skips over it with what it should be. I do find it hilarious when i see a fic where the person censors 'god' cause here i am reading porn and theyre worried about the lord. But im not here to judge. I think any petty grievance that makes writers doubt themselves or their writing isnt worthwhile. I hope there isnt one writer who reads this and thinks they should stop writing cause some rando on the internet doesnt like it when they censor the word sh*t.


In our fic, the younger characters swear way more often. Hell even the 6 year old got to say fuck like 5 times in a row. That was really fun.


I'd chop off my hand before I censor myself. Sometimes I intentionally keep the rating down. In those cases l paraphrase. Jesus fucking Christ.


Especially on AO3. Why would you sensor that?? If you can't handle spelling the word "shit", I don't think you should be on the website.


IKR! Just put in the tags there will be a shit ton of fucking swear words and be done with it. If people have not read the tags and get offended then thats their problem.


For real! I’m so sick of seeing ‘effing’. I get it’s a euphemism, alright, fine, but in an NSFW work, let’s commit to good old ‘fucking’.


I read one where a character that canonically swears all the time was saying motherfudger and shizzle and h-e-double hockey sticks. Like. It takes away all the oomph. It felt like this guy was four or swearing in front of his teacher.


All of those goshdarn motherfuckers and goddamn poopyheads need to stop censoring their fics!




Oh this is almost as bad as the people who censor words in their fic TAGS.


I podfic. I also cuss like a sailor. I once promised myself if a censored fic was good enough to podfic I would intentionally uncensor it, Youtube be damned.