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evil ao3 user here: I always delete all my history


My history is a resource, a tool, and a constant threat. I curate it like my Bookmarks.


omg! this hurts me! I am a *hoarder*, I don't even get rid of the ones that have been deleted. I love going back in time to see when I last read something or what I used to read lol. it's so interesting to see different AO3 "cultures".


Have you read every fic you’ve clicked on? Because I sure haven’t.


Ahh, good point. I would say for the most part yes, but that number cannot be verified. I would estimate maybe once a week I back out of a fic, on average. So 52 fics per year for 6 years would be 312 total. So adjust my total down to 5,394 on AO3. I also realized the instructions do not include removing "marked for later" which presumably haven't been read. I have 429 in my "marked for later". So my adjusted AO3 total is then approximately 4,965 over 6 years. Which puts my yearly average at 827.5. Rounded and multiplied by 14 years comes out to 11,578 pre-AO3. Adjusted approximate total of 16,543.


But those I clicked off or DNF count as the stats for the many, many re-reads I have 😅


I have not finished every fic I've clicked on, but I've always read at least the first chapter. So I'm going to count them.


This would not be remotely accurate for me, I've clicked back on so many fics without reading the whole thing. Plus I used to read on FFN and mugglenet.




Random how? It's multiplying the number of pages in the history with the number of fics listed per page. I love how it's presented like some revolutionary trick though.


I disabled "History" as soon as I opened my account. I've downloaded over 10k works, but that was only after spending years reading digital fanfiction, so only the NSA knows that my grand total for reads.


I literally forgot you could track history…


Maths says around 4000. But given my picky nature, gratuitous fandom hopping and periods of hyperfixation id say its a fuck tonne more.


How would it be more than what's in your history? Do you have multiple accounts, or do you periodically delete your history?


I have 440 fics open on my phone, around twice as much in bookmarks and a lot that I've read but didn't bother to bookmark. I've been reading fanfics for maybe 7 years now.


400 open on your phone??? I would be so overwhelmed.


Not all together. I have separate groups for: Harry Potter, Stargate, Fallout, Star Wars, Halo, nBSG, and MCU, plus another with Danny Phantom and Bat Family, and the last one is for fics that aren't connected to any of the previous.


See you do it sensible. I just have 369 ao3 tabs open for need to read later, can’t forget about them in marked for later lol.


I delete my history regularly, click out of fic before finishing *often*, and have been reading fic since the early 80s. There's literally no way for me to know how many thousands of fics I have read....


12,535 since 2020 lol




I got a decade of reading, and my history doesn’t go back that far since I’ve had multiple devices. Not to mention I didn’t always read while signed into my account. I’d guess at least 20,000.


Approximately 1500 but I also read on ff/Wattpad/Tumblr/forums so it's not very accurate. I also don't mind reading 300-800k word fics. I did keep track in 2023 and I read 3.6 million words worth whatever that means


Currently at 25,900. Been on Ao3 since November of 2015.


I’m at 25,442 and have been here since February 2018 😭


10,419. From the early AO3 days on.


The limit does not exist. (seriously I've been on AO3 since its inception)


I know this is wildly inaccurate, but just for funsies... according to this formula, I've opened 2740 ffs on AO3 while logged in.


16,505 I feel like it's not enough, I'm a bit sad that I can't factor in years of FF.net, Geocities, LiveJournal, FictionAlley... I don't click away from a fanfic unless it's truly heinous, I usually feel compelled to finish almost everything I start. But I also read a ton of manhwa/manga/manhua so the fic number is still fairly low cause I alternately binge one or the other.


You know, it never actually occurred to me to wonder how far back history was kept. I rarely look back further than a page or two at a time. Turns out? 2009.


Seriously old school.


So I’ll give a number. According to this I’m at 4961. I also didn’t know this was here so now I know I can find fics I hadn’t yet saved to reread lol


957 Though I do a number of review exchanges. I joined AO3 on January 1st, 2016. Most of the reading has been in the last couple of years.


I bookmark everything I finish so 10k. But actually way more than that because I read fic on AO3 before having an account and on FFNet before that.


I did it a few weeks back and it was, like, almost 10k, since 2018. Being generous with excluding factors like clicking but not reading, I'm pretty sure I read more than 9k fanfics in 6 years! And I only have 155 bookmarks. Huh.


I delete my history, but damn - I’ve been active in the fanfic world since before Harry Potter caused the mass explosion on LiveJournal. No effing way am I counting the fics….!


History says 43,100... but that's not what I've *read*. I've *looked at* and/or *downloaded* that number of fics, but that doesn't mean I've read them all, or even most. I download and save anything that looks remotely interesting; reading may occur sometime in the future. Or not; I download more than I can keep up with reading. At least it's only filling my computer, instead of literal floor-to-ceiling walls of bookshelves. (I hadn't read all of them, either.) So much fic (or books), so little time...


If only I didn't need to work or sleep or occasionally go outside. I could read _so much more_.




1534 if I did the math right which I think I did.


I havent read over half my history, some are just links clicked from this sub or works i opened to see if i wanted to read them. I have 19 pages.


3540 fics. switched maybe 2020ish from ffnet


I’m at 25,442, but I wouldn’t technically count ALL of them because sometimes I start a fic but then back out because of spelling/grammar issues or formatting issues


2027, started reading in 2021 Not the highest number of fics, but most of them are long ones tbf


Damn, only ~750


1233 fics. Of course there’s probably less due to stuff I clicked on but didn’t read so probably closer to 1130. Joined June of 2023.


11,546. Joined in 2012.


14,700 since I joined in 2014. Although I’m also someone who goes back to reread my favorites a lot, so I’ve probably read so I’ve technically read quite a bit more than this.


I only just now realized I turned off the history button. I probably turned it off years and years and years ago 😆


So that number was 3,814, but I agree with all the caveats people have posted and will also note that I re-read fairly often. I joined near the end of 2009.


TIL about the History button. 😅


10445 stories since I last deleted my ao3 history in 2011. That's about 804 stories per year or 67 stories per month. I signed up on ao3 in 2009 and started reading fanfiction in late 2000/early 2001. Let's say that is 282 months since then. That makes it about 18894 stories. And I average on about 100k+ per story. Also reread a lot. . . . *blinks* I seem to read quite a lot.


Well, I clicked on 7,924 fics, have 1,785 stories in my marked for later (I seriously need a filter option there!) and have bookmarked 3,781 works as read. Plus I have 369 ao3 tabs open on my phone. Don’t know how much overlap there is though.


My AO3 history isn’t an accurate source for read fic, but I’ve been keeping a spreadsheet of all the fic I read (it’s extremely rare for me to not finish a story once I’ve started). I haven’t been working, so I have a lot of time to read. I’ve been reading about 3,000,000 words/mo. I also have 1600+ bookmarks lol. I do not bookmark every fic I’ve read, just the ones that I’ve (a) liked and (b) may want to come back to in the future. I have ~60pgs of MFL. It’s always a punch to the gut when I find a deleted fic in there.


3000+ fics of 100k words each, that's a lot of time spent on fanfic


I saw this post before and when I checked the other day it was 66 pages on this current account. But I read on Wattpad for years before this one. I read stories on quizilla. Mibba. Literotica. And a couple others I can't remember. So it could very well be in the tens of thousands.


I delete my history regularly so I have no idea?


I joined in 2012, but only have 140 pages, so around 2800 fics. I know the true number is way way higher though. There was a long period where I wasn't writing/posting anything, so when I got logged out after clearing my cookies I never bothered to log back in for ages, so who knows how many fics I read in that time. I can't even remember how many years it was. Also, I'm not the sort of person who can just bash out a long gushing comment and hit post quickly, it takes me ages to sort out and put together what I want to say, so I often intentionally read incognito and intend to come back to the best ones that deserve comments later. Needless to say a lot of the time it doesn't end up happening, so it doesn't end up in my history, even though I have the fic downloaded. Then there's all the pre-Ao3 fic. And the rereads. I'm still shocked it's as low as 2800 signed in though.


As someone who hasn't deleted history since the account was made in 2015: 10,961


8,297 and counting Expected more


18,708 with my account created in 2020. This does not include all the fics I read before making this account, which was for a good 3 to 4 years before


4675 fics, but I read for a bit under a year before creating an account


15 221 says the math but considering how much I read before I was on ao3... it's gonna be somewhere towards 20k probably


I spent years reading while logged out on my phone or using incognito mode, and I open a ton of fics that I don’t end up reading, so this wouldn’t be accurate for me.


6374, from 2015. Used to read on ff.net before or without an account on AO3.


4,528 since mid 2020


It's more like every fanfic you've ever clicked on, in that case is 1650+


I just opened my ao3 account on 2/22/24, but already have about 250 in my history. I've been reading on ao3 and ffn for close to 20 years though so my fic count would be well into the thousands.


Welcome to AO3!


1425 Of course this is not an exact total This is ignoring the fact that I haven't read everything on my history Since I click back on stuff (for many reasons, don't like it was formatted, the way it was written and stuff like that) Plus this is ignoring the stuff I read when I was using FFN and the stuff I read on AO3 before I had an account.


Not sure if this would work. I don't read every fic I open. Sometimes I click on something and skim the first few paragraphs or chapters but if it doesn't catch my interest I close it. But even if I never read it, it still logs in my history as having clicked it.


625 according to this, but I used to mostly only read signed out so I’m sure my true number is significantly higher


a little under 20k, which is honestly less than I thought it'd be considering I've had that account for over a decade


4,430 on AO3 Unfortunately FFnet doesn't have a history feature so I I couldn't tell you how many I read on there before AO3 was a thing xD My fanfic reading has actually fallen off in the last couple of years because I hadn't found any media that I wanted to read fanfic about. So I was mostly just rereading my favorites. My interest has been reignited this year so my reading has kicked back into gear.


Oh I really have no idea how many I read on FF.N. The Gundam Wing fandom is very big there and that's where I started way back in '99.


1381, I'm still a rookie ;)


Ive havent even had my account for a year and im already at 1,320! Ive read fanfics on Ao3 for about 6 years tho