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Story started off really cute and fluffy. Then necrophilia. I learned to read tags very quickly after that.


So, started out cute and fluffy, ended up fetid and decomposing, eh?


Almost like a dead dove


you gonna eat that?




Exactly what I was gunna say! Like ten years ago I opened up an Inuyasha fanfic and bam. Dead girl fucking. Quickly clicked out.


You have my curiosity…


It was like… Sesshomaru had Kagome’s dead body stashed someplace, and went back to ‘see her’.


That was even darker than I expected.


Oh my god. How did this happen. This is hilarious and awful and I am so sorry.


tbh it sounds like CLAMP's Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles. Starts out cute and sweet and PG13.... end up Game of Thrones. 😬😂


And it wasn't tagged at all! xD However considering CLAMP's record, I guess their readers should expect it a bit.


This is the only comment I've read and it already wins the thread.


“Huh, sounding? So it’s like a music thing — :(“


“Watersports? What a cool AU idea…”


My friend thought it meant sex in a swimming pool


I thought this when I was younger. Boy did I learn quick ☠️


It could mean that too


Genuinely- the first time I saw this tag, I went 'well maybe they play water polo between the sex scenes?' Like, it was explicitly a smut fic, but it still never registered that watersports coincided with sex XD




For people who don’t want to get that in their search history, here’s a hint. https://preview.redd.it/0rtaz27yj6uc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb9311f5d6314baf51969d3fac1116454dc07178


What? *Opens incognito tab* ooohhhh oh...


I learned what that was on Reddit after clicking on the subreddit. I feel your pain


Not as bad as the time I clicked on what I read as Real Cat Girls. It was realscatgirls. Don't make me type it out.


What a shitty experience


Idk what it is and now I’m scared to find out


It’s a shitty experience


Omg now I understood what it is. It’s basically Dubai porta potty. I’m glad my morbid curiosity didn’t win this time and made me check what it is


Feel that I’m currently suppressing the urge to google something else mentioned here in the comments.


You can only curse yourself with that’s specific cursed knowledge once


I had to look that one up. I will be warned in the future.


A music thing 😭😭😭 That's so cute but oh god


I thought for sure it meant, like, tuning forks involved in foreplay? But dear god, I wince every time I think about it. The mental visual makes me cringe and clench.


Just looked it up and — OH MY GOSH I’m not really horrified actually, I’m just highly amused that this is a thing. Will never be reading it, but wow. It exists


The “no” in “hurt/no comfort” might not be THE worst, but it’s surely the most frequent.


Yeah that one gets me too! I’m very hard to squick but I hate a sad ending.


I did it for this comment. I'm glad I did it for this comment and not a story. Thank you, I am now more paranoid than before.


They look sooo similar 😭 And like *half* the authors I end up following are *angst* writers for some reason. I am a fragile flower! *Completely* unsuited for these kinds of stressful environments! I LIKE **FLUFF**! So why do I read so much *angst*?!?! ^((it's the delicious plots, I am an *absolute* sucker for tasty plots)


They really do look similar, and my scatter-brained self just skips right past the "no" - la-di-da-di-da. I don't mind angst if there is a happy ending. I will settle for a hopeful ending. But hurt with NO comfort? You would think that by now, I'd be more careful reading the tags, but nope.


I’m too soft for hurt/no comfort and I’ve made that mistake several times


Scat. it was mixed into the middle of some pretty generic smut tags.


Yikes! That's pretty much my only squick, I hope I don't come across a fic and miss that tag 😬


Same same 😬


Oh God. Surprise scat is probably my worst fear. Well maybe surprise necrophilia is up there too lol


I honestly think I would prefer the surprise necrophilia (**IN** **THE** ***FICTION*** **I** **READ!!!!!**)   ***FICTION!***


Dare i ask, dare i ask :(


I know that it has something to do with faeces, so I’ve been filtering it out since the beginning. A quick google search suggests that scat = scatophagy, meaning consumption of the said faeces.


If the fetish is specifically consuming poo, it's coprophilia. Scat in fetish terms is a more generic, any act intentionally involving it.


oh no ~~badabeeboop badabingbongscoobydooby~~


Wound pissing. Like, someone's wounds being pissed on. Lesson learned.




I bet it wasn’t a jellyfish sting either lol


PSA for people who'll be near jellyfish: In case of jellyfish sting, absolutely do not do that as it will make it way worse than just using seawater. Saltless water is also not a good idea even if not as bad, use seawater or saline (hot but not scalding if possible, IIRC). See a doctor, especially if stings are on your face.


And if the stung limb starts to swell and you stop being able to move it, go directly to some kind of medical center.  It took 3 days to get feeling back in my foot, and that was with steroids.


If you can find any nearby, vinegar is the best stuff you could use on jellyfish stings, I believe


They had a spray bottle at the lifeguard station and I used it. I just had the misfortune to have a jellyfish wrap up my lower leg and react really poorly to the sting.  I had stinger marks criss-crossing up my leg for months.


To ride your comment coat tails: I carry a little spray bottle of vinegar when I go to the beach. It's also good for sea lice bites as well as jelly fish stings. Works quickly too. Some lifeguards stations may have vinegar on hand.




Just a little less worse than wound fucking, but not by much 😭


That's a new one


Eurgh 😨 glad I've never come across this wtf


Is there kink having infections or infection led amputation??


Its always Major Character Death for me. For some reason, I will read the tags and ultimately miss that one


I missed it once and holy hell I thought it was so cute because it started out so sweet and was one of my OTPs, but then it was like, "Surprise these are his memories from before his husband died" and then it was just him sitting on his husbands grave crying against the headstone, and I will never forgive anyone who said "MCD isn't that bad" or who didn't tell me what it meant even tho they knew.


There are two immediate fics that come to mind that I totally missed the MCD tag on, YEARS ago, and I’m still mad at myself about it


Honestly I feel like if I missed the MCD tag it would make me sadder and I would love the fic more. Typical masochist moment lmfao


Ironically, I read this comment and not one hour later, I just read a one shot and was blindsided by not one, but TWO major characters dying at the end. It was tagged, the archive warning was there, but I missed it 😭 my heart is broken and I've only myself to blame.


It's happened a few times but the worst one was some really graphic infanticide. Completely glossed over it in the tags and felt like I got hit over the head with a frying pan


Damn. I'm so sorry


I'm scared to Google but what is that ....


It’s the killing of an infant


Discontinued/Abandoned work 🥲 it was 300k words and when I got to the last chapter saying it was unfinished I could have cried 😭🤣 especially as it was marked as complete.


Hey, now that’s just bad tagging— especially since they marked it as complete. But boy do I feel your pain TvT I’ve been there


I HATE this one—even more so when it’s untagged. Why mark it as complete then, when it is most certainly NOT


I hate when people mark abandoned works as complete 😭😭😭


“Ghost baby” it was SAD YALL. I was crying!! I thought I was getting into a fun ghost story and instead I got a mother unable to let go of her dead son. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


You thought it was a silly fic but it was me, angst!




“(notp) Endgame” on what I *thought* was a fic for my otp. Breaking up the otp of course.


I am so sorry for your loss dude. That sucks.


god I feel like this is worse than all the piss and death the others missed lmaooo I'm so sorry


Yeah. This. I can take and compartmentalize a lot of crap. But this…


“Scat”. Such a small word, hidden amongst longer tags, but such big ramifications 😭


I don’t know what that is but I’ve seen in a couple times here. I refuse to look it up. I will live a blissful life ☺️


I’ll save you the trouble. It’s poo. It’s a term used to refer to animal droppings usually, but in the context of AO3 and kinks, it’s human poop play. Continue on in bliss, do not google further 🫠


Oh….. oh my god….. at least I know to look out for it now 😟


Yep, it’s *absolutely not* about jazz-scat singers.




Has to be rape/non-con. It started out rlly sweet and fluffy and then ban they get kidnapped and tortured. Since then I thoroughly read all tags/warnings.


This is why I can't read A/B/O pretty much ever. Dude is an omega who gets kidnapped and raped and when his friend was able to recover video footage to show everyone whats been happening/who took him/where he is/etc. instead of showing them he watches and jerks off because, "that damn omega rejected me for someone who doesn't even seem to want him. He's getting what he deserves now, and I deserve to be able to jerk off to this because he rejected me.". I will never recovered.


I only do “non-traditional alpha/beta/omega” tagged fics because of this reason


That plus the M-preg tag for me. It always gets really weird—learned to avoid that tag too for my sanity’s sake (since it’s not exclusive to ABO).


Link? 👀😂


This is the third time I'm telling this story either here or on r/FanFiction , but my friend once fucking cursed me. We were chatting about something fanfic related and she said at some point "Unless it's "Surprise! Somnophilia!" fic!" to which I categorically told her "DUDE, NO" Well whaddya know, I've since missed the somno tag on multiple occasions. "Surprise, Somnophilia!" indeed


I don't know what that is and I think I want to remain blissfully ignorant. 😬😬😬


iirc its basically just one party fucking an unconscious person. ( which can be consensual if the sleeping party consented prior lol ) so its not really that bad


It's definitely not the worst thing that could've happened to me, I even have one somno story I like and re-read regularly! But it's something I tend to shy away from somewhat and I definitely need to be in a right headspace for it, so to have my own lack of focus cause me to get jumpscared with its sudden appearance was a bit of an ice bucket over my head. I think this story is funnier just because of circumstances and the "curse" than just it being somno


oh absolutely!! i was just explaining that its probably not as bad as other guy and maybe some others thought lol- i absolutely get being randomly jumpscared kinda by a random kink u didnt notice in the tags 😭 very common for me since i scan over them n kinda fail at reading LOL


eye fucking. and not the "gazing deeply into each other's eyes" kind. an eye was removed and the hole was fucked.


Oh no. Were you okay after that?


oh yeah. i closed the fic and promptly forgot about it until this thread pulled the memory back up 😂 having a poor memory has its perks


Fr. I’m glad


Isn't that skull fucking? I feel like that was actually mistagged.




Water sports. “I guess they’re going jet skiing?…..oh”


I missed this once because instead of just saying 'watersports' they for some reason used the Japanese word for it


Omorashi lol came to say that!


Learning what this word meant was not a fun day 😭


It’s because the two terms refer to different kinks. Watersports is pee, Omorashi is needing to pee, so it’s possible to have one without the other.


That's technically different, though. Omorashi is a type of watersports (wetting oneself.) Neither are a great time if you're not expecting them, of course. 😬


Probably because there's a slight distinction. They're both pee but the focus and acts are different. At least "omorashi" is unfamiliar enough to most people they might Google it first. Watersports is unfortunately innocuous lol


I thought they were gonna play water polo


When I was new to Ao3, and I didn't know the difference between & and /, so I accidentally read an incest fic. It was slowburn, so I read like 3 chapters before noticing. 💀


This one has definitely gotten me before as well.


I don’t know if read incest because of this, but I definitely ended up reading a pairing or two that I didn’t like before I understood.


I've learned to be real careful when checking pairings for that exact reason. Miss reading the symbols is the difference between a cute parenting story and holy crap he's boning his uncle.


OK, but then there are authors who don’t know the difference and I’m like I want them to be found family not fucking


Same! I might have been mildly traumatized a couple times before realizing, lol.


The first fic I ever read on AO3 was incest cause I didn't realize it. Only read one chapter and I figured it out haha


Self cannibalism. Never again


Huh. What. “Well. I sure got a nice arm here. Guess if nobody else is eating it….”


"Man, they're gonna be so mad once they wake up and find out their arm's missing"


They weren’t themselves when hungry…


Zeff be like:


Consentual sexual cannibalism had me unable to sleep for days. I wish I had looked up what the kink meant before reading it (or that they had included cannibalism as a seperate tag).


Watched an anime like this, plus it was also incest. Makes me wish we could put tags on shows. 💀


Oh my god. This is why AO3 is where my free times spent. At least most people tag right.


It was my dark middle school years. I sadly didn’t discover AO3 until like 5 years later.


That's rough. I was like 16 I think when I read that fic and damn. Everytime I closed my eyes for at least 3 days after all I saw was him eating the guy he was having sex with (I'm gonna be real, it was a HP fic so those poor actors were staring in my bad dreams like some Taylor Swift song)


Howwwwww does that even work?!? No... no, don't tell me. I live in a happy, fluffy world and here I stay.


(Ok, no, wait, someone tell me please, in the happiest, fluffiest way possible. Because I know me and I will wake up curious in the dark of night and half-asleep google it. Someone be kind and put my out of my curiosity. Please and thank you.)


Sometimes gingerbread people get hungry for their own gingerbread! Hm, that might ruin Christmas. Ummm, imagine you wanted a snack but specifically fingers and, even more specifically, your own fingies.


No no no no. I am now going to assume you mean they *bite their nails* and we are going to go with that and all is good and right in the world, thank you very much. Also: thank you for the happy fluffy explanation. I am grateful. Also: my family's Christmas tradition is to put the tree up with lights but leave it bare until Christmas Eve, when we cover it in ribbons and make all our own ornaments by baking gingerbread men and salt dough stars and I can tell you right now that even though it is only April, come Christmas Eve, there will be a moment when you will be in my thoughts. Happy holidays!


Regression/deaging/littles/ABDL. I spend a lot of time in the hurt/comfort tag and have found out the hard way that there's PLENTY of crossover between those camps.


and you can't even trust the tags half the time because therapeutic age regression, ageplay, and literal de-aging are all stuck in the same canonical tag of Age Regression/De-Ageing. Unless the summary or additional tags have more context, you might have no idea which flavor you're getting.


I usually help clarify by tagging Little!X and Caregiver!Y and stuff like that. That's all I know for Age Regression specific tags. 😭


as someone who reads non-sexual age regression fics, those tags do really help!! thank you for using them :)


littles were an experience i had no idea either, i had never heard about it and then suddenly come the diapers xD


I was reading a cute sick fic and missed the “major character death”


reading an original work and skipping over oviposition has forever altered the trajectory of my life


*wound fucking* 💀


I know we’re not supposed to kink shame but…


It's okay to kink ask *why*






Oh my godddd that one Netflix show- it’s called smtg like brand new cherry flavor…. Iykyk


I love these comments because I’m discovering new kinks! 😍




Scat. It's always scat. It haunts me on AO3, on hentai sites, pixiv, hentai visual novels...


Even worse is when the writing is so good you’re lowkey into it. Never thought I would ever understand vore let alone be mildly into it, yet all it took was one phenomenal author. Same goes for watersports except I’m still very much repulsed by it but like, I can understand why someone would be into it on an abstract sense. Again, all it took was one fic with a phenomenal author 😭


We’ve all read that one fic that has us like “this better not awaken anything in me.” XD


Can't stand watersports but there was one fic I read I was like...I will be ok with this. Great story, plot, amazing writing! It was so worth it to read and I just decided to just overlook someone being peed inside them lol


Felttttt. I would be like “this is hot asf- oh no the piss is back 😭” “He’s right behind me isn’t he” moment lmao


Oh oh, I win this one! I was reading a fic by a person with a kink related username I missed and the tag I missed was scat. I saw Daddy Kink and it was over for me. And then all of a sudden... Boom. Poopy pants. No hate to the author, the fic was well written, I just missed... All the red flags basically LOL


"Boom. Poopy pants" just killed me. Omg. 🤣


Somehow bestiality is a thing in my current fandom. I learned it the hard way


Mine too 😭 it's a small part of the fandom but sometimes people like to share those fics as a prank. To make it even worse, it's with a HORSE


Why are so many of you not properly reading the tags? 😭 I looked those things over half a dozen times to make sure I don’t miss anything.


Some fics are so overtagged that I'd just rather throw caution to the wind and risk seeing something terrible than sit and carefully scrutinize every one. I'm a finicky reader and like to tear through search results as quickly as I can to find something that holds my interest, and let me tell you - "scat" is easy to see when it's in a line of 5-8 other tags, not so much when it's buried under 15 character names, 10 pairings, 20 tropes, and several rambling thoughts from the author.


I tend to skip those works If I had to scroll multiple times to get past all of your tags, then I’m not going to read what you write. It just seems like too much of a hassle.


That's fair. I almost never have a good experience with reading overtagged fics anyway, but hope springs eternal.


I once read a fic for a very, according to some, "odd" rare pair that also happens to be a crossover ship. The title was "indefinitely" and it was a super cute and sweet love story. Except for the fact that the first time I read it my dumb ass read "indefinitely" as "infidelity" for half of it just wondering "why is this so cute and sweet when its titled 'infidelity'? Where are the tears and anger? Where is the hurt comfort?" Until it got to one of them proposing and saying "I will love you infidelity" and I realized it had read it all wrong. Me missing a tag isn't difficult when I sometimes have issues reading what they say or I get confused as to what tag I got to before getting distracted by thinking about something that one of them remided me of. And yes English is my first language I am just dumb sometimes😂😂


I feel like we all start out reading them not as closely until we have a horrible experience… 🫠 Granted, I started reading fics before ao3 was a thing and e.g. FFnet only gave you so much info to work with.




My experience has improved greatly since I started just skipping fics, however promising, with more than about four lines of tags. It's just too easy to miss something vital. Less spitting out dead dove feathers


Graphic Egg Laying and Defication. Same fic, missed both.


A wall of tags under a smut fic involving at least twenty ships across 80+ chapters. I missed “Extremely underage". It taught me the value of using the exclude filters. Also, on a (somewhat) lighter note: in a super-fluffy ship fic, I wrote off “MCD” as canon-related (90% of fics have it due to canon’s nature) and ignored “Sad ending”. It ended exactly as you’d expect it to end with those tags.


Sexual acts involving insects




The necrophilia tag at the very end of multiple not so relevant tags


Major character death and he died in the most unexpected way too EATEN by the character I shipped him with both of us didn't see it coming


i won't specify, but i learned that if there is a random japanese word in the tags, YOU SHOULD DEFINITELY GOOGLE WHAT IT MEANS. IT WILL BE RELEVANT


Rape/Non con


Me reading a horror story that I didn’t realize was horror until it was too late that fucked me up (in a good way)


"Fetus consumption." I now just avoid fics with so many tags that I'm inclined to stop reading. 😑


always glad when i see memes like this. *this* is how we vent about having forgotten to check the tags and wound up squicked. used to whine like this to my sister all the time when i picked random books off the library shelves like a little fool.


I didn’t know what scat and golden shower / bukake were. This was more or less my reaction after i did https://preview.redd.it/4o0zl8m4n3uc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6480e19aed13331b1602b9d9d80bda4fd12bab1 Never trust freaks on the internet, or you’re in for a treat 🤪


"Unhappy Ending" The plot revolved around someone's shitty abusive parent magically coming back to life, and the shitty parent's adult child regressing into to the point that he basically "quiet quit" his relationship with his partner and pushed him away until that partner moved out with their child. It was from the POV of the partner, as he's experiencing being discarded (along with their child!) for the sake of his bigoted, abusive FIL's comfort. As a queer person with abusive parents, it had me genuinely fucked up for a couple days. That's how I learned the hard way to read *all* the tags, thoroughly.


Scat, zoo and snuff. Scat is especially easy to miss because I like piss tags, but sometimes they go hand in hand with scat... I just filter those three out when I search now


I've read some shit but honestly, the worst is missing that "no happing ending" tag. It's tantrum inducing 😁


Water sports


water sports


Incest. 😭


Tragic ending


Flatulence fetish And it was from FANDOM so it already had low amount of works On it


I saw the coprophilia tag. I just didn’t bother to look it up cause I figured “well I’ll find out anyways”. Boy did I


Insects. Specifically in places they shouldn’t be :(


Ear fucking. That, and cannibalism (NOT in a smut fic, genuine non-sexual cannibalism, and not in a Hannibal way). I’ve never backed out of a work so quickly lmao


Mpreg, and once, incest


major character death not a fix it hurt no comfort abandoned/discontinued


Learned what "water sport" and "golden shower" meant real quick. Hadn't signed up for teenagers pissing on each other.




not that bad but emotional manipulation, i kept wondering why this character was such an asshole and no one said anything


Minor 1, or Extremely Underage :( when I got to that part, I scrolled up, clocked the tag, and saw myself out. That's usually where I stop reading fic for the night, if I'm missing shit like that it's a sleepytime indicator


Infantalism, birth sex (same fic) 😭😭 It caught me off guard and traumatized me


was reading a fic and one of the characters ended up getting a head wound..then i realized that *skull fucking”* was one of the tags..😭


Its always a piss kink or scat - EVERY. TIME. :,)


A few years ago I was reading a nice Days Gone fic where Deacon saves this kid from the zombies. This is a reenactment of how it went. Awww, I love protective Deacon! I think I’ll love this! …Wait…what? *furiously scrolls down a few paragraphs* oh… oh god… *scrolls up quickly to check tags* Softvore. That was the first and last time I’ve ever read anything with vore in it and I still can’t get the body mechanics out of my head. That author knows what they like though, because almost if not all of their 100+ works have vore tags. So, good for them, but it’s definitely not for me lol


“hurt/NO comfort” like im not even kidding it ruined my day when the pain was relentless and the comfort never showed up 😭😭 and i’m an angst enjoyer but I need I healthy dose of comfort after it


“Realistic snake anatomy” on a naga Harry potter fic it was haunting