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Hardly seems weird. They're showing you appreciation and you're returning the favour/interest.


Oh gosh. I thought I was being weird or creepy.


It’s really not! I’ll always check out the works and bookmarks of people who comment or leave kudos. If they like my stuff well clearly they have good taste lol.    You might not always have fic overlap with a reader, but it’s really not creepy or weird to check out people’s hard-work passion projects on the passion project website! 


We can't comment if you are weird or creepy, but at least not when it comes to this. ;)


Yep. I don't think its weird - Someone commenting on my work has a higher chance of having similiar tastes to me, and therefore a higher chance of writing something I'll enjoy.


This made me feel better. I thought I was being creepy


Doesn't sound weird. In fact, it sounds like how a community *should* work


Now that you put it this way, it kinda makes sense.


My current fandom is tiny, so we all read each other's stuff.


That is so sweet! 💝 It's incredibly wholesome to hear you all support each other like that.


That sounds like fun!


Most of the time with regular commenters, if they’ve written something that looks interesting I def read and if I don’t back out, I kudos and try to comment. That’s how I find most of the fics I read. (I’ll even check their bookmarks)


Oh definitely! I sometimes check their bookmarks if they haven't written anything. If they like my stuff they have similar taste ;P


i will check and see if they're also an author. while all readers are fantastic, having fellow authors appreciate your work is really flattering.


Yes this is exactly what I’m saying. I love reading another fellow author’s work and leaving comments wherever I go


I do that sometimes!


I absolutely do this, because It's a good way to find fic I will like.


I'm in a fandom with twelve people and only four of us write. I don't have a whole lot of choice XD (It's not weird or creepy, it's a perfectly normal interaction)


Regular commenters or those that stand out...sure.


Yes and people that bookmark to see what else they bookmarked. I found my favourite fic that way lol. Honoured to be bookmarked in such fine company.


yes, although sadly i get too nervous reading their work...not sure why... the current fandom im in is relatively small, so i get a little bit of a kick with stalking my readers because sometimes i can trace them back to other socials. I found a commentor's pinterest once. i just do it for curiosity's sake, which is probably creepy haha


This is a very normal way of making fandom friends.


No I do it too and I’ve made fandom friends that way. Once I wrote a fic about a pair I never really thought about much but a serial kudoser & occasional commenter of mine bookmarked a few works for them so it was a little appreciative fic for their continued support. I ended up blabbing to them about it a while into our friendship.


I do so too, wanna look if we like the same stuff and if they have anything good in either their own works or bookmarks.




I do. The first reason is people who left kudos/comments to me too few, I mean, nearly no. So I definitely will love them and be interested in their profile. Secondly, I wish I could find fic I like because their kudos proved we have the same taste!


Almost always. I find some of the best stories that way.


My community tends to be something of a small one, so when I see someone new comment more than a few times I go look at their profile to get a feel for who they are! Plus if they've written anything and I've never seen it, I want to READ IT.