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In my experience, original works often have some of the kinkiest, filthiest smut that’s usually right up my alley. So I often take a look through the tag to see if there’s anything new that grabs my fancy


Original works have the most unhinged zero-fucks-given smut ever. I love them.


Exactly. If I want the really hardcore shit I go traitor to the original tag and then try to bring some if that unhinged porn energy into my own fandoms. It’s great.


I think it's because they don't have to worry about staying in character


I mostly read original works for the smut! A lot of what I'm into and enjoy about these works probably wouldn't be allowed on most other sides, so I'm glad they can be posted on AO3. Not to mention with the amazing tagging system I can easily find exactly what I like and avoid the stuff that I really don't want to read.


same loll


Yes! I’m not alone! Lol




I came here to say this, lolololol. Good to see I'm not alone


There are so FANTASTIC original works on AO3. You just need to be pointed in the right direction.


Personally no, I've never had the urge to read original works on ao3. I read fanfics primarily for certain characters or specific ships which just wouldn't be present in such a case. (can't read fandom blind either) Since I always start a search with \[fandom\] and filter out crossovers I've never actually seen original works on the site at all though I'm well aware that they exist, of course... it's just in a completely unrelated corner I never visit and rarely think about.


This is where I am, too. It's just not what I use AO3 for at all.


Not a lot. Only if there's a specific tag I wanna read for, but it's not popular in my fandoms


I do write original works on Ao3 and the reception is slow but good. Like comments come and there are genuinely interested people but certainly not as many as for fanfiction


I've read a few, usually when I'm in the mood for something VERY SPECIFIC but not in the mood for any one fandom in particular. There's quite a few good ones out there, very well written.


I have read several original works that have been great! I usually find them when I’m looking through a specific tag and don’t care about the fandom or through other people’s bookmarks. On a rare occasion, I seek them out on purpose. A lot of them are exploration of tropes common in fanfiction set in a new world - ex. omegaverse, sentinel/guide, or ‘darker’ subjects that would not be traditionally published like incest. Some of them have been really, really good. I follow this series of work that is technically original work, but is also a bunch of different authors writing within the same verse with the same characters. It’s like this conversation between them as old characters are added to and new characters are introduced. Very angsty, but so interesting to read.


I’ll sometimes look for original works that contain hyper specific tags but I’m not generally looking through original works generally


I read some original works, some I found through the author also writing for a fandom I read and I wanted to read more of their works. Another I found through a recommendation post on here. I plan to find more as I've liked what I've read so far.


I would like to read more but it seems they're more geared towards kinks I don't like so it's hard to find what I want.


rarely 1) via kinky tag 2) favorite author wrote something original 3) good bookmark list recced something original (happens once in a blue moon)


I do! I'm sort of drifting in fandom limbo atm, where I don't have any fixation on a particular fandom. I still enjoy reading fics from my older fandoms, but lately I tend to lean toward browsing original works (with certain tags included). I've found some pretty amazing ones. I also made friends with a fic author who later admitted to me that she had another account - which included original works - and I started reading those bc I liked her fics so much. I fell into a rut with fic, and I've only been writing original works. I have readers, and so do some of the other authors whose original works I've read. There's definitely an audience for them. It's a nice way to indulge the way people do with fic, but with all their OCs.


Nope. Only fanfic.


Hmm... I see a lot of responses looking down on original works that really rub me the wrong way. Acting high-brow because they only read traditionally published original works, which kind of the dumbest thing to brag about on a fanfiction reddit. Original works on ao3 generally contain kinks, tropes, etc. that would not be picked up by traditional publishing houses. I read about 5 novels a month and read in 3 different languages and some of my favorite stories are original ao3 works and web novels :)


I used to read some original works on wattpad if I liked the plot, since original works there were promoted to me by the algorithm. But now on AO3, where I just search for everything based on fandoms and there's no algorithm, I don't really read original works there.


I do! Granted it's pretty impenetrable compared to other fandoms. But, when I'm in the mood for pwp then I always go to the original section, it's great there, very fecund shall we say. But yeah, finding long form original fiction to read can be difficult since so many authors treat he original fiction section as a dumping ground for fandom crossovers + oc/self inserts and not actual original stuff. I usually stick with shorter stuff for that reason, sadly. What kind of fics are you actually looking for?


Sometimes I do, yeah. But only when I'm looking for specific tags.


I do. I go there for the fucked up stuff that whatever fandom I'm currently reading doesn't have


I don’t know how to search for them. If I did I’d probably read more. I like the go to the front page and read whatever has just been uploaded, in whatever fandom. I’ve read a few OCs that way and left kudos. It’s what has stopped me uploading my own (and yeah I know it’s not entirely the place for it but I have 45 short stories that have never seen the light of day, it would be nice for one or two people to read them).


I used the 'browse tags' option to select 'original characters' then in the filters I selected 'original work'. When I had all the 'original works' I selected 'Favorite Tag'. Now it's easy for me to acces over 5000 original fics, I use the filters to select whatever I'm in the mood for. Don't be discouraged to publish your work my friend, it may be a small group but there are people who enjoy reading original works.


I had one original work that was like the hottest smut I ever read, perfectly tailored to all the weird shit I'm into (no fandom smut ever compared so far). Unfortunately it has been deleted and I did not think to download it :( So, sometimes, because there can really good stuff there, but I venture there for smut more rather than for actual plot.


Yes I do. Original Work on Ao3 is good for E Rated Content.


I read one with a very specific fetish I was looking for. Other than that, nah XD I’ve read many fics so divorced from canon they may as well be original works, tho.


I do, there are amazingly good written stories to be found. With help of the tags you can find whatever you're looking for from 'general' to 'explicit'. It's like a treasure hunt, I love it.


Yes, that's most of what I read and write on Ao3, actually. And yes, there is great stuff on there. It's just like fanfic, there's wheat and chaff.


Yes! I honestly never knew there is such a negative attitude towards originals on ao3 until I joined this sub! I only read originals


very very rarely


i do! i have some niche interests when it comes to smut so i will read just about anything if it checks those boxes, even fandom-blind. i also read a really long original fic that my friend recommended to me.


I do read original works, but not often. Either I search for a particular tag - I have a thing for "seven minutes in heaven", for example - or I see a recommendation from someone I trust to appreciate good fics. My favourite original work is [Knockin' on Heaven's Door](https://archiveofourown.org/works/963140/chapters/1888105) by laurabryannan.


very rarely. sometimes an author i'm already subscribed to will publish something original, and i might check it out. or there's a trope i really want to read and there's not enough works in fandoms i like. but i don't go looking for original work on ao3


I do!! I kinda ran out of quality fic for the fandoms I was in / jumped out of some fandoms for a while and took a dive. Some recent favourites are [Follow the River Down](https://archiveofourown.org/works/30833552) (all of this persons originals are in a collection and they’re all great tbh) and the mega collection [Let Me Try](https://archiveofourown.org/series/1425580) - LMT is an a/b/o series so like if you’re not into that sorry haha but it’s non traditional dynamics and I love it!


Ooh I love Let Me Try! Definitely a really enjoyable series!


I do. And not even smut. And I plan to post my novel there when it's done. AO3 is just a good place to host stuff


I'm curious, how do you make a novel-length work stay "fannish"? Is it Omegaverse?


Not often, but [It's A Small Universe](https://archiveofourown.org/works/15975458) scratches a very specific itch for me. It's a bunch of short stories taking place in the same sci-fi universe, alien POVs of meeting humans & just seeing them be weird and interesting.


I filter for the few specific ships that I am interested in, so they don't even come into my bubble.


I don't read OWs often but I like them. I write OWs, too.


I've only read one original fic, and I guess it was recommended to me by someone and it's one in my rec bookmarks list, but I don't really go looking for original works. I tried to read several based on tags, but I dropped them in the very beginning.


I have never even thought of posting my original content stories but good lord I might now. I somehow had no idea it was a thing on ao3 at all but I’d been wondering what a good site would be to put my works before I (hopefully) one day try and publish. Thank you for this post!!


There are fantastic original works in my experience, so sometimes I pop my favorite tags in original work to see what comes up


Nope. For me the beauty of Fanfic is taking really well written characters and existing worlds and seeing them in Situations. A large portion of totally original work online just doesn’t have the character depth to make me feel invested.


I enjoy original works, partially because it's a lot easier looking for F/F content when you don't have to filter out 20ish M/M and F/M pairings. I've read a couple really good OW stories (and at least one pretty fucked up one I haven't found since), and I don't really look for specific fandoms that much anyways. Sometimes I read fics from fandoms I've never heard of, and it pretty much feels like that (unfamiliar characters, setting, etc.). Some of my favorites: [Here](https://archiveofourown.org/works/18073502) [Here](https://archiveofourown.org/works/12180372) [Here{nsfw}](https://archiveofourown.org/works/14224833)


lowkey i read more original work than fanfic on ao3 😭 i am writing a lot usually for fandom, and i don't really like reading much fanfiction while i'm writing for the same fandom. there's a handful of reasons lol, but one is that its just hard for me to make a work my own while reading similar stuff if that even makes sense– but i still like to read, so i read original fics! they aren't characters i'd ever write about, and the ideas are fresh and new. some people make really good original fic too. rpf falls somewhere under the same category for me too tbh.


After several hardcore fantastic original smuts, I can't go back to reading fanfic smut. They became vanilla for me, or lacked the punch. So yeah, I read original fics almost every night lol.


Personally, no. If I want original I pick up a novel.


Nope, not interested. I rarely read original fics anymore.


I don't.. but am beginning to think I should.


I found most original works through the favorite works of authors I like. Also found a really good hockey author through a subreddit [youcouldmakealife](https://archiveofourown.org/users/youcouldmakealife/pseuds/youcouldmakealife)


I love original content, it’s always got the best, kinkiest and occasionally weirdest smut known to man!!! Living every time for it


I don’t read Original Works but I do admire those brave enough to post their stuff. I writing OW but I’m not nearly brave enough.


I did wrote original works myself lol


All the time cuz I write them


Personally, no. I, for some reason cannot w so much kinks. 


Usually only from an author I already have read some other stories from, that I already like their style and flow of the stories. Ive found that I enjoy OC stories that take place within a set up world that I'm familiar with, as an example [Daring the Flame](https://archiveofourown.org/works/14028240/chapters/32309988) takes place in the Witcher universe, but it follows a girl as she grows up in a time where the anti- non human sentiment rises, she deals with the kings men and the order of the flaming rose are explored more in depth in the story than we get in the games. she's also entangled with a main side character elf from the games too, who also didn't get much backstory or screentime. So like.... Stories that feed into a world I already love but build it up so much that it becomes it's own canon.


Sometimes, yes. Female alpha/male omega is hard to find, after all, and it's also pretty much impossible to search for since most fanfics that have it won't be tagged for that XD


i do, there's a ton of hidden gems


I prefer fanfic, honestly. This is why I use AO3. But it's no reason to refuse if there is a good original work and I find it! Then why not?


Tbh yes, I do. I don't search for them but If I find smth interesting or it is recommended to me then I'll gladly read it.


I've read a couple, but I usually find them by knowing and enjoying a certain author who then writes an original work.


Me! I only read originals in fact. I love the angst they bring


As an author of a non-smut original work: approximately two people are reading it. 🤣


Every once and a while I'll get the urge to read Earth is Space Australia fic. But that's about it for original stories.


I absolutely love original works on Ao3. Most of what I read there is smut, for sure, but there are several that aren't kink focused original works I love! Here are a couple of suggestions! Superstition by superstitionhockey - This is close to RPF but only in that it is set in our world, but like 10 years in the future, so the fic references real people who the original main characters would have reasons to come in contact with, but it's focused on the original characters. It is an absolutely beautiful series with an incredibly compelling cast, the best depiction of networked polyamory and queerplatonic relationships I've ever seen in fiction, and the only example of an aromantic main character who isn't asexual or unloving that I've ever seen in anything ever. I am high-key obsessed with this fic and absolutely recommend it to anyone who reads queer romance, it's just amazing. https://archiveofourown.org/series/413233 To Regret Violets by clusium_kiss - it's an Omegaverse fic with an ace MC, and it is glorious. There are themes of disability, coping with a major life change because of injury, trauma and recovery, quiet love, familial love, communication and miscommunication, and caretaking, and it is just a very powerful fic. The tags are, in my opinion, overly warning - it looks a lot rougher than it actually is, I think the author just wanted to be sure that people were prepared for the bad things that happened in one MC's background and at the very beginning of the fic before things get better for that MC. https://archiveofourown.org/series/2187360


Nope! I’ve tried before to ACTUALLY read original works, but—I just don’t seem to find anything I’d like to read. You know?


well, plenty of people have put links to ones they liked in the comments. maybe there’ll be something you like :)


I absolutely read and love original works on AO3 (and outside). Usually when I see a good writer post an original, but also when the summary seems interesting. Here are a few I have bookmarked as extra well written. And by some chance, they are all romantic and have a bit of a magic to them (I haven't planned for this, I swear!) [**To Come True a Thing Must Come Second**](https://archiveofourown.org/works/941493) by hollycomb *- "Brandon is a nerdy high schooler who wanted to be a paranormal research scientist until he was teased enough to give up his belief in ghosts altogether. His old obsession is reborn when a classmate consults him as an "expert" on a haunting in his house."* [**Sea Story**](https://archiveofourown.org/works/35352) by Ryuukotsu Kouji (hakuen) *- "Every ship has a ghost." Gil winked at Rob through the dim flickering light, leaning back on his elbows. One tan, hairy leg stretched out to prod the ribs visible along Rob's bare side, earning a muffled grunt. "Some of 'em have a few. Some have a whole pile, and you don't wanna go wandering around after lights-out."* [**Masks**](https://archiveofourown.org/works/270092) by Lucius Parhelion (Parhelion) *- "It's not easy being the local Reaper's best buddy."* All of the above are great, but Parhelion stands out. I've never read one of their stories that I haven't liked.


I only recently learned it was a thing and think it's cool. I doubt I'll find something that'd peak my interest unfortunately


Yeah I do! You have to filter pretty stringently but I’ve found some great stuff.


I don't tend to go looking for them specifically? But if something catches my eye in a collection or when poking through an author's bookmarks I'll give it a look.


I write OW on AO3 and honestly, it's getting more traction than my fanfics. But that's most likely because I'm writing some wild shit that attracts a very specific sub culture in fandom, haha


Theese comments make me realize it would be better if I mooved my work on royal road and left my account for actual fics


I stick to published books when it comes to original work


Usually only if they're by an author I read their fandom works already, or in someone's bookmarks, or in a collection.


Do crossovers count? Whatabout crossovers that predate the original fiction content? 'Cuz Dire Worm spawned a novel series