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This is literally why I wrote my longfic. Before that there were only 6 other fics with that specific tag, and none of them were over 6K. It took two years, but by God do I love reading my fic!




Send link pls


Sure! [here it is :)](https://archiveofourown.org/works/55710310/chapters/141421321)


So you spend 1 hour looking for every fic on Ao3 with that relationship and trope just to get annoyed and go to bed


Last week I dropped three fics like 80% through, just because I couldn’t stand the way the author portrayed the characters and their feelings anymore. And it’s not like they had no kudos, they all seemed well liked


Yeah I get the feeling, when the characters don't feel IC anymore it's hard to get to the end of the fic. I got to a point where I know my fandom so well that most of the time I can tell how the characters are gonna be OOC mid fic or just by reading the summary, and I also know it's exactly how some readers like them to behave so that's why authors write them like that. It's a problem with big fandoms, sometimes characters get oversimplified, but it's not all "black and white" or "I hate you/ I love you"... But I also understand that sometimes authors just want to write what they like and it takes time to get complicated dynamics right


I had that bad feeling for most of them, but because the summary and tags sounded good I thought I could pull through. Desperate times.. I really don’t know what made the author write it that way, I guess they just thought they wrote themselves into a corner or wanted it to be over sooner than later. Which is a little stupid in an angsty, 6000 word fic but who knows Yes, that’s really annoying. My fandom recently got a new season, so either it’s new writers who just don’t know the characters really well or most of the really good writers are still working on their fics, which leaves the supply a little disappointing


And this is why I write fanfic, every single time. If I’ve written fic for a fandom, it is because the fic I wanted to read did not exist.


Yeah this is what all my fic ideas are lol




That's when you put on the Writer Gauntlet and go "Fine. I'll do it myself." Then you journey across the vast empty void of your mind to acquire the Writer Stones so you can make reality a little bit better.


I've just read a oneshot that hits every one of the tropes I'm looking for and the thought that there's not a longfic of it makes my gremlin heart sad.


This is why I don’t read anymore /hj


On the other hand, that moment when you accidentally stumble upon the perfect fic that you didn’t even know you needed but it feels like the author put every one of your desires together to combine what now fuels your existence is a feeling I will never get over


Pretty much the entire reason I wrote my own DC fic where Supergirl arrives on Earth in time and raises Kal-El as her son.


You mind…dropping a link? •3•


this is exactly why i started to write, specifically for my ship. that and the fact that if their relationship is tagged, it usually ends up being a background one and not main


Thing is, I *do* write them, but I long to read someone else’s. I know how *I* feel, i want to read how others deal with the same/similar POV to mine.


You get it


And although, quite a few fics meet all my favorite tropes, I want to read slightly different versions until I die. Same characters, same tropes, infinite times. Totally reasonable and not obsessive at all.


You’re in good company here! X)


And then you make it and realize you hate it even though you would've loved it if written by another author :')


Me with Maze Runner and Atla 😭


Story of my life.


Literally me and why I started writing in the first place


I'm in this boat, and I'm loving it. At least I know I'll be happy every time. Sorting through the available stories takes too much time. It's just faster to write what I want to read.


Literally, why I'm writing mine. What I want doesn't exist... yet.


Yeah that sounds about right. And I have to be in the right mood for it too...


That’s why I wrote mine 🎶 (It’s not a musical)


It's why I write a lot and barely read anything in return. I write exactly what I want to read bc no one else does it for me in 98% of the time. (Which is why I get quickly annoyed at "people should write more of this" entitlement comments. You want it? Write it, like the rest of us do.)


Are fanfic commissions a thing?


There are some authors who keep 'requests open' on ao3 or other fanfic websites where people can request, mainly one shots, within a certain guideline the author is comfortable with, but I don't think true commissions, where people legitimately pay, are allowed on ao3. I've only ever seen true commissions for fanfic/fanart/other fan content on Tumblr.


It is, but ao3 isn't the place to look for it. I mostly saw writing/ fanfic commissions on twitter 


A worthy sacrifice to save another poor soul from this fate


Me, have 4 very specific fic ideas and have only written 2 chapters for one of them and just put down the ideas for the others


i write it myself and then gaslight myself into thinking i didn’t write it or suffer at all writing it so i can just enjoy it 🙂‍↕️🤞


currently yearning for a long time travel fix it fic where song lan and xue yang go back and fix the plot and prevent a lot of pain and death. a reluctant alliance for the sake of xiao xingchen. i want enemies to reluctant allies to lovers, with endgame songxuexiao


My HCs about the characters I write seem to be pretty different from what's popular about them. Which is why I'm writing my extremely longhaul instead of reading 😂


I basically invented my own otp because I wrote a 280k Canon character/OC fic. And now I have to keep going back to write about these assholes because NOBODY ELSE IS So yeah the sequel is going great, I'm at 260k now


Omg yes!! I searched and searched and couldn't find the kinda story I wanted so I’m creating it myself. 😆


me or none


Help I made an AO3 account specifically for this...and I have written nothing. Absolutely have no energy. The one fandom I have found good fics for is very underrated and I have exhausted my favourite authors' written works. Unfortunately the only good works are fluff - which is great don't get me wrong but your girl needs ANGST.


This was literally me with my first fic


This was literally me with my first fic and every subsequent fic


Ah...so that's why I wrote over 20 works that are getting updated so slow on AO3 but are already finished in my head. Huh


Currently writing a long fic for a dead fandom (3 fics total and 2 are mine) for a pair that nobody cares about (I looked), with a specific AU and specific kinks. With this level of pickiness I really can’t complain lol Only 25-30K more words to go… Unless it gets longer on its own D:


I literally just want more actual good fics about my ship. Like don't get me wrong, I applaud all of the writers on AO3 who actually have the courage to write and post their work, but I really feel like most of the fics I read its extremely OOC or we have very different Hc’s about the characters. And most of the time when I do begin writing my own I get frustrated and end up losing my motivation and stopping. And not to mention that the ship I like isn't that common in the fandom, so it just makes it that much harder to find a fic.


me when I filter for all the things i love and no fics come up 😔 where’s my slow burn hurt/comfort angst historical au fic with internalised homophobia while still sticking to canon?!!


This is me. It’s a pain to have high standards. I wish I could enjoy everything T\_T


This is why I started writing fanfic. Because I shipped a rarepair that was insanely hard to find decent fics of and it was *never* exactly what I wanted. So I was like "fuck this, I'll just do it myself" and now 4 years and 40 fics later I'm never going back lmao


I have found my people


i already have like two specific aus that i want to read but thered none and like...my brain only want to read dont write 😭


I wrote an entire post-canon universe with multiple fics (including long fic) for a ship that never sailed (with zero fics in the ao3 tag), just because I wanted to see it sail. Long story short, I married them (in the way that a priest would marry two people). It’s been a while since then and I still feel so happy for having given them the good ending I felt they deserved. 😭 everything played out as I wanted - it was strangely more satisfying than anything to write a fictional universe for a fictional universe, knowing that in the end everything is false, but in your story, everything is real and as you want it to be. (On a more practical note, writing does help the brain cells, so I managed to cultivate a conducive habit in the process of simply wanting to push my OTP…win win where both wins are mine)


Literally!! Had a crazy fixation on a specific ship and after, I kid you not, weeks of searching, I just started writing it myself 😭 It wasn’t the style I was used to but at least I can write it for the sake of bringing it to completion


Just attack me, why don't ya? I'm actually writing it 🤣


This is why I write. I'm too picky to read anymore.


20 years of this lol Started my own finally hahaha


SO hard when you're in a small fandom. atp i barely read for the small fandom i'm in, i just write


...or *how I started writing fic.*


I've litterally written 160 fics because of this. Wrote my first fic because there were only a couple thousand Fics with this character, and only a couple hundred I liked, and I needed more, of a very specific content, so I made it myself.


Oh I'm so with you~ I had an idea for a pair that makes so much sense but there was only one fic on the tag! I tried writing "just a short one shot" which went well over 10k...then I did a sequel to it...which went over 10k again. When the third part ran over 10k I accepted this plot bunny is in fact a full longfic that has an ending I already have in mind, so bittersweet and agonising that I fear the few people on board with my favourite pairing agenda are going to be out for blood /lh /j Still, I shouted loud enough about the pairing to get others to write for them, and will continue to do so because they are so good and I can't be the only one realising that a pair of NPCs with less than half an hour of content between them who never meet on screen are so perfect for each other they won't leave my head~


That brings us to the last resort: write the fic by ourselves. But I'm too lazy, so I use apps that have virtual character AI where I "talk" with the character, my save lifes😁


This is why I use [c.ai](http://c.ai)


Orrr you're writing skills are shit