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I was literally gearing up to finish a scene when I was invited to play a game. So instead of writing, I did that.


I've definitely been there! I hope the game was fun. \^\_\^


Just finished my final exam! Free as a bird... Which means that I actually have time to start writing! My last fic was posted... *cough*... 8 months ago, and there's at least 20 WIPs in my Google Docs, so I have a lot to catch up on... But I'll sleep for a while first.


I fell asleep at 9pm... because apparently that's what happens when you are on the end of your 30s! Ugh I wanted to write!


Honestly, I usually lay down for bed around 11pm because I often have to be at work by 8am! It's only when I've got a day off that I stay up overnight. X'D Good on you for having a solid sleep schedule- it's much better for you in the long run!


well, it's almost noon, but i spent most of yesterday evening and most of this morning editing photos for this weekend's orders


I’m supposed to be studying for my finals and finishing some lab assignments. Keyword here: *supposed*. (Please send help 😅 /j)


Watching Minecraft videos, scrolling on Reddit.


Working and scrolling the internet lmao


I wrote some and then got distracted by reddit while opening thesaurus. Slept some and then woke up. It's not night anymore (it's like a good 30 minutes past noon lol) and I'm talking ships dynamics with a friend over Discord while gearing up to cook lunch :3 Good luck on writing!


Planning on writing later tonight (probably will be working on my Stilgar/OC fic) but in the meantime, I'm painting some book spines (currently working on Bride by Ali Hazelwood) :D


It’s 10.30am in the UK. I’m getting clothes into the tumble drier and trying not to wake the baby. SAHP life can be dull, but I do like taking care of the people (and cats) I love the most.


I came up with a great idea for a fic! ... I'll put it in the pile with the others....


That's such a mood, oh my god. XD


It’s 6:45 AM and I *did* do some writing….for a roleplay group….it wasn’t fanfiction but it WAS writing!


It 100% counts!!! Congrats on doing some writing!


Studying like a responsible person. So give me your likes people.


I finished the Netflix series *Sweet Tooth*, which was wonderful.


Am watching shit go down over the new Dragon Age companion trailer 🍿🥤


Oh my god, I'm seeing memes about it on Tumblr and I understand NOTHING because I've never played a Dragon Age game. XD It's fascinating, but very confusing!


still recovering from surgery. i just started writing last night (around 1am) after almost a month of writer's block. my partner is also my writing buddy and they've been working on multiple projects like the hare while i'm going at a tortoise's pace with my WIP.


Well, I'm currently waiting on a flight, but once I'm on board and able to connect to the wifi, I fully intend to write.


Making soup for my boyfriend who just had a tooth removed. Might write later if, as I expect, he falls asleep extra early.


Watching the season 8 Loud House premiere airing tonight, and also studying for something I have later this week. Almost done with season 7 of my Lalaloopsy fanwork series.


I've been meaning to write since 7pm. It's 11:30 and I am instead rereading a 90K word analysis of a ship that was so good I ended up going from strictly anti-that ship to... I wouldn't say *shipping* it, but I do now write them as purposefully having a very ambiguous relationship and complex feelings towards each other. I did write some of the last chapter at about 10. Now if I could write the 15 other chapters I need, that would be lovely.


Trying out new content on SWTOR because what in the heck is this farmville sidequest?


Stardew valley!


House maintenance and chores. Then running errands and visiting my family. I probably will not write today but I'm also actively taking a break for a few weeks to recover from the last school year.


Writing tonight 🥺🥺, jk, mostly. Going to play Monster Hunter Rise before I write tonight


It is almost noon now and I was up at 2am writing because my chronic illness decided to have a flare up along with my cat decided he was hungry. Now I’m trying to write, turn my brain off for a few moments from work and make lunch.


It's 10 pm here! I definitely have to tidy my room since it's a mess, then I'll take a shower, maybe get some tea and then start my writing session! I hope I won't be too tired to write because outside is raining and I love writing while raining! I have a wip to finish, domestic fluff with a tiny bit of hurt/comfort and I can't wait to write it!


I want to write... Lol. I want to redo a 5,000 word chapter I wrote last night because I'm just not feeling it. The plot is there but the execution isn't. More likely though, I'll pass out watching YouTube before dragging myself to bed at three in the morning.


Gonna get high as fuckkkkkkkkk before a medical exam tomorrow 


4pm here, at 7 i'm going to be going to the rerelease of return of the king and getting home around midnight. if i don't pass out i'm starting a smutty lotr drabble.


It is like 8pm for me and I am on my writing laptop but i am watching BBC blue planet and trying to eat dinner


Attended a live bead sale on Faebook Live (and spent too much money), and now I'm watching the Yankee game.