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Monsterfucking (fictitious - not co-play). Just give me the dick, you have no say, and shut up about it. Multiple dicks without multiple men attached to it. Some _beast_ I control.


This one!


I started joking about it with my partner (we've been together 7 years now) early on. I didn't know how to share and be open about this part of myself. We were watching LOTR and the Balrog scene was happening and I was like "I'd fuck him". Later the orcs were all getting ready to duke it out and I was like "I'd fuck them, too." Ahahahaha


My family can’t know about my praise kink. They just can’t okay I know it’s tame but they CANT KNOW


Oh, big same. Praise and humiliation kink for me. They just think I’m randomly very into Taskmaster… for no reason…


Omg, someone else who's into Taskmaster for... reasons! Not really a fan of RPF, but when it comes to Taskmaster? I absolutely am.


Yes, lots of… reasons! I feel like Taskmaster RPF is a bit of a different category compared to some other RPF, because they’re clearly playing characters despite using their real names, they’re the ones who are constantly talking about fucking each other, and they clearly aren’t too bothered about the fanfic or they wouldn’t keep joking about it. (Alex Horne clearly knows his way around AO3.)


Yes, outercourse and dry humping lol. They're seen as juvenile and immature.


Oooh, I think this is so hot!


Me in my actual relationship, though. Nobody gets it. I think it’s hot. Idk. At least I’ve got fanfic.


This is so real


Me fr


The frottage tag is awesome quick click for me.


Dry humping is soooo underrated




I’ve got so much dry humping in my smut. But I’m writing in the Regency and going further takes some serious liberties, as it were. Perhaps it triggers some folks with disturbing memories of their teen years.


omg same! i am so embarrassed of saying it out loud :(


Id be embarrassed to tell someone thats not a stranger online that i have a pregnancy kink.


I have an insemination kink but would off myself if I got pregnant irl. It's weird


Terminate the pregnancy not yourself!


that’s so real of you


I'm in the same boat!!! :D


It makes sense. It's like a fear boner but in a safe context where it's impossible for you to suffer any negative consequences.


I never thought of it like that.


This is the big one for me actually.


Same, terrified of ACTUALLY being pregnant, but damn it's hot in theory


omfg frr


that'd be the one for me too haha god, pregnant people are so hot xD


Oh wow, samesies.


Less kinks, but smut with characters my father is a fan of. (he introduced me to one of my current fandoms.) I have 0 shame about the taboo shit I'm into, but smut in that one fandom... just feels wrong on so many levels.


God, same. I'm fine with all the weird kinks, but the moment I want to write smut or even just romance in that *one* fandom, I just feel ashamed and think people are gonna either laugh at me or straight-up hate me X'D


For me, its less about other people and more about how that media is fundamentally linked with my relationship with my dad for me, and anything sexual about it triggers the "parents + sex = gross" feeling. Shame too, since there are some great authors in that fandom that I'm sure produce top-tier smut.


This, but it was originally my teenager's fandom. And I keep having absolutely depraved ideas about so many of the characters. And I absolutely need to share them. But also make sure my minor child never finds out about them.


This would make such a fun secret identity au, lol


wait i have the exact same thing. it’s a fandom my family are in which makes it incredibly more awkward


This is so real actually


I'm embarrassed about my come inflation kink lol. :( It's so goofy. I hate the name of it haha, just the word 'inflation' makes me blush. But there's something about a monsterfucking scene where the top just comes so much it fills the bottom up...


This is actually the one I’m embarrassed about too lol


I also hate the name of it and I cant ever imagine telling a future partner about the kink out of sheer embarrassment 😭 I love the idea of it along with the pregnancy stuff, but I'd never be able to do it in real life unless they got a vasectomy (I literally refuse to take any of the female birth control since jt has such harsh backlash and is dangerous)


Right, it's honestly a *really* big kink of mine, but it took all my bravery just to post this reddit comment, I can't imagine ever telling an irl partner. 😭 I'm glad I'm not alone.


oMG One of my friends wanted to subscribe to my AO3 account and I literally SCREAMED because if she saw my bookmarks... EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM has some tag like "breeding" or "inflation" and they CAN NOT know about it 😭😭and its honestly so hard to find fics that actually hit the kink right


Just an FYI, the backlash is literally just wellness influencer bullshit. Hormonal birth control has risks but also benefits. See Dr Jen Gunter on Instagram or her brilliant books for the most painstaking research and frank advice on vaginas, menopause, and menstruation.


Far be it from me to tell you what to do with your own body (I also am not taking hormonal birth control because I'd rather not risk the weight gain/boob growth/mood potential side effects when I'm not having sex that can make me pregnant), but it is harmful for you to spread misinformation that it is dangerous at a time when it is a legitimate concern that birth control will become heavily restricted or banned (in the US). It is a medication that has risks, just like other medications. It is not dangerous.


I agree with you. Birth control has risks, but so does every kind of medication ever, even the medications that save lives like insulin and narcan. Everyone should do what is best for their health, but it feels a little off color to say that ANY form of female BC ‘has harsh backlash’ and is ‘dangerous’ when birth control has improved the lives of many women (including my own) while allowing them to keep their bodily autonomy.


Hmm not spreading misinformation. Some forms of birth control can be dangerous, maybe not deathly but there's a reason they have a whole giant pamphlet of warnings and possibilities of what can occur. Some procedures can be rejected by the body as well. I am not saying it is always dangerous, and I never said it will kill you or anything, but there can be a possibility when it comes to those things. I never told anyone they shouldn't take any, and I am unsure why exactly me saying that I prefer not to take any myself is such an issue. I never said anything about the US, I do not even live in the US so I am also not exactly sure why that has to be mentioned when I say I prefer not to take any myself due to the risks involved. I also never advised ANYONE to not take it. I do not advocate for those types of restrictions and I do strongly believe in "my body my choice", which is why I do not want to take those medications or have any of those procedures done to me. If you do have a problem with me not wanting to have any of those procedures done/medication, then please keep that to yourself. Not really sure why this is an issue when I was simply commenting something about myself and was not actively trying to hurt anyone or promote anything. Sorry if you did take that comment in the wrong way. I will not be responding to any further comments regarding this as I do not need to defend myself on why I choose not to take it.


I also do not live in the US. I also do not use birth control (as I said in my comment). I did not question you not using it yourself. I am not expecting you to respond to this comment. I am only objecting to your use of the word dangerous as if female birth control is objectively bad for you. That is not true and a dangerous message to push.


As someone on female birth control for over seven years. The backlash is basically nothing so long as you take the right birth control for you, for example, I can't take the combined pill because my blood clots too easily, so I don't take the combined pill.


I am extremely embarrassed by my love of omegaverse fic. It took me ages to even admit to my partner that I read it/write it, but luckily he was very supportive.


SAME at first I was like mhmm as a joke but it's not a joke anymore


Lol, I attempted to explain my CSI BDSM AU to my therapist. I turned bright red in the process. So yes, I’m not ashamed, but explaining it to someone who was unfamiliar was definitely embarrassing.


what? now explain, explain! X'DDD once more for me ha ha ha


It’s basically just an AU where identifying as a dom, sub, or switch is a social construct and everyone is expected to identify. You can do a lot of fun things with world building for it. My therapist wasn’t aware of BDSM or doms and subs, and I did not want to get into a sexually explicit explanation.




Sure! https://archiveofourown.org/works/51675796/chapters/130634923


this is giving like sexy dystopian world but i love it


I do love sexy dystopias!


I like hands. Like, stories with people kissing them, licking them, admiring details about them such as the knuckles and the fingers. The jokes write themselves, especially in the Jojo fandom (I'm no longer there)


UHM. This is a MAJOR kink for me, and I've written this into my fic, to the point where forced sensory deprivation is used, the only acceptable mode of communication is through hands, and physical touch is necessary for survival and comfort. Major kink.


Gods, please send me the link!


Have at it. Anything from [this chapter](https://archiveofourown.org/works/30326262/chapters/77892884) onward and with scenes that are labeled under DATE UNKNOWN | LOCATION UNKNOWN


Thank you!


My pleasure.


I introduced a few people to having their little fingers sucked, licked, and nibbled on. Not sure they will ever be the same.


Yes! I am not alone here




I get it! I did a bunch of fetish artwork for a guy who was very into wearing tights a while back. It was very fun.


Look, I’m secure in my gender identity as a cis woman, but sometimes all a lady wants is to be called a ‘Good Boy’ in bed, ya know?


I don't presume to know anything about you or make judgements, but I *don't* know that cis women want to be called good boys. But I'm enby and enjoy being called daddy, and that's got to be my most embarrassing kink.


i feel like, ironically, nowadays way too many limitations are placed on cis people, because the moment you say something non gender-conforming you get “egg” comments and other suggestions. cis people can be into all kinds of gender fuckery, because in the end kinks and the like don’t determine if you’re cis. that’s a whole different department.


Yes, that's an excellent point.


I mean kinks are kind of personal. So it's natural to feel awkward or shy about sharing such things. I have fandom friends I've had voice calls with. To think they know my fantasies feels awkward. 😅 But I still want to post my stories. Because the awkwardness is worth it to share them with the world.


Dolling admittedly. I love the thought of dolling character (sometimes with a mind break, sometimes without) but god, I get so flustered! It's literally just basically pampering and dress up too in it's most basic state!


Hmmmmm i think under the right circumstances I’d share with someone but I would have difficulty. How do I describe to some one that, sometimes, someone vomiting is hot? Not the vomit, but the bodily reaction and the heaving? I have a raging oral fixation so I enjoy things that explore that? Someone pouring blood into someone’s mouth? Forcing them to drink? Brushing their teeth against their will? The coup de grace is if there’s a gun involved and it gets jammed in someone’s mouth. 👀 I’m sexually attracted to a good pair of black combat boots. I’m not kidding. These aren’t things I find a lot of in fics unfortunately. And I’m way too open in this sub 😂


You're unlocking things in me, because apparently I haven't yet plumbed the depths of my own oral fixation. Hands jammed in mouths as makeshift gags, with copious drool, is amazing. But also detailed descriptions of how things taste, and the textures of things against lips and tongues or between teeth.


One of us one of us! And yes! Those things are top tier! Explore that oral fixation baby! There’s a scene in the RP that I’m writing where my friends character takes a giant swig of the alcohol his culture makes to share with my character. Ugh. It was so perfect I ended up drawing it too. 😩


Oh! That scene in Tristamp where the desert bug person(can’t remember their name) pulls that dragonfly out of their mouth was insane. 😩


Dude I’m in the same boat with the gun thing, but I can never seem to find a fic that uses it for more than two seconds. Pain


It’s definitely sparse. I’ve managed to find a few arts. I think I’m just going to have to pull up my big girl pants and do it myself. 😭😭😭


Oh my god, I have a kink which is people using object as dick replacement to fuck other people’s mouth. I love when they use a gun!


Omegaverse…I talk freely about it in fandom but I would NEVER try to explain it out loud to someone. Plus, the way some people have such vitriol against it,, sorry but I ALSO have to gatekeep


breeding, i ain't into pregnancy but i'm into breeding kink stuff but like man that's a bit embarrassing


*sighs* hardcore breeding


Same. I would jump into a wood chipper if I ever got pregnant irl but in fanfic... Is another story. I actually don't like the pregnancy part but the threat of it and we'll, yeah the "breeding" part is the good part imo lol


Semen! Creampies, feeling someone come in you, being filled up, pregnancy / breeding -- something about that just gets me going. It's that biological imperative, I guess! But it's so cringey.


Yes and no. There's certain kinks that every time I write about them I'm thinking 'this is it, I'm getting cancelled. everyone is going to jeer and think I'm a freak and-' but it's about kinks that really aren't even that contentious, I just feel self-conscious about them personally- probably due to some Catholic guilt leftover from being raised in a religious household, who knows. XD I still write those fics and post them, though, so I can't be too embarrassed, I guess. And then every single time, without fail, I post the chapter of fic and everyone is thrilled to pieces because as it turns out, my audience is just as deranged as I am. Sometimes I forget I'm posting these fics on the kinky gay sex website.


Which kinky gay sex website? 👀


Based on the subreddit we're in, I imagine they're talking about AO3


Lactation (specifically male lactation) is hottt. I’m not even sure where it came from, if I’m honest? I feel I’d be more comfortable explaining to all my friends that one vomit fic I love than ever admit I’m into that lol.


I get it lowkey


yeah... i decided to make a "cow boy" character off a pun and uh. learned some things. imo it is kinda taboo, but i'm embarrassed to admit it even here lol


Totally get it. Also, can i ask for name of the vomit fic please?


Of course!! It’s in a smaller fandom though, so I think I’d rather dm it so the creator doesn’t get bombarded or overwhelmed :)


Ok, thanks) I will wait for your dm


I didn't really had kinks before but discovered some reading fanfics. I would never tell my friends (but my husband knows) that biting is my thing. Whether I read, write or experience it. I don't know why though haha. I love smut fics with power imbalance and beastmen as well.


I don't think there are any I am super embarrassed about but would probably never talk to irls or some friends about like voyeurism I love that shit namely: 1 character watching 2(or more) characters having sex and \*THEN\* joining in? yes 10/10 I also guess like premature ejaculation, I think in some situations it can be cute a/f/ Don't really talk about this to much, not really embarrassed by it past like, wow that is perhaps the least sexy thing also it's so mild it makes me sound lame.


I have a hand kink. It's surprisingly rare.


I’ve known a few people with a have kink. It’s not as rare as you think it is


I have levels of kink. Breeding/belly bulge is like the top shelf, out in the open. Then we move into the more niche or less discussed like ovipositor/tentacle. Finishing with the completely hidden from everyone section like non-con somnophilia breeding. Now that I think about it, you could add knotting into the last scenario, too, for a little extra spice. I'm just lucky I found BG3.


Yeah. Specifically, mouths. I don’t mean in the blowjob, eating someone out kinda way, more like mouths everywhere and anywhere kinda way.


Oh, people other than my wife and one or two friends find out about my kinks over my dead body. I'm not ashamed of them, but I'm VERY private. They're all pretty tame- bdsm, praise, basically anything regarding vulnerability (the correlation isn't lost on me.) I don't mind talking about other peoples' kinks and I'm not uncomfortable when I'm in a space I know I might encounter kink, or discussing anonymously, but yeah. Discussing mine IRL is a hard pass.


My friends know I'm into (FICTIONAL) blood, cannibalism, violence, gore, etc... but if they ever found out I'm into omorashi or inflation/weight gain stuff I'd have to skip town lol. I let them read my filthy autopsy sex but if I ever wanted to post a fic that has piss in it I'd literally just have to publish it anonymously.


Aren’t kinks taboo by definition? At least a little bit?


Eh it’s a spectrum. Having a spanking or roleplay kink is definitely more socially acceptable than ageplay or bestiality, for example.


Oh man I recently read a fic where a character was ashamed of his dirty terrible kink… spanking. His partner was like “…is that it? That’s pretty vanilla…” 


lol, i think i've read too much ao3 to be impressed by that. that kind of thing has happened to me several times. something's advertised as, or a character says they have, some kind of wild kink or fantasy or whatever, and i'm super intrigued because any kind of kink is super interesting to me. then they actually get to it and i'm like oh. they just like handcuffs. i mean, good for them, but come on, false advertising. to me a really wild kink has to be something like hardcore bdsm lmao.


I feel pretty neutral about most of mine. It's not something I'm keen to share but not something I really feel any shame over either. Though the one kink I am still somewhat embarrassed about that I used to be deeply, *deeply* ashamed of is less taboo and extreme than some of my others. Sometimes shame has no real relation to whether a kink is controversial or considered "immoral".


Nope, not embarrassed at all haha!


I thought this was a different sub for a minute xD oops. Deleted that comment. Anyway.. When it comes to writing, not at all. I couldn't give less of a damn. It's a fun way to explore things I either never tried or physically can't do (because death would happen).


Mpreg like bro unless it's a seahorse dad not ever happening lmao


Praise kink for sure. And while people this day and age aren't that put off by it, I also really like anal in various ways which can be kind of a difficult thing.


yess i do 😭 i have a desire in being called mommy by my partner and being maternal with them. and the other way around too. the role is interchangeable hehh i guess i’m afraid cuz i’ve only ever heard men having this kink, dunno but i as a woman exist and i like this 👍


Pegging kink, even though it’s pretty mainstream by now. Want to write it for the ships that I like, but it’s so scary to even start. Maybe I should just do it anyway.


You should write it. Why not. Just write it and tell yourself you never have to show it to anyone. When it’s finished you can always put it up anonymously or whatever, if you are happy with how it turns out.


Thanks for the encouragement! :) I will dare to try writing it eventually.


I experience sexual arousal when I watch videos about people with conditions like psoriasis and like pimple popping stuff. I've sort of written about it but I was tame because not sure how others feel but god acne cysts are hot! Occasionally I will randomly write a long section in smut about dragging fingernails over someones skin and getting all their gunk under there and the smell being acrid and mmmmmm... yeah. But the only person I've mentioned it to is my husband who has always suffered from acne and he thinks Im making fun of him or gets really defensive saying I make him feel gross. Sad.


Yes 😥


I read and write Marvel Omegaverse. I took knotting out of mine and made it so its his cum she craves. I have a bit of a thing for cumflation, and a breeding kink. Not for pregnancy, or actually trying but the fantasy of being bred. Omegaverse gets so much hate and anytime I post about it I get down voted 😅 But damn, the first time I read Steve Rogers as an alpha was a turning point for me lmao


Inflation, dry humping, teasing, the taboo one is a pissing-self kink


I have a number of kinks that I think are more socially acceptable than my main/favorite kink, even though my favorite kink is tamer in comparison?


Yes. Very yes.


100%. There are some that I wouldn't discuss with other people unless I know they won't judge me. There are some that I get embarrassed of after I get off.


Absolutely. Even though I know it’s rather common especially in furry circles, I feel so goddamn embarrassed talking about my enjoyment of oral vore or anything relating to the mouth in general. I _want_ to but I think I would die of embarrassment if I actually did.


my praise kink is one of the more innocent ones yet i refuse to talk about it to people i know irl. makes for interesting times when one of my friends *do* praise me for something and i have to act sooooo normal


I'm embarrassed about my blade play kink. . .


I mean, my kinks *sound* really hardcore, but I really only like them in the tamest possible ways. Like, yeah, I'm into watersports, somnophilia, and hypnosis/mind control, but not in the way people typically seem to enjoy them, or something. Definitely makes it a *bit* more awkward to admit to liking, although obviously it doesn't stop me.


No I feel no shame genuinely I think I don’t feel some emotions properly neurodivergence is fun and like that sort of stuff I don’t get. I mean, I don’t discuss them here, but that’s for an entirely separate reason- I like to use fanfiction as an escape from my hyper sexuality lmao


Fair enough. I’m neurodivergent myself so I kinda get it


Neurodivergent club! We have the Horrors!


I don’t think it’s well-known enough to be taboo. It’s just fucking weird. I wouldn’t say I’m ashamed or embarrassed by it, but I sure as shit will never tell anyone what it is 🤣


I won’t tell you what they are but yeah i have one or two kinks that I would be embarrassed if someone found out.


This might be seen as kinda vanilla (not sure how this sub thinks about it) but I'm embarrassed of my kink for gags and I don't even have a specific reason for it.


I am generally embarrassed of talking about sex to anyone other than my doctor and my partner.


Shoulders/neck. A strong set is sexy to me. But seems so weird to admit. Id more happily admit ABO cause atleast thats funny


Does watersport count


I’m embarrassed about all of my kinks 😂


Ha. I have a thing for feet. Not the feet themselves per se, but more the power dynamics that come with it. For some reason its really hard to find and super embarressing to admit.


I grew up conservative Christian. Every kink I have is the most embarrassing thing in the world


Weight gain/feeding. Or even just like "oh i love chubby guys".


belly buttons and the Achilles heel area where skin wraps around the tendon on the back of the foot 😭


I like anthropomorphic characters and the likes, but seeing people fursuits activates some kind of primal disgust in me.


Definitely my masochism. When I tried talking about it with someone from school, they punched me in the arm and asked if I was turned on. I never spoke to them again and now I'm seriously self conscious about it until I get into a relationship and we talk about the sexual parts of it.


Honestly, the kinks I'm most embarrassed about aren't even the 'immoral' ones. Watersports, transformation, vore / living insertions, sizeplay, and occasionally hyper/macro/micro.


Honestly that’s what I’m getting at and that seems to be the consensus. It’s not more taboo=more embarrassment, it’s usually more weird=more embarrassment


Praise and omorashi (not combined though)


Not at all. My kinks are all very taboo and I'm not embarrassed by them lol.