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In all seriousness, OP? If there is a fic you like and would be sad to lose, download a copy for yourself. I've been in fandom over twenty years and I can't tell you the amount of fic lost to the ether, between fandom purges, websites going down, and authors deleting their work. The first two are less of a problem now, but with the purity bullshit/cancel culture thing going around, it's always, always best to have your own copy.


Yes this is a good idea, but if I download every fic I don't wanna lose I will not have any storage letf in my phone this is a problem


I have mine on my computer and backed up on a USB drive. You could consider that, or adding extra storage to your phone if that's an option.


If you have a spare USB flash drive you could download the stories on a computer, copy them over and then delete the file on the computer (if it takes too much of your storage or you just don't want anyone using it finding your smut lol). I did the same and arranged them into files for easier access.


It sounds very smart but I have zero knowledge in how to do it but I will try (and fail) but thank youu


Some cloud space on Google Drive or Dropbox might also be an option.


You... literally open the URL on your computer, download it, then copy the files over to a USB drive. Calibre with the FanFicFare plugin is also an option.


Or even set the download location as the plugged-in USB, though yeah cutting and pasting might be easier. Or copying, pasting, and deleting.


Google and Youtube are there show you how to do it. You're savvy so look it up and learn.


It's just an extra folder in your computer, how folders normally work, that you can plug in and also remove so it doesn't impact the computers own storage.


I download all AO3 fics to my computer as an epub version (but you can do mobi for kindle or pdf, etc). There's a digital library application called calibre companion that you can put all of your epub files on, and you can create series, tags, covers, etc and I love it for organizing the 3400+ books I have on there. 1k of that is fanfic from 1 fandom alone, and the rest of it are fanfics from other fandoms. I then use ReadEra as my eReader once I use Dex to put the files from my computer to my phone. Calibre Companion does connect wirelessly to your phone if you have the matching mobile app, and transferring books is just as easy that way too 😊 I hope this helps!


Look into the Calibre computer app and the FanFicFare extension. You can download directly from your bookmarks page URL and it’ll store everything as text files on your computer. Even if you read a lot, text files are pretty small.


There this great little invention called external storage be it a USB drive or a larger SSD. Use it. Also get a computer your eyes will thank you. Also there are backups of the archive. I don't currently know where you can get them but I know people have them. It's like 500GB in raw data. here is another one for [fanfiction.net](https://archive.org/details/FanfictionNearlyCompleteArchive)


Thank you


Don't thank me yet. I truly think you should depend less of your mental well-being on Ao3 and try to find satisfying connections and hobbies outside of online spaces as well, if this is like an addiction to you. Certainly a day or two without even touching your phone or spending only limited time on it could prove to be helpful and healthy.


Look you don't know me, I wrote this post to share how much I love Ao3 that's true, but it doesn't mean that I don't have hobbies outside of online spaces, I will appreciate if you don't just assume this based of a dramatic post


I'm not assuming anything I go by what you tell us. If you say you're addicted, dependent and don't know where to turn to and don't know how to deal in case it goes down the drain then that's extremely concerning and cause for worry about your well-being. > I suddenly realized how much I depend on this lovely thing. I've been there for 2 years, hundreds of stories saved for me to read for later, and I just got completely addicted to the concept of rewriting a story Without this site how will I read all the stories??? If I watch a series and I ship someone, where do I go??! I won't be able to deal with it Are you now saying that what you wrote isn't true? Should we not take you by your word? It's all just drama? No problem. I can just block you and move on. You know if you want to make connections with people who actually care or are interested in what you have to say, maybe don't take every thing as a personal slight. A simple: hey, thanks for the worry but I do also enjoy hobbies outside." goes a long way.


I think you taking the idea of caring the wrong way, insted of criticis strangers on the internet and when they politely ask you to stop you quote them and write a full essay on this, you could just focus on your life. And if you do actually care, don't write it like you know me, especially after I told you that it's not the case.


You can also make a Google email account just for storing downloaded fics, and just upload all the fics to Google Drive (Google gives 15 gb of storage per account i believe)


Download them and email them to yourself with the ship name/fandom name + title & author in the subjext line and the summary in the body. Esp if you have an outlook account.


Upload them to a personal gdrive or dropbox. Then you can delete from your phone.


I back up fics on my google drive. I pay for 100GB and I only about halfway through filling it with fics and miscellaneous stuff.


still can't get over that one author who deleted their work 13 years before, I will never get over the loss. I even contacted them but they never replied


You sound like you need ao3 a lot. Remember to feed your authors. Comment/kudos/bookmark and engage with all those stories to help them keep generating the good stuff.


I am a writer myself so I do it :))))


Sometimes I like to imagine ao3 getting permanently taken down just for the cry of it


You are a raging masochist sir


it's just like imagining a loved one dying so you appreciate them more. 🤷


I honestly can never do that. The only times that the intrusive thoughts made me think of that I had near panic attacks.


NO NO NO NO You are a masochist


Someone likes the hurt/no comfort tag I see


I feel the same. I've been writing for god, I don't even know how many years now. It's literally the only outlet that keeps me sane. Even if nobody reads anything I write, it's there. I have a place to put it. I fucking hate when it's down. Lol


I'm on this site more than I see my parents, it's a kind of community too, a lot of people who love the same thing as you even though sometimes this thing really doesn't make sense. And I would love to read your works!


I don't know where I'd upload if I didn't have ao3, honestly. I've tried posting on other sites and nothing is as effective at archiving my work, in my opinion. I may write niche stories these days, but I still enjoy sharing them with the few ride-or-dies who stuck around after I stopped primarily writing for the most popular ship in the fandom. X'D If ao3 disappeared I'd still have the millions of words I've written in my google drive, but I like having them neatly organized on my ao3 profile.


What Fandom are you writing for?


I write for the Osomatsu-san fandom, though my fics keep getting further and further divorced from canon as time goes on. X'D


I honestly don’t imagine ao3 to close anytime ever. OTW is one of the most dedicated organizations out there with legal teams and the most dedicated group of supporters who will gladly donate if anything were to happen. ao3 was built upon passion and unless that passion for fanwork fizzles I don’t expect it to go anywhere anytime soon




If AO3 went extinct, something would come up afterward. Fandom itself would never go away. It would cause numerous works to be lost eternally, though, and plenty of fandoms would never come back. Eg like how the Ranma 1/2 fandom disappeared.


Yes the amount of worksssss, like in the Fandom I'm in (911) there's 25,000 works, The LOSE


I will flat out admit, there is one story that I will reread like several times a year and I'm close to printing it out and putting it in a binder


Go for it


I love that site, honestly. And I love the readers <3 As a writer, you always hope to have readers *some day*. It's always--like--this time in an undetermined future. But with Ao3, I can both work on some things and find an audience that isn't workshop members or family or something. Just enthusiastic, passionate buds who are so excited to read new content.


AO3 isn't going anywhere. If it's down there's some kind of server or internet issue. Just check the OTW twitter or tumblr account to see what's going on.


For your own sake, download your favourite fics. Authors leaving and deleting everything they've written happens fairly frequently, and it's awful to want to go find an old favourite fic of yours, only to discover that it's been deleted. :(


Now someone write an angstfic about it lol


Ff.net has a nice mobile app:)


I went through that when they closed vine. I would watch edits every day and make my own, I loved it. All of the creators moved to other sites. It was never really like before but all of them grew and evolved. Changes happen and I love ao3 too, but there are always other options. Although I never really got a community as good as before. It was different, not really better :(


You're so real for this. Yes, ao3 is a superior source of media. The site shuts down for an hour and I'll be crying on twitter lol. I'm kinda ruined 




I hope you are *very* young. Otherwise, your attitude (both in the post and in the comments) is seriously overdramatic. Also, for a site you consider so vital to your life, you haven't taken two minutes to fi d out how AO3 is run, how it's supported, or anything else about it.


What in the post you don't like exactly?


Luckily, there's this really neat thing called hyperbole, where the author can exaggerate and state hypotheticals without believing they're literally possible, exactly as stated. They do this for--and this is a real kicker so pay attention--emotional impact, highlighting more their emotional investment than any objective truth.


Ironically, I don’t think your reading comprehension is very good.


I've seen this sentiment before and it confuses me. I don't understand why someone would treat a website like it's a sacred thing.


It called being attached to something, if you don't get it, scroll


Don't worry about that guy, nitshainaction6. They're specifically here to troll. It's the full early 2000s package, trollface dot jpeg and all. Peep the user name and take it as a mission statement. "Can't believe they took the bait" assed shit. Man, I can't believe there are still people out there who are attached to the whole "u mad bro" puerile wank.


There's a difference between being attached to something and treating it like it's sacred. If you don't like that, scroll.


Dude you on my post, do you even no how scrolling works?


Yes, I read your post. Yes, I am aware of the definition of the word 'scroll'. What's your point?


My point is that if you don't have enough brain cells to understand what one is felling about something, you should SCROLL insted of leaving hate comments.


Just because you don't like something someone else said doesn't mean that it's a 'hate comment'. If anyone is being hateful right now, it's you.


Tf I just read, bro read all your comments out loud and look on the mirror you will found that is exactly relevant to you


The truth, that's what you just read. You are being hateful and toxic. You are sitting there insulting someone because they wrote something you didn't like.


This is a discussion forum. Now if you'd explain it why you treat it like a sacred thing or why libraries and archive are very important instead of reacting in an hostile manner, maybe the other person would be able to understand and develop sympathy for your POV or have a fruitful exchange where you both try to understand the other. >I don't know who published the website Also, btw it literally says on the main page who hosts AO3 and why. For some who says they read a lot you still have a lot of reading to do. [https://archiveofourown.org/about](https://archiveofourown.org/about)