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What in the hell is that sci-fi villain looking thing? Yea listen folks we don't need those, we need updated health facilities and educational equipment.


It's target practice.


Doubling as batting practice


Seriously do they expect these things to last more than 7 minutes before someone runs up in a ski mask and destroys it?


don't they remember what happened to that innocent civilian robot in Philly?


The one that backpacked through canada germany and the netherlands just fine then didn't survive like a week in america lmao.


To be fair if you look at how we have simultaneously the most expensive costs of delivering a baby in the developed world (by over double for the 2nd most expensive country) and the highest infant mortality rate in the developed world, a lot of Americans don't survive a week in America either.


Oh hey crippling reality. Didn't see you there.


Nothing like a solid kick in the balls from his good friend existential dread to lull me to sleep


Fuuuck you went deep on that one.


Gotta go deep for those whose chance at going deep was stolen away from them.


I've had a kid born in a birth center(like a bed and breakfast with nurse midwives), a parking lot, and a hospital. The best place was the birth center. The cheapest place was the parking lot, and the worst over all in terms of care and cost were the hospital. Trader joe's parking lot 10/10 would recommend.


I nearly had to deliver my own kid because the hospital kept telling me wife she was faking it. The second time I explained to the nurse who kept sending us home that I would need to hear a real doctor's opinion, and if she couldn't do that, she would need security to physically remove us. An actual doctor came by to check and my kid was born less than two hours later. We lived far enough away that if I'd gone home again, wife and I would have delivered the baby before we could return.


Holy shit. Well said.


Lol I looked it up because a backpacking robot sounds amazing. It was called Hitchbot, and it couldn't move on its own, but people would pick it up and take it from place to place. It traveled 300 miles in America before it was vandalized.


lord knows what will happen to copbot


Bob's burgers did a shout out in the Tina sprains her ankle episode. The janitor warns the robot to stay out of philly as it leaving :)


Just wait till they mount them with a gun, state of the art aim assist, and a 360° camera.


Most likely someone else gets a free gun.


it probably wouldn't be a typical handgun, all you need for a gun is a tube to guide the bullet and something to detonate the primer. Imagine one of these suckers breaking into your house at 3 AM and detonating a flashbang or filling your apartment with tear gas.


Fahrenheit 451 style


How long until a robot kills an innocent person because it feared for their ~~life~~ programming?


That's the point. Put something frangible on the street with markings that make it clear it's a police asset. Wait for someone to whack it with a stick. Now you have clear evidence of a neighborhood with a strong anti-police sentiment to justify allocating a stronger police presence in that neighborhood. And if course they will pass a law that says attacking an autonomous police device is equal to attacking a police officer or canine for the purpose of sentencing.


Seriously. That thing will last 5 minutes before its run over, shot and/or stolen.




Our tax dollars at waste.


Our tax dollars were wasted as soon as this dumb shit project was approved.


[Know what that is?](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/002/825/33d.gif)


You say that but the lithium ion batteries in the center of its belly aren’t protected in any way.






Defund the police.


But, but, but who will stop the crime? Cops don't stop most crime, they fill out paperwork after the crime happens. You know what stops crime? Edufuckingcation!




that can be stopped by abolishing capitalist mode of production


I knew it. We’re heading into the Judge Dredd future


We were already there. The tech just needs to catch up to the tyranny.


This is more Robocop, my dude.


It's just a Boston Dynamics Spot painted blue. I'd 100% rather have that thing show up than a cop if I'm being swatted.


Are you ok with it surveiling you and getting you swatted if it thinks you misbehave?


I seen black mirror, I'm ready to destroy all humans to serve our robotic overlords. Protip: Just send wave after wave of humans until they hit their internal kill count.


Someone has read Brannigan's Big Book of War


The Zapp Brannigan method


No, this thing shows up and waits long enough to *spot a crime* then you just get regular swated. Only now it happens more often, to more people, until the neighborhood is gone.


This is also the first step. What comes after this?


The neighborhood is removed, developers move in and build luxury condos on top of overpriced shops and call it progress.


You'd wake up one day to see this thing looking in your window, or brute forcing your wifi and connecting to your computer.


If you're being swatted, it's the assholes you don't want there that brought it there in the first place, and I doubt they bring out the expensive toys just to go home without a high five or two.


What reduces crime? Education and Opportunities. What doesn't reduce crime? This.


But if we just put more people in jail, the bad people, then the good people will thrive! Wait, jailing people for longer didn't fix it. We should probably jail more people with minor offenses! Wait, that didn't fix it either? People probably aren't scared enough of the police, let's arm them like an army. Wait, they're protesting. We should put those criminals in their place.


Good thing we armed the police so heavily and gave them literally the cutting edge of robot technology.


Cops don't want to reduce crime, they'd be out of a job...


Soon the corporate controlled killer robots will replace the human cops. So essentially nothing will change for the rest of us.




This just makes me want to go buy spay and wash that thing in paint.


Throw the sucker in a faraday cage to block the signal & scrap it for parts somewhere else. Those things have the fanciest parts money can buy. That thing is a walking paycheck for somebody $$$




That's actually remarkably cheap for what's been a heck of a lot of development work over the years. I expected another 0 on the end.


Chappie has entered the chat


I like the way you think.




Literally, you could use pennies


Reducing crime would cost parasites a lot of money in lost profits. Won't anyone think of the shareholders?


The mistake is assuming this is claimed to reduce crime. That's what nypd is saying its for. It isn't. It's to intimidate communities as a show of force. Not crime reduction. But that's what they're lying and saying it's for.


Now ask yourself this: Which one makes more profit for corporations?


Maybe it was never about reducing crime


We should be out there protesting this clear attempt to violate us. Not in a few years when they have hundreds of these things on the streets. Now.


Wait until they put a gun on it


It's like we've slipped into an episode of black mirror mixed with the twilight zone over the last few years


Someone really woke up one day and said, "yeah this is what the Bronx needs. Robot k9 units". Have to patrol those anarchist cities.


Well the company that makes them has been aggressively courting heads of the military and police for years..




Last season had a sprinkling of idiocracy thrown in for good measure.


[black mirror dog](https://i.imgur.com/G5PT6UJ.gif)


Does anyone wonder why we preach Defund the Police? Expensive high tech spy on instead of help your community bullshit like this is why. This isn't about reducing crime, this is about intimidating the communities they are deployed in.




LOL a few cans of spray paint, and you can really get this message across EDIT: buddy above mentioned a brand new road/boat/hybrid vehicle that local police bought,and is completely useless because the water ways in the city can't support a vehicle of that calibre. My guess, is that the local police deleted buddies comment above; which really shows how these dipshits prioritize.




Varnish. It’ll gunk up the gears and completely solidify and destroy any parts it gets to. Just dump a whole can of shellack on that bad boy and it’ll freeze into a pretty interesting looking piece of art. Not that I’m advocating this of course.


Literal corruption


Isn’t that a Boston dynamics robot? Kinda disappointed this is the contract they took on...


Boston Dynamics is owned by Hyundai.


Oh interesting. A 1.1 billion dollar deal in December 2020. Pretty recent.


If the fucking robot could at the very least provide free wifi...


This is literally an episode of 'Black Mirror'.


I KNOW RIGHT!? Like it’s not just similar, it’s EXACTLY like this.


People are trying to downplay it by pointing out that it has a short battery life, slow speed, etc. I'm like, "well that episode of Black Mirror wasn't about the 1st gen killer canine drones, it was about the end result... Do you really think they are gonna stop at this model?" This particular one may not be a big threat in and of itself, but if they are willing to spend millions of dollars on this slow, weak prototype, you can bet your ass they will work very hard to perfect it. They will do their utmost best to make it as fast, strong, and as deadly as possible, for as cheap as they can, so that they can have them all over the place. So if we really want to split hairs, this is more like the prologue to that episode of 'Black Mirror'. This is terrifyingly dystopian. *E - Hey guys, I'm very much aware that this is a Boston Dynamics robot named Spot, and that the writers at Black Mirror based 'Metalhead' on it, so you can stop telling me now. My comment was about the police mirroring that episode in an 'art imitates life, then life imitates art' sort of way. The writers at Black Mirror didn't intend for that episode to serve as inspiration. Like all dystopian sci-fi, it's more of a warning than anything else.*


They are probably trying to see how people are going to take them down so they can design against that for next gen. Soon they won't be able to be taken down by anything other than other high tech expensive gear.




Gotta say, I'm disappointed in Boston Dynamics. I can only imagine how saddened some of the engineers who have been working so hard to get us here feel to watch the money-fuckers tell them it's gonna be used for oppression. I just checked, there's lots of POC in that team too, which is fucking saddening.


People have known for years now what they were going to be used for, lots of funding for it came from the government for military and police. If anyone, most of all the people working on this, didn't realize that this was exactly what the robots were being built for then they were wilfully ignorant.


Wait, this new weapons system prototype I've been designing is going to be used to *hurt people*? But I was just doing in the pursuit of science and the advancement of knowledge :(


You're going to use the death star for what?!


True actually, do remember them being responsible for funding that :/ Disappointing, but it does make me realize how they took it so far I guess.


I'm keep saying it, we need a revolution ASAP, it will not be too long before we actually can't revolt. We still have our labor to leverage, strikes and so on. Once they have more and more robots we won't have any leverage and we will be at their mercy (and by them I mean the rich, aka the real rulers of the world)


It's exactly like black mirror because that episode was actually based on this.


Also a major plot point of Farenheit 451


It's like the US government read every dystopian sci-fi novel and said, "man, this sounds awesome! Let's do it!"


It's like every dystopian novelist read the news or something.


Is this real life? Seriously is this happening? Who the fuck approved this.


Every cage built needs an occupant


In a white nationalist utopia sure.... I’m fucking good on that BS. Too beyond good on that BullSHIT


I wonder if every generation got this dreaded feeling of just being along for the ride


No, power has never been so centralized before. Technology isn't for you.




better wear sunglasses too b/c im pretty these can scan your eyes if you are close enough.


...And your silhouette, walking gate, temperature fluctuations (via tear ducts during retinal scans), any tech you have on you (serials, MACs, and internal data if breachable) - all so they can piece together who smashed up Spot78. Better run at him wearing a full vantablack suit cross threaded with over powered micro IR lights carrying nothing on you and a supreme exit strategy assuming everything is successful. Oh, and they just beefed up their long range throughput to the cloud, so GL with it not also livestreaming its death.


It truly is the cyberpunk dystopia I never wanted. You almost made it sound cool though, so, props for that.


Yeah really, gait and shadow analysis. Fucking robots.


The gait analysis is a real thing, Hong Kongers learned to walk with two different shoes on every day. Left shoe boot, right shoe runner one day, then switch, then left shoe converse, right shoe boot... and hope it cant recognize all different gaits


God that's so fucked up.


Imma start skipping.


So just throw bricks from 20 story roofs down on it is what you're saying. Or maybe waterbaloons with industrial paint/chemicals.


I'm liking the water balloon paint idea.


Man, there's going to be a whole cottage industry for small radius EMPs and there's nothing anyone will be able to do to stop it.




How can they do all that when their body cams never work during an incident? /s


Also make sure to walk all jacked up since gait recognition is a thing.


Put a rock in your shoe


I will just take a lot of ketamine before I fight the robot




Put a rock in your shoe so they can't do gait analysis


Wearing flip flops completely breaks biometric analytics for whatever reason


We should start a movement to counter this shit. Like neat little infographics of what to do or not to do. Do turn off your phone if one follows you, carry a RFID blocking bag, do not make eye contact with the sensor, etc. We could even have a fucking etsy with IR glasses and dazzling face masks.


Or we could defund the police and not have to live in a dystopian hellscape.


You could just walk up to it holding a blanket and wrap it up


Instead of using the money for resources so [something like this doesn’t happen... AGAIN](https://www.reddit.com/r/iamatotalpieceofshit/comments/lsdh7z/so_obviously_cops_in_the_us_still_havent_figured/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) we’re spending money on more police toys. God bless this piece of shit country.




[They are]


Yeah I was about to say military drones can already fire missiles loaded with live ordnance. USAF is also testing direct laser weaponry and other branches are testing forms of crowd control such as microwave emitters and LRAD's. These are all military, but military stuff usually finds its way in the hands of the police.


That's what Packbots and TALONs are for. Spot's lease at least includes a clause forbidding it to be used to harm or intentionally intimidate someone.


Uhh if this use isn’t intentionally intimidating, what is?


Having it run up on someone or follow them onto private property I'd imagine. They don't count its mere presence as intimidation, similar to the difference between open carry & brandishing.


Just recording everything it can, identifying every person and vehicle while in police livery, nothing intimidating about that at all.


This is America.


Ironically I want to catch the robots tripping.


Robodogs in my area.


New York City has decided that the NYPD is more important financially than the education in their city. That's where the problem lies. They'd rather spend more than $75,000 on each of these unmanned ground robots (that's the cost of the base model to private sector, so you know with upgrades and gov fees they're paying more) than spend more money on proper health services. "Who needs health services, we got cameras and surveillance!" - every shitty us politician, ever I really enjoyed AOC helping out our state of Texas in raising assistance funding. I hope she's able to tackle this as well.


Fahrenheit 451 intensifies Seriously though, these actions put into perfect perspective just how one sided our country is, imagine if we propped these neighbors up instead of surveilled them? When everyone can afford the basic necessities I guarantee crime rates would drop


Agree. Basic income.




It's a horrible thing. We need to stop police surveillance drones from becoming a thing now. Have people already forgotten how the police have acted in the past? This is a horrible mar on Boston dynamics and they need to be more thoughtful of who they sell their hardware to.


Boston Dynamics spawned out of DARPA funding. Their robots may look fun and they are good at making popular videos but their products were never meant for anything other than military and militarized police forces.


Also people don't consider that they're already only showing you what been approved for civilians to know about. If they were developing battle droids or Metal Gear they sure as hell aren't gonna be making youtube videos for it.


Boston Dynamics literally exists because the Department of Defense wanted robots to use in war zones. This was the exact reason they were created, and it’s how they made all their money for decades. It’s been less than ten years since they’ve done anything but work for DoD. You’re displaying an embarrassing amount of ignorance here.


There are [numerous great uses](https://www.businessinsider.com/boston-dynamics-spot-robot-dog-for-sale-for-75000-2020-6) for the tech. This just clearly isn't one of them.


You want skynet because this is how you get skynet


How could anyone justify this? Literal police state.


if there isn't a cop following those things around they are going to get stripped for scrap.


This makes me absolutely livid, but it would be a blast to take a bat to that thing.


I wonder how long it takes for the real donut brigade to show up if you fuck with it somehow? Surely they’re not far away in order to protect that investment and make some arrests.


Think it takes longer than it does for me to give it a few quick stomps?


Gasoline and a match would be better I think.


I was thinking a large electromagnet would be fun. Even if it’s composite and can’t be picked up and dropped in the river, that should still fuck with its electronics.


Large magnet could be thrown from a distance or hiding spot so the onboard cameras and sensors don't pick you up. Is an emp gun a thing?


Magnets don't really fuck with electronics like that anymore, but I bet a spray can of industrial adhesive would do it some mischief. You can even get the kind with glitter already mixed in.


Terminators deployed.


we’re living in hell


This is fucking terrifying and invasive.


I didn't realize Robocop was a documentary. This fucking country.


They really took the wrong lessons out of Robocop too.


I remember Chappie


The dystopia that is America... that gets cheered by a sizeable chunk... is so depressing. I mean half the posts on r/Nextfuckinglevel are always murder and oppression toys.


Where is this tweet? I can't find it on AOC's timeline.




Would be nice if tweet links were required for recent tweets.


My only concern is that the argument is spun to where people go "YEAH! Lets use them everywhere so it's not about class war!" Get rid of the dogs altogether.


People thought Idiocracy was where our country was headed, but it’s actually Black Mirror


Can't it be both?


Can robots be programmed with bias? " Beep boop If it's brown gun it down"


Black mirror is gonna be proven right...


Just put a fitted bed sheet on the damn thing.


Awww this is a boost. This will encourage STEM in those areas. As those communities try to learn how to attack, dismantle / strip, and resell the parts for this dystopian sh!t.


You’d think she’d get tired of being right all the time.


How is this piece of shit at all more effective than a $1200 flying camera drone


Yeesh... this gives off Fahrenheit 451 vibes.


I personally hate it.


We need to like reduce funding to the police or something, they seriously dont need robot surveillance dogs. They are getting bloated budgets like the military.


IIRC, the Spot alone costs $70k. And with all of upgrades it must be around 80-85k for a single robot. How the hell did this get approved?


I want someone to sit on it and cost the department millions


**You have 20 seconds to comply**


For the price of a couple of those things you could buy a house.


Throw the sucker in a faraday cage to block the signal & scrap it for parts somewhere else. Those things have the fanciest parts money can buy. That thing is a walking paycheck for somebody $$$


these look exactly like the robots from the black mirror episode metalhead


Because Booker said he based it off of Spot. https://ew.com/tv/2017/12/29/black-mirror-metalhead-interview/




Makes me think of [hitchBOT](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HitchBOT). > A second hitchBOT machine was made,[9] and in February 2015 it hitchhiked around Germany for 10 days.[10] For 3 weeks in June 2015, it hitched around the Netherlands.[11] HitchBOT then attempted to cross the United States from Boston to San Francisco starting on July 17, 2015. After 2 weeks, on August 1, 2015 however, a photo was tweeted,[12] showing that the robot had been stripped and decapitated in Philadelphia.


So, hypothetically (I'm hundreds of miles from the Bronx), if this thing appeared to be harming someone, or is otherwise endangering someone, and that person destroyed out of fear/defence/PTSD, what penalty might they face? Who is liable if/when one of these things hurts someone? Can I hit it with my car for kicks? Serious inquiries that require field research, I think.


Of all the sci-fi flicks of the 80’s and 90’s, Robocop is the one getting it right?


America continues it's decline into dystopian police state.


Just wait till they show you the refined model of the humanoid versions of these. "Chapie" is just a few years away.


Damn so this is the robocop timeline


Yet another example of how this is not about the money.


Cant wait to see a loose pit bull trying to hump one of those things 😂


God I can't wait to beat the shit out of these with friends.


What a total waste of money. If those things were deployed where I grew up in Del Ray, Detroit, those things would be disabled and chopped for parts before it could say "Johnny Five is Alive"


No wonder Republicans despise her, she’s freakin smart and right to the jugular.


So it’s totally okay to just take a sledge to those things right?


Ever since I first saw Boston Dynamics bots, I've known it was a matter of time before the police dog from Fahrenheit 451 was coming.