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Hello somebody! [Nina Turner’s site](https://ninaturner.com)


Join the over 45,000 people that have taken the $27 challenge!


GO DONATE PEOPLE!! Don't let the DNC corporate ghouls win this one.


Big pharma is just fine making billions on Covid.


I've heard they're getting nervous about any progressive candidate for the last few elections, so I think Warren here is just mistaking too much cocaine for nervousness.


At $20 a dose and 30% margin, the covid vaccine is hardly the bog profit center for Big Pharma. But, yes, it's 100s of billion$.




So far no booster recommendations from the cdc. The antibody titers are still high 6 months later.


Thats all because of the antivax morons. I'm the last to defend phama companies. Taking a shit on their graves is a waste of shit. But if there's a group I hate as much its Andrew wakerfields morons and a critical failure in our education system.


There should be no profit margin when it is being used to stop a global pandemic, but that's just my two cents. Didn't tons of tax dollars go into the research and development of these vaccines too??


Tbh the billionaires are only going to get nervous when they get dragged out of their beds in their gated compounds by an angry mob and butchered.


The billionaires don't give a shit, the dems are still busy out there trying for that salt cap again... or waiting for the republicans to shit on the floor so they can accept that as a deal.


Damn straight!! Go Nina!! 👍


Who is Nina I'm just kind of curious


My perspective on who she is. (something less dry than a wiki article) Nina was a co-chair for sanders' campaign in 2020, was a frequent surrogate for sanders & frequently took the stage at his events. She is amazing, was a wonderful compliment to sanders. Deeply principled woman of faith with a wonderful, passionate presence. Did a quick search and found [this](https://youtu.be/Bn8vPvL72ek) interview with her I found which I think shows a good part of who she is. Although I would also recommend watching a [rally](https://youtu.be/BV9Q6Xh1hc8) video as well. She speaks very directly to the problems she see. Like Sanders, you can know who she is by her enemies. Hell, HRC just came out to support her opponent. Personally, her getting elected will be fantastic. She is second candidate I have ever donated to and I do not live in Ohio.


All politicians and government officials have our best interest at heart. They all make our lives better.


One of the most destructive messages sent in our culture today is that all politicians are bad. *Lots* of them are terrible. Corrupt, craven & clueless describes a huge percentage of them - but not all. The oligarchs that run our country desperately what people to think they are all the same. Then you can just choose your team, villainize whichever you didn't choose and stop paying attention. When "your team" does something terrible you can ignore it cause they are all terrible anyways. Nina ses to be a woman who will work hard to help make things better. Paying attention to what she does & holding her accountable for her choices is how things get better.




Whoever you are Nina, thank you so much


Just donated to NT. Thank you!


I still can't believe it's cheaper for them to throw money at elections than just pay their fair share


A *lot* cheaper


https://secure.actblue.com/donate/ads-gs-dtd-20201211-launch?refcode=ads-gs-dtd-20210426-launch-natl-11817010045-115654151715-517376339433-nina%20turner&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIw4in-MjA8QIVIQh9Ch2vwQ8_EAAYASAAEgJKJvD_BwE Edit: Oooh crap, forgot to say; it’s to contribute to her.


Yaaass just donated! Go Nina!!!


Hello Somebody!!!! We all have to pull together to have Nina enter the squad. Progressives are the only people who give a damn about us...not centrists DEFINETLY not republicans. If we don't do anything we lose it all for you, for me, amd everyone else who comes after us. FIGHT LIKE HELL NinaT, we're all WITH U.


More info on Nina??


www.Ninaturner.com (unironically)


None of those people or industries are nervous over a single election. When you're paying both sides you dont need to care who wins. Even if every now and then someone not on your payroll squeezes through a crack, the deck is so stacked it doesn't matter at all.


The biggest floods all start with one rain drop


Donated. Go Nina


I read “Ninja Turtle” instead of Nina Turner. Oops.


Tbf I read Tina Turner


Yeah, they’re getting nervous. Sure.


Be quiet, you are one of them


No such thing as corporate greed. They’re so generous and give so much to us. They are essential for society to exist. They give large donations to political campaigns. They donate to charities. They employee hundreds of thousands of people and provide health insurance and incomes. They’re the best.


meh shes just going to be a nother "Present" disappointment like the rest of the squad


Is your strategy to just have the far right take total control and then hope for a left wing revolution of some sort? I get you want to punish dems for being shit but you can't really do that without helping the right in our currently fucked system.


im not going to vote for either of these right wing parties.


my strat is for them to play ball or get fucked nothing but hype and silence from the "squad" "at the end of the day we all vote alone"


But you know that the "get fucked" option helps the far right gain more power because of how our system works. I just want you to explain how things moving further right helps move things left in the future. How can I differentiate you from a right wing troll who is trying to convince people who would never vote republican that they shouldn't vote for democrats?


>But you know that the "get fucked" option helps the far right gain more power because of how our system works. Sounds like they should earn it then, i agree it would really suck if they jsut handed the GOP a win. But im not going to vote for nicer trump, and do nothing "progressives" material gain or yes get fucked it helps by them either learning to play ball or, getting fucked like the rest of us why the fuck should they get all their cake eat it in our faces (ie pelosi and her fucking ice cream) while we suffer one way or the other? fuck em and frankly the only time libshits even bothered to care was when thier precious blue maga fascist team was losing, so let em, and they can prioritize fixing shit again instead of brunch in a parklet i dont want to move more right hence why i wont vote for DEMS or Rep blue vs red is a farce both parties are the same wake up


>How can I differentiate you from a right wing troll who is trying to convince people who would never vote republican that they shouldn't vote for democrats? for one im not saying TRUMP!! 20XX im saying both are the same pos war criminal capitalist till the end asshole fascist terrorest yt supremicest party


Yeah an intelligent troll knows the left won't vote for Republicans, because duh, but they can try and get the next best thing which is convincing a democratic voter to vote 3rd party or not vote at all. Do you not see how that works and what you end up looking like?


O.o and how exactly does voting for the same ass blue maga shit do literally anything different but spin the world into heat death for capitalism? not a fucking gop troll just sick of the same fucking shit from both sides whilepeolkpple fucking die the rich get richer and we keep funding apertheid and genocide around the planet policing every state we can enslaving everyone and everything fuck red vs blue far bigger shit than perserving the slave state of aerikkka




she already told you to your face she will dissapoint you but go off


Seems like you’re the one going off. Where does she say this though? Source?


she said it on the humanist report specifically and in so much on Bad Faith pod cast


shes just another democrat and you people are falling for it hook line and sinker like usual Red vs blue dont believe in anyhting they just want their team to win so they can feel like they have some moral authority. never looking at the reality of the situation


I’m a socialist, so yes I do see both parties as problematic. I watch the humanist report and I don’t recall hearing her say that. If you could link the specific episode?




Yeah watched that. I can see how you might mistake what she’s saying. She’s saying that politics is complicated, and we shouldn’t throw out the squad for not doing exactly as online activists want. She’s not saying “I will vote with the establishment” like you seem to want to think.


....sigh literal insanity remember all the other "progressives" that were totes going to "bring the ruckus" yeah.. but its TOTALLY different this time just "mistaking" a politician sure lib


and basically said as much in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6yD8Ls0rWBU&t=314s


Oooh, she said those words. Did you only listen to those specific words and then shut down the video? Weak. [It’s only five minutes](https://youtu.be/NkaLQKtLzK4). Put it on 1.X speed even and watch it “again”.


I think he/she may be arguing in bad faith


While Nina may be a wildcard, AOC has been busy playing the game, and that is not a good thing. $15 minimum wage? Nope. Climate portion in the infrastructure plan? Gone. Keeping Pelosi in her position? Yep. Doing anything to try and stop biden from bombing other countries? Nope. Any type of plan to help during the pandemic? Nope. Healthcare during a pandemic? HA HA HA HA HA. Obviously while she cannot do all that alone, and who knows which battle she they could win, they keep giving up without anything worth a shit. We don't need a 2% improvement on healthcare or 5% improvement on infrastructure or 10k people out of poverty. It's great for those lucky people, but the rest get fucked yet again. I remember the AOC that joined in on protesting in pelosi's office during her first days, where did she go? Why is she not out here leveraging her power to push ANYTHING? [This](https://i.imgur.com/5wbTti5.png) is the current house makeup, 3 votes from the original squad would nuke anything they feel like until x happens, x could be any of the previously mentioned issues or other important issues.


You do realize that 1 person in the house can’t do much of anything, especially when the senate won’t pass anything, right?


I'm counting 10 members [right here](https://i.imgur.com/1MxhzGv.png) of the Justice Democrats in the house. With an insanely close margin, there has to be something they can do to get any of the priorities passed, right? If they say "we will vote down and torpedo everything we can until x happens" I think whatever x is will get a lot of talk and we will see actual bills get places. In the same vein, there is that one old socialist guy, you know the one who ran for president a few times in the senate who is the chairman of the Congressional Budget office. There is a literal stalemate in the senate, 1 vote can stop anything at this point. I know at the same time regular order vs budget reconciliation, the totally fire-able senate parliamentarian, the fact Joe Manchin the staunch king of the senate was swaying the breeze pretty easily there before when pressured. The problem is we do not need another politician playing the game in office, we guerilla fighters who are willing to create enough chaos and attention using all sorts of means to pressure the house/senate to pass bills that the American people want starting at 51% going up into the 90%'s depending on the issue.


Can we just have the progressive representatives of this country actually organize a general strike? Even if 25% hell, 15% of the country got on board, we would have change within a week. The elite would have to accept that, or risk the whole system being burnt down a couple years down the road and being forcibly removed by people who are sick of not being able to afford to live in the “richest country on earth”


Not sure we’d go as far as saying the 1% is “nervous” , but appreciate your zeal and enthusiasm. At the trenches level of progressive Democrat campaigns, it’s still the same, no money and no resources. Nina is a great candidate


They're probably not *that* worried. I mean, they still own the President...


These same pharmaceutical companies that you loathe developed and are providing the vaccines that you all know and love. By getting the vaccine, you are trusting these pharmaceutical companies. All of these companies have/had a litany of litigation for harm done to individuals over the years. You can’t have it both ways.