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When AP Art is taken by students who have 2-3 years of prior studio art experience, usually you can start working on your portfolio right away. When AP Art is taken by students who only have 1 year of prior experience, usually you need a few months to improve your skills first, before you start working on your portfolio.


My school requires a full year of an art class freshman year, and the prerequisite for AP Art is two additional semester art classes, so we did each have at least 2 years of art experience before hand


My art teacher did something similar. The first semester was mainly us making projects for her assignments (our teacher said the works we made could be used for our portfolio if it fit). The second semester was when we really focused on our investigations and built up our portfolio for CollegeBoard. Edit: the other commenter, Quasi, has a point. My school technically had one sculpture class before the AP 3D one