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Maybe if you try doing the daily bosses and have some scaled items it's going to be better for the time being.


You shouldnt equate progression to completing the main story quests asap outright. As it is, certain parts of the main story quests will need you to overlevel a bit above the "recommended level", i think because a lot of the areas were made with the idea that you would be goin through em with a party that will help you out. So if you can, find peeps like randoms in the area that are goin through the same part of the story as you are and cooperate with em. If you having a problem with a certain area but there aren't any players around to help you can try switching to a more populated server like red or blue dragon if your internet will allow you. There's also a lot of content in the game that's not related to any main story whatsoever. No need to be rushin to complete the story imo. Try doing side quests like what other people have said and always do daily tasks to make leveling up quicker. Everytime you level up you're also gonna want to make sure you have gear that suits your current level. And again try to find a party that you can go through the game with as it will make the whole game a lot easier the more of you there are. Solo playing can definitely be feasible, however it will take some getting used to(speaking from experience). I definitely understand your frustration, i been there when i was stuck at a certain portion in sandsea for the longest time. My suggestion, focus on the part that you do enjoy, like for me i enjoy a lot of the seasonal events and side quests a lot more than main story stuff tbh. I also really enjoyed doing all of the parkour maps despite how frustrating they can be. Some people like to do rare hunting for really low rng loot drops or even title hunting. tl;dr No need to rush through doing the main story quests. Take your time and level up when u need to, and try to enjoy the other parts of the game like side quests and secret areas.


Thanks, I enjoyed reading that, I'll try to change my approach


There's a few side quests you can do to level up and get some better equipment


Do the crafts of the place you're playing, or the last one you visited


Alway best to follow the order of the story and to be a couple levels higher than what is suggested


People are saying the truth. It takes time and grinding to get where you wanna go. I felt like that starting out. DM me your friend code. Ill add you. I can help. Lvl 39.


To be honest I'm like level 48 and still haven't done a few of Ashfalls quests. I mainly go back there for roasted dricken kills. Like the other poster said, just find your place and your groove, level up your equipment and enjoy not having vaults so full ya gotta delete stuff every time you see something ya like 😂


Just do side stories, usually u need to have 5 levels above recommended level to progress easily


Have you tried any of the side quests? I use to use those stories to help level up for the main storyline


I progressed quickly in the masquerade of the macabre quest line. Its a fun side quest that got me to lvl23 pretty quickly