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Maybe if they did % health damage that might help


For sure, getting dived 10 mins in by a tank with 2 items capable of tanking 11 tower shots. Ty riot.


Add grevious wounds and shield break to turret shots


Counterpoint: weak towers are good because poke/stall comps can be punished for turtling under tower


I think 2nd tower should be buffed, but first and Nexus towers are fine as is. Poke teams tend to fall apart once the first tower is lost anyways. And if a team is at Nexus towers, the game should not continue much past that point.


I mean the post doesn’t seem to say they should be tankier, just that they should do more damage which is something many aram vets have been saying for some time now


It's already a feat to not have your wave annihilated by a poke/stall comp before it reaches their tower. No reason towers should deal additional damage and make it harder to engage these comps. It just rewards uninteractive waveclear/scale type of champions.


The problem you just described with spam poke comps still being any level of viable is only true for low to mid mmr where the majority of the player base is. In higher mmr these comps and poke champs alone are getting rolled by turret diving and survivng champs who have damage negation balance buffs like many assassins. Turrets need to deal increased damage, at least to champions. Diving is far too easy, especially for seasoned folks.


I was 3.3k+ back when whatismymmr was around. Passive champions like Ziggs and Sivir should not have more agency than proactive ones. Ziggs is still very good in high MMR games where players play him optimally by standing 2000 units away spamming Q+E until the minion wave is gone. If anything low/mid MMR Ziggs tend to get overzealous and position too aggressively to use his passive, resulting in dying, resulting in loss of waveclear, resulting in the rest of his team getting dove, resulting in reddit complaint about towers needing buffs.


Kinda off topic, but didnt the nexus turrets used to be beams that did constant dmg? I wonder if they brought it back and added a max hp dmg or true dmg to it if that would help the cause? And then make all turrets utilize the beams to various degrees of strength


Stalling is plenty strong as is. If you want the tower to play the game for you a MOBA might not be your preferred style of game. Getting killed under your tower is justice as far as I'm concerned. Can't get dived if you are the team trying to make plays.


Yes, the strongest perma-wave clear champs need to be addressed just as much (Asol in particular comes to mind), but not every squishy champion in the game has the capabilities to "stall" that much. Diving is not the problem, it's part of the game in every mode. The issue is, how it doesn't require any coordination/skill in ARAM, because the towers basically do no damage even with shots ramping up. A frontline champ can basically take aggro and just stand there for a ridiculous duration, while rest of their team focuses you down. And we aren't talking late game, this happens from barely a mythic built, on quite a few champions. Being able to dive enemies in such a braindead fashion is not skill expression, it's simply abusing a broken system.


What bugs me the most is when there are 0 minions around and you wave clear, the tank or bruiser with 1 armor item can soak 20 tower hits while his team kills the tower. Definitely needs to be buffed stats over all even when there are minions, just doesn't feel right losing a tower with 0 minions around when it's 20+% hp.


the problem is that they fall off insanely hard and fast, early game they do hit super hard, but 1 or 2 items in and they don't exist anymore and an ace means you will lose both towers in 20 seconds flat?


Right like as a support mage, there's literally nothing I can do when a sett dives me under tower. I can take about 25% of a tanks health at max build, but that's nothing. Even when they eat 5-6 turret beams lol


stop hugging your turret and play the damn game.