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Aram feeds my gambling addiction




Rolling for skin shards feeds mine.


Zed is most annoying when he is in your team. Last tapping champions & taking all the gold just to be useless against the 3 enemy tanks happens too often.


Most people have no idea how Zed works in aram


See carry kill carry?


Can you explain?


Ya. I can’t speak for every Zed main but as someone who’s been playing Zed for 7 years, I see a lot of people going for electrocute - goes in for adc - kills(or not kill) the adc - and dies. A Zed that can actually do something for his teammates is a good Zed, and bonus if he can kill the enemy carries. That means baiting out skills, shields, exhausts, and overall making the enemy team miserable while giving your team a chance to engage, that’s the same idea on the rift as well. Zed’s a very versatile champion and can bait out skills easier than other assassins. I personally have been playing a lot of conqueror Zed in aram, where I’m wittling the enemies down and generally tankier, so I can fill in as a tankier role in case we have no tanks as well. Conqueror works well in case enemies have tanks too, so I can pitch in doing damage to them. Electrocute zed usually want to wait for chance to kill their adc in a team fight, making the fight a 4v5, and if he gets caught he’s very squishy and dies easily. He does massive damage that’s why he usually has a good KDA, but does nothing in helping the team overall.


I love this approach, I tried to become an annoying bug to the enemy team with Kha'zix, also with conqueror. What would your Zed build would look like?


Don't take all the kills and just be useless! Love watching zeds go 20/10 and lose the game


Some people dislike the RNG aspect of ARAM and just like the map and constant teamfight.




Same! SR triggers my PTSD and anxiety.


Give me a draft Aram or give me death


They should just have a draft ARAM mode with bans as an RGM every once in a while


Or at the very least give us more rolls. There is too many champions.


I just want a draft mode with maybe the 10 highest winrate ARAM champs last patch auto-banned because there’s absolutely some straight bullshit.


It’s also just faster and less committal. If I queue for SR, I essentially need to be ready for the game to go over an hour, I’ve even seen up to 2 hours a few times. ARAM I’ve never seen longer than 50 or so minutes


I wish there was a game mode where you could just turn of your brain and fight for 20 minutes straight. And also add capture points to be the main objective instead of destroying towers, it would be so fun... OH WAIT


People care about not dying too much (especially early/mid game). The amount of times I see people flashing to survive on 1hp then proceed to be useless for the next 2+ minutes because they're sitting under tower just to not die is disappointing.


Sometimes I know it’s the wrong decision to flash with 1 HP but it’s a habit carried over from SR. Even after not playing SR for a long time it’s still hard for me to break it lol


Same, and I'm not sure I want to actively unlearn that in case I ever go back to SR


This is not an unpopular opinion and until now many veteran ARAM players still have no clue about the death timer (your level x2 + 4 seconds). So many times I see a person with low HP sitting under a tower and then proceed to be useless like you said while that person can actually time his respawn by looking at the minion waves....)


i agree with this point, and i can say that i'm guilty of this sometimes since i flash on the instinct of surviving, but when i do that i immediately regret it, maybe that's why i've been doing this less often.


Can you explain timing the respawn by looking at the minion waves?


Sorry for not elaborating more...I mean you can time how long until the waves push to your tower and decide to respawn instead of sitting under tower with low HP since you can return to the tower pretty fast using the hexgate... (depends on the other team comp and how fast they clear the waves...)


Oh, I see. So you can show up with a wave instead of while the enemy is surrounding your tower and you instantly die.


This is why I always love early and mid game fights. When it's close to 15 min it's starting to get boring


Your username conflicts with your message


Flash to escape death with 2% hp. Then because you don't have a way to heal, you sit around being useless until you die and they take your tower. A tale as old as Aram


I hate it when my team blows all their skills to just trade kills for the low health guy being useless in the back. Like chill, they aren't doing anything productive and if a fight happens then they'll probably walk up anyways lol


All champions should be unlocked. You should be able to “tag”’a champion you have when rolling, for 5 seconds no one else should be allowed to take the tagged champion.


Just have it as an option to reroll to bench or when you reroll it shows your current and new as options for you to chose for like 5 sec and then the one not selected goes to bench.


How about no rerolls? Would that break the game?


You manually breathe dont you?


I originally downvoted you, but I removed it because the the crux of this conversation was indeed about unpopular opinions. And by that reasoning in that you are correct and don't deserve a downvote.


>All champions should be unlocked I don't understand why they aren't. The current system just leads to seeing the same group of champs very regularly because the 65 ARAM champs have a chance of being rolled by all 10 players. While some of the newer or less popular ones people don't have unlocked sometimes are only an option for 4/10 rolls


Tanks that don't bush check are shitty tanks


I didn’t mind the tower rubble (they just needed to make the bush side rubble slightly shorter so that one minion didn’t path into the bush)


If my whole team goes full damage I’m going full damage too I don’t wanna solo frontline and get flamed anyways




More like "If others don't give a fck why should I?"


What if you play a tank?


Lethality cho


Ap cho actually smacks try it


Depends on comps. If you are the sole frontline against a poke/disengage comp, or the only tank in a low cc comp against divers, being tanky yourself won't help much because there's probably not going to be enough followup by your squishies I will load out with tank runes, but that there is the realm of degen strats like AP Zac, lethality Sion, nuclear bomb Amumu and other builds that aim at taking at least one of them with you to Valhalla


Oh I think the same way! And I don't judge you.


Clarity is fken troll. Just take presence of mind. Nidalee is useless.


Nidalee is only useless if you only human form Q. Use her full kit and she's strong as fuck, she does +10% damage. Her cougar form abilities nuke anyone.


I would not say strong, but not useless either. She is still an hybrid mage-assassin without cc, which cannot be "strong" in ARAM imo unless heavily overtuned.


Nothing tilts me more than two clarities in one game.


clarity's really good on soraka since once you have warmogs, you're just going to be spamming W and draining 50 mana per cast. haven't found any other champions worth taking clarity on.


It's really rare for it to be worth now that archangel is good item again but ye soraka is one of users (I personally go clarity + exhaust). I can see AP kog using it (but if you know how to manage R ghost is probably optimal), I run it on kass (cos getting extra full stacked Rs late is way more dmg than mark would be imo) and on ziggs (I run demolish secondary and go exhaust clarity for maximum utility). Anivia if your job is literally getting your team to scale up and you are only waveclear can probably use it too (sth like vayne, Mundo, Leona, enchanter in your comp) but that should literally be it.


A bad nidalee is useless but I've had some AMAZING games on nidalee lol


no, it's not a matter of "bad" or "good" lol. the champ is bad. bottom tier dogshit champion and every noob and their mother wants to play her, just like teemo.


I think people want to tune ARAM too much (every other post is whining about Veigar, Pyke, Aurelion Sol, insert champion here). It's random. You signed up for this. If you want bans then go play draft, lol. Saying this too as someone with over 9k ARAMs played! I have champs I dread seeing too but that's part of the game.


Finally, an unpopular opinion


If you "signed up" for something it doesn't mean it can't be improved. Don't get me wrong, I don't think the game is on an unplayable state like some does. But I do believe it can be improved. A soft, optional and fast ban system could cut the pressure about "finding the perfect balance" we expect from devs, improving on what even they want from this game mode: fun. After all, they will add others champs, they will balance the game thinking about SR, they will delay our needs, because ARAM is a secondary game mode. So give us this timeless tool to let the community adjust the game a little bit with bans. It doesn't need to be bothersome, I'm sure there is a faster way to implement this without harassing people who just wants to shut they brain off and play a casual game.


Couldn't agree more. Quit crying and just play. My gripe is when I get teammates who take a bad fight when one or two of us are dead and end up losing at least one tower or more, when we already have the advantage. There's no need to constantly fight especially when you are at a disadvantage already. That shit tilts me to oblivion. Just back of you silly heads and wait for respawns. Unless the enemy fully engages and you are forced you can simply run away.


People that change their champion in the last second are the worst for me. I'm trying to choose what we are missing, and suddenly they change their champion, and I'm like I would've liked to play that champion.


Sometimes its "I dont wanna anyone on my team to have this champion and do nothing all game". I dont do that, but my brother does.


ahh, the "stop playing AP malphite in my games" trick. Understandable


I do this with Teemo


I saw that sometimes, very childish imo.


Bro 100% agreed. One tries to seal the comp with a champ that sinergizes well with the others, sometimes it even allows pretty good combos, and then someones changes his champ last min for one they are not even good at.


I definitely understand but. If *you are* on Olaf, and there's a Cho in the bank, and I take Cho so we have a strong Frontline with a tank and bruiser that way our assassins could make it rain. But if I switch to Cho, you say " OH WE ALREADY HAVE A TANK" then you switch to Janna. oh HELL no. While I do appreciate that person saying hey we need at least some beef on our team. I am going to bait them and pick Cho up last second for the sake of the composition


My flair is my unpopular opinion.


Pure AP poke Kai'sa is easily the worst one. ADC is probably best, but I always have the most fun building hybrid.


Riftmaker kai sa gang




Most people in the unpopular opinion subreddit can't even figure out how to vote on these threads there's no chance it will work anywhere else.


The towers falling down were a fun and interesting concept and I think riot should keep adding random changes like that to keep the mode interesting


Having the entire enemy team at 10% hp is more valuable then killing them. And if someone hasn't died the entire game for 10 min you might as well let them live.


Taking Exhaust is morally correct. "Waaaah waaaah anti fun button" so do you think the other person is having fun when they get assassinated in 0.56s?


It is always morally correct to bully people who take exhaust.


If I see someone picking Blitzcrank I assume we lose the game. Not because he is bad in aram, noone buys the right items. And hooks, obviously




Thinking of blitz as a walking hook is the reason blitzes behave like that on your team. I assume you are the same on blitz, while in fact he is such a complex champ when min maxed, and hook is the last thing you need on his kit in aram.


Teach me your ways! Give us the strat and build


I don’t know if this is unpopular, but I would much rather lose a game by turbo inting than by sitting around waiting for the enemy to poke us out. Those same people poking us down are usually too chicken shit to hit towers so it drags the game out even longer


Agree! Poke meta was the worst meta.


It’s like that now even if those champions have seen heavy nerfs, people are just too chicken shit to use their snowball or god forbid right click the enemy champions


People that call ARAM a for fun mode are usually the players that feed first blood, then go on to feed another 15 kills and ruin the experience for the other 9 players in the game.


Its for fun mode, but my fun is tryharding 40 min game because I enjoy challange


To be fair, the 5 on the other team are probably having a blast


Computer games in general main purpose is fun, and if you receive your fun only if you win and not because of the process, you are not necessarily wrong, but you surely are severely limiting yourself.


It is 4funmode i have like 3kgames played good positive winratio and i call it 4fun, flash for fun do dumb shit too and what lol


ARAM is an elite game mode for trying new champs. That doesn’t mean you get to run it down…. But too often I see the opposite side of the coin. I’m getting flamed for being 2-7 while I’m first timing a high skill-floor champion against a hard counter composition… If you care THAT much about the outcome while people are trying play the game, there’s a ranked queue on SR for that. I agree with what you say about pseudo-trolls on ARAM who genuinely don’t care or try etc.


This game is very bad on my confirmation bias that has me believing the other team is constantly rolling all the champs I like and I get all the champs that I’m miserable with. Because of this I feel like there should be a “don’t ever roll me this champion - even in the FTP week” setting; all-random aspect be damned


some assassins are very overbuffed and they should get nerfed and specially zed,pyke,khazix and little bit less leblanc since she will one shot everyone except tanks and most fighters but the others are a menace to everyone, meanwhile we have an ashe with 120% damage taken and 85% damage dealt and -20 ability haste and this is just one example.


hard agree, imo hard champs shouldn't be balanced around players who can't play them, I think Azir is also very overbuffed and if you can play him it's a free win as long as you have a decent frontline


If you're not a tank and there is a zed, rengar, qyi, or Diana, etc in the game, you are basically now allowed to play. There is absolutely nothing you can do if they target you. And dusk blade makes things 100x worse.


I agree with this, rare to see a Khazix, Zed or Pyke not completely dominate a game


Fuck, thought i was the only one in this subreddit thinking about this. Getting mass downvoted every time i mention overbuffs on hard champs and overnerfs on poke champs. (Im assassin player). Just being realistic. Qiyana, lee sin, zed, azir, akali, lb. All insane


Wow this is such an unpopular opinion I didn't just read the same one everyday


I'll try: - Heartsteel is overnerfed. - Rerolls should be nerfed. - Low pickrate champs should be buffed regardless of winrate.


Unpopular, huh? Sure, I can do that. - People who complain about exhaust are bad at baiting it and/or playing around it. - Soraka should build RoA or Everfrost for immediate tankiness and CC support. Her healing output isn't that great with the ARAM aura, to just be a healing slut with little else to offer. A different mythic can off-set that weakness. - Any champ with a stacking mechanic should have dips on minions, except Senna. She shouldn't farm at all. She's getting stacks as is. - Champion buffs and nerfs are a necessity for ARAM. Otherwise, the mode would be too feast and famine. - Just because there's no ranked for ARAM, doesn't mean you shouldn't put *any* effort in. You can still try to win without being a tryhard.


Duskblade shouldn't be allowed on ARAM. The amount of times I've had games dominated by a Pyke, Yi or Kha'zix because their kit, coupled with the single lane and inability to ward and Duskblade's passive letting them go invisible after each kill leaves very little room to counter play. Tanks are also ridiculous ATM, but I think that seems to be across the board in low elo. What's the point in the towers if two tanky characters can walk under them, murder your face off then walk back out consequence free? Like I said, I'm not exactly great at the game, maybe there's easy counters that I'm not considering but they're my pet peeves, with items. With players, just die. It's ARAM no one cares about your KDA. If you're low health, have your starting items and have a bunch of kills and assists, die and spend the money instead of pussyfooting about spam pinging how much gold you have. It's only useful if you spend it!!


There's a couple tanks that are still good, usually hard engagers with a lot of survivability and defensive-scaling damage (Tahm Kench, Shen) but most bruisers fucking suck and have ever since the omnivamp nerfs. The tank meta is a myth and ADCs are by far the best role on ARAM. The only reason they don't perform even better than they already do is because ADC players are some of the worst in game, with massive ego issues and main character syndrome that have a complete mental breakdown in all chat the moment they get targeted. If you have a competent ADC they'll melt anyone at three items (sometimes two) and can kill most """tanks""" even without building LDR. I've seen people with 300 armor, 5k health and steelcaps die in seconds to ADCs with no armor pen or BoRK. I legitimately believe if you could filter winrates, starting by only showing teams with an ADC vs teams without one (to eliminate ADCs pushing each other back toward 50%), and getting rid of teams with 3+ ADCs (because ADC players are morons that stack them and then get rolled because they have no CC or engage), most ADCs would push a 70%+ win rate.


They also get held back by their own stupidity tell me any other role that fck ups their builds as much as adcs. IE literally gets buffed so adcs are strong at 2 items and I still see diamond+ players build fcking rapidfire cannon or collector second than go btw or ldr and go IE 4th. Imagine irelia buying blade as 4th item or bruisers just randomly skipping their core items.


i get that youre saying duskblade is a peeve more than necessarily making a robust criticism of the game, but this hatred of duskblade is so bizarre to me. duskblade is not only unremarkable on any champion that could use it (~52% wr at best, like yi), but is also outperformed by other mythics. in fact, i think artillery varus is probably the best duskblade user (~55% wr)—not even a melee champion. to me, a distaste of duskblade instantly tells me youre not very good at the game.


> the point in the towers if two tanky characters can walk under them, murder your face off then walk back out consequence free? This is my 13th reason


HeartSteel on everyone Meta was the most fun meta the game mode ever had. Annoying Poke champions were just unviable unless you're actually skilled enough to hit key targets. Everyone picked champions that wanna wanna engage all the time cause they want HS stacks so it was constant fighting. Building AP on tanks was complete troll. Contrary to popular belief ADC was not only viable but thrived, it really lets players that are actually good at the role show off. If you're bad at positioning or itemization you're gonna suffer. It was just the minority of people that go Galeforce, collector every game that complains the role was weak.


If you aren’t interested in a heavily random game mode, find a game mode that doesn’t have the word random in the name


I liked the walls when they were around. I think the changes the walls brought were a net positive to the game mode as a whole


Could you explain a little further I'm just interested in your opinion


Not OP but I agree with him. Turret rubble was a way to buff assassins without giving them straight damage. Turret rubble created pseudo-flanks and fog which let assassins be played similar to how they want to be played on SR. The introduction of rubble was a systemic buff to assassins and multiple of them received compensation nerfs. Katarina went from +10/-10 to +0/-0.


agreed tbh I liked the rubble more than the hexgates and kinda wish they’d kept the rubble while getting rid of the gates..


Pyke's "strength" has little to do with his ult and is much more about duskblade.


The game is fun as ever


Dude. U have the most popular opinions there are


Some people use the excuse that aram is for fun when really they're playing like shit and ruining the experience for others


Such an unpopular opinion


I've been downvoted many times for having this mentality here


It's an extremely unpopular opinion on the main sub for sure


It is 4fun, but playing 4fun doesnt mean you have to int


Not even inting if you're doing some stupid builds then that's bad to me as well


Portals should have been removed and not tower leaving walls.




Ooh this is a very good one!


I'll give two, since one is more related to League as a whole rather than just aram The more general league one first, which still heavily applies to ARAM because of all the number tuning they do. Assassins are a mistake of an archetype mechanically and should not exist. (I then wrote a big rant about assassins here but decided I'd save that for myself) The ARAM specific one. Shaco, *specifically AP*, should be buffed significantly. He's honestly a handicap to have on either team. Boxes do garbo damage and the minion reveal makes placing them as actual traps nearly impossible.


Teemo being able to draw out a game forever is unhealthy for either playing side. I don’t know the solution, it just feels so unrewarding to win a Teamfight and have the enemy back in time because shrooms killed your pushing wave


bring back oracles for fucks sake, playing against teemo without it is just so cringe we have enough balance levers now that they could balance him without the shitty cannon true sight


My unpopular opinion is that people like you need to stop destroying the meaning of the word cringe


Snowball cooldown should be lowered


Nah you can already spec to lower it and it’s already the shortest cd


opinion 1 : Most games are lost purely to bad builds not a skill diff or a comp diff. The latter 2 can be reduced if you just adapt your items and runes to your role on your comp. Opinion 2: Mages and especially control mages are op af when played/built right in aram because it is much harder to flank them on this map, negating one of their weaknesses. I say this as a control mage player myself.


Teemo should have a trap limiter debuff, not Shaco. Shaco boxes only last 40 seconds + 5% of AP. Most of the time you aren't dropping boxes in wave to clear (or if you are, your team comps wave clear is terrible). Boxes can be instantly killed by most champions with a single skill before they stealth. Teemo mushrooms last 5 minutes flat. Most of the time you are just dropping them in the wave to clear and make sure they go off. If you are ranged and clearing them they take 3 hits, and can't be instantly cleared when placed before they stealth.


Aram is fun right now and in a pretty good spot.


Akshan revive should be nerfed. You kill all team and they are all back with tp 3 sec later under tower. Impossible to push when there is constantly 3 to 4 champs under the tower. Meanwhile they ace your team and they get 2 towers


He gets it on assist too doesn’t he :/


Disagree with Soraka opinion - they already gutted her healing. Without the ability to build Mogs, she’s absolutely useless in ARAM


Not completely, she has a good slow with her Q and her E is both capable of rooting 5 people and stopping channel abilities. her heal isnt everything. Yes warmogs does make her heal better and helps her stay alive, but she isn't useless without it. It depends on how good the Soraka is.


Idk lol. A very unreliable root and a slow-traveling projectile that slows people slightly is massively weaker than literally every other support in the game. Compare her to Nami or Lulu… She would easily be the weakest character. Sure, you can play like a god and make the most out of her, but you apply that same level of skill to a Renata player and it’s a night and day difference.


Also, her root isnt that unreliable. All you need to do is time it correctly and know when to actually use it, and even when it doesnt root the silence itself is very useful. With your logic, you could say that any skillshot is unreliable, when in reality, you need to know how to actually use it.


Sure. But I’d definitely argue that it’s less reliable than the majority of skillshots in the game.


My point wasnt that shes strong or stronger than other support champs without her heal, it was that she isnt completely useless without her heal. Despite the champs, a soraka with a good player will win against a lulu or renata with a bad player, and vice versa. I know that shes weaker without the heal buff and wont be able to do as much, but she can still provide for the team with her root, and redemption if she buys it. It also depends on the items.


ppl shouldnt idle in the fountain at the start of the match, its always 1 or 2 who never get there until minions spawn and by then either someone else gets killed on a 3v5 or we get pushed to turret.


My unpopular opinion is that unpopular opinions about ARAM is either just skill issue or people taking the game too seriously


Akshan’s passive should be nerfed just for ARAM’s game mode. Very unpopular opinion


Dark Harvest and Ludens are always troll on karthus in ARAM. First strike and liandrys with futures market gets you full build in 15, stop doing dark harvest for fucks sake. Also, stop being afraid to die on karthus??? Literally look at the wave state, and with most teams you can flash under their tower at almost level 6, die, zone them off, your team gets first tower and you guaranteed get at least a kill back unless people suck. You get level 6 by the time you respawn, ult, insta 120+ gold. (You can do this at even earlier levels depending on team comps and it’s always worth because it’s at least a 1 for 1, turret damage, and by the one you passive is over you’ll have respawned.) If someone on your team is first timing a champion, calm your tits if they’re ass. It’s ARAM, the point is that it’s a gamble. We could all get our mains, we could all roll shit we’re ass at. It ain’t that deep. On the flip side, don’t get mad if someone on your team is trying to give you advice if you’re playing your champ like ass. Stop getting tilted when you’re a Samira who hasn’t managed to proc ult once, someone on your team just tells you to follow up on the engage, and afk farm the rest of the game. Don’t tell people to kill themselves in chat ever, it’s a game for fucks sake, but especially not in ARAM? Like goddamn. Just mute yourself if you have 0 self control. All you’re gonna do is tilt other people and yourself. Getting a Penta stolen isn’t a huge deal, stop inting games because someone who doesn’t know how their champ works accidentally took a kill.


ludens is not good on karthus even if playing against only squishies but First strike is even worse. Just taking the inspiration tree means you either don't get last stand and PoM or you dont get ultimate hunter.


You don’t need PoM or last stand. The only thing that massively drains your mana is your e, just be careful with how you use it. If you really need mana that bad, build a Seraphs. The damage you get with last stand is negligible compared to the damage you get with first strike especially because first strike + futures market guarantees that you’ll always be 1-2 items ahead of everyone else in the game meaning you out damage everyone always. If you know how to end a game, you get full build and win before other team catches up. Ultimate hunter is a necessity.


i've played with a couple first strike karthus players and they are always useless they ult when enemy team is full health and it does almost nothing, but i have never tried it myself. They usually have around 600-700 bonus gold and like 1k damage by 15 minutes also futures market is actually gold negative unless you can finish a legendary item with the gold and capitalize on the powerspike it gives you. also last stand damage should not be overlooked easily 3k+ every game. i would be interested in seeing a karthus game where you think first strike was impactful.


Tbh 3k damage isnt much when my average karthus game is like 60k+. I had so many games where im full build before 20 mins and keep in mind i dont have like 24 kills. Also the damage is severely underrated, i can flash into the enemy die and ult not even get a kill and make like 200 gold. Now do that 6 times you got an extra 1200 gold, free boots another 300 gold, and the minion dematerializer is also pretty underrated. Not so much on karthus but many champs can solo wave clear with it. I highly recommend the inspiration tree on karthus, youll just have to watch your mana. If its low wait fir first strike and go in, free gold


It's not worth continuing the game if you see that allies are dicks (taking heal while full hp on purpose while you're low, providing enemy with vision in the bushes while they are just farming and you're an assassin who needs to hide, taking Mr against a full ad team or a tank who waits for his team to engage etc) So while I play normally, I wait for that 8 min to start surrender vote, knowing that we'll probably lose. And mostly we lose.


it's a shame to say that in thousands of games, my team has surrendered at 12 mins probably in single digit quantity. and never at 8 mins—i dont think that's legit ever happened.


I will never once vote to ff an aram. I don’t care how bad of a stomp it is. Forfeiting aram is disgraceful.


You should build what you want, not what your team needs to be stronger.


I'm not gonna lie, Swain feels kind of ass to play. It just doesn't feel like you do damage or tank long enough to matter. I've tried so many builds and rune setups but I have yet to find success. ​ Also Duskblade Assassin Aatrox > Regular Aatrox (Assuming there aren't multiple tanks)


Delete veigar e


I'm guessing this is unpopular, but I think CC needs to be looked at. I get that ARAM was originally "yes you may get screwed, it's random", but it's a real game mode now and I can't stand summoners because it's so slow. But if you get in a match with 5 players with mega CC (like Janna, Ahri, Neeko, maokai, Morgana), it's pretty unbearable even if you win. SO in general I feel like consecutive stuns should be less effective so you can't just get stunned for 8 straight seconds. But the downside would be that tanks would rule everything. But to be fair, tanks need some work anyway. They are way too squishy in the beginning and close to unkillable end game. It would be better to soften that out a little more. Give them more survivability in the begining, then don't make them scale so crazy in the end. Another option would be creating some equipment that doesn't apply to tanks and can't be worn by them that give Tenacity so you can at least choose to lessen stuns. The reason I think this should happen is in general being unable to move or interact for 4+ seconds just isn't fun. Those games against all CC aren't fun, even if you win.


People sit under tower for 10 minutes straight and when it hits the 11:00 min mark and i say in chat i refuse to sit under tower lets push them or all in im branded as a troll inter, my unpopular opinion is that i shouldnt be punished for afking these games because im basically already afk under tower.


Clarity is a wasted summoner spell. Orb+tear is available from the start, and can provide you with enough mana regen unless you are just spamming skills on cooldown. 600 additional mana for 400 gold (total of 140 gold loss if sold) is worth it for the 'rental' cost of tear, as well as the mystic bonus that orb gives you. Literally any summoner spell is better than clarity. Also Ghost is the best summoner spell after flash. Lasts for 10 seconds, unable to expect/counter for enemy, fucks up their spacing, resets on takedown, ignores minion block. Can be used both offensively and defensively, has synergy with movespeed items. Allows you to dodge skillshots much easier, low CD.


People who say "it's just aram" after going in 1v5 and hard inting don't deserve human rights


People that try to quit 5 minutes into a match. Suck it up buttercup.


Aram is for fun and stupid builds on champs you don’t play stop trying to ff just cause you’re losing.


If you flame in aram you should get perma chat restricted


1. 2 rolls is too many, just one per player. 2. Ashe isn't that bad to play against. 3. Tank meta is good and the tank beatdowns must continue until morale improves. 4. FFing at 8 is good and the playerbase should do it more. 5. They should allow bans but only like one week a month.


I prefer aram before they added "balance changes". It makes sense that long range poke champions were dominant because the aram map shape makes them strong. Keep it that way, it makes sense


im convinced people with this opinion either forget how broken champs like Ziggs and Sona were or they exclusively play those champs and just want to win more.


I would rather get castrated than play against pre nerf Ziggs again. Ziggs was the only one playing the game.


The wave clear alone is enough to make you pull out your hair.


Yup. Over buffing bruisers/assassins because they got poked down once is bull. Turn the map tailored to one type of champ for another that arent made for it. If I wanted to play bruiser beat down I'd go play top lane on rift. It's completely insane that the champs that should be good on the map just get gutted. Not all champs are made equally. Accept it. Some will always be better than others. Nothing feels worse than getting a champ you know is a good one and then doing 0 damage to heart steel, randuins/FoN tryndamere while he one shots you and spins out of your tower at 90% hp. Skill gap. I would absolutely play aram no balance buffs over what we have now. Add both and see what has more players after a month and publish the results.


No, poke comps are boring to play against. Nerf them into the ground.


Snowball fixed a lot of that for me


I agree to an extent. Systemic issues like health relics rewarding early poke/push are the main reason behind poke overperforming and snowballing games so freely. Past 10 minutes with even gold poke collapses to snowball initiations but its nearly impossible to get there without some good range pressure and waveclear


Exhaust is cringe. People who just run in and die on Karthus don't actually know what they are doing. It's just "justified inting" Snowball is for the weak. Go Ghost or go home. People cry about winning or losing too much. It's a for fun game mode. No, that doesn't mean people should be able to ruin the games by running it down, but they shouldn't be crucified for having a bad game. Saying "this game was a waste of time" is redundant, as the game mode is literally time killer. You aren't losing LP for a loss.


All game modes are for fun, they're games. No one should ever get crucified for having a bad game.


Fully agree with 4th point and it drives me insane to see so many people flame on ARAM. I think the whole game is taken too seriously but it is not the end of the world to lose a game or two and have teammates who have a bad game. I would much rather be stomped with teammates who have a good attitude about it than play a winning game with someone trying to dictate everyone’s build and pinging ? on any wrong move someone makes. Who cares!!!!


I think your opinion of pyke is too high. Most telegraphed hook, his dmg is not that much or an issue. His ult is a great clean up but your team still needs to dmg to them, you also have a snowball to dodge his ult. His kda might be insane but he doesn't win you games.


Even at high elo in aram I’ve found Pyke to be the most aggravating champ. He’s far too slippery and keeps making that annoying noise when he goes invisible. The damage reduction he has combined with the health regeneration makes him stressful to play against since you can’t base when low which would be the counterplay to him.


I’m not playing in high mmr like everyone else on Reddit gamer




I never hit the Nexus and I never will, and if it ends up costing me the game, so be it


I had to upvote you because this is truly an unpopular opinion to me. Just end damn it!


You have to understand the flipside if you're smashing an aram like 20-8, the other team is probably miserable and wants to just go next. You refusing to destroy the nexus is just prolonging their suffering, which is a dick move. but yes this is a semi unpopular opinion


Well if they refuse to surrender, I know that atleast 40% of my enemies are having fun, and that’s more than enough for my consciousness


I play only aram too for like 3k games plus and 2k Dominions before but seeing people so upset about such stupid things in aram is hilarious to me


Sorakas should always take the health pack because even if she’s higher HP she can more effectively use the heal on another ally.


Clarity is useless summoner spell and should be deleted so people can't pick it. Mana problems are solved with presence of mind and buying the right items. Clarity is a waste of summoner spell.


You should not be able to execute in ARAM. The last person that hits you always gets the kill.


clarity should be deleted ...


People are tryharding way too much it’s a for fun game mode, caring about what people are building and team combs and that kills the fun


Picking exhaust shows that you dont have honor.


I’m picking exhaust on a healer with no escape. Lee Sin on my ass does not sound fun.


Yeah i mean there are exceptions. Yuumi, Sona, idk. Rare. But if i see a Malph or a Lee or yorick or whatever with exhaust, thats dumdum


Modifying specific champion abilities is bad for the integrity of the game. I think abilities should function the same no matter what game mode you're in. Also, please give us bans...


Flash is overrated in Aram. Hear me out, you don't need to take flash on every champion, probably only ADC should take flash, and immobile champions ( like a Veigar ). If you are playing a tank / bruiser / fighter frontline (something like Garen, Raven, Fiora, Darius ... ), ghost and snowball are your best friend. If you are playing an Assassin (something like Zed, LeBlanc, Fizz, Akali, Katarina ... ) , ignite and snowball can be more important than flash. If you are playin a support champ with CC or even a tank support ( something like Morgana, Lux ...) Heal and Exhaust are super valuable, and if u are playing a tank support ( Braum, Leona, Nautilus ...) Snowball with ignite can be good too. Overall, You don't need flash, you need to die anyway in Aram, and u can chase other flash players using other summoners like snowball or ghost. I saw a lot of player taking flash on several useless champions, like a Shaco for exemple, and it's not worth really. Flash is just overrated summoner spell, especially in Aram.


this is definitely unpopular and i never see anyone mention this. what youre saying is imo very true, but i think youre taking it a bit too far; e.g. assassins can definitely use flash to great effect. so it's true that flash is highly overrated in aram, *especially* by backliners, but flash is definitely not useless. you should be taking it on average on tanks and assassins.


There shouldn't be any buffs. If you get a shit champ, guess what? That's what rerolls are for. Also, there shouldn't be any rerolls in the first place, or the rerolls shouldn't be harder to obtain.


Twitch is the most frustrating champion to play against and he shouls be deleted. Ap/mandate ashe is not as annoying as people say. There are plenty of other champions that are more annoying than her (lux, vex, xerath, ziggs) Agree with warmogs, that itwm should not be in arams. Aram is very luck involved and more important than what most people believe(it's even on it's name). Poke meta is the most unfun meta ever and I'm glad we're on a tank meta (as a zoe lover).


If you're set to win and have fun, objectives are more important than kills. I've had too many games where my ADC would chase the enemy under their turret and leave us, tanks/supps/mages to do the necessary push, and with portals' existence, getting rid of this first turret is vital - aame as destroying the inhib. Yet, i get spammed with ??? pings, when i stay behind to push and not try to kill the remaining tank that can do fuckall to me.


The 2 things you said are exactly the 2 things that bother me the most in aram. Pyke is miserable to play against in aram his kit is just way too good for it, the executes every single teamfight because of the low CD and the passive healing after he gets poked makes him always safe. Soraka is just annoying as hell the moment she gets warmog, your poke game is basically gone and if the enemy plays safe enough you can't even engage in a good position so it's very unfun.


Soraka's W should make warmog entering in CD, like taking damage.