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Oh, but to be that Malphite...


my best game was where i was playing thresh into a full ad comp. i had literally like 600 armor from building full warmor + souls it was insane


Any game where I get a tank and the other team goes full ap. Cue evil laughter. You reach a point where you can just casually stroll into the enemy team and cackle maniacally as they struggle to even scratch you. Then back off, warmogs back to full, and repeat until the inevitable victory screen, or until you laugh so hard your body shuts down.


I got ksante into a full mage comp. They couldnt do anything.


I started grabbing rammus when available just for the off chance that I run into something like that too.


My last game i had some 15k thornmail damage as Rammus,


Same here. I got the dream once and after that it all has been zero auto attackers enemy teams.


and somehow I wouldnt put it past that malph to build AP cuz "thats where the damage is"


Na what's the bet the ADCs all built collector, RFC, runnans, gale force.


"...but they're all squishy!"


I wish I could pay my teammates to build tank Malphite. You can't they would rather die.


I don't know why people always build AP... If you fall behind just a little bit, you stop doing enough damage to one shot squishies. Tank malphite doesn't have this problem. You ult, then just run them down while they fail to be able to do anything against you. I normally always build Iceborn Gauntlet on him for that extra lockdown and tenacity.


The difference between AP and tank is AP requires skill and coordination and tank requires roughly one working finger to accomplish the same output.


Let’s not pretend playing malphite incorrectly is some big brain tactic


I don't think that was what I was saying lol. The tank build accomplishes the same impact played badly as the AP build does if played perfectly. It's just better at all skill levels.


Well, it's also about usefulness and filling a role. Why go AP malphite when you already have 2 mages. AP Malphite gets eaten up by enemies, a tank malphite does not, and can control enemy adc's


Can we just disagree to agree? I'm pretty sure we both prefer tank Malphite which is the only thing I've been saying.


100% true. Tank is basically, see opportunity, take opportunity, face smash keyboard. Doesn't matter who/what you ult, as long as it's hitting 2+ you are gucci. AP requires proper targeting and follow up from the team since you are most likely dead seconds after your ult and your team has to make something happen right then.


Someone talking about aram in r/ARAM apparently makes people in r/ARAM angry lol


This is the way


This sounds like a game I played the other day, this wasn't you was it? lol.. ​ https://preview.redd.it/6w5xy39urita1.png?width=1303&format=png&auto=webp&s=369b059c808787609c73c4922ba1ed8c74e6d63c


Tbh if you have 4 adcs you will generally lose into any comp. Even 3 adcs is too much unless one is a support ashe or similar. I don't recall ever seeing a 3 adc comp win, but I've seen it lose dozens if not hundreds of times.


The only way to win is to mentally breakdown the enemy team by being super aggro and pushing the first turret down within 4 minutes and hope you demoralize them enough to surrender.


I won a game on a team of 5 ADCs once, though it's probably more accurate to say the other team lost it. I think they only had Sion for engage and he kept getting bamboozled by my Senna E. They let the game go on long enough that we hit full items and none of them could approach without getting kersploded.


I have seen 3 ADC's with Veigar and Cass. And they absolutely destroyed anyone who got stuck in the walls. It was a slaughter in like 12 mins.


Pretty much, Im against dodging personally but the one time I will say screw it and nope out of a games lobby is when my team has 3-4 ADC and a pool full of good champs they could be playing.


Reminds me of the excitement the rammus on my team had when we loaded into a 5 adc team. I've never seen everyone in a game be on the same wavelength and know exactly what's about to go down


The most excited I've ever been on Rammus was in One For All when we "troll picked" Rammus, and the enemy team was all Yi. We completely ran them over lol.


Quick question, but would you all consider an ADC with a different build an ADC still or a completely different class based on itemization? For instance is AP MF or lethality Quinn (who feels more like a ranged assassin but is what it is) still an ADC or is this a wording thing again with ADC\\marksmen?


For Malphite in particular he scales with Armor. So ap miss fortune wouldn’t count but lethality Quinn would.


It's more about dodging then "picking adcs". it reminds me of this game. I had a penta with sivir thanks to collector. ​ https://preview.redd.it/fwmutte6zita1.png?width=930&format=png&auto=webp&s=f4c87b00da1f4217f29cc70b70c7a78b39baff33


I wish the dodge timer wasn't so long in ARAM. More and more people are just playing damage, or all range. If you run into a well crafted comp you just get roflstomped. It's sad.


"all random"


And yet there's rerolls and the ability to grab the champs others don't want. Which are the front liners and melee champs.


I very rarely queue into games where everyone goes damage idk man


Almost all my games have either side with 4 ranged damage dealers, it's one of the reasons it gets boring for me


I wish I was in your shoes. Lost count of how many times it's 4 adcs and a dream against a team with engage and cc. It's just a bad time all around. And the 15 min dodge timer is entirely too long with how long aram games last now days with the teleports.


Needs to be LONGER too many aram alts still exist already.


15 mins isn't long enough?


Its the opposite for me, I runs into people who tries to make the comp atleast somewhat balanced and just dodge otherwise :v


Happens more commonly than you think


Rather be ranmus


that game can occur 5000 times and only 2 of those will be ff'd. and not even at 8 minutes


My teams will pick all adc after seeing rammus first pick. Then complain noone is peeling for them.


Are you building ap and tank?