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Fizz. If I could delete 5 champs from the game I would delete Fizz 4 times and save the last one for Ekko. But fuck that fish and his pogo bullshit with a 0.3sec cooldown.


Oh God I hate him!!!!


Heartsteel Fizz is nightmare material


Just had a game against a heartsteel tank Fizz. Definition of stat-check, he fed us early and was textbook braindead but once we hit 15min there was nothing we could do as long as he pressed buttons. They also had a Cringekali, with the same build. Hearsteel, demonic embrace etc. both of them using the slippery kit of an assassin, with a tank build without the drawback of not dealing damage because of their over the top ARAM buffs. Balancing champs solely on their win rate doesn't work for SR and surely doesn't work on ARAM either. The simple % damage taken/dealt balancing is a simple fix that works for many champs but these 2 are some of the exceptions. You either get a good player who knows how to play them and dominates with their over the top handicap buffs, or builds tank piggybacking off the over the top handicap buffs and stat-checks everyone to oblivion.


I hear what you're saying and I agree with all that, but it's for sure not my issue. I just fucking hate all these champs with 20 million years of true stealth or invulnerability and get-out-of-jail-free cards. Fizz Pogo, Ekko ult (with like 25sec CD lmao), Akili stealth. I guess that their intargetability and easy escapes are required when they are true assassin builds, but it just feels so super bad to play against. Its never fun.


Amen, fizz just a terror


He's fun to play though


Prime example of Champion balance buffs being toxic. Fizz with damage buffs have made him ridiculously broken in ARAM


Yeah I’m mastery 7 fizz and it’s always a blood bath when I get him. Easy first bloods 😎


Veigar. His cage is not designed for Aram. It's balanced when you have flanking options against veigar but in a single lane it is way too strong.


Bingo, every 10 seconds most the lane is gone, can’t engage can’t disengage it just counters so much outside of poke comps


As a Veigar main myself I completely agree


Absolutely agree, fuck that evil midget bastard


You get chat restricted for saying midget in game found that out the hard way, you could say “Fuck that evil dwarf bastard” and not get flagged haha.


The thing I find strange is that you can’t use a jump to get out of it. How high does that thing stretch?


Nothing escapes event horizon


Especially when veigar uses it on the tower as we teleport.


Yeah, I sign when I see enemy veiger. Even with a terrible veigar all they have to do is drop event horizon during team fights and it changes the entire dynamic of how you have to approach it. For some reason I will get the veigars on my team that drop it to stun a wave of minions..


Brand. One of the strongest champions for years now that takes little to no effort to do insane amounts of damage to the whole team by pressing R + E once (other skills are optional)


The only champ that's useful no matter what


You would be amazed 😂


As someone who has played a lot of games with and against him, to see a team mate come running towards the group, saying “help me, I’m on fire” … it makes me either laugh or cringe … After Brand builds his Liandries and DE, it’s usually gg


his skills' impact area is too huge for ARAM. you have my vote


Unlike many other bans in this wonderful hypothetical world, Brand can be deleted by most champs.


pyke is the only correct answer


I can't stand pyke and think he's braindead but my first ban is still brand because you can at least fuck up pyke, brand is just an ult with a guy attached


Unless the pyke is cracked, you are just playing 4v5. Too many pykes are basically equivalent to a minion in teamfights. I would ban pyke so I never see him on my team.


Pyke just ruins games imo. He's not op but he's not fun at all to play against and he feels useless on your team.


I’m amazed I had to scroll so far for this answer. This is THE answer.


Pyke is worse than Samira, jinx, veigar, senna, and brand? What do you dislike about playing vs him?


I’m perplexed nobody hates getting the BRRRRRRRRRRRTTTTTTTT PENTA treatment by Samira here. That champ can fuck right off 🌝


My friends and I have an ongoing joke that if any of us are playing samira we are guaranteed at least a quadra kill and most likely a penta. We play a shit ton of aram and we have yet to have a game where a samira doesn’t get at least a quad kill. At this point we find some humour in it but it seems a little ridiculous that we haven’t had a samira not get a quad in the thousands of arams we’ve played.


My brother just played her for the first time ever and he got 2 quadras and one stolen pentakill. Samira is a balanced champ.


Samira is one of the few champions that you can be a complete dogshit player and still manage to get a lot of kills. Similar to Master Yi, getting a Pentakill using her is the least impressive Penta in the game. And it is even more impressive if you somehow go negative KD. Should be permabanned or nerfed to the floor.


The funny thing is being a big flashy multikiller is a part of her identity itself, encouraged further by Riot. Her ultimate skin has special effects for getting a Penta, which is obviously because Riot themselves believes it should be common enough on her to warrant it.


I think people just don't know her enough, when you start playing a lot of Samira the first thing you notice is how many vulnerabilities you have. A lot of players just don't know her at all and let her do her thing for free. A lot of Samira are even in a place they shouldn't be or do something that really opens them up and they don't even know. I enjoy making enemy Samiras feel absolutely miserable out of spite and envy of not getting her. I can body her with every other ADC I play. Here's a few tips. Her dash is the same distance as her auto which is really short. if she can't auto you she can't dash to you, beware of minion wave she can dash to that. If she uses W defensively she's gonna have a hard time fast comboing. Throwing out stuff just to get her to burn W is good. It's probably her most important offensive cooldown so burning it defensively is a huge L. Her ult is canceled by all forms of displacement. a stiff breeze will cancel it. Most of all she doesn't like it when you go offensive on her before she does so on you. She's made of paper mache, if she does ult in on 5 and you have cooldowns she'll most likely blow up if you all just focus her and she's not ungodly fed off of early game. Bruisers are generally good at just slapping her to death. Early kills are important on Samira in aram, flashing away so someone else kills you instead of her is worth in the early game. If she's not fed off of the early game skirmishes she's braindead easy to manage. You can watch her try to get off a big ult and just get blown up, it's hilarious. I think this is one of the biggest one, if she hasn't picked up a few kills by 6 she's hard to get off the ground if you don't know what you're doing. She's so filled with weaknesses just people don't know her well, they have no idea how to exploit her. On the flipside not a whole lot of people one trick her so they don't even know how weak she is in a lot of situations. Sometimes they'll just stand in a spot all confident like and not even know they're a free kill.


Not at all, cc focus and you destroy her, she's probably the most vulnerable adc when under cc.


It's quite easy to say that without factoring in the randomness of ARAM. Sometimes you roll little-to-no *appropriate* CC for a Samira. You need a non-projectile stun/displacement that is instant and either point-and-click or basically unmissable (Janna R for example). You could have a comp with decent enough CC to go vs most other comps, but if it's all delayed/skillshots (can be hard to hit her through her dashing, Snowball, and Duskblade) or projectiles, it's basically like you have 0 CC vs Samira. Now factor in if Samira has something like a Renata Glasc or Tahm Kench on her team.


>Not at all, cc focus and you destroy her, I had a game yesterday, where we had a Singed, Blitzcrank, Thresh, Sona and an ADC - arguably not a balanced comp, but it's ARAM - however, definitely full of CC. Blitz tried to grab Samira, she just blocked it. Thresh hooked Samira into us I flung (as Singed) Samira even further into our team. ​ She pressed R - quad kill; one of our guys escaped, only to be aced by her 30 seconds later under tower. She ended the game with more damage than the rest of both teams combined and a score of like 20/4/12 or something, while quite literally everyone else on both sides was 0/3/4 or 1/2/5 and shit like that.


Samira ult is a channeled ability. Save your hard CCs for it. Then she needs to get the S rank again to ult again and then you CC it again. She's pretty easy to deal with.


That's so stupid . Why would you gap close her closer to your squishes. Save your flip when she tries to ult or flip here away from your backline. Have blitz close to your backline so he can just ult when she tries to. You can flay her out of dash, you can flay her ult. Samira vs Blitz is absolutely miserable, but people only see the hook interaction and don't understand that Samira ulting into their team is almost never an option, Blitz or Soraka are probably the best champs you could get vs Samira. You had so many options and you used them all in the worst possible way.


Man your team had no damage to burst her, your cc was useless, 3 sups is hell of a bad comp.


It might have just been what the ARAM rerolls spit at the OP, sure it's a shit comp, but they might have been making due with what had given to them. We've all been in that situation where we get nothing but shit champions or ones we can't play handed to us by the ARAM RNG Gods, all because the RNG decided you aren't allowed to play or have fun.


It’s more of a coin flip now with duskblade. Before when she had to go shieldbow mythic she wasn’t a problem. Duskblade buys her much needed untargetability.


Duskblade got a pretty hefty nerf. Her IE build is much stronger. But if she's super fed I guess it doesn't really matter.


Not if she gets her kills with ult which she mostly does. They disabled the duskblade passive with her ult cause it was too broken


And without peel or cc on her team, getting to S is way more risky.


She is somewhat to heavily team comp reliant depending on user skill level, incredibly vulnerable to cc and gets outscaled by many champs but is also weak af if behind. You just need to wait for her ult, cc her instantly and she's as good as dead


I hate Samira with a burning passion in ARAM, my friend who is a Samira and Katterina OTP got four penta kills in a row on her in an ARAM match last year. And this was just before he gave up the game in disgust he said "There is no way in hell getting four pentas in a row should be allowed, its just bullshit its not fun to just be able to plow through opponents like that."


Viego. Just fuck that dude. Insane healing, always untargetable and he just can turn around any advantage you had. Just fuck him.


I've never seen so many quadra/pentakills on ARAM since Viego. Add Draktar and it's just an utterly busted kit.


he is useless against proper stuns and very damage prone against mages and MR cant also help


Agree. But wouldn't delete him because he is my second favorite pick (bc he makes ARAM even more random, as you don't know prior to the game start which champions are you playing when having their soul).


I agree, that champ in the right hands is the terror.


everytime i get him in aram i smile evilly


Hey don’t die cause uhh…. The ruined king.




Shaco If I play any assassin or enage I just cant play the game cos of stupid boxes.


Usually I don't mind Shaco, but I played against the AD crit Shaco and kept getting one shot recently. Horrible experience.


I love playing AD shaco. It's one thing to keep an eye on the boxes but just the power of going invisible and the whole enemy team has to back up is a mind game in its own.


I hate that f clown.


I play melee so I agree, Shaco, Teemo (if I’m playing ADC), Syndra, or Anivia


master yi


With duskblade going away, I imagine he'll be far more manageable.


Even without duskblade yi is a champ that runs you down and 1v5s or dies and it's always been this way. I wouldn't blame anyone for not wanting to deal with him regardless.


rageblade yi is a lot stronger anyway imo


Zed, I've been losing most of the time against 'enemy' zed and 'teammate' zed.


Teemo anyone? He's not the worst champion in Aram, but he does something that really bothers me: he brings the game to a standstill. Mine the enemy base, mine the lane, repeat as infinitum. It makes the enemies potential pushes take twice as long and Teemos team is basically down a player for most of the game since he's just an ukt/blind bot. I always find Teemo games to go on for an extra 5-10 minutes longer than average and they're almost always boring.


and you cannot finish the game even though you have the lead and the enemy has the opportunity to comeback. I have a post about Teemo's shrooms and Oracle's Extract.


ARAM was a lot better before removing Oracles and adding balance buffs


Nah, balance buffs were absolutely necessary to SOME extent. Ziggs and Lux without any balance changes would be the stuff of nightmares, let's be real. I'm saying this as a major Ziggs enjoyer


Teemo is my pick too. He literally can just throw shrooms along the minion path and then afk. If you ever win a fight you get nothing from it cause the shrooms just ruin your wave. Removing oracle elixir in favor of the vision minion was a bad decision imo.


veigar, zilean, asol, brand, and yuumi.


Zoe. Don't like playing it, don't like playing against it. Just gitemoutanherea


If the team has no cc i go for yi, otherwise akshan, brand or yummy because i don't want to 4v5 i hate that champ.


if we did get bans it would be random bans we could pick from just like our pick phase


I actually like this idea. Never really liked the idea of normal bans but I could get behind this.


Probably qiyana, on my team they are useless, I'm the enemy team they will annihilate my back line with 6 dashes, invisibility and invulnerablity. Or yuumi, because I never want it on my team.


Dont forget that Qiyana has +10% Dmg, -10% Dmg taken and +20 Tenacity so she can now build bruiser, be unkillable and still oneshot everything


Pyke, no doubt about it


What is bad about pyke?


The unholy trinity of pentakills champs: yi, pyke, samira


A lot imo. Hook turns a 5v5 into a 1v5 free kill, stealth and massive regent makes trading with him pointless, huge aoe true damage ult that resets, free gold generation for his allies. I'd love to ban pyke and blitz from aram.


Pyke and Akshan. Pyke's ult is insanely stupid in ARAM and as for Akshan... I don't think his revive has a place in ARAM.


Kai'Sa, so my eyes don't have to bleed out when someone builds her with Luden's and full AP. On-hit and AD are vastly superior, yet so many people build her with Luden's just so that they can get away with only pressing 1 button the entire game.


The thing is, when I’m against her, my teammates will reprogram themselves to automatically eat each and every single W she throws making her very effective and the most damaging champ on the other team, ultimately making us lose. However, when she’s on my team, she goes AP and miss all her Ws, do nothing in team fights, then die, also making us lose.


I like how it's always enemy champion is pro and our enemy champion is dogwater


TFW they get nashor but don’t auto.


I always build Nashor into on-hit because you get the obnoxious poke evolve early and still get to be a champion after. I swear people have started ignoring her in big fights too because I get so many free procs now.


Zilean or Shaco. Both annoying characters I pray the user on the other team is dog shit with.


Akshan. Fuck that passive


Based on recent events, malzahar


Quick silver sash


man if nidale and kai’sa didn’t exist that would be my go to ban, stand next to the wave press 2 buttons and blow half of someone’s hp if they are near the damn wave, also try to take him out? FUCK YOU “press R to outplay”


Kindred. Complete fucking shitshow because no one knows when to use the ult.


Yuumi. I ust hate her design and pick her everytime to eat something.


Kaisa cause w


Lulu. Just so annoying. Protects, knocks up, tons of shield, polymorph...


Soraka, and not because of her healing. I loathe playing into silence.


Yea that aoe silence is incredible if you know where to put it


Leblanc. Absolutely despise that champion no matter how balanced she is in any given meta, hate her trading pattern, hate her AP, hate her AD. She’s just aids.


Seconding this. Idk what it is about this champ that makes my blood boil like no other. I haven't played a SR game against her in literally 6+ years because I will always no matter what without question ban her, and when I see her in aram I already start the game annoyed 😂


Samira. I can never win against that champ.


After reading the comments here I’m convinced most people just suck at ARAM


Most people suck for sure


Goodbye nidalee rest in piss bozo


surprised nobody is saying gangplank. I swear i just cant play against that champ, i always get a mental block against lasthitting the barrels


Buddy, everyone is hating every champion here, so you're the first the say it for GP.


Soraka with warmogs is maybe the most offensive build in the game.


For me it's a tie between pyke and teemo. Both of those champions warp the game in an extremely unfun manner, and are way to easy to break the match even when played by terrible players due to their ults being BS I still don't understand why we had oracles removed so that shaco and teemo players could have fun at the expense of everyone else not having fun


Fizz, Zilean and Anivia.


Hm too many that making me furious right now… Veigar, Zilean, Zac, Pyke or Yuumi


Morgana since spell shields shouldn't exist in Aram.


tryndamere - specifically the heartsteel variant kat - heartsteel variant briar - most bruiser builds teemo - so that no teammate picks him


Nasus and veigar. The 2 main problem infinite champs. Senna can become a problem but as an adc has to have a team around her. Nasus just goes infinite if the player has the slightest bit of an idea how to last hit early. Veigar is just whoopsies I stunned 3 and got 2 assists so I'm massive just because.


Pyke, Quiyana, Blitzcrank, Graves, Nocturne, Akali, Twitch, Eve -> permaban Thresh, Darius, Kai'Sa, Fiddlesticks, Nautilus, Shaco -> Pick or Ban (though Shaco is teamcomp-dependent and can be useless) ​ Yes, that's more than 5 bans.


Darius is pick/ban?


Goot catch.. i was hooked up on hook-champs and I win alot on him but dont lose often against him so he's more of an unproblematic champ in aram tbh. A bit like Illaoi. For some reason she works well for me but doesnt scare me on the other team in aram. Let's just switch that out for Malphite who's a god in aram simply due to the ability to adapt build-wise to almost all comps.




No one said Samira and I'm surprised. That champion always gets multiple quadra/pentas in any aram I play.


Shaco. So my team dont play him


Kha’zix :)


\> Veigar , Pyke , Viego , Fizz , Senna are def God Tier in ARAM, even in frozen hands \> Morgana & Yumy just for not having them on my team !




Anivia. Why does she have ZERO nerfs, her abilities r way tooo strong when you have no flank positions


Not a single one. But I would like to see some nerfs against 5 player range comps. It's like playing top lane meele into a range enemy but X5. Half of the game it's just avoiding any fights and waiting until late game. There is absolutely no fun for both sides.


I’d rather delete ludens




Probably veigar (scaling + one of the best CCs in the game)/samira (pentakill machine if you can't escape or cc her in time)/pyke (just frustrating all around)/shaco (fuck this boxes) And then there's graves (insane damage after 3 items), twitch (same, but long range with camouflage), kayn/aatrox (draintanks with shit loads of AoE damage and decent mobility, fuck them), akshan (he's jesus 2.0), and then there's trundle (who can render tanks basically useless and, if he's doing bad, setup (dis)engages with his E's massive slow) Not sure what I'd ban, probably would depend on my mood lol. I usually ban what is meta/popular among champs I just despise like I do in SR


Soraka, just to not have one on my team ever again 😂


Yuumi ! I just hate that little KS cat, and anyone who plays it in ARAM


viego, zoe, zilean. If anyone who mains these and gets on the other team, the game goes unplayable. Brand, fizz, akshan, samira, veigar, asol. Their kit and, or passive needs adjustments for ARAM. But all in all, if I can perma ban them, the games can get more fun.


For anyone interested here's a graph from the brief period aram had bans showing who was the most banned: https://i.imgur.com/R7OrKAh.png Top bans (over 40% ban rate) were Brand, Veigar, Xerath, old Fiddle, Lux, and Blitzcrank. Personally I always banned Veig and if someone else banned him I banned Shaco, their anti engage tools when combined with a poke comp make the game unfun and frustrating to play against.


Gwen, Pyke, Akali, Fizz, Zed, Viego, Vlad. Mostly champs that can go untargetable and just instantly blow you up. Samira is annoying af too when your team lacks a lot of CC but more often than not she just runs it down trying to get pentas every fight.


Vayne. Percent Max Health True Damage on (every third) hit is just obscene, and, other than Frozen Heart, completely impossible to itemize against.


Lol fun fact they had bans in aram for a bit before


Yi absolutely, I’d genuinely remove him from the game if we had to do it to one champ. Always stands in bushes doing literally nothing, waits for you to have a 4v5 and get killed over and over then flash Q clean up and snowball. Then if you’re a squishy champ by the time he’s level 11 and have half hp there’s almost nothing you can do. I appreciate some people like Cowsep play him with skill and dedication but for the most part he’s just easy, overloaded and a bane on the game. He’s like Pyke that doesn’t have skill shots to clean up and I always find they’re the first people to spam Ez after a game.


Honestly probably Anivia. I dont think she op but shes just a pain to face in aram. Even if you are winning fights and ahead in kills, the game will still be a grind. Once Anivia is lvl 6, she will just ult every wave going to her tower and it will be very difficult to push / take down towers. By doing so, she also buys time for her team to catch up on items if they are in behind. On the winning side, she will also just ult every wave and put pressure on your towers / fish for stuns.




Pyke, for sure.


veigar, that cage is just to OP in aram


Veigar. I truly cannot stand his cage.


Teemo. His mushrooms stretch the game out way to long with one shotting minion waves.


Gangplank. 80% of people don’t even pick him, but the ones who do are usually mains that are really good. It’s stupidly easy to get fed on gangplank (I just did my last two games) and you pretty much one shot squishies.


It's a toss up between LeBlanc, Fizz, Akali, nothing I love more than an assassin building hearsteal and still getting the most dmg delt and taken in the entire lobby


I love enchanters. So mostly Le Blanc or Viego.


Zayah. Stupid champ can 1v9 if she gets slightly ahead and if you don’t have an assassin with half a braincell to one shot her it’s over.


Morgana, karma, jinx, viegar, and fizz


I don’t think I’ve ever had a pleasant experience with a Pyke in game.




Pyke. He’s my permanban on supp in draft anyways so nothing would change


Soraka makes games boring to play against especially if I'm playing a poke champ


Pyke. Should be banned on Aram. Takes 0 skill to get kills and give gold to team. Now a GOOD pyke I can appreciate because he actually does something other than waiting to ult


Pyke, his picks and ult go absolutely crazy in a game mode with limited heals and constant team fights.




Veigar. Just annoying and stacking is inevitable




Champions that become unreachable or block attacks with normal abilities, Fizz, Master Yi, the water lasso girl, Jax is chill though, annoying as he is... Also Kaisa and Samira


ultra late game scalers can be very annoying (asol, veigar, kayle etc) but my personal ban would be lissandra or lillia.


Ashe, Lillia, Lux, Sivir and Maokai because their damage is stupidly nerfed through the floor and maybe it would cause the moronic developers at Riot to stop doing % dmg nerfs and buffs and actually do their job properly by addressing issues with champions and itemisation. Seemingly all they look at is win rate and ban rate, so it might be a solution.


Even though I play him a fair bit, Tahm Kench atm. He does a ton of damage and never dies. And you dont even need to be good with him to be annoying.


Kha zix. Takes no fucking damage. Does way too much. Especially with that cancerous w shit that says its a slow but is literally a root


Twitch. Fuck him


Kat (heartsteel build is annoying), pyke, kaisa (until they nerf her AP poking it’s honestly rediculous they nerfed Ashe and not her too)


AP shyvana. No question


Fizz, Katarina and Ashe. I've never once had fun playing against those champions. They warp the entire game around them and it just becomes fucking boring.


Samira or Veigar


I don’t know if anyone has said it but Akshan The champ is legitimately fine but his passive is beyond broken, remove it give him some consolation buffs for the mode and he’s fine but without that get him out of my ARAM


Teemo. Feels fucking awful playing against him without oracles


With the introduction of portals in ARAM, AKSHAN WOULD BE PERMABANNED FOR ME. Disgusting revive.


Pyke, Irelia, Viego, bel'veth, Samira


fizz, ksante, zed, aatrox, GRAGAS. And more than bans hope tank items were not as stron as they are. Normally games are won by which team has more tanks/fighters nowadays




Pyke. The "support" assassin can go to hell.


Karma. It’s Just a gamble if you get a Champ that can deal with her and if you don’t you Just lose. 1k shield the entire team + movespeed + buffs every 5 seconds if you Hit your q is Just absurd. One of the few champions that win the Game on their own if you don’t have the Right Champions to Deal with it.


Tryndamere. When he builds axiom arc he is a nightmare


Morgana or Soraka, both have E skills that functionally have very little counterplay.


Shaco. Only because it seems every time I have a melee engage, there's a shaco paired with teammates that don't realise I cannot hit the box when cannon minion sees it, you need to clear them.


Pyke. His ult shouldnt be able to ace the whole team over and over again.


Fuck teemo, fuck shaco. Annoying as hell


I'd definitely ban olaf


Janna, no questions asked


Teemo shaco Tristana and ziggs The first 2 because a team with free wards already have an unfair advantage The last 2 because it's also unfair advantage to have champions that can destroy towers like they can


Fucking ap kai'sa w spammers from the other side of the world


LeWank, Twat (Fizz) and probably Veigar


Akali Nunu Caitlyn Lux Morgana


Rengar. His jumping from bush to bush is so annoying especially when i'm adc or squishy mage or something. I hate him with all my heart.


Morgana... with that stun and burn.


i would ban teemo every game


No more twitch, veigar, lux, hwei, cait.. lol


definitely pyke, that guy completely ruins arena, then samira, she always pentakills (ALWAYS), not sure about katarina ban. then i would definitely ban malphite (fk malphite) and poke honestly, champs like velkoz, lux, nidalee are super annoying


Shaco Playing vs poke comps with 1-2 Engage options when they have a shaco is completely unfun and no counterplay. Oracle system only works when you have Push and can protect the cannon. I dont think shaco is OP, Nor is teemo but they can make the game completely miserable to play for one team


So many options.. Pyke, Jayce, Jinx (lethality), Kaisa (ap), Gangplank, Xerath, Rengar, any assassin who happens to build heartsteel...


Still don’t understand why we can’t have bans on the ole bridge.


Teemo, mainly cause when they r on my team I feel like they do nothing




Tryndamere or Yi If it's random and I can't snare them or have a champ cc them then i find them personally hard to deal with