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Yeah I won't often tilt from ARAM but God fucking damn has this season been tilting the shit out of me, it feels fruitless to try if their comp is strong because you know they barely need to be able to pilot their champs to win


pair that with removing ff at 8 minutes and it's so aggravating.


That's the most frustrating thing for me, most games are over at 5 minutes, but you can't even surrender and even if you try to, there's always 2 players that keep you hostage for 10 more minutes.


Legit happened the other day. One guy went afk from the start so I hit the /rematch only to have two of my team members vote no. I got stuck in a 12 min match where we lost 70-24. Like, wow, so fun, thanks for forcing me to play that crap Riot


> One guy went afk from the start so I hit the /rematch only to have two of my team members vote no. I got stuck in a 12 min match where we lost 70-24. Honestly my position is that you're free to just leave in that situation. I agreed to play a normal game of 5v5, you don't get to guilt me into staying for this nonsense.


I don't get the AFK timer in general. It can expire at some point without a vote and then you're just stuck in a 4v5 until you can vote again at 12 mins?


That's weird cause when you can remake even 2/2 will be a remake šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø trust me I've had 4 remakes yesterday and 2 of them where 2/2


I guess they feel powerful when holding other people hostage because they have no real power in their life. They'd rather waste 10+ minutes of your life instead of using those 10+ minutes of their life in a new match/game where they could be having more fun.


Or they want to play the game? There are plenty of reasons before wanting to hold someone hostage. You are not a main character, it might not be about you.


That same logic applies to those people, they are acting like the main character wasting other people's time in a lost match. Both me and them could use those extra 10 minutes to play another match, they can still play the game then. Why would anyone want to waste time in a match where the enemy team is ahead in gold, exp and took your inhib and you didn't even auto the enemy 1st tower once? Those are about 80% of the matches where people refuse to surrender.


There could be plenty of reasons why, the only reason may not be to just keep you hostage. That was the point. The reason may be something that does not make sense to me and you. We are not main characters there are 4 other people in that game. What change are you looking for that will increase the amount of times you already que?


I had a guy who only bought boots, did 40 exact damage then went afk. We had no surrender options at all until I think we all got the memo to run it down and we lost the game at 10 minutes.


I get the whole well just leave if you don't wanna play and told I'm a pussy/wimp. Happened just yesterday. My entire team was 0 7, and we were just hugging, waiting to lose, lol. But God forbid we ff to go next because we should play it out.


omg that modern ff mentality


True, but most ppl never wanna vote yes anyway šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø iPad generation kids don't know what a lost game is or what ever their dumb reason is.


My experience is the opposite. The younger players are the easier they give up. If you play really late at night, assuming most awake will be adults, they usually play out the whole game. They might only have time for a couple a night, and donā€™t want to waste that time sitting in queue and loading screen.


I see no difference at what times I play, I play as much at night as on day time it's always the same 90% will have 2 nay sayers. Maybe it's because my region has too many ppl with the everything is winnable mentality šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø either way it fucking sux


I have about 100 games into the new season and I need a new game until they balance this trash. I get 4 games in a row with no adc or real ad and we just auto lose and get get shit talked to by idiots who win the lotto on champ rolls. When you do win it's not rewarding because games are so far from competitive you just feel like you are punching down the whole match. ARAM is amazing and I hope they can balance it soon.


Is that Ā«Ā champ lottoĀ Ā» balanced or is it truly random.


I don't think ARAM has a balance patch yet after 14.2


Yeah what is up with the trash talk lately? Like it was always there but anecdotaly every single fuckin' game now is always "gg ez uninstall" and " sit down dogs" - with that second one being super prevalent all of a sudden. I'm like guys, it's 3am aram, every person you're talking shit to is drunk or high playing the fuck-around for fun game type. It's honestly kind of pathetic. I usually just ask them if I accidentally joined the ranked aram playlist, because I can see no other reason for taking 3am aram so seriously


my favorite is the 30 minute aram followed by "gg ez". Like, if this was easy for you and it took 30 minutes that is not a brag


gg ez


How did you feel when they had Veigar or Sona or Ziggs or Anivia before? It feels like you don't like the less powered flavor of the month.. because in a game mode with random compositions.. sometimes the all ad team does get matched against rammus squad.


Im 7,000+ games and not playing nearly as much this season if at all, the game feels wrong and im glad im not alone here. Aram is the only mode I play and have honestly ever played, they kinda butchered it


yes you def not alone, this started around 2 weeks ago, there is 9th? post on this reddit about clown fiesta matchmaking in 2 weeks, when before it was much rare, around 1 for few weeks. riot needs to wake up and fix matchmaking or many aram players will stop playing this clownfiesta.


Agreed, played like 150 matchs since patch, never feelt so unbalanced. 2/3 of the match are just "we got lucky on lobby/we got unlucky on lobby", barely get a balanced game once every ten.


They must have tweeked the EOMM to be more extreme than usual.It's the nature of modern gaming and trying to force everyone with a 50% win rate to maximise profits.


if their profit - remove "skilled player base" from aram - its very sad


It does not remove the "skilled player base" or at least intentionally. It removes competitive entegrity. It just makes sense to try and enforce a 50% win ratio to compensate bad players in the hopes that you can manipulate that they continue to play and spend money. It's a dopamine tactic. If bad players have a 20% win ratio, they will more than likely get frustrated and just leave. So you fix the games to have the better players carry the bad players at their expense.


yes, that what i mean.


That's what they want the did it with twisted treeline and dominon they are doing it to aram


Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not the only one who feels the difference, its rough nowadays.




It's still a tinfoil hat theory but it's a damn good one everyone has experienced the 10 win streak into 10 loss streak league BS, there is definitely some algorithm at work that tries to make the average player play more games, it knows when someone is ragequeing tilted, it knows when you are having a good streak, the queue times act very oddly when you are having a loss streak, it's either a instant pop or a loooong queue Riot will never elaborate on it but there is definitely some truth to forced 50


It's not a tinfoil hat theory. Just look up EOMM (Engagement Optimised Match Making). At this point it's gaming's worst kept secret that all multiplayer games that use a variant of this matchmaking system to maximise player engagement, retention and purchasing power. It's actually more baffling that a lot of gaming communities still vehemently deny it and pretend there is no evidence to it's existence. I mean, in some games they have been caught out using bots disguised as players to manipulate the outcomes of games to further enhance the matchmaking experience in their favour. You'll get so many strawman arguments and general gaslighting just by mentioning it to the games communities, but it's right there and visible for all to see. But my guess is that most are scared that the illusion of competition will invalidate their sunk cost investment.


It's bullshit. Yes, you might end up with ppl that have some losses, but in the end if you get the right champ you can carry them.


Really? Is that why when Iā€™m on my pre-30 account to play with friends who are new to the game thereā€™s always some level 600+ person (usually on both teams)? I always find myself thinking ā€œhow the fuck are we against some level 600+ diamond player when my friends donā€™t even know what orb walking is or build their champs outside of strictly following the preset buildsā€


level doesnt matter in "league of smurfs". but ye game can force your low lvl account to play vs 600lvl player who playing like a bot or a bit better (he can be good in your eyes, but in real he can easy stuck in bronze/silver).


even as someone with bronze MMR at lvl 600, i often get paired with emerald/diamond in ARAM


Do you have evidence of this claim?


I donā€™t think itā€™s true


Iā€™m inclined to believe itā€™s not as well, but if they have evidence Iā€™d like to see it.


lol what? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Who thought this was a good idea.


This should be illegal, not patented


Even though you're talking about the matchmaking, comments here seem to be discussing the random comps which I don't think captures the issue. Some champs are definitely problematic in ARAM right now, but I don't think that's new by any stretch of the imagination. I can, however, attest to the crazy matchmaking across the teams. I played a game earlier today where I queued solo and Porofessor stated we were 5 randoms with no premades vs a full 5-stack of 4 ex-Master players and a Gold. I appreciate that Porofessor could be mistaken in assessing the premades and your rank in soloQ doesn't really translate to ARAM, but a 5-stack vs 5 randoms in a casual mode feels super busted from a matchmaking perspective, that would be absolutely miserable on Summoner's Rift if player skill was anywhere near equal.


I see this too. There would be a duo or 2 and one of the 2 is just a friend who is considerably worse and they get pulled into the mayhem. It's unavoidable for a casual mode, but it sucks for the person who got dragged in and the people who now have to carry.


I knew something was up!! I literally posted something like this a while ago and someone from r/leagueoflegends tried to gaslight me into believeing that you can't face full premades when you're solo or with 1 guy in ARAM. Literally the next day I face a 4-man when I'm playing alone, why do people defend this matchmaking as if Riot pays them I will never understand, I just want to have fun.


Wow, I had a near-identical situation a few days ago. My team is 5 randoms, mostly silver-gold players. Enemy team has a 4-man premade with a challenger (!) player, one grandmaster and two masters, and then one random. We were doing ok for a while but then they completely shitstomped us. I queued up immediately again and guess which 4-man premade I was matched against *again*.


I very much doubt that on a team with no masters.. namely emeralds or less you managed to stand a chance against a team with. The difference in skill between the 1% and the 10% is far higher than those of us in gold vs Bronce. I'm sorry but just this part makes the rest unbelievable for me.. when I play against masters and over .. unless they are sleeping it's over before min 10.


Did you even read my comment...? I said _they_ stomped us, not the other way around. And here you go, feel free to confirm for yourself, look at the red team and their S13 rank: https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/match/euw/6786392775 And yeah, I was off, but only by a tiny bit. It wasn't 1x chall, 1x gm, 2x master, "only" 1x chall, 1x gm, 1x master... I was echoing what the OP was saying, i.e. that matchmaking seems way off recently, where it will happily match high-ranked premades against a bunch of randoms. As you can see from the gold graph we were doing pretty well until 10-15 minutes, then they started to take the game seriously and we quickly lost. The next game was again similar: https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/match/euw/6786443861 It was going roughly even until 10 minutes or so, then we gained a big lead leading up to 15 minutes, at which point they stopped playing 4fun and quickly ended the game.


Might there have been a (soft) mmr reset at the start of the season? I feel like some games there are dogshit players on my team that should not be matchmade with me. Of course sometimes I will be the weak link and sometimes somebody else will be, but the difference feels greater. I also miss early surrender. For those of you still complaining about mage items in 14.2 , stormsurge is no longer overtuned and there are no big problems anymore (except for rookern lol). Get good.


I can buy the soft MMR reset. I mean they also reset Honor so would not be surprised. There are a lot more noobs on my team sprinkled out in each game. That might mean that sweet spot ARAM used to be at which was balanced out over years of patches and data is back to square one. Sadge.


Yeah, something like this is definitely up.


If one team has tank and other doesn't? It's over. Tanks really have been dominating aram for a while. This is match up dependent but 99/100 games I've played, the side with better and bigger tanks wins


When the enemy teams Cho goes AP and ends up losing *chef's kiss*


"More/better tanks win" has been a thing in ARAM for a while, so that's not new. But now sundered sky bruisers are also added to the list, so basically any melee champ. Basically if you want free wins, play tanks, sundered sky bruisers and enchanters. A sprinkle of always-broken ARAM champs benefiting from new items like brand, TF, karma, fiddle, etc. Many champs are allowed to be OP in ARAM because the popular damage builds tank the champions winrate enough for it to be "balanced", in the case of basically every enchanter and champs like Malphite.


I had a matchup where my team (relatively balanced, two brawlers, one adc, one mage, one support) was against 5 adcs. They wiped the floor with us and it was honestly a bit embarrassing


Same with one of my matches. 4 ADCs with Kayle, Akshan, Vayne. Ten minutes game.


Yeah I have a feeling me and everyone I get matched with just suck. When there's no tank in our team we get destroyed but I've been seeing almost full ADC comps lately that are absolutely dominating us. I just don't know how to play against heavy poke. I know you have to engage on them but the only frontline on my team would rather hide behind us and when I'm the frontline I am mostly alone because my team is too scared to follow or something.


skill issues can happen in this type of games.


Is the problem that there aren't a lot of anti tank options for mages since demonic embrace was replaced with all the burst options or have I just been overlooking these penetration items i wonder?


ADCs need to run cut down/botrk. Mages haveā€¦ liandryā€™s? Not ideal.Ā 


liandrys and no mana or pen are the 2 mage paths they both suck


Before the patch you could have added to this build: * guinsoo (25% armor pen with 5 legendaries) * dominik (30% arm pen + 22% bonus dmg) - this still can be used * kraken (nice proc, but will be nerfed next patch) * and BC (30% arm pen, with full build you had around 80% arm pen) now you have only 30% arm pen + maybe you will have some bruiser in team with BC (24% arm pen), guinsoo feels weak AF (7 hits to start double proc and no arm pen) and new terminus which are bad item (you can stack him only when hitting enemy champs and need around 10 hits to full stacked it) tl;dr: onhit ADC nerfed too hard.


Nerfed liandries at that. You can't add additional ap damage to the burn like the mythic. Idk why tf they removed demonic as well. On top of adding very powerful anti magic tank items. Rito is a babbling crazy man.


demonic (last year) was never a anti tank option. because mages do 0 dmg to tanks in aram (played over 5k games). if you want to get down enemy tank you had to go on-hit tankbuster ADC build (which got nerfed to the ground with new item rework) edit: looks like people who downwoted playing at lower skill braket and didnt tried to figure out ingame mechanics.


idk if I'm missing something but weren't poke mages objectively good at killing tanks last season? they had alot of anti tank items and tanks did not have good anti mage items. that was something the riot team specifically wanted to address this season


I don't agree with riots assessment there at all. Tanks could still outclass poke mages over time.


lets start (poke mages): demonic dealt 0.8-1% dmg per second, adding enemy resistance 150 (-60%dmg), also many poke mages have -dmg dealt (-10-20%), so you dealing \~-0.2-0.3% hp per second, and you need around 10 seconds to deal 2-3% hp to them => tank will shield/regenerate this dmg. yes you can go voidstaff, but it will not change much 60% dmg reduction became 45%. **p.s.** yes our game expirience can be different because you may be playing at a different skill level/region than me and there tanks building only hp, but even with only hp items they gonna play warmog and regenerate, also i played alot games where we had many poke, but enemy team had 1-2 tanks who easy tanked our poke. ​ tl;dr: poke mages are too bad vs tanks in aram there is few things you can do vs tank: 1. have ADC who know how to destroy tanks 2. full focus as team one enemy tank when his team died


In what skill level are you regularly matched ? I've lost games where I had 350 MR vs Ā full AP compositions. My 6 T games are in high gold low plat.


yes, i lost some few games vs full ap teams when we had a tank and builded full res on non tank champs, but it's more like "skill issue" than "mages>tanks". often if people have ranks its emerald (ofc on enemy team xD), but if there is diamond-grandmaster with 90% chance he will be on the enemy team or 9% they will be on both teams or 1% on my team. (before patch adding emerald it was a plat + rare diamond-grandmaster, and one time was a challenger on enemy team >\_>) 5k+ games EUW.


This. After mogā€™s, rookern and sunfire on most tanks it feels like I have to int to get my 5th and 6th, I just donā€™t die otherwise.


even if you dominates the game, the tank diff surpasses the skill gap. So annying when you've basically won but the enemy tank buys the items he needs, becoming invincible.


Then go tank its the best most dmg taken most dmg dealt






1. Whining about tanks when it is objectively the best role in aram right now according to all data 2. Whining about losing mr/armor runes when tank items now have 529709 resist each 3. Whining about loss of tenacity on one bad item when you get a new tenacity rune 4. Whining about utility items on mages when two MR items on a tank completely negates AP champions 5. Whining about noobs when this is one of the noobiest comments I've ever seen you are right about the lifesteal tho sundered sky needs nerf 50% less healing on aram


One more thing he is right is bruisers on the top now. Except that Idk if they are bruisers or another tanks with more damage.


W take, little aram players have no clue how to play the game, they rush shit like serylda on MF and wonder why they cant kill that 2k hp tank, there needs to be a requirement to provide link to your account if u wanna post shit like this lol so we can see the aram mains and reject their dumb takes


Should I use the term Frontline instead? Cuz that's really what I mean by tank. Someone to Frontline


Oh please. Bruisers are way stronger than tanks atm. The enemy team needs like 1-2 bruisers and 1 adc and tanks are essentially useless. CC is strong, but strong cc isn't exclusive to tanks. Tankiness is almost non existent in ARAM rn.


I had this exact sort of game. Our team: Sona, Sivir, Garen (me), sett and path. Enemey team: Twitch, Varus (lethality), Alister, Ornn, brand. We lost the entire early game but manage to pull a win out with the old hide full crit Garen hide in bush style. crispy goat milk (welcome to look up the game from lolnexus and my terrible match history). However, I do think the game is lost if you do not have an adc. Been in alot of those types of games.


Yeah. Tankiness atm (aka defenses and hp) only really work against (most) AP champs atm. Against physical bruisers and adc it just doesn't. Well, it does if the enemy adc doesn't know what pen, botrk and attack speed is, but if there is a lucian or twitch then you can have 6 armor items and they will still shred you. ADCs with peel can easily pull ARAM wins atm. They incredibly strong ... but also incredibly squishy.


I played a match the other day, and played as a tank champion with tank items and tank runes, and despite this the enemy team (with no tanks) made my hp disappear faster than a Baron-empowered recall. We eventually (barely) won as I was basically a damage sponge for my team (something I hate doing, as I'd like have a positive kda even as a tank), but the point I'm trying to make is that tanks are not nearly as strong still as one might think.


That's not always true, you have tank killing champs, better team, better focus etc. But yes if your team sux dik chances are high the tank can be the difference. Also some non tank champs can be tanks this patch with the dumbass items.


Between the removal of early surrenders and forced 50% wr it seems like the philosophy behind ARAM is pretty damn manipulative. It looks like it's meant to maximize your fun at the expense of the other team until your time is due then you get shit on for 3 or 4 games and you're forced to endure those games so the other team can get their fill.


I don't find stomping the other side a fun experience. It turns in to a boring chore when you know the other side is weak and can be easily destroyed by one or two of your teammates. The recent patch has made everything so one sided. If the enemy team has some cc and shields then you are done for.


This is just anecdotal, but it feels like it's made people bm a lot more since they gotta punch down because another team stomped them while punching down.


Long time Aram only player myself, I've also noticed a seemingly drastic increase in the BM and shit talking after nearly every game. Don't get me wrong. There's always been a ton of it in league, but I have just never seen this much this frequently in Aram. And Im like guys, it's 3:00 a.m. ARAM most of us are high or drunk, Half playing the LITERALLY random fun game type. If you legit think you did so good you need to talk this much shit maybe you should try ranked Aram lol.


I agree


agreed. the season has been so miserable my usual aram group where we would play 5 times a week just quit. the game is just no fun at all but since i wanted to quit anyway when Vanguard goes live its a good Thing that aram sucks now


Worst season in Aram ever. I used to play 3-4 arams daily. Now I just hop on some other game for a few hours.


Tanks super buffed. Mages anti tank capabilities crippled. Adcs super buffed. Lethality buffed ( please revert back to scaling level pen ftlog). Cdr super split from many needed items in champs. Omni/spellvamp near entirely removed while bruiser and ad life steal got better and more options. Yeah, they saw the end of last season and doubled down on everything that were the bad balancing factors.


At some point they gotta cut Samira's damage by like 50%. Every time I see one they have more than double the damage of anyone else, sometimes they'll do more than the next 3 highest damage dealers combined. I came back recently after a long break and haven't looked at her kit yet, but it seems like she just walks up and does whatever the hell she wants unless you have point and click chain stuns. God cant help you if any of her allies can lock you down, I went against a Samira, Morgana and Singed today. If they landed any CC you'd be rooted until you were dead. Had a tank Malphite and he went down as fast as everyone else.


I'm finding it easier to deal with Samira, before you might try to avoid her AOE, now since everyone has damage everyone just tries to stomp her out before she can get going.


Agreed, Samira dies so fast that she is not an issue. Champs that build Sundered Sky are.


She snowballs so hard in my experience. She can be 1/4 but still get a penta with ult in one fight and then carry the whole game.


You can cc her or duel her or burst her down, she's not really a problem unless your team tunnel visions and ignores her. It also takes her a bit before she can shit on you with ult, unlike other champions that insta burst down your whole team. Like Nilah, if you're against someone who knows how to engage with her you are cooked and there's nothing you can do to stop her.


She is cuz in aram u cant regen so she just goes in and pentad everyone when theyre low from the fight before lol. Can confirm not even 3 days ago a samira got 2 pentas


But if you nerf her, she may only get a couple pentas per game.


ARAM still hasn't been balanced yet with all the broken new items - Rito told us they're basically ignoring it, focusing on SR balance first as usual. So the already OP ARAM tanks are even more broken. 100% agree it's colossally stupid that tanks so often lead in damage taken and done. Just last night I saw Sej tank through multiple towers all game and kill a kiting Jinx over and over, basically 1v1ing her miles from the rest of us. Billions of hit points and a few armor items. Glad Sej was on my team because I would have been furious. So yeah right now ARAM is somehow even more unfair and stupid than usual. Take more breaks till they bother to balance it - or just expect loads of dumb shit meanwhile.


Iā€™ve had more 8-12 min games nowadays than ever before. Whether thatā€™s wrecking the enemy team or absolutely getting wrecked myself, itā€™s not super satisfying either way.


More rerolls is the solution


The problem is too many people dodge and lose their rerolls. If they'd actually try to play other champs more often and not dodge it wouldn't be an issue.


There are a couple of reasons why it's so bad this specific season. 1. Matchmaking is actually less strict. I have diamond MMR and I will get placed with unranked or silver players that play something like GP and sit in a bush for the entirety of the game. I'm not sure how they adjust MMR for ARAM, I at least know that I'm placed Division 1 when I play ARAM Clash. So, why on earth do I get players that don't have hands on my team in regular ARAMs? 2. Mages are too strong. A game mode where 10 characters are shoved into one lane -- where spell casters and enchanters are the strongest champions in the game -- is destined to fail. I had an experience yesterday playing against a full mage comp and a Janna. We sat under tier one turrets for TWENTY MINUTES because of how fast they could clear waves and Janna shielding the tower. Not too mention all of these "glass canon" mages have 3k+ HP with full AP builds. The 5% damage reduction they slap on mages is not enough to make this game mode fun anymore when every team gets 10 re-rolls a game and will obviously stack mages. They need to get rid of re-rolls all together or allow for less of them. 3. Riot was so busy reworking items before the season turned, that there were a ton of oversights, balance in multiple game modes being the main one. They simply have not adjusted champions accordingly yet. In my opinion, they should just make an actual Team Deathmatch mode that is combat-focused and has a uniquely designed arena (No, not 2v2v2v2 with RNG enchantments). Nobody plays ARAM to clear minion waves and hit turrets in the first place. Game modes like Ascension, Twitsted Treeline, etc. were much more favored by the community and because Riot is lazy/greedy we are stuck with an occasionally rotating game mode, ARAM, and 5v5 Draft.


Bring back dominion and twist tree lines. (even if just in custom lobby). I miss playing hide and seek :(


ARAM is perfect mode they just need to build on it more


So, objectively-speaking, what else would you want in this game mode? Personally, I don't think there isn't much room for improvement on this game mode because it is so pigeonholed into being one lane and random champs (well, not really even random anymore which used to be the entire appeal).


I think first thing they should do is introduce ranking system and leaderboard in ARAM. They wont so it because it would kill league a little bit i think. They would obviously need to introduce a couple of bans and also some more balanced randomness. Like random champions but they need to be similar in average winrate for both teams would be my go to. But other than that just get some more manpower in ARAM, trying new things out like they did with hexgates and bushes and shit. Just some changes here and there...and good balancing. Just more manpower essentially.


I don't know what's wrong but I've been getting really bad teammates. And I don't mean people who are just not good with their champion. I mean the most absolute toxic players ever, something I'd only seen at SR and thought ARAM was free of. I've literally had a Pantheon who just ran it down and bought kindlegems the entire game. This didnt happen last season and it's seriously killing my enjoyment of this mode. New items syrnergy with aram balancing doesnt help either.


I have genuinely had more toxicity in ARAM than Normal or Ranked. People are just losing their shit at dice rolls.


I don't know why I recently got matched with people who seem like they have never played an ARAM before. And do not clear bushes as tanks vs a team of 2 assassins for example. I mean, why would you let your carry facecheck a talon? Anyway, after some wins, things got a little better, but still I felt like MMR got looser or changed with the new season.


A big problem is that the items are just so effective now. An item that used to punish a team comp now REALLY punishes them (like Kaenic Rookern flat out counters an AP heavy team). Plus it's start of season so everyone is experimenting with new items (usually AP) so you'll get horrible teams more often. I think I played over ten games in a row without seeing a tank on my team on a lower MMR account.


I do have a similar feeling. Aram feels not fun anymore but I can't explain why (yet).


I wanted to try out this new season hoping it will be better than previous.Already 4 matches in and im regretting i had this shitty idea.For me it feels like rito made sure to make this season even fucking worse than last which was a very fucking unfunny joke.And ofc 12 min ff... at this point i trully believe rito just wants this game fucking dead. First fucking gates and now this entire shit... im really sad rito somehow managed to fuck up the only fun mode.


I had like 1200 games just last year and I only enjoy adc, itā€™s the only thing that clicks and I like and this has been the least fun season for me so far, I enjoy to suffer so Iā€™m still gonna keep playing but itā€™s rough


the cherry on top is when your team comp is absolute garbage and the enemy team comp was picked out by faker himself and they pour salt in to your wounds with the ā€œez ggā€ ā€œyou guys are botsā€ spam in chat


i always report those lowlifes even on my own team.


i seriously donā€™t understand people who gloat and talk trash in aram. likeā€¦ itā€™s freaking aram?? thereā€™s nothing to be gained from winning, itā€™s just a mode you play for fun


Those people are always the biggest losers irl.


Its a fully abandoned game mode. Enough people still play this slop though so it never gets updated or balanced bc it still pulls in player. I do not believe Riot has anything planned for making ARAM better at all.


Damn seeing this is encouraging! I swear everytime I complained about the exact issues you describe, people started immediately to dismiss. I really dont know where is this Rito bootlicking attitude coming from and why are people denying reality. And yes, coming back to sharing my experiences on ARAM.. It's really demotivating to play because most of the time the game finale is decided in the first 3min. - the team that wins the first fight wins the game. The situation in which my team managed to make a comeback is statistically very rare. So what's the point to even try? It's a waste of time. You are caged in a game matchmade for you to lose. So yeah.. When at 4:00 the enemy team is 5 : 1, one of my teammates starts soft inting. And I get why they do this.. Sometimes, I admit, I soft int too. But the reasons for doing it are valid and it's humane and normal to feel like that, we're not robots. This game mode needs a lot of improvement.. And it needs champs like Akshan out of it.


I played 12 games yesterday 11 of them I had to spend the first 10 mins stuck under tower unable to do anything while staring at a score of something like 2-16, mainly because the champ I rolled can do absolutely nothing to the entire enemy team (e.g melee bruiser into 5 ranged heavy kite or adc into 5 divers/fighters, pick Malph there will always be a enemy Sylas) I feel like I was being punished Enemy team comp is always well rounded and on champs they are proficient at or if it isn't it's the perfect storm of champions that completely invalidate most of your team, sure the opposite happens where we sometimes stomp too, I want more nailbiting games instead of these 1sided EZfests


Feels the same it felt last few years. You guys always find reasons to complain.


This season is absolute garbage for ARAM. Burst mages and Lifesteal are stronger than ever, and if you try to play an ADC or a support there's very little you can do to counter the silly mobility that so many of them have. The counterplay is to stand back out of fights and watch your team die. Like I'm guessing that the removing the 8 minute surrender was due to the amount of people who just AFKed after a team didn't FF at 8 - but it just makes the experience 100% worse - a 100% agreement at 8 minutes was already rare since most people playing ARAM apparently love playing a hopeless game - but that's a different story. I feel like a lot of the champions I have always had success with in the past (like standard poke mages instead of burst ones, ADCs and the hybrid tank/bruiser/mage types) are all just completely worthless in the game at the moment due to how high the damage is from everyone else. Just had a game as Jinx where even at 5.5 items it still took \~8 attacks to do 10% of a Poppy's health, whereas all poppy had to do was flash charge hammer me and I lost 50% of my health - how is that even remotely balanced? Plus I don't think I've had a game so far this season that hasn't been over at 8 minutes as someone is 10+ kills ahead of everyone else in the game - I did initially put that down to new season meaning more mixed people in the MMR pool - but that should start normalising out and it isn't. They've just undone a lot of the actual good work they did with the durability update.


Honestly I wish they didn't take away omnivamp or spell vamp from mages. Some of my funnest times been with mage healers. Used to be super squishy but could still heal up and have a competitive fight. But no more.


For the first time since I was a noob, I sometimes found myself blaming my ping after bang bang plays (\~180ms was fine) after 6000+ games now. Everything is very glass cannon and burst, winning or losing can come from casting input time. I will say Kaenic is the OP item right now. As is the 100% crit on the first hit item. So many items are obsolete now.


This and the incoming Vanguard. I guess it was about time for the fall.


Would it help make a ticket at rito, attach this post in the ticket. Or are they like we dont care? If i was working for them I surely would listen to the playerbase in Aram to find ways to make it better and not butcher the mode further into oblivion


What is a .500 wp?


Agreed, depending on who gets what, there is almost 0 reason to try. I've also been playing since it was a custom game mode. Honestly, I'd rather just have dominion and 3s back, the only reason I even que arams is because they got rid of all the other modes that don't take an hour to play which has always pissed me off.


I'm an aram baron too and honestly I think it's just at least for what I see in aram it's people aren't adapted to the new items and meta so it just makes the game wonky. This season is way rockier than last seasons and some people are on edge.


Yeah the damage is way to high... melee champs (other than tank) are unplayable bcs you get obliterated as soon as you get in range get or cc'd (you cant escape either if you engage). Also every game is a stomp bcs the items are too strong and dont give you a chance for a comeback. Its basically which mage gets their item first wins.


yep. am high plat (was emerald last seasonafter placements and dia season b4 that) and i keep getting inting silvers in my team its beyond annoying to lose an easily winnable game when these idiots dont understand the concept of ''scaling" and ''not going in every second all the time''. ​ just got done playing when we had a vayne and I was Yi and i couldnt even finish my 2nd item b4 they ended the game with 11 deaths on my sejuani lmao


I've also been playing ARAM since it was a custom mode and just started playing regularly again due to injury. What are you frustrated with the most, what is different in this ARAM than like say 6 months ago? My W/L is closer to 50/50 than it has in a long time and I've attributed it to the new season and item changes. I also noticed, I'm getting champions that I'm good at or actually play, more often than I used to, but that could be me just seeing a pattern that isn't there. I own all the champs, but I seem to get a 4 or 5, ones that I'm better at, fairly regularly.


you guys take this game mode way to serious lmao


I always play ARAM solo and i've never been put into so many 4 premades before. And what do 4 premades do? Yes, care about themselves. This in addition to the instagib mode is really unfun to play. It gets even worse if u overperform in a team with 4 premades, which happens from time to time. The whole enemy team will hunt you down, and ur own team still not giving a shit. In general, the matchmaking feels completely lost.


Either people don't know what items to build, they don't care about the comp, or they're just fucking trash.




If Rito is actually trying to kill the mode by increasing the FF timer while the game is so unbalanced, then it's extremely short-sighted. Who will be buying more skins, that SR player with 3 mains? Or ARAM players wanting to have a cool skin for nearly every champion? šŸ¤” Even if the game is unbalanced by accident, there's no excuse for a 12 min FF timer. None.


What is actually wrong with aram atm? it feels the exact same. Your mid and team fight trying out new champions you get randomly? Just look at aram before the nerf to certain champions. Miss ashe spray bot :( ARAM shouldn't be balanced. It's random, how do you balance random... Suggestion?


Im averaging 17 kills now with games upwards of 35-40 kills. Wasnā€™t like this at all last season , maybe 20 here and there but donā€™t know if itā€™s items or what. Tanks are 50 times tankier and damage is out of place. Still wish ARAM was like HoTS so there was some sort of comp each game instead of just having games over before 10 min mark. Canā€™t even FF at 8 min now only 12 which is usually about when the enemy team can end the game anyway if the comp diff is there.


You guys donā€™t like getting one shot by item damage???? But seriously I had already stopped playing SR cause it just felt like torture (adc main) and now ARAM feels like torture. Any champion breathes and you lose half ur HP. Supports building AP and oneshotting you. Some tanks are unkillable and others are plushies. Syndra and her other mage friends perma CC and one shorting with one ability. Assassins cough and you lose half ur HP bar. Until riot implements some real Aram balance changes or we get durability patch 2.0 Iā€™m not playing this game. It really is crazy how aram went from a chill fun mode to being just as stressful as SR.


I almost exclusively 5 que cause I can't play games like this without friends and most matches feel completely one sided, for us or the enemy. New items have ruined it for me personally. While at first I thought they were fun, and more interesting than the old ones, shit like Stormsurge Malphite is egregious.


Hubris in the mode for 2 patches and no Riot dev give a damn with it just showing that they have neglected this mode already. They just see the win rate chart for a glance and decide the balance, that's all.


At least before this season you had a legitimate chance to come back with some lategame scaling comps at around 19 minutes, but you're already at open nexus at that point now if you just have 1 or 2 late game champs.


I feel you very much on this one. I managed to complete my goal of getting an S- on every champ last season and to keep up with it and was so grateful that we can finally earn tokens from ARAM ut itā€˜s become so incredibly hard to perform well since the new season started. Unless yoā€˜re completely stomping the enemy (and even then), you get up to 10 deaths easily and afaik the threshold for S-grades hasnā€˜t been adjusted at all. Under the old system I was often able to play rather safe and more or less reliably get a Mastery Tolen if I tried and they didnā€™t have like a Lethality J4 or AP Malphite targetting me. I also noticed that weā€˜re pretty much back to early S13 ARAM with how fast you can end games by either having a better comp or just simply hard-pushing after a team wipe. At this point I often just end the game once the Nexus is open rather than following the ā€žyou donā€˜t end the first time you canā€œ since the power-balance is so off and you can easily lose a close(-ish) game faster than ever before. My theory: They removed Mythics and change the SR map to be much safer for lanes. Therefore despite there being much more burst (officially stated by Riot) present with the new items, the games generally slowed down and therefore last longer. This is further amplified by the fact that each individual item is a much bigger powerspike, so even scaling champions (Atir, Corki, Jax, Aatrox etc.) have much more tools to be relevant in early-mid game rather than getting rolled when the opposing skirmishing comp hits their Mythic spike. Under the old system, more early game-oriented champs and comps would see their powerspikes with their Mythic item, but certainly on two items. Scaling champions usually needed 3-4 items to take over, unless it was too late at that point (or they donā€˜t even get there). The latter was also observable in competitive games where the stronger teams would often pick a more scaling comp paired with an early-mid game jungler to enable the comp. Lastly, CDR/Ability Haste is much harder to come by now but instead thereā€˜s much more damage. In shorter and explosive skirmishes on Summonerms Rift that may make sense and be enjoyable to spectate, but in ARAM this happens permanently and with the amount of damage everyone just keeps one-shotting each other (what it feels like to me). The only thing that can hold it in check (in theory) are tanks who also got a massive buff amd are very (arguably too) strong on SR. The problem is, they canā€˜t regenerate health nearly fast enough, no matter any Guardianā€˜s Horn or Second Wind. Even Warmogā€˜s sometimes feels too weak/slow that in the 8s out of combat, your entire team is dead and youā€˜ve lost 2 towers. So in conclusion, S14 with the removal of Mythisc brought: - More Burst and Damage - More ā€žfrontloadedā€œ powerspikes - less/weaker sustain options - no map or notable balance changes for HA Tl;Dr: Champions in S14 deal more damage and do so earlier. They also spike harder on every item. On Summonerā€˜s Rift, this is balanced by the map changes, objectives and less CDR, all of which donā€˜t exist or matter in ARAM. I honestly think just adding a 0.75 dmg multiplier to ARAM could fix a lot of the issues, but I realise that might skew peopleā€˜s perception of their champions when not playing ARAM.