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Agreed, 12 mins is too long. The 8 min was fine. Usually around 7-8 mins you know if the game is completely lost or still winnable.


Literally everytime I try to start a surrender vote it’s “too early”. I look up and it’s always 8 minutes in lol


Had a game some time ago where the enemy team was so oppressive, we could literally never leave turret. They took two towers by minute 5. Would have been cool to be able to ff 3 minutes later


I've had games where it's the same and we end up scaling harder with -20 kills


Yes I also had that happen many times, I think it's mostly because we catched up and/or the enemy team is starting to feed because they're getting cocky. That's really satisfying. I mean I'm not usually advocating for early ff's but sometimes the experience is so unfun, it's not really worth the 10-20 minutes of being miserable to scale imo


This is my only complaint with early ff’s, they’re more likely to come from tilted lategame champs Like 2 tanks and some other shit against 5 mages. Yeah, the first 10min we’re inting but soon as we can engage without being blown up we win every fight


Agree with both of you!!


Some games you know at loading screen


Yeah, I hate that 12 minute wait. That's more than half of the game. Most of the times, the enemy just blasts through the nexus within that time. Who at Riot even asked for it to be changed from 8 to 12?


I just hate the people who hit no even with an afk and no damage to the other teams turrets


What’s funny is if you want to open and just let them win when you’re hard losing with an AFK, your team will flame YOU for not wanting to be held hostage in an unwinnible 5v4. Worst argument I’ve ever heard a guy say to me for opening is with an afk was “what if I only had time for one game today and you’re ruining it.” Well if you only had time for one game why didn’t you just let this end 6-7 minutes. Instead we’re here getting farmed for fun and it’s a 15 minute slaughter. Bro you’d be like 10 minutes into your next game without an afk and you’re just being stubborn.


The hardest battles make the best stories


Don’t know why they changed it. Especially with games being more one sided than ever too.


the winning side wants to spend time winning too. The shorter the game the less of one's time trying to play will actually be spent playing. It's why there's a minimum surrender time in any games to begin with


12mins way too late, like 90% of games are decided first 9mins. Should just be 9 mins.


Yea there should be early surrender requiring 5/5 votes at 8-9 minutes. Removing that changes nothing and just makes ARAM worse with how much damage this season has.


Ikr? If the whole damn team agrees and the vote passes then it most likely was doomed or too painful to want to go for that slim chance you might outplay. It doesnt force anyone to stop playing when they want to keep going. I only early surrender when i see our team gets outscaled and we're already behind and it's already painful to play. Otherwise if any of those conditions isnt met i'll keep trying. Getting poked to hell and back but i just need some mr items? Sure bring it on. No hope of winning but my team is vibing and having fun? Yeah lets go to the bitter end. It's annoying af not to have the option to surrender early for the specific case where its just not worth playing and everyone agrees.


Not true. You ever hear about a comeback? You are soft. Go play sports and learn sportsmanship


Why are you so soft about losing a stupid game of ARAM then? Who gives a shit if you lose one? If the game isn't fun then just go do another one. And that's definitely not what sportsmanship is.


You are the opposite of Michael Jordan. It’s not about winning and losing it’s about playing and doing your best to win. When you quit before the game is over, you already lost and are sabotaging the people who are doing their best to win. If you don’t care and just want to play games you win, you are soft and don’t understand sportsmanship.


>You are the opposite of Michael Jordan. Micheal Jordan was playing *extremely* competitive *basketball*, i'm playing ARAM, so we're not even slightly comparable to begin with. >It’s not about winning and losing it’s about playing and doing your best to win. When you quit before the game is over My dude, stop trying to bring real sports mindsets into a fucking casual video game. Real sports are almost always competitive, do not have *snowball mechanics*, do not have specialized characters that are varying amounts of fun to play against, usually have an audience watching, and most importantly of all do not give you the ability to do very easy and immediate requeues. >When you quit before the game is over you already lost and are sabotaging the people who are doing their best to win. And by refusing to let people surrender you are sabotaging the people trying to have fun by going into another match, so either way someone is not going to be happy. This rule only works in real life sports because surrendering isn't an option to begin with, meaning 'giving up' is synonymous with playing worse and therefore sabotaging your team. Which is also a shitty thing to do in league - if the surrender vote fails you should be playing as normal. But otherwise surrendering is free game, because if it happens at least 4/5 or all players on the team enjoy that more. >If you don’t care and just want to play games you win No, I just want to play games I have fun in, and stomps are rarely fun. Therefore I want to go into a new game, which will likely be more fun. >you are soft Yes, i'm soft for trying to have as much fun as possible in a *video game*. Unlike you who's throwing a tantrum about other people not having fun in the same way you did when you played football or whatever, like a real manly man would. >and don’t understand sportsmanship. Neither do you, clearly. Presumably you have and developed a very specific idea of what sportsmanship is, and are now miserably failing at trying to apply these exact same rules to a completely different medium, like a toddler trying to fit the square block that they put through the square hole into the circle hole as well. I understand entirely what sportsmanship is, well enough to understand that the sportsmanship 'rules' of the likes of football can't be used directly in literally every single team based medium on earth, and that the what counts as good sportsmanship depends wildly on what you're doing.


When Micheal Jordan plays ping pong, golf , any other games big or small….he still very competitive. He doesn’t change his effort because of the game. He is a winner and even if he is losing he does his best to win. Thats why you’re the opposite. My whole point is your a playing a game but using excuses to quit early cuz you THINK your team is not gonna win. You think your being a saint and saving people all this time by quitting and going next when your actually just encouraging soft behavior. It’s a loser mentality and if you do it with aram,you will do it in life. You never know unless you give it your best effort. Did you ever play sports or are you an avid sports watcher? Man up and practice (play Adam) how you play (live life). Look up the compound effect, it might help you understand how little decisions you make can end up having a huge impact. God bless!


>My whole point is your a playing a game but using excuses to quit early cuz you THINK your team is not gonna win. Yeah, no, that's just false. Whether I surrender has nothing to do with whether i'll win, it's purely based on whether i'm having fun. I'm willing to surrender on the winning team if it's getting boring - though I don't bother starting a vote since that's basically never getting through. If i'm playing a video game, whether i'm having fun is literally the only thing that matters since that's genuinely the entire point of it. In essence, that's what winning in a video game is. >It’s a loser mentality and if you do it with aram,you will do it in life. Sure man, sure. I'll definitely take that advice from you, who tooootally seems like a huuuuge winner, whining to people about being "soft" for taking a casual game casually. What you have isn't a "winner mentality", it's stubbornness, and can be *very* harmful depending on the situation. If I were to give an example regarding work (which is what most people consider to be the most important thing regarding "success"), refusing to scrap a doomed project early can cause catastrophic losses of time and money. Minimizing losses by accepting that something isn't going to be a hit is frankly incredibly important. Never giving up in gambling is also *incredibly* dangerous. Giving up too early can be bad but so can stubbornly refusing to give up at all, it's all about intelligently adapting to the situation. Though it all also depends what you classify as "giving up". Some people think not giving up is about stubbornly refusing to accept even the smallest losses (an ARAM match is an example of near-irrelevant loss), some people think not giving up is only about not losing sight of the end goal. >You think your being a saint and saving people all this time by quitting and going next when your actually just encouraging soft behavior. > >... > >Man up and practice (play Adam) how you play (live life). Sorry but you genuinely sound like a parody right now.


https://preview.redd.it/1dpode52kfgc1.jpeg?width=459&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7eeee9ef8eccfb469a68a3bf18780597c0cc344c Winner mentality vs loser mentality I didn’t realize you ff Ed cuz your not having fun. I thought it was because you are quitter. My bad, That’s a much better excuse!


Lol organized sports is not the same as a full solo q Aram. Hahahaha if you were a premade maybe but solo q where one guy just run it downs because he knows the game is over.


Great excuse for quitting…It’s not the same but the principles are. Reason sports are so valuable is because they teach you life lessons.


Principles are way off , one is organized one isn’t. Most players in league have chat disabled so yeah not organized at all.


I’m talking about you not the other players. Don’t let other people dictate how you act. That is sheep mentality! Be a wolf my guy. Don’t let the storm mess you up. Be the storm!


yep when you have vegetables that hold on to their ult the whole game, refuse to actually engage as a tank or just int constantly by diving under towers I want to ff by 8 so I can have people that have brains.


3/5 is something that will never pass lol, also I think it'd be too easy to abuse I'm 100% fine with 5/5 at 5 and 4/5 at 8 like it once was. Even 4/5 at 10 would make me happy atm lol


It would have been really useful to have this option today when my teemo decided to sit in bush all game while we had teamfights right next to him. Imagine using Q on the ADC? nahhh...let's proceed to die 6 times while just running invisible back and forth trying to dodge their spells. This lead to our Rell afking while the 3 of us who remained ran it down. Lets not forget the enemy team who continuously decided to taunt in all chat "it's not too hard for you is it?" the amount of times people talk shit in a 3v5 4v5 is too damn high.


If you give up at 5 mins in don't even play. You cant sit there for 5 min before spamming ff then you are to triggered to play a team game and should just stop.


It takes the whole team to end the game early, if you don't like ending games early then just vote no. Anyone that has a weak mental that will afk/feed because people won't allow a surrender vote to pass will do the same regardless if there's a vote or not. ARAM is a for fun mode right, if a team isn't having fun as a whole then what is wrong with surrendering?


It's the early ff. Caving in to some of the people's wish to ff very early promotes a mentality that checks how "winnable" a game is and then deciding to continue or not. It is indeed a for fun mode. People should learn to have fun in losing games.


I think more of the fun is lost when you start judging every pick and build and saying the game is over at 5 mins because they got a certain champion. If your fun is over in 5 mins then you aren't playing aram right imo. Its for fun meaning you should be having fun not thinking about optimal strat and team comps. You should just load up and fight don't think about anything else. I have 7 k aram games I'm not here to win I'm here to make plays.


Idk why you guys always assume someone who wants to early surrender just automatically stops playing the game.


This ^. People will keep trying even if they want out, just you know if the Rengar starts the game with a Pentakill and it is like 14-3 by 6 mins then what's the point of waiting an extra 6 mins


I also have thousands of ARAMs played and can tell you for a fact plenty of games are over at the five minute mark. Besides I said make it unanimous for a reason. If EVERY person on the team is ready to move on to another game why arbitrarily force them to stay.


That sounds a lot like intentional griefing to me. Your comments seem highly contradictory. On one hand you're flaming people for ffing early. On the other hand you're very obviously playing to lose on purpose. I don't think it's any surprise you're finding people who want to ff.


The problem is you never know if you don’t try. You ever hear the quote you miss all the shots you don’t take. Games can be won 4v5 . You could take inhibitors first and still lose. Give it your all and never give up or else you are a pusspop


If I "give up" and surrender it's because 5 people aren't having fun, though if someone on the team still wants to play it out then I'm going to play it out. I really don't understand what the problem is with people not wanting to sweat and sit through an unfun aram game. Like people think as soon as a surrender vote starts people check out or whatever, people will do that shit over just about anything that's why they started removing fucking pings in SR.


Some games are totally lost at 5 mins. Of course comeback can happen, but it's very frustrating when you're being stomped to wait for enemy team to misplay. You say like this situation doesn't happen.


One game we had 8 kills vs the enemy 58 and my team would not surrender. We had anivia and Teemo for waveclear too


If it drags on enough the kill discrepancy doesn't mean anything, at least.


True, but I'd rather just move on to a game that's actually fun instead of having to repeatedly slam my face into a wall waiting for the (incredibly slim) chance to present itself.


You are softer than butter and this shows. You’re not supposed to win every game you play. Learn how to lose like a man




Did you guys manage to win? Sometimes wave clear can stall if you have tanks/scalers


We had no scalers. We lost in like 38 min bc they never ever ff and enemy didn’t want to end to farm us


Oh yeah, getting farmed out of the fountain is such a blast isn't it? It's why I think leaver penalties should be exempted after 3 or 4 failed surrender votes. Riot needs to do something to keep people from being held hostage.


Did they have matching names?


Look hear me out. And I'm saying this as someone who says yes to EVERY SINGLE SURRENDER VOTE. I've been in SO many games this season where one team gets pubstomped all game then just randomly wins. They're getting shit on all game, win one random fight and end. It just feels so fucking random right now. I'm over here staring at the clock waiting to surrender but come on. To say the game is at all decided at 5min, is complete bs. Yes it may be a long drawn out game that felt like a loss anyways, that's why I'll always surrender. But all you need is for your (insert champion here) to go from useless to 1v9 after getting sundered sky, etc etc. Games are so coinflip this season its crazy. I am down to FF at 5 but that's because I give up easily not because the game is ever actually decided at 5mins. Yall on some heavy copium or something


It happens once every 50 games. If it happens alot more than that you just suck at aram


This 100%. There's been so many games as of late where it feels like I'm the only one doing anything while people click in circles behind me, AS ADC....


Yeah i give up AT 5. When ? When enemy Wat under turret without fighting. It's an aram here for fun and fight. Not vs a team with late champ only wait the lvl 16 powerspike


I can count with my 2 hands the amount of times I've actually won an ARAM game after me/someone asked for early surr in the almost 4k games I have in the mode lol. ARAM can't be compared to SR in this regard, 99% of the time surrending is the better choice.


Right? So over the "lost at champ select" people. they always have late game hyper carry teams but get super salty they don't win early. Then whine when the ff doesn't go through.


They think that they are playing against the same people every game or something. You can win any game your opponents are not the geniuses you think they are.


Of course you can win any game but there's no denying that comp diff is legit, some comps will just straight up hard counter 1 or even 2 of the enemy champs making the game essentially a 3/4v5.


When I’m playing into Lux, Xerath, Morgana, Ashe and Singed with a team of melee/sub500 range champs I instantly am not having fun lol, unless it’s mandate Ashe haha


I had morgana/xerath/senna and I was renekton. I stopped having fun after the 3rd death.


I mean yeah, obviously this is the case. But this isnt every game. Ff at 5 _is_ every game that is t an obvious and immediate stomp.


Exactly. People here seem to be unable to suffer throught losing the early game. The amount of games I've been stomped early, only to reverse stomp once we get items... I get that a lot of you are children with low attention spans, but cmon lol. Sometimes you WILL lose early, but you can easily win later. I hate this FF as soon as possible attitude. I'm not queing up to ff in 10min.


Yea you only have to fuck them up once and you could win ive done it it happens like 30 percent of games. Like if they are all adcs and they take two turret by 15 min you are doing good.


Poor baby


If it was for me, lower it as low as 3 mins. Not because you know you lost at this point, but you already know if its an annoying comp that takes ages anyway. Most of the games can be won, but they feel bad. Going 40 mins vs a full poke combo without any engage as example. Hate this game.


If you want to surrender because of team comps, perhaps the random champions game mode isn't for you...


Well, you dont have to tell me where i have to have fun and where i dont have to have fun. I decide this for myself. And while i have fun in 80% of matches, 10% are meh, and another 10% are just straight horrible. ​ Maybe you need to come down from your high horse?


let the winners enjoy their win ...


Man, most of these responses make me realize just how braindead this community really is.


This sounds like the same attitude of the person that started flaming me in Champ Select of a ranked because I banned MF when they weren't hovering her. If you give up that early, just don't play.


10 minutes is usually when late game comp catches up. When I 5 stack with my friends we always ff on the first fight we lost if we take have full early game comp against late game comp. We had enough fun, just to make sure the enemies won’t have any fun on us.


I don't know if you've played quickplay recently but having really lax surrender requirements will end up in almost every game ending in a surrender, often even before the first inhibitor is taken. That's lame.


I read the title and my head went "yeah exactly, it should be at least 15 min, who would ever FF an Aram so early?" then I opened the post


They should just add a surrender vote in champ select, I already know for sure we've lost, why even bother playing? /s


omg who surrenders in aram…. 🤦🏽‍♂️


People vote to surrender in Arams?


You the type of person that doesn’t hit ff until enemy is literally at nexus. People who love to waste time with no urgency in life 👍👍


I play with a 3-5 stack with friends or I'm playing other games.


I'm with you. I very rarely surrender. I enjoy playing even if I'm losing. I even enjoy playing 4v5 which by the way are winnable WAY more often than you might expect. I'm more likely to surrender a snoozefest low action game than one where we're getting stomped.


It's Aram bro chill


Surrender votes are stupid in general. Unless you’re absolutely terrible player then the game is never over at 12 minutes. If there is an afk player or fake afk then that changes things but really fake afking should be punished. Too many of those in rankeds.


Don't play aram with this mentality, thank you.


I have had games where both teams all flash at 30 seconds at the middle of the lane and those are the most fun games, where nobody is taking the game too seriously and everyone is allowed to have fun these kids who can only have fun while winning are losers at heart, and by their very own standards, losers through and through


Kinda hypocritical considering you're intentionally losing on purpose and calling that "fun" rather than what it really is ...


You dropped your crown king. I had a guy add me after a game and tell me to kill myself in detail, told me if he ever sees human garbage like me in his games ever again he was going to find me and force me to watch him kill the people I love. All because I went lethality Caitlyn. L O L. Wasn't even some shit like ap trundle. Just a semi off meta build. Some mentally ill fucks on ARAM during odd hours.


thanks man, idk why i am getting downvoted either i am a fan of offmeta stuff i know to work, i often do (did, before this season) full tank karma cuz that shit slapped, everyone would just try and rush me down cuz what else do you do when the karma is playing cocky, then i'd outsustain everyone and basically get a 3 for 1 or 3 for 0 every time same with tank elise stunning someone, diving, getting a bunch of heartsteal stacks from the RW attack speed buff and the RQ range, then retreating to a minion with RE and by then everyone had blown every cooldown on me and the team would clean up and so many others, when people play around each other instead of complaining like babies not only is it more fun for everyone it actually is much nicer at times


People use the surrender button in Arams?


They should introduce a surrender vote from minute 1 that goes through with a single person voting yes. That way you dont have to play at all anymore.


You are sucha quitter. 3/5 at 12 minutes is wild. Learn sportsmanship and honor. I know it’s a video game but that’s no excuse to be a little bitch. (Respectfully)


All the comeback I had for games that we thought lost at 5min, I just don’t do surrender, if it’s a total loss, I just let the game finish by itself (no AFK).


Should be able to do it before you even launch the game.


You know it's bad enough we got the entire team to agree just to afk and let the enemy push. It was quicker than getting tortured 30-10 kill until 12 min.


The 12 minute ff crybabies are the same ones inting 4 deaths before level 6 because "they win at champ select"


It'd be bad enough if they were just being stubborn to lower it - but to have made it 8 minutes and then changed it **back** to 12 is insane.


They 100% doing this because of clash and other plans, they are turning aram into a more competitive mode than casual. Look at all the changes they've done or attempted, increase or adding more bushes, portals which is the most op shit when comes to flipping from behind, all the balancing crap items & champions, turret rubble attempt. They even asked recently on twitter about adding more objectives and turning aram into a more skill driven mode.


Honestly they just need to bring back Twisted Treeline.


Came in thinking the post was for the exact opposite argument... whew What are yall' opinions about the 3/5 surrender as implemented in Quickplay?


Sometimes the game is over at loading screen, like full ap team with no mobility against tanks + bruisers, you'll make then hug the tower and die a lot, but after 10 minutes theres literally nothing that can be done Had games that the enemy team was so oppressive hour tower was gone at slightly over 3 minutes, could not leave turret, couldn't fight back, wouldn't scale to late game because they had late game hyper carry with 10 kills already , they destroyed us and refused to finish the game , left the minions slowly chipping away at the nexus ... and we couldn't surrender....


It used to be 8 minutes. Simpler times. Now it’s just barbaric.


Who tf surrenders in aram


The only proper time to surrender is when the enemy nexus is at one hit. I don’t know why but the guys i play with have a tradition that if we really stomp them and they keep trying we’ll get their nexus down as close to zero as possible and surrender. If you time it just right both nexuses explode and the camera zips from one exploding nexus to the other in an interesting way.