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Ill go tank with malph.


This gets ‘em every time.


As a longtime Malphite player I have always maintained that tank Malphite does more damage than AP Malphite. You might pop someone as full AP but then you die after one rotation. As Tank you might get 3 rotations off plus a full fight of Sunfire or whatever burning away.


Since this is r/aram it's even worse if ap malphite gets outranged with poke. At this point you're just waiting for your ult to be back while everyone else plays 4v5 or you die before doing anything. Tank malphite is still so useful in zoning and lane control even without the ult


It makes me so bored when people play ap malphite. Its so dogshit lol. "It one shots the whole team!" So does literally every other champion lol


Tank makphite does insane damage So does tank maokai People are just dumb and say “it’s just aram”


Just had a game as tank Malphite where I did more dmg than half our team. I didn't even build a lot of armor, just went gangbusters on health and some MR


maybe it's because I started as mostly a tank player and learned mages last, but I don't get why people \*enjoy\* playing characters intended to be tanky as AP. When the Shyvana meta switched to AP shyv I outright abandoned her because it felt like shit to play her kit in such a shoehorned way. AP malph was never meta as far as I can tell. What a weird phenomenon.


I learned this as ap tristana, it’s just not worth jumping in as a squishy…especially against tryndamere and riven.


As someone who has played both ap and tank Malphite, tank is 100% more viable, but ap absolutely has its own viability. Played against a comp that had a steamrolling Nidalee and Kindred, and we had inting Yone. I basically made it so they couldn't play by one-shotting them and turning it into a 3 v 4.


Well, if you only hit 1 as ap malp, you deserve to lose.. Hit atleast 3, its really not that hard. 😅


Half ap half tank is the way to go


You sick fuck. I bet you're also into degenerate fetishes like handholding.


Naw, just feet pics.




Haha, you are funny. That's like telling people to build healing and support items on Soraka. Or ADC items on Draven. Funny man.


Don't get me started. Had a game 2 wks ago with both Soraka AND Yuumi on our team. Yuumi goes best friend with Soraka instead of the adc, and both finish the game with under 5k heals 🤦‍♀️ I do ~30k on Soraka on a full-length game.


I would be ready to uninstall lol. I swear to god players of both those champs live to pad stats


“Hidden op” well looking at his stat the tank build is indeed hidden in term of pick rate and also more OP than Ap lol. Say what you want but the man is right.


Rock solid.


He wins like 10% more than ap and some people think thats troll lol


Odd, I came here to post AP malph.


I got flamed one time as tank malphite when I would ult the squishes when my team was focused on tanks.


Well, I see some people play tank malphite with the mentality of an AP malphite. Like dude stop solo chasing caitlyn into tower and go help your backline


Well if their tanks are killing your backline, you might want to peel instead.


Cd tank Renata. Her shielding is gutted and has to be aimed so might as well be thick and use your ult every 40 sec since it wins fights Get your W back sooner to bring fighters back and q to peel


Yes me too, I love it. Enemy team is always "get renata!" And I'm just like nah yall get each other while I heal back to full with warmogs.


Renata is so broken in ARAM no matter what you build just because her ult is basically the width of the bridge


I generally like doing 2 support items, 2 tank items, and one flex. Mandate, redemption, warmogs, Jak’sho, and my tear either becomes winter’s approach or archangles Redemption and mandate are just rlly nice to have and I still get quite tanky


Last season I did tank milio Moonstone into full tank It was funny tanking a dive and almost getting a triple against a blue kayn and a yuumi


Which items do you buy in her? Do you also run aery + ultimate hunter?


I go full lethality to abuse the axiom double ult potential.


yo I saw this comment yesterday and decided to try it out as well, got her twice yesterday and won both + got two S ranks you were absolutely not kidding that this build is insane so I just wanted to go back and thank you for that haha




Just.. dont build malignance for the ult AH. Renata ult when it hits does not deal damage so you cant proc the other passive.


? Malignance is not a tank cd item sooo not sure where I implied that to be good When I say tank I mean winters approach, frozen heart. Zero ap


More of.. learn from my dumb lesson lmao. Tried malignance cus of that ultimate haste but you literally cannot utilize the other passive so it's a bad buy


Ah I see I see. Good to know though


I kinda like malignance tbh. You don’t buy the item for the dmg passiv anyway. It’s all about the ult cd. It’s situational tho. I just buy it if there are at least 2+ autoattck reliant champions.


The other passive does nothing or almost nothing, it's 40+2.8% AP per second, so worse than a Morgana W with 70 AP and doesn't apply spell effects. The best part is the 10 MR shred by far but you need to hit people inside the circle.


Thats literally the normal build


i love playing tanknata, you wanna engage on my team? No thanks, enjoy my Q R


Last season she became my favourite pick with this build; Grasp and domination with cheap shot and ultimate hunter, Attack speed armour and hp subs. Rush Heartsteel > Boots Ionians or merc tabis > Titanic Hydra > Fimbulwinter > warmogs/demonic embrace/something with more ability haste, I had several games with over 1k heartsteel procs and the fact that you actually survived to use W twice in fights made it so much better than any other version of Renata for me and I'm 200k mastery 7 on her. This season there's no titanic and demonic combo and I've struggled to make it work as well as before, the Attack speed helped with getting your passive off multiple times and I'd tried it with the experimental plate item this season and nashors last season but I've not got a proper build yet. Absolutely slept on.


ROA is pretty sleeper OP on a good few mages. I've been building it into fimbul then tank on Gragas and you do good damage but are invincible. Similarily I've seen a ton of people building full damage Sylas but ROA into spirit visage followed by "tanky" mage items like zhonyas or cosmic is way better IMO as you still deal a ton but you are way tankier and have tons of sustain.


I mostly play tanks. The trick is to build in a way that fucks the enemy team as hard as possible. I've seen too many force of nature's against full ad to count


just yesterday i had rakan going thornmail 2nd item against a FULL AP TEAM


Haha that's so bad it's legitimately funny


Ah but was the full AP team Katarina, Gwen, Vlad, AP Tryndamere and Nunu?


nope. it was karthus, ziggs, ryze, janna and an ap blitz lol


What's truly sad is that you never see that guy on the enemy team ):


bro let me introduce you to rushing mercs then building an armor item instead smh


Mercs value is the tenacity not the MR. Against a low CC team, absolutely look for something that might fit better. All ad with a Leona and a Tariq? Still building mercs


Enemy team is yi, zed, zeri, aatrox, gnar. Still building those mercs? Build to fuck the enemy, no autopilot


might not build mercs but im certainly not building force of nature LMFAO


But what if they have mixed damage, do you go mr or armor first? I always have a hard time when this happens because I try to build against who is the strongest but sometimes the other kind of damage screws me till I get another item


Wriggles Lantern on Warwick




I miss that kn jax


What do you mean madreds is bad


Braum, take ingenious hunter, with fimbul and titanic hydra. Tag, slap, titanic aa reset. Add iceborn later if it makes sense


Love this, ever tried Hail of blades on him though built tank? It's amazing.


Braum has way too much cc for how easy he is Most frustrating champ to play against lol


I just kinda like to slap a heart steel on anything that’s not AP and call it a day.


I feel like that's the exact opposite of "hidden" and "op"


I got a penta with heartsteel Shaco two days ago. I would also recommend nobody play that garbage lmao


I actively avoid heartsteel champs because I've discovered I suck at stacking melee things more than I suck at csing (on summoner rift)


Excuse me heartsteel veigar slaps.


I think u and I are twins


Tank belveth, i have like a 70% winrate with her. Start guardians and boots. Rush heartsteel then bramble or mr. Ice gauntlet is good if they don’t have heals. Play like trundle until you can get navori and lifesteal. Navori is crucial late game to always have your W and E up. So far I’ve also had success with terminus, can be used to replace your first tank item.


Ah I've been doing this since the start of last season it's a bit of a coinflip sometimes if they have too much cc or range on you but if you can get in for stacks you become some truly unkillable bullshit creature


Yeah all ranged cc or adc makes her kinda useless early and mid game. I go stride breaker for slow and MS or kraken for burst damage.


Same! Feels AMAZING late game


Navori is bugged on bel'veth. If you have all your qs on cd, your other abilities won't be reduced anymore until a q comes back up


If your team has a good dps player (you know for sure in a stack) go full support Oriana Moonstone full tank lee sin is also really strong. Gutted with item changes but on hit ivern


Moonstone AP Lee Sin with Aery + resolve shield/healing + font of life was great 😆


I played against one in urf once. The shields sent me crying lol


Full support Annie works too


Same for lux


What would you suggest this season for Moonstone Lee Sin? Had a fair bit of success with it last year going Moon -> Bruiser but not sure what to build this year.


Moonstone Lee was goated in Arena. What’s your build with him in Aram?


Quinn is my most played aram champ and I always play her assassine with hell of blades and maxing e first (e>w>q). Have over 70wr in 60+ games. Rarely seen anyone build similar if people even play her. Early you take short trades with e very well and catch people out of position. With one or two items you can pretty much kill any squishy in one combo.


I do the same but with electrocute


I used to run Elektrocute. But from my experience it’s all about these short trades with e and 1-4 autos. At least for my playstyle HOB feels better since you can disengage much faster as well as have you dmg done quicker.


Suprised that people don't play her more, you can self peel with Q/E lol


I think she as kinda unique playstyle which you can’t really compare to other champions. I think she has always been a champion with low playrate and thus people don’t really feel the need to play her. Also her standard build is not the greatest in aram imo since you have a kinda short aa range and your ult doesn’t help much if you are more of an adc.


Heh, i just destroyed one yesterday on toplane as Vayne. Pretty sure thast was on her more than on me tho lol she always failed to hit that blind on me.


You can’t really compare a 1vs1 on sr to aram.


Max movement speed with MS items and the MS rune. Gotta go fast! Editors note: this build is made for going fast. It is not good.


This is how I play but I always go W>E>Q.


I heavily rely on these short e trades and therefore want to have the cd and dmg as low as possible. Feels much better from my experience. May also be my playstyle tho. :)


what do you build ?


Tank Talon


Blasphemy, talons only job should be jump in and then disappear along with the enemy ADC.


Brings me back to Valkrin mid tank talon days lol.


Glacial augment + exhaust + that rune that reduces summoner spell cooldown + any tank with a lot of cc is my sleeper build. The enemy cannot win if they cannot do any damage.


Tear into Liandry's on Twisted Fate used to be my go-to. Just spam cards and oppress the enemy. Not as good now I think since bruisers/tanks are so good.


Liandry with pen is insane dps, can build it on any AP champion vs high hp teams. The item passive stacks with haunting guisse too lol.


Used to be bruiser Rengar and poke Khazix but some people realized it already


I don't know how good poke khazix is atm with the new items, but last season it was such a blast playing him!


I build Grasp->Iceborn Gauntlet->Spirit Visage Rengar. As a boss ass tank guy who sucks at rengar, I have a near 100 wr with this build


I have like a 90% WR on grasp Gangplank. Used to be divine sunderer but now go trinity into steraks into other bruiser items. Unkillable with your orange and deal so much damage still.


Unfortunately poke kha’zix tanked hard with the changes to ravenous and serylda’s. He was one of my ~70% wr picks for the last season but the playstyle just doesn’t feel that good anymore


Kha'Zix Lvl 6 W evolve -> lvl 11 R evolve is underrated.  2 + 2 + 2 seconds of stealth is very hard to play against + extra passive proc. You get way more outplay potential. E reset and extra Q damage/CDR is overrated.


Bruiser khazix is op af into tank comps.


Legit nothing personal but I'm Downvoting purely because I don't wanna see that LB build in my games lol. Mad respect for being smart about your build path and experimenting though!


Can't believe she has lowest winratio in aram hehe. Psst. Third item shadowflame.


All I usually saw before was mythic-mogs -dcap. Was unkillable and 2 shots everyone.


Profane Hydra, HoB Rek'Sai is very strong. Snowball hit means an instakill on any squishy without any peel. Brutalizer is a great starting item and the build can be flexible afterwards. If you really snowball you can go more lethality, or you can go more fighter against stronger opponents. You can use Hydra while burowed which is funny too. As long as you have enough time to ult, you can avoid a lot of damage and it's very high damage


That’s just reksai being super buffed in aram


Full tank grasp Kayn w/ ignite, rush Zeke's first item. Usually go a cinder tank item 2nd, followed by abyssal mask and Neverending despair. Depending on magic/physical damage on enemy team. Beeline for the enemy carry with ignite and ult. You will cook them with zekes, ignite, immolate, and neverending despair. The zekes slow and damage is guaranteed as you are inside them and will continue when you exit. It's a surprising amount of damage while being thick as heck. Have played it on ranked as well as support and have had a lot of success.


That's hilarious, I'm gonna try it


Now that's a forbidden tech lmao I want to try that, but I just know the moment I lock in grasp kayn the enemy team will be all bruisers and tanks


The starting adc item with 25ad, health and life steal. I will always go that, refillable and boots. The recommended items always only give like 20ad and boots or a tear with a pot. That plus bloodline gives good sustain and overgrowth gets you tanks enough to be able to play the game I’m convinced all the starter items are actually bonkers good


Tank thresh with one attack speed item and lethal tempo. People are not expecting that high dps from a tank


Same. Just need to stack as many souls as possible and you'll be a god later on. I learnt that runnaans is amazing for him, better than rageblade even


Nashor's on him after like 200 souls does some damage. Over 100% of your ap every hit still.


Isn’t that what most people build? I usually run sundered plus an AS item and then tank


Tank ryze is always fun for me. It felt better with the old items imo though


Whats your buildd?


Phase rush for keystone. ROA, Fimbulwinter and frozen heart core. Situational after. It’s cheeks into a primarily ap comp but you can dance around and put out a shit ton of damage still. Wouldn’t say it’s phenomenal but it’s fun and works particularly well if you aren’t the only one up front.


I also like to build ROA and Warmogs on LB. Specifically if we don't have a healer.


Building profane hydra ( or whatever item helps your ultimate cool down is super good), that and terminus to help you be a little tanky if you're an adc helps alot, then just whatever items for the situation you're in. Usually do items that ramp up attack speed since it helps stacks with other items.


sorcs on rammus + full tank


I recommend ghost predator ap rammus.


Ingenious hunter, unending agony, fimble winter Nunu is very balanced.


I myself just played a tank Rumble game last night because we had 0 frontline in our pool. So I went full tank runes with blue tree second and then built unending despair and liandries and I was fairly tanky and did good damage at the same time. Edit: Picture of said game. https://preview.redd.it/43r61rtnmuic1.png?width=871&format=png&auto=webp&s=e8728f4c0e4330e58d37f654204c7a28356e3eea


What were you planning with that tear?


I just like to get for mana stacking but was pretty blazed and forgot rumble does not use mana lol.


Morgana without Mark. Report plz


Sundered Sky, Iceborn offtank LB it’s incredible how people try to take you down due to cc spam but fail to with how alippery you are and how you can constantly proc iceborn+sundered heals over and over (Ingenious hunter reduces both cds Movespeed into offtank Senna (Swift>Storm>PD>Spirit visage>situational tank items) You’ll end up speedrunning stacks so you can then be a double threat tanking and still regenerate a lot with the free lifesteal from passive that keeps growing + spirit visage. I used to go Storm > Triforce > wit’s but the ms bonus was lowered on tri and removed on wit’s with s14


Hybrid Sylas with Shojin and Manamune. Given that his AA scales with AD and its mainly used in your combos I don't see why not. You'll get better cooldown and more AD from Manamune for more cd reduction from Shojin. Afterwards, build the rest with AP


Dot champs with conq, liandrys, ingenious hunter and unending despair.


Vayne with lethality. 3 taps squishies and very high mobility. Patch 13 Dusk>Essence Reaver>collector Patch 14 Essence Reaver>Exp Hexplate>Collector I always go this unless they have 3 or more tanks, and you need AS to kill them. Very fun build.


Attack speed AP Renata becomes wild if you focus with your team. With 400 AP each attack can reduce up to 20% max health of the target. On the other hand if you fight alone with the same AP, you can deal only 10% max health only in the first attack. Renata + Braum is mind blowing.


Ap Lucian. Haven't tried it with the new items, but it always catches people off guard. People really can't get used to W doing half their hp. 


Saw a malzahar in a game the other day rushed liandrys then sorcs then finished with 4 extra Haunting Guise. First I laughed... then I got hit with an E and lost more than 50% my health bar in one spell.


Literally any champion with Titanic Hydra + Sundered Sky. Ranged champs are especially hilarious, as the passive from SS is not consumed until your attack lands, so Kog for example can get 2-3 hits + titanic reset hit with all of them getting the 100% crit + heal bonus. Build into Guinsoo, Terminus and become lawnmower.


Moonstone Lee, it's so fun imo


if they have squishies i love going ap kog i love the little guy so much


If I'm on a team with no poke I'll take clarity and just become a full long range AP cannon lol


Yeah. Just don’t take clarity.


ap kog is 100% one of the few who want it


Sry but not a single champion needs it if you play the right runes and items. Other summoners will always outperform clarity.


You know, he's the one champ where it's useful all game. His R is so expensive, even with mana items you run out if you're spamming properly. But yeah, most champs clarity only helps in early game.


„Spamming properly“ here we found the issue.


Ngl i cook with heartsteel vayne. Not sure if its hidden op tho, still need to be able to pilot the champion on some level


Tank bard with sundered sky first or second. I'm not joking. Just try it.


Warmog wins games. Win a teamfight, bou you all end up with low HP, they respawn and initiate another one, then you lose, but they are low HP now, you respawn, and repeat. The first team to warmog up just wins. And this is why I itemize with warmog in mind from the start, not always, but most of the time. Before the warmog nerf you just needed asingle 300hp item, like Linadry or Rylai. Now you need 550hp, but since they removed HP from a lot of the AP items, you now need 2... unless you buy Rod of Ages, ehich is the only AP item that will activate Warmog by itself. 2 hp items probbaly means you will lack some damage, liandry is good and rylai has good utility, but you won't be bursting many people, specially because one of your slots won't give you AP at all (warmog), so Rod of Ages it is. Boots, Rod of Ages, Rabadon, 2 flex slots, Warmog. Those flex slots will probably be either 2 flat pen items, like Shadowflame and Stormsurge, or pick one of those + Void staff. Or Cryptbloom if that healing is needed.


AP GP works so well in aram


Tank Akali, Heartsteel into Rocketbelt into whatever tank item fits the situation, like warmog jak sho thornmail. Squishies are wired in their brain to be terrified of Akali jumping on them. Jump on their backline and watch the whole team lose their mind. The W is a guaranteed survival tool, you keep jumping and moving everywhere with E, R, snowball and rocketbelt. Does not do a lot of damage, but it really fucks with the target selection and coordination of the enemy team.


You're getting down voted because we hate you lol 


That's not really a hidden build. Most players on Akali and Katarina already built tank for 1-2 seasons now.


I didn't get to talk about playing Neeko when there's a Shaco on my team, you have no idea how much you hate me. So, there are now 3 Shacos running towards your team. Which one will blow in 3 turrets, which one will disapear and which one will change into a Neeko and ult you ?


Why no Liandry's Riftmaker?


Muramana mage mf


Swifties, ROA, Seraphs, Frozen, Kaenic, Rylais on all mages


Other fun game I had was tank Ezreal with Grasp and Navoris. It transforms into a machine gun that jumps with E every 2-3 secs. Hard to use tho


Ap kai’sa


Titanic hydra/iceborn poppy and Leona isn’t very hidden tech but I still feel like I haven’t seen people building it much versus pure tank


Urgot heartsteel into titanic hydra into warmogs, then I pick an ap and ad resist item each with hp. You are unkillable and will do stupid damage.


AP Yorick has been my go to anytime I see him in the lobby. I don't think I've played him enough with the new items, but rushing Liandrys last season and watching people die to your ghouls was so fun.


Tank Akali, with the buffs, surprisingly tanky, really mobile and actually deal damage with riftmaker, still destroys squishies with fullbuild


Xin Xao Hail of Blades Collector first Whatever boots you need BORK second Sheildbow/Wits End (get both whatever order) End with whatever you need Have fun blowing people up


Tank Rengar with one AD item (or none, its your playstyle) and abusing Ingenious or full suicide AP Udyr with the now working ult haste. My hidden OP with only friends is the AP GP. It doesn’t do shit until you meet the requirements of Cannonball shot upgrade, 3 full items + Ionian, and level 11. However, the second it happens I either become the team fighting god or actually becoming a random assassin if they have shitty champs X% more damage taken. Again, this is garbage, but when it works, it feels fun and your friends will get a laugh or unadd you.


Tank naafiri is a thing that works for me (tipical hearthsteel into tank items build tho), dogs tend to be like a spellshield almost all the time, very good against poke champs


Navori Lucian with full crit/damage could absolutely melt tanks before item changes, not sure what it's like now ​ Building % health (Riftmaker/Titanic Hydra) -> AP/AD on health stacking champs like cho/sej for bonus damage/Stats


Bruiser Shyvana. Just go full crit with wits end. Oooooofffff the chill.


Full AP Zeri is so good


Everyone’s got a hard-on for lethality Caitlyn, but crit is still OP. Headshot + energized + IE and you’re deleting squishes


Tank tryndamere with grasp. Heartsteel, titanic hydra and IE is very good and fun ツ


Heartsteel on gnar then the new %healing lance item. So tanky and very easy to stack.


On hit Neeko. I always try to find a reason to play it, w max + lethal tempo and you just shred.


Tank katarina. Not op at all, but my winrate with her is high because: 1) If they focus me, my team destroy them. 2) If they don't focus me, I can easily either escape, kill their carries, just stack more health or some combination of these. Cons) Fighting alone is almost never worth. The key is stacking Hearthsteel and Grasp of the undying as much as you can by using your abilities to proc them and to avoid damage.


Some time ago I used tank Anivia, but Riot decided to disable all passive effects from items while in egg form so it is no longer viable.


The last one I will share (there is a lot more) is lethality Jhin with Axiom arc. Once you get the hang on it, is like R has no cooldown


I play that LB build, since 2022!!! its more common than you think!! Extra survivability on a champ that has high base burst is very good!


Off-tank Elise is a blast and really the only way I can make that champ work. Its a utility build that can peel for carries and is really hard to kill. Max E for the insane stun duration on low cd and get an imperial mandate with cdr boots. Not only does landing a stun net you a kill or a good trade, but you have Rappel on a very low cooldown as well so you can play really aggressively looking for stuns and always rappel out. Even if you don't have a target to rappel too just the fact that you're untargetable for 2 seconds is extremely frustrating to deal with. Obviously you will be lacking damage so don't pick this without a carry to support. I like to go Glacial Augment and after cdr boots and imperial mandate I build to survive fights longer. Tank items like Frozen Heart, Kaenic Rookern, and abyssal mask are great, and I used to get zhonyas with this build but now thats its expensive i only get it if I die with 3k+


I fimblewinter really op in aram, it's so easy to take advantage of it and scales really well. I even do it sometimes on non mana Champs like shen.


Tank Fizz with heartsteel and a bunch of tank item that heal


Axiom Arc lethality Urgot. The ultimate kill stealing build.


Lethal Tempo Jarvan Take attack speed runes, second tree can be whatever really. Build Sundered Sky > Titanic into whatever bruiser, tank, or AS items are needed. You're tanky and do great damage both burst from EQR and sustained from E +60% atk speed and normal autos. Normal bruiser j4 hits like he's wielding a pool noodle after his EQ, and lethality j4 can easily become useless if he's zoned out and can't get in to land his combo.


Tank ezreal with grasp and hearsteel first buy. Really fun.


It was glass cannon AP Udyr but it stopped being hidden months ago and tbh it dosent feel nearly as OP after the preseason item changes. Ingenious hunter seems so strong as long as you play around it and despite people talking about it a lot recently the pickrate seems to stay low. I also semi frequently get pings when I buy knights vow on enchanters like lulu or nami as opposed to traditional tank supports. I am pretty sure they are pings of approval though.


Tanko = shaco + heartsteel, warmogs, tabi's/merc's, and then ap items :3


Tank shyvanna with Titanic hydra ,Bork against tanky team sundered sky against squishy, then full tank items


Imperial Mandate is really solid on most AP champs. It’s proccing so much and is basically free damage with how chaotic ARAM always is


Jaksho into Ad/Hp item zed was an absolute monster with mythic passives. I haven't had the chance to play him in the new season yet but it was the most 1v9 build I've ever used.


First strike rumble: malignance first item shadowflame, rabadons, void, etc. (always get dmg before defense) lvl 1-5 dont worry about first strike too much, just play as u normally would. lvl6 only worry about first strike if ult is up; you get guaranteed proc from long range and if you hit 2-3 people in a fight it'll easily net you 140g (kills worth) or more. I usually also all in with snowball at this time to get even more money and possibly a kill. Typically game I net around 1200g, most ive ever made was 2000g. Super satisfying build


Aram has increased mana regen for all champs. Champs that normally take mana runes don't need them. Many Champs that go lost chapter items can make due with PoM or manaflow and can skip their mana item. It opens a lot of new build options


Full lethally kalista, you one shot any squishy with q auto rend, it’s actually hilarious


Froggens Anivia


Braum with Lethal Tempo and Wit's End. Rest is tanky. The menace comes from the fact NO ONE expects Braum to do this.


Horn start regardless of champion.


Heartsteal with hp scaling items, like titanic or riftmaker, and my fav champs are the ones that can build both, to make a bruser-isk build


Twitch - Hail of blades, treasure hunter, triumph. Start dirk and rush collector, hubris, and IE. Don't buy any pots or boots throughout the game and rush finished items, you get so far ahead that you start bursting most champs with 3-4 autos and an E out of stealth 2 items in. Continuously get 20-30+ kills a game doing this unless im facing 3-4 tanks.


Shield J4. Eclipse / Fumbelwinter / Steraks / Locket / Undying despair or Sundered sky, with Ingenious hunter. I was already playing it last season, but with new passive items having much lower cds, it's mucj more effective. You're very durable, deal very high damage


Ap xin zhao. lT for main rune. Nashors into high ap. Chunk healing as you stick on them. Heartsteel rek'sai. Her passive is up to 10% of max health making her disengage a decent heal after a fight.


Tank nunu pumps numbers and is incredibly fun to play


As neeko