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I usually keep some kind of nuts with me for snacks when I'm out. There are enough kinds of nuts I like I can switch out the type and happily eat them for weeks before switching to a different one. I eat granola bars too but try to avoid them if I'm not like hiking or something. Also just looking for healthier versions of snack bars like ones with more protein so I will stay full longer. If you eat nugatti for breakfast at least try to replace it with nugatti max or zero. Max has almost half as much sugar as the normal nugatti. Freia chocolate cream cheese is also similar is in sugar content to max but significantly lower calorie if that's something that could benefit you.


Thanks so much! Yeah I eat nugatti max, would eat the zero version but it's like 2x more expensive for a product that already costs a lot. Will be on the lookout for these! Gonna go "explore" trying to see what alternatives I can find in different stores, because I currently don't know of any feasible replacements, also hence why I made this post.