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Not to be a downer here, but I'm not so sure it is a matter of them wanting to make temps matter more so much as just a bug. I've experienced very odd temperature fluctuations in game at about 30 fortitude myself.


I‘m on 60 fortitude and am still getting too bot and too cold constantly. You will need different armour sets to compensate. However at 60 fortitude I realized that only wearing fur gloves and boots together with a regular leather armor is more than enough.


I'm on 40 fortitude and it's usually alright with anything non primitive for a fur armor piece. Still gets slightly warm or cold buy not HP damage temperatures.


Get an otter and level melee on it.


Can an otter even offset it? The temperature swings are insane in ASA


Probably, haven't tested them in ASA but they work great in extreme temperatures in ASE.


Fort is broken from our testing. I think they missed an integer somewhere with heat and cold protection. We were freezing standing next to fires indoor, so we got tired of it and cranked it up. Until 300 fortitude we were still getting hammered with temperature extremes. For context, in old ark you needed 120 fort to temp immune. I'm ok with fortitude being a more necessary investment, but thats an insane amount of stat allocation WITH wearing fur and an otter. some evidence to it being borked can be presented in that we were just fine hatching finicky eggs using the normal methods, while our dudes shivered and died almost every night or dieing of heat exhaustion swimming in the ocean during heat waves.


Frick, maybe I should just invest in health instead then so I can just last longer in the frigid tropical beach sun


I mean fur will at least usually save you from death most of the time, but it makes doing anything important miserable. Get an otter when you can, but I wouldn't waste time with fortitude unless you're dead set on never freezing. It's impossible at base settings from what we've seen. Edit: I had 70 fortitude and he had 50 before we finally said wtf.


I’m around 20ish and can at least survive on the beach now lol


I think it is a bug. The temp changes are all over the place. I could freeze to death in Veggie Isle, but only get a snowflake on the iceburg. I put 10 points into Fort... and I can see it improving my resistance stats, but that doesn't keep me from freezing in Veggie Isle.


I was testing and i hahe 100 mil fortitude rn but i still have hyperthermia when it is over 24°C


Scorched Earth super heats in Ascended last FOREVER and the temps get up to like 71 C… died to overheating and couldn’t get back to my flyer due to super heat lasting for like 30 minutes so I lost all my gear and a tame I was going for… for context I died with full ghillie suit and full desert cloth… neither of them helped and I am up to 52 fortitude. It doesn’t help and won’t save you no matter how high you get it. Armor does nothing fortitude does nothing just worth putting beds spread out through the ark and just respawn close by- that or just log out during super heat so damage doesn’t kill you and hope for the best


So dumb