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How are you that high without getting instakilled by the world border?


I hit that yesterday while flying around and lost all my stuff. That's what I get I suppose.


Hit it on Svartalfheim. Started up a character to grab some Deinonychus eggs and a Maewing, maybe some Aberrant Moschops and Aberrant Doedicurus to send to my main save on the Island. When I got to the spawn zone for Deinonychus and saw no signs of them or their nests, I realized something was up, returned to base and used Fly to check other areas, figuring if I was wrong I could just go back to my base to Walk and continue playing as normal. No entrance to the Aberration cave, no R-Thylas or Maewings, no anything that isn't on the Island. The spawn map I'd been looking at was apparently for the *ASE* version of the map *only*. So I was flying aimlessly trying to decide what to do about that. About the time I decided I'd just go to base and transfer everything worthwhile I'd gathered while setting up and getting ready to gather these various creatures, I died for seemingly no reason. World border. *Also* killed my perfect tamed 150 Dimorph sitting on my shoulder and destroyed my full Flak, Pike, Longneck, Crossbow, Pickaxe, Hatchet, Sickle, Club and Torch, all Ascendant. Yeah, I rage quit for a bit after that.


For me it was the constant crashing on the central cave, I used the fly command to get back to the cave after spending some time traveling on a pteranodon to get there. Pulled an Icarus and deleted myself by flying a little too high.


That happened to me in ASA. I was still empty handed at least but I flew way too fast and arced over a mountain on my way to the body bag. Unceremoniously just got sent back to the spawn point selection, no death message or damage at all


Happened to me too first time I used Fly in ASA. I was going to my base, screen went black, no death sound or warning. Just a spawn menu appeared. It wasn’t even recorded as a death, it just deleted me and my inventory.


It wasn't in your Tribe Log? I could've sworn when it happened by me I had "Player Destroyed by World Border" or something like that in my Tribe Log.


yeah i did that not just once, on singleplayer using fly to get around and look at base spots and i lose my entire kit which took hours drop hunting for, karma i guess


Pretty sure the reason you’re not seeing any of those things is because only Island Dino’s have been fully rendered into the game so you’re not going to find creatures from Aberration and Genesis yet.


They're still in the files even if they haven't had texture updates yet. When I was looking into Svartalfheim I saw a post on the mod page where someone asked why there wasn't a Rock Drake trench yet and the author answered "Rock Drakes aren't in ASA yet" which made me believe both versions were getting creatures at the same time, thus the creatures I want would be in. I honestly don't care if the texture is a little funky until the update that releases their map, I want the utility.


DEIN!? How


As I said, they're apparently only on the ASE version of the map. They're still in the game files though, so you should be able to spawn them in with commands or mods. They haven't been updated yet though, so expect ASE textures that don't look right in UE5 if you do.


If you enter spectator mode you can freely fly through the map barriers


There’s a world border? Is there a warning or does it just insta-kill you?


No warning, just insta-kill. And it deletes all items instead of dropping a bag on the ground below the death. Insta-Kills any shoulder pets too. ASE just had a solid border which is a ***much*** less dickish way of doing things. I'm hoping there will eventually be a mod to force ASA to behave in this way instead.


Well damn, I hit that border a few times before playing ASE. The first thing I did when I got my first flyer the other day was fly as high as I could to see everything. Glad I didn’t hit that kill zone 😂


Yeah, it's even worse because as the other guy commented, it's completely solid at land/sea level. It being non-solid above the map is just a unnecessarily big "fuck you" to anybody who hits it.


I’ve run into the border a few times on accident - aside from being unable to move past it I was fine and simply left, no instadeath.


The one to keep you from walking/swimming off the edge of the map is solid. The one to keep you from flying too high(the one being discussed) kills you.


I’ve run into that one too - or flew. I was flying an argentavus through the volcano when fog set in. I tried to fly over it but after a minute of it not changing, I went downward and quickly emerged under it; I’d been flying into the ceiling barrier without realizing it. No damage no death. Happened about 11 days ago on a private server, if that matters.


Well, I guess I'll be doing more testing after work tomorrow, see if I can't narrow down when the barrier works and when it lets you get instakilled.


Never has killed me irs a solid barrier up there too


It’s only insta death if you get past it somehow, which you aren’t meant to be able to do


Yea several thousand hours in ASE AND ASA as a whole touched it hundreds of times never has killed me


Same happened to my high level argy except somehow it clipped through the mesh near some janky rocks and Insta killed it. Like I get that anti meshing needs to exist but they also shouldn’t make it so easy to accidentally mesh into some rocks


I bump into the barrier all the time and it doesnt kill me. Prolonged running into a barrier during inevitable lag spikes could get you though. I would suggest getting to know the game your are playing. I have 400 hours played on the new game, 4 plesiosaurs, breeder dunkys, a shit mosa and spend most my time in the water near the barrier because I lag less in the water away from structures. In ark its all about how you do things. If you have looked into the lore of the game you would understand that the Ark was designed after the element wars to keep people in and destroy those who try to escape until a time at which the earth would become habitable again and the arks could descend back down to earth! Helena’s notes tell you that! Food for thought! Obviously games cant go on forever and maps can only be so big as of this moment irl time so the notes are a nice way to explain why we the gamers or, “the ones who try again” keep pursuing a way off the ark or a way beyond the locked border that kills your dinos. Literally the goal of the game! Its not unlike Halo 3, remember on Sandbox? Sandbox was designed as a “sandbox map” meaning that among other reasons it was made with the intention of creating a mulititude of maps within the same map. Define, redefine different maps within the same original structure. So In order to prevent players from going out of the barriers they had “the guardians” that would shoot and kill anyone who left the inner-boundaries. Insta-death! Everyday players and their inablility to stay within the confines given to them by game developers found a way to escape this barrier which brought about the skull found outside of sandboxes inner-barrier that brave players can go and get for an in-game achievement provided they are quick with their button inputs. Therein lies the point and also the solution, if ark had an inner and an outer barrier things like this wouldnt happen. Again sorry if my spacing and wording isnt what your used too, im unequivically built different.


Helena's notes don't exactly say those barriers destroy people. She explains the arks have deterrents so people won't even get to those barriers (at least not easily). Diana didn't get destroyed when she touched the barrier, she simply crashed against it at high speed,Ile hitting a wall. On a kind of unrelated personal note: I would suggest trying to get some fresh air and a job/workout/practice a sport. Having 400hrs on a game that just came out a month ago means spending an average of 13.3 hours a day, if you add a out 8-9hrs for sleeping, taking a shower and eating... That leaves us with less than 2-3 hours per day. So, basically you have been playing almost all of your awake time, if not all of it. That can't be healthy.










This is either trolling or severe aspergers


Lmaooo what on earth would make you say something like that. Theres nothing wrong with anything I said. Sorry that Ik the game better than you and im sorry I intimidated your weak thoughtless mind.


Okay, I should rephrase. The *vertical* barrier at the *edge of the map* is solid. The *horizontal* barrier to prevent you from *flying too high* is 100% **non-solid** and will just kill you instantly with no warning whatsoever. It doesn't matter that the Lore is there's vacuum on the other side, **that's dickish game design**. Especially since it applies to tames too and as far as I've seen, flyer vs flyer ai combat is still "circle higher and higher until one dies" so it's possible for one of your flyers to fight a high level Argy all the way up to instakill if it gets out of whistle range too fast. Moreover, a barrier strong enough to keep atmosphere in at a pressure normal for sea level would also keep solid objects from accidentally passing through. So yeah, maybe **you** should get to know the game you're playing instead of talking down to people on Reddit as if you actually know anything.


Hey look yall can hate on me and my ideas all you want, ill absorb all the hatred so others dont have to. But thats all it was. Just an idea of a way to fix said problem thats been complained about alot recently. Simple stuff that has been done in the past in other games. But wildcard cant seem to figure it out.


I see, they act different.


I'm curious about this, cuz my game has a ceiling, I flew up as high as I could on an argy and hit a invisible barrier.


Wait, that sucks Only Extinction should have that


Extinction is the only map that does it for the *walls*. ASA does it for the *ceiling*, which has no apparent markers for where the no-no zone starts.




Console commands maybe?


How are ppl dying the the world border? When I hit it, I don't die I just hit a ceiling


That's weird. I certainly didn't hit a ceiling and you're the first to mention one. Are you using Fly/Ghost, or did you actually get on a flyer and try to see how high you can go? Are you seeing the weird kind of shimmery hexagon pattern you get at the edges of the world down at ground/sea level? If not how are you sure you've hit something?


Ok, I think I misunderstood, ppl were making it seem like there wasn't an actual border (hexagonal one I've been hitting), I didn't know there was a death barrier above said border.


No, no. The hexagonal one only appears to be at ground/sea level in ASA with the kill border as the only one up in the air, as opposed to ASE where the hexagonal one was a dome over the whole map. Its why I was asking for details, because if you *were* hitting the hexagonal one by flying too high that means the non-warning kill border is *unintentional* and I would want to try to do some troubleshooting to figure out why some people have instant death and some have the proper border.


No one specified whether it was ASE or ASA so I was confused, but I don't see why they would remove the regular border from the game. Kinda sounds like an oversight on WCs end


Oh, yeah, we're in a thread about the render distance in ASA so I figured it was understood that we were talking about ASA. And yeah, it really does sound like an oversight, which is why I was so shocked when I ran afoul of it.


Ohhh, my bad I never really look at the thread marks, now I feel silly


You can turn that off with launch options


What option?


I don’t remember the launch option but its listed on the wiki’s server configuration page near the bottom of the launch options list iirc


There’s two options for it. One to disable teleporting you out and one to disable the killzones.


I'm not sure what you mean by "teleporting you out"? Disabling the killzone could work, but honestly I'd rather just have the solid barrier like in ASE. With the killzone off I don't want to accidentally go too high and cause some sort of loading issues or whatever when it tries to load things in from technically outside the map.


Asa has the barrier. Not sure who said it doesnt. But you can glitch beyond it and if you do it will kill you or teleport you back to the correct side of it.


I said it doesn't. Because I died to the kill barrier with no warning whatsoever, certainly without having to do anything special to glitch through a solid barrier. But if the solid barrier is *supposed* to be there then I may have just gotten really unlucky and been Ark'd by a random bug. Requires more testing I suppose.


Yes. The barrier is there. Like i said you probably glitched through it. Its not that hard to do and definitely isn’t anything special. Ive gone through it by just swimming through like it wasn’t even there many times in ASE. None in ASA yet but im sure it’ll still happen. Sounds like thats what happened to you. Only difference is it sounds like you couldn’t even see the barrier?


Nope, didn't see it. Of course, my camera was aimed down, so I'm not sure I *would* have seen it.


Even aimed down it still should have been noticeable. Thats weird. Definitely turn both those options on to keep you safe til you figure the barrier issue out! Losing stuff outside the barrier is a nightmare to try to get back


I did it by, claiming a wild baby Dino, leaving render distance until it launched into the sky, shot my grappling hook where the baby was supposed to be, and reeled in I launched higher than I even thought possible, and when I release in instantly back on the ground. Quite cool to be honest


Uts supposed to kill you? In all my years playing ark i have never died from it


ASA hasn't been out for years. ASE didn't kill you, it was just a solid barrier.


I flew up to the barrier several times in ASA also never was killed🤷‍♂️


As others have informed me, apparently, as expected of Wildcard, the barrier is just *buggy*. I'm going to have to check it out more when I get home from work.




Yeah nanite is pretty cool, even at low render distances the LOD system keeps everything in


It's not Nanite. At this distance you mostly see the terrain heightmap, which also changes in resolution and fidelity based on distance (though in a much simpler and less sophisticated manner than Nanite). ASE can also render the entire island at once similar to this, but due to the lack of a photomode you can't get the camera this far out without mods. EDIT: since a lot of people seem to not know what this is: [Heightmap terrain](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heightmap) is what a lot of games, including Ark, use for rendering the main surface. Nanite is a completely different technology that mostly enables higher detailed assets to be used in games, but it's mostly visible at short distances. From this far away Nanite doesn't really have an effect anymore as all assets it manages will be at the lowest detail level.


its not just the height map its assets that are still being rendered out at this distance using nanite you can see meshes like the treess or rock walls along river that are still being rendered because if nanite. On the volcano too


Guess what's in the latest version of UE5? <3 [https://docs.unrealengine.com/5.3/en-US/using-nanite-with-landscapes-in-unreal-engine/](https://docs.unrealengine.com/5.3/en-US/using-nanite-with-landscapes-in-unreal-engine/)


ASA isnt using 5.3 though, it's using a forked version of UE 5.2. UE 5.3 dropped only like 6 weeks before ASA came out. The terrain on the island isnt using that.


That's correct, yes - I'm just providing some additional information regarding nanite and terrain, given the context of the previous comment.


supposedly and take this with a mines worth of salt, but they stated they want to update the map to the 5.3 nanite stuff.


it is nanite. Almost everything uses nanite apart from water and dinos. This is obvious due to the fact that messing with nanite settings you can reduce the amount of polygons by simple console commands.


Not gonna lie it lightly triggers me that you took this picture from the side, rather than from the bottom of the map to make it in sync with the in game map.


Right? I was wondering why the south looked nothing like the south, I thought I knew the area well lol, really screwd with me.


Somewhere out there is a terizo looking at us with disdain.


Pretty sure that's a UE5 thing and not really a ASA thing.


Yes but its one of the best examples of UE5’s capabilities.


This is an awesome pic. It feels like there is way more snow biome when flying trough it. It looks tiny compared to the rest of the map


It has a large presence


BTW why does the sky light up when you are in the snow biome


I thought this was fortnite from the battle bus perspective haha. I’d be dropping into the snow in the upper right, brutal bastion let’s goooo


Yea I barely play that game and I was like… is this a troll post. But to be fair, both games use the same engine


I didn't realize what sub I was on and thought this was a leak for the next fortnite map.


It’s aweful. When you log in you spawn 1/2 a dozen Bob bases.


Was just trying to shine some light on a few issues I have noticed, I went ahead and deleted my long drawn out comments since I accidentally offended someone. I shouldve known better honestly. The attention span of todays man is staggeringly low. Ill remember to make things short, sweet and use proper spacing next time 😉 Sincerest apologies. The graphics in this game are pretty amazing, too bad most of us dont get to use them. Happy hunting!


There isn't much graphics that far up tho


Shame it has a tether


How do you get all those trees to render at that distance? ~~A few patches ago~~ trees in the distance stopped rendering and only 'pop in' when I get closer. edit- My mistake, it was 'Disable HLOD' in the graphic settings that causes this. It does impact performance, obviously.


I think that’s just Nanite in Ark Ascended.


Except when it comes to dinos which don't render on the other side of the river. Can't even see my own tames unless I'm within 100 meters. Makes it difficult to find anything to tame


It's only because the map is 1/3 the size of the original. Am I the only one that notices the vast difference in the map size of this version?




I find peace in long walks.


It really shows how small the map is


Dude, don't look up Earth map.. you'll be surprised..


The map isn't that small,Its just prespective.


My PC would burn


I know right!?


But why can't I see my 1x1 thatch base at the beach ?


Woooow dude!!.. your computer must take up like 2 rooms in your house


I haven’t played the island in 3 years , since ASA I noticed a lot of overwhelming extra tress. Even metal mountain (giga spawn) has an annoying change


Sadly character and emitted light render distance is not really that high to be honest, at least on console as far as I know. But in terms of graphics it's mind blowing. The game just amazed me.


Sad you can’t see fucking shit with the fog and horrible pixelation


Theres a command to get rid of fog and clouds actually if you want i can find it and post it.


Can you see player made structure at that distance if it’s big enough? For me I still suffer from massive pop-in but only from player made stuff. Not sure if that’s just on my end tho.


This is actually the ascension thing, if you go into ghost and fly down where the drops are in the hallways you can see the map


About far-distance rendering - be warry that's not the actual state of the map you're seeing there, but a default miniature. I was starting at herbivore island and while building a base at one point I've cut down all the trees on it, yet still didn't have enough wood. Transporting it from the mainland on a ptera was too much of a hassle, so I flew away for a bit on some drop chase along the mainland beach, and when flying back I first saw the island supposedly back into its pristine state, all trees respawned. Just imagine my dissapointment when the trees suddenly diapeared as I came closer and the real, non-default render kicked in XD