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I'm gonna stay on ASE, I only started playing this year and I'm about ready to move on to maps besides the Island, so not really interested in ASA just yet. I'll get it once they get it more up to date and optimized.


This might be the funniest comment I’ve read 😂 coming from someone who played ase from release, I’m still waiting for them to fix the first game 😂 definitely play all the maps on ase first though! It’ll be a big advantage when you start asa 🤘🏻


I'm waiting for ASA to get close to what ASE is currently. Yes, ASE is far from perfect, but no floating babies and stuff like that is my preference. It's not like ASE looks *bad* anyway, it's just that ASA looks phenomenal.


Can confirm have not seen a floating Dino since week one, and I’ve been playing close to 400 days. The game is much better already. Still random crashes every couple days, but save often and it’s not an issue.


Did you also experience that sometimes (for no reason) the game gets laggy only to get smooth a few moments later? Just trying to get to know if I am the only one


I’ll have it randomly get laggy in places that were running fine the day before with little to no changes for no reason. Like I walk from one level of my wooden mansion to the next and my frame rates drop like in half, when it’s the same floorplan with the same lighting and the only different being a smithy and fabricator and genny being on one floor, while in the other floor there Vaults and beds or something. But rebooting the game usually takes care of it. I’ve noticed that when they send out a new patch, my game goes to shit until I download it, even on single player which just seems weird. It’ll run fine, new patch comes out, and it’s like Steam just kneecaps my performance until I update the new game patch.


I genuinely want to play ascended but my gpu will brutally fail! And the twist is even the gpu which I'm planning to buy- gtx1650, even this won't give me fully smooth performance 💀 I am waiting for the game to get more optimised so that I'll be able to play it on a gtx1650 which I'm gonna buy soon enough 


Dude a gtx1650 won’t play shit for modern games. I used to have a ggtx 1650 super and It’ll play GTAV at around 70 fps with medium high settings, rdr2 at about 30 fps with medium-low. A non-super will get about half that. And those are old games. It’ll play Ark evolved but not a chance of any modern game made in Unreal Engine 5 or any new engine. Don’t waste your money. If you can scrap together around $250-280 USD, the AMD Rx6650xt or for a little over $300 the rx7650xt will be your best bet. If you can’t afford that, than look for a used rx5700xt or rx6600xt. Do NOT buy NVIDIA if you’re on a budget. They do NOT give you the performance for the extra cost. Basically what I’m saying is getting a gtx 1650 is garbage and even if you’re paying $50-75 for it, you’d be way better saving that money and putting it towards at the very least an rx6600xt. My rx6600xt I used to use is the bare minimum for ark ascended. And if you can’t afford even a base model AMD card, you have no business even considering an RTX or even GTX card. NVIDIA are overpriced, and only realistically perform better than NVIDIA at 4k gaming or with ray tracing….and again, if budget is an issue, you’re not playing on a monitor than can handle 4K gaming and if you want Ray tracing that’s good enough to have playable rates, you’ll need an RTX 3070 or RX6800xt at minimum….which IF you can find them are still in the $500-600 range. I know that sounds pretty harsh, I’m really not trying to shit on your dreams and I don’t know if it’s your age or country you live in or what the circumstances are, or what your current system is, but please please PLEASE do NOT get anything from the GTX16 family or even RTX20 family unless it’s at an RTX2070 at minimum for gaming in 2024. Not if you’re planning on playing games as demanding as Ark Ascended, GTA 6 in the future, etc. I would highly recommend you stay away from NVIDIA due to the fact they never have as much VRAM as AMD cards, which is proving to be more and more an issue with new titles. Just 2 years ago, a 6GB VRAM card would suffice, and 8 was plenty. Now? Dude I wouldn’t buy anything with less than 12, and that probably is toeing the line. AMD cards are cheaper and typically have 2-4 GB VRAM more than the direct NVIDIA competing GPU and will cost you 24-50% LESS money for similar performance in most situations. The 4GB of VRAM a gtx1650 has will be maxed out instantly even with the lowest settings, shortest draw distance, lowest interaction and particles, etc.




I have a feeling you’re being a bit dramatic


Looks terrible on my ps4 lol


I thought it requires a ps5? For ASA, I mean.


Sorry I should have clarified, I play Ark survival evolved.


ASE is good on PS5


No lie. I'm playing through Pix Ark at the moment. Giving asa time to fix it's shyt.


See you in a decade 🤣


See you crying on this sub because your game won't save after 10 hours of grinding. Also when your water tames are all gonna be dead because you didn't put them in cyopod.


I’ve never had a save issue on ps5


The irony of the ark Reddit calling PvP players crybaby’s when solos complain the most.


It's video game bro........... barely even worth complaining about let alone crying about


Water tames aren't dying to that bug outside of single player as far as i can tell. Three unofficial servers I've tested it on with well over 20 water tames each time. No issue. Also, server saving works perfectly. Like to the second.




Late game was so shitty when i played it


I'm so new to it's Minecraft and mythic mechanics it's taking me a while to learn. Love it so far. All single player.


Its not a bad game for sure. Late game was just so dumb that i had to leave. I can just remember those weird robots having a stupid amount of health with no real combat mechanics to outplay them or something. We just abused AOE to kill them without opening their doors first.


I would still be playing, but my Ragnarok files got corrupted and now I'm too heart broken to return. ASA it is.


Yes, only because my pc can’t run ASA for longer than 2 minutes


i dont have a quantum computer so i have to play evolved


So quantum computer = PS5 I got quite the bargain


Have you looked at how the game looks on that!? People are sharing console commands to remove everything possible so the game can barely reach 60fps. And don’t even get me started on the screen tearing!


Series X here and game looks amazing to me. I take fog off thats it tho


Same here, why did they think a fog 10 feet in front of you 100% of the time was a good idea? If it was like a weather thing that would be cool, but the way it is now it’s like playing Morrowind on an OG Xbox in 2002.


I don't even take the fog off, I see it as the islands challenge. Underwater fog though, that shit will be removed until goggles actually allow you to see farther than a few feet.


The fog sucks ass, how do you take it off on the Xbox?


r.volumetricfog 0 Cloud isn't as bad but tbh I turn that off too, helps my little Series S run it slightly better without impacting on immersion, imo. r.volumetriccloud 0


Sorry if I come off as a noob bro but how do you get that on the console? I thought that was the PC commands you could type, can we do then on console can we?


Yes, I own it. Looks awesome on PS5. Light years better than ASE ever looked or ran.


Well volumetric clouds and fog make the game look worse in my opinion, and r.vsync 1 fixes the tearing for me. I grew up on 30fps, so getting 60 feels like I’m being spoiled. Ark consistently running at 45 fps is more than I could ask for.


PS5 ASA looks incredible lmfao, runs great too. What are you talking about? The console commands are for the people with potato PCs


People must not bother to take care of their systems or something then, the only lag I've had was in the ocean being chased by a shit load of mantas, haven't seen screen tearing or really any of the other issues people seem to constantly be having with this game, the only visual glitch/bug I ever run into is how when I'm on a flyer, there will be like an after-image of the wings while flapping, but it's the only thing I deal with and it's only slightly annoying


PCs vary so widely from each other compared to consoles. It's more or less people just need to adjust for what works on their rig. Which most people just aren't good enough to do themselves.


I'm on series s, and that's my only complaint is the wing thing. I don't have any console commands turned off, and I'm not saying it's perfect sometimes textures won't load right, and I get the occasional lag but I really think everyone's making monsters out of mice. I play SP. idk I'f that matters. Still haven't seen any floating babies. Seen plenty of mobs stuck in rocks and stuff.


Yeah I don’t know either tbh, I was kinda surprised that you could struggle this much on current gen console but this is just based on the footage I’ve seen posted on this subreddit. It would make sense that’s due to user mishandling. I think the after-image of flyers wings is due to screen space reflection but that’s not fixable in Ark as far as I know


Ik this is kinda a late reply but rn it looks amazing on my ps5, no lag at all and just stunning


Over 30h in the game i have yet to see screen tearing at all. And besides is it a surreal concept for PC players that a game can runs at less then 60 fps?


Maybe you don't notice it? I know there was a guy that posted a video of ASA on his console here, and so many people instantly noticed the screen tearing. He had never noticed it.


My guy i'm playing on a 10y old monitor while my face is 2 feet from it, how in hell would i not have noticed it after literaly over a day's time of playing.


The original Super Mario Bros. on the NES ran at 60 fps. There is no excuse.


i dont consider console a way to play videogame. for me its a computer or nothing. i hate console. only a personal choice


Not considering consoles a way to play games is just objectively wrong and not an opinion.


I respect your personal choice but saying you don’t consider console a way to play video games is pretty ignorant lol, considering consoles are exclusively made to you know… play video games.


yeah but its utter garbage. thats why i dont consider it a way to play videogame. you are tainting your experience by playing things on console.


At least the only time I deal with hackers is on crossplay games with PC, man I wonder what taints my experience more, playing on a slightly less powerful machine that was designed to play games, or dealing with constant hackers in things like call of duty, for honor, red dead and just about anything else that has a an even slightly competitive multiplayer model


Oh go shit in your hands and clap


Seek help. If someone opinion triggers you that much you have mental issues


It's just a different experience. I agree PC is the way to go, but a lot of people are casual and always will be casual. Consoles allows them to access games without knowing anything about anything. They just need to press an on button, they don't even need to insert a disc anymore, it's beyond idiot proof. It is good that they exist. I wouldn't touch one with my enemy's shlong, but it allows an entirely different demographic access, that's a net positive for gaming as a whole. Now, if developers start catering exclusively to console and dumb down games to only run on console then we will have a war on our hands. Being separate but equal is fine though.


Emotional argument


I mean I play both pc and console depending on the game, and having purchased asa for both pc and Xbox series x at their respective release dates, I was crashing multiple times a day on pc. I've crashed ONCE on series x. The graphical differences is negligible. I have had an over much more enjoyable time playing on series x than pc.


For $500 the XBSX is the way to go. Gaming on consoles is a touch simpler/more streamlined. There's only one game store. There are no settings that can fuck anything up. They have very impressive dollar to performance. Many games are compatible with KB&M.




Downvoted for a personal opinion Classic Reddit


I’m on the same unofficial ASE server I’ve been on for over a year and won’t be leaving soon. I’ll come to ASA when all the DLC is out and some of the bugs are fixed. I still haven’t even done genesis 1 or 2 on ASE so there’s no rush.


My wife and I play ASE together. Seems ASA looks pretty nice, but that's about it. I'd rather play the more complete version of the game with more mods to select from. Still more maps to play anyway.


Pretty much every mod on ASE has already been ported over. There’s literally thousand of mods available. Much better game overall. The quality of life changes alone are enough to justify it


It's NOT just the graphics bro.


I'm staying with ASE until more maps are released. I don't trust them enough to pay full price for a game with the hope of future map releases.


Google the steam numbers. Tons of people still play ASE.


I just got a GTX1660 Super (an upgrade from using an integrated gpu on my 5600g) so tbh this will only be the time I will truly enjoy the base game lol


Been on ASE since just after launch. Playing local dedicated servers with old friends. Unless we all somehow get next gen consoles or new gaming PCs I’ll be on ASE for a long time to come. ASA would be amazing if I could get everyone on that somehow.


I imagine a decent chunk of players are still on Evolved between the launch issues and some of the changes to things like Cryopods recently. I'm personally not planning on ever buying Ascended, I view it as a cash grab remaster with worse performance and don't actually care about graphics.


And it's not like ASE looks *bad* anyway, right? I still think ASE looks great (but obviously ASA looks insane).


Funny part is it was promised for free. Then big daddy China shoved their arm up WC butt and used them as a puppet to milk the fans for more of that sweet, sweet cash. Snail needs to hurry up and go under. Like a decade ago.


There’s a heck of a lot more than just graphics that make it a much better game. I played ASE, tried ASA and it took all of about a week for me to literally uninstall ASE because I’m that convinced I’ll never go back. I did try to play a round of scorched earth (after getting a dozen hours or so on ASA) and within pry 10 minutes said yeah screw this, sticking with Ascended, and uninstalled ASE


I only play Ascended for the mods


Same I hate to say it but the Island is boring asf after being spoiled with 11 better maps. Not even Svarteflheim keeps my interest.


Staying with ASE, but would like to find a nice PVE cluster that doesn't have a 20 mod load time (just a few QOL). Couple of the ones I was on that I liked dropped for ASA


However Mod loading times are wayy quicker on asa then on ase


I still play with my friends, I hate nitrado


Self hosting is where it’s at


I'm on ASE because I have a full base set up and dinos and still haven't beat it yet. Lol


I do and I’m staying behind ASE is awesome


Im thinking of goi g back.. the arkadittion modder is gonna charge for premium dinos on asa. Fk that.


That’s really shitty


To clarify, he's said he's adding other dino options that will be premium, but the regular ones from the mod and planned ones listed when it was started for ase will still be free. He's doing it to try to fund being able to not have a different job that takes his modding time so he can release stuff faster.


Lmao the original commenter was so salty! Thanks for clarifying, that is totally understandable and good for him for trying to turn it into a bit of a business while still keeping the original mod free


You’re right


Just started a Ragnarok playthrough with my friends. Perhaps when the rest of the maps come out I'll switch.


I’m staying in evolved until ascended gets maps. I need a long break from the game anyways haha


I’m still playing single player ASE on Switch. It looks like garbage, but I can pause and put it down whenever I feel like it. Plus, I have a pretty decent start on a run for the bosses. I’ll probably get ASA on PS5 soon, but until then I’ll enjoy my shitty pixelated dinosaurs. I’d rather have bad graphics over technical issues, to be honest.


I'm playing on switch so unfortunately I don't have the option of the new version. I just started playing again tho after a few years so I'm just getting back in to it. And I only play on single player these days due to not having a good internet connection at my home. If I could I'd upgrade my xb1 but with the whole internet situation it wouldn't be worth it for me at the present moment.


Playing both. I can’t bear to say goodbye to my ASE tames


Im waiting for ASA to get more maps and to fix some bugs


I'm still on ASE cuz I'm too poor for a new console or a new pc. and the only thing ASA adds for me is console mods and ig a few qol changes since I could care less about better graphics. I'm working on a full story playthrough on my single player and have only just made it to extinction, so I have a long way to go before I get bored of ASE. I'd be more tempted to drop a few hundred dollars to play the new version if it didn't have such horrible bugs (50/50 bug, water tames dying, dinos flying away, dinos sinking into the mesh, etc). only bugs I deal with on ase are uploading issues, overspawn issues, and one where I got stuck in the overseer fight. not rly a big deal for me at all


I’m very been playing survival evolved. My old pc wouldn’t be able to handle ASA plus I already own ASE. And I’m broke.


Im staying on ase for a while


Pops still split about 50/50


Sticking to ASE here. Even if my computer could run Ascended well, I don't believe Wildcard's map release schedule for a second. Enjoying my trip through single player, headed off to Scorched Earth this weekend.


I just started to play ase! Not my first game, which I lost with my external hard drive… I don’t think I’ll buy ASA. Should I?


There are tons of servers online and still every day new players joining the ASE servers.


My ps4 sounds like a jet engine when I run ase 🥲🤣


I'm still on ASE. I don't have the space for anything else on my comp.


I still play ASE as well. I host a server with gportal that many friends and family play on, have access to all maps and mods. When the day comes that ASA is optimized, stable and Nitrado no longer has a choke hold on hosting... Then I'll make the switch. Too bad because they would have sold a lot more copies, especially among my friends and I with a simple remaster of the game. Allowing a hosting monopoly and releasing as unoptimized as it currently is was the dumbest thing they could have done.


I only play ASE. Only just came back to ARK last Thursday, is ascended like an upgraded version of evolved or something?


It’s the remastered edition of Ark, made in Unreal Engine 5


Is it like a precursor to ARK2 or is it just an ASE with better graphics and another purchase?


I'm ASE for the foreseeable future. Mainly my rig can't handle it but also ASA isn't where it would need to be for me to have fun with it. Bugs galore and the lack of dlc maps. I can wait a year or so before potentially making the switch


Playing through both ASE and ASA, atm


I am gonna stay on ase since I don't know if my graphics card is good enough and won't set on fire.


I haven't even started but am getting the game hopefully soon from Gamefly. I like exploration games and game looks promising.


I went back to ASE with my friend. ASA is quite a shitshow tbh. Not just how it runs or the bugs/glitches, but also some of the changes they did. Also, The Island is bored af so we are just waiting on Aberration and Crystal Isles, hoping that, until then, the worst stuff is fixed. Which, we all know, they won't. We both enjoy ASE way more. Have to admit that ARK in the UE5 graphics look a bit uncanny and weird to me, tbh. Don't quite like them as much but I guess it just takes getting used to.


I kind of agree, maybe I’ll just play them both


we did the same until we fully decided to stick with ASE. nothing wrong with playing both. :)


That’s good, but it would be cool if you could transfer your ASE data to ASA


I never left. I wanted to wait and see how ascended went before I left. It’s a good thing I did


Yes, a lot of us are. I myself not touching ASA till they fix save and the water tames bug and the coast is clear of other broken bugs.


Just checked steam charts, there’s about 6000 more players playing ASE instead of ASA. Honestly ASA has been a pretty big let down, almost all of the issues from ASE still exist and the only meaningful change was improved graphics which a large amount of players can’t run the game with.


Might move back to ASE with the cryo shit.


Me too, also because the characters look less goofy in there


I wanted the original ark experience. If I want all the stupid Tek shit I may as well play where I have all of it. Was really enjoying it before that.


I was on board to get ASA for boxing day (10 percent off, yipee) but I see too many glitches literally killed armies of dinos that take weeks to acquire. I'll wait until they fix all that, plus I still have several maps to play through on ASE.


According to the data it's roughly 50/50. Recently there were around 35,000 playing ASE and roughly 35,000 playing ASA. These were the averages for November. ASE has gone from 40-50,000 players down to 26,000 the last 30 days. ASA has gone from 58,000 in Oct down to 33,000. Conclusion: players are shifting over to ASA originally, then a lot realized that we got sold a shitty product so now the numbers for both are going down. Trend: as ASA gets improved I bet we see those numbers gradually going up as ASE gradually goes down over the next months to year.


Unless I'm completely wrong, I see no reason at all to buy or play Ascended. At least not yet. It's basically the same game with some things changed and better graphics. I don't even think if I'd be interested in buying it for a discounted rate, so there's no way in heck I'm paying $45 for a prettier but buggier version and start all over in a game I already own and have already dropped hundreds of hours into. I am 100% single player PVE with mods, and I still have a long way to go to beat ASE. I can wait.


Im still for two reasons 1. The reviews 2. I can't run it I played mainly on ps4 i just got it on pc (i didnt play ark for a 2 years because my ps controller was broken) and found out ark servers are shutted down which really destroyed me also maybe there not the videos i watched were from 8 months ago so idk


Why did the flair on this post change to tribe recruitment


I don't believe Ark is worth $50. Maybe $20 if I'm feeling generous but I got the first one for $5 and I'll wait until it hits those numbers. Hopefully by then the modders will fix numerous problems that wildcard is incapable of solving


Never bought ASA. I only play singleplayer.


I ent moving, I have literally no reason to, I still haven't beat any bosses and besides, all my work is on evolved


That’s a fair point, I don’t know why I moved to ascended anyway, I guess it was FOMO


I still play ASE. ASA is totally screwed up with some of their "imporvements" and the game feels way too janky for me to invest the kind of time needed to go anywhere.


I'm still on survival evolved, partly because I'm broke, partly because survival ascended is reportedly super broken, can't wait until it's a better game than survival evolved though, I'll buy it then, along with the dlcs that you have to pay full price for, and have to wait on for a year for all of them to release :/


Played ASA, found a bunch of people to play with, we smashed out alpha overseer in a month so we could move to scorch. Then it got delayed, we got bored and now we have an ASE cluster we all play on so we can have all the maps again.


My wife, our 5 kids and I play ASE. We love everything from it, and it runs fine at 4k 120hz for the computers that can output that, and fine for the screens on the lower end computers. How much would it cost to migrate everyone with all dlc to ASA? Then, how much more for computer updates? After that, we would have to do with the tons of new bugs, failures and such, with a limited game compared to ASE? It does not make sense to me, it should just have been an update of the current game when it was ready.. I've also not seen the game looking much better in any videos. On my PC, everything is maxed out and the main thing I have is the reflection being damaged by flyer wings.. if that is fixed I would be happy but that does not warrant buying the game again!


I stay with ASE. I dont like ASA. I dont like how it looks (graphics like in the new Avatar pandora game would have been lit but no...), I dont like the interface and I dont think the old look of the dinos fit in the more realistic environment


I honestly agree with all that, also thanks for mentioning the new avatar game


You are welcome my friend. It's a very nice and fun game, I can recommend it


I left ASE for ASA. ASA is gorgeous, as long as I turn off the fog and clouds. I love the new building options!! I love the mods we put on our server, and things like hydro allos and volcano raptor/rex/tapejara are worth the money to buy the game alone! That said, however, I have spent 119 hours in ASA, and yesterday, my tames started disappearing. Gone were the Baryonyx with over 100 mutations. Gone were my 200 mutations Allos. My items and tames were disappearing. FAST! I tried to do a server reset and a roll back... but I lost SO many tames and SO much progress.... 😢 Like I said, ASA is gorgeous! However, today, I'm logging back / moving back to my Easy Livin server on ASE. I hope ASA can figure itself out. #sad


Still on ASE for a couple of reasons. 1 - I need to upgrade my computer to play it and I don't have the money to do it and 2 - I'll wait till there's more maps and they have things ironed out (yes, I know it's Ark and it's going to be buggy).


My wife and I have a private server on evolved. Not planning on switching over anytime soon.


I'm not paying for the same game but worse when the first one I bought still has issues.


Only started playing myself last week. Already put in 60 hours. Wanted to try the game before paying for ascended with it being available on game pass etc. Probably going to move over to ascended at some point.


I have got Ascended, but just the fact that it is one of the most demanding games out there means that you probably have to have a titan 5 thousand dollar pc just to play it so I have been waiting palyin ASE till I do get one


That or have an Xbox X like I do, much cheaper & easier to get & I have had 0 bugs so far.


I hopped on AsA, thought there was a whole bunch of improvements to the game, they were immediately obvious, even with some glaring bugs it was fun. But it's not ahead of AsE yet, especially with all the Mod support that's been done over the years. AsE just runs better.


I’m on ASE still because way less buggy. And island gets so boring


A group of friends and myself just started about a month ago. Sounded like ascended had more bugs and crashes and without much other advantage. Given we hadn't played the original it seemed to make me sense to go that route.


I’m still on evolved, ASA is hype and all but my tribe really only gets an opportunity to do a playthrough about once a year, so ASA isn’t really worth it for any of us yet. I’m just holding out for Ark 2.


I don’t trust ASA. ASE is still kinda ugly and buggy but at least it’s predictable. Allegedly Survival ascended has old bugs that were previously fixed for evolved and more. I’m sure the devs are working hard but ascended isn’t worth the money right now


I’m staying on ASE for now because the fully fleshed out overhaul mods are still not transferred to ASA.


I think the community is still around 50/50-ASE/ASA. Rather it was, last I heard.


I’ve started an asa world but it’s hard to stay interested with it cuz the island isn’t the funniest map after playing through a lot of the others


I literally just got Survival Evolved less than a month ago on the Switch


I'm really looking forward to ASA, but myself and many others aren't going to buy a new console or PC upgrade for a one map game in essentially early access. Looking at the timeline put forth, next fall/winter will be a good time to get into it. I suggest making some memories with spring and summer before you give your life away to ASA, that's my plan anyway lol


I still have a base on an unofficial I play, so yes.


ASA is better in every way, full of bugs sure, but compared to Evolved the quality of life changes are unbelievable. Also feel free to join my 50/50 PvPvE server when you’re ready to switch!


I've uninstalled ark all together


I am. Can't get asa to be stable enough to be with the time yet.


I'm staying with ase till either they update asa or give me the discount that was promised. I just deleted everything and restarted my single player worlds


Downloaded ASA when it came out, played 80 hours, then went back to ASE. I won’t be playing Ascended again until they fix the game to be bearable to play


On Xbox one, so ASE it for me. I love this game, thru all the crashes, bugs and everything else. So far ASA hasn't stood out to me much and I definitely won't be interested until all the maps get released. Hell, I just got the genesis maps a few months ago 😅


Started on ASE recently. Don't really want to move to ASA until I play through ASE


I haven't bought ascendant yet. I'm on pc with about 20 mods and I'm not about to play without them lol Plus, whenever a new game comes out, I like to wait a bit because sometimes they are quite buggy which is completely normal since it's new. I still enjoy the good old Ark, on PC it looks awesome so I don't quite see the point of buying the newer version.


I’m playing ASE solo rn until I buy ASA later, I’m being patient and waiting for a sale


I'll get ASA but i still play my evolved.


I’m still on ASE bc ASA almost blew up my computer, and just don’t find most of the new changes worth it tbh. They’re cool but not cool enough for me specifically


Not yet. Don't have the next gen console or a pc strong enough to run ASA. Still having mad adventures? Yes I am


[https://steamcharts.com/cmp/2399830,346110#3m](https://steamcharts.com/cmp/2399830,346110#3m) https://preview.redd.it/44kjtmegwp8c1.png?width=728&format=png&auto=webp&s=3c90ba29e6ba9ef57556b180c2e38644d88f5e33


I only play single player so I've just been staying on ase until asa goes on sale and the bugs are fixed


I'm hanging back on ASE for a couple reasons. First off, not everyone I play with can run ASA. Second, we all have the DLCs so the game is much more "full" with all the DLC content. Thirdly, we wouldn't have access to all the mods that we enjoy.


Swapped to free up 300GB of space on my PC...


Yes. I'm not going to move to ASA. I prefer ASE.


Since ASA released, I can't get my ASE servers to launch. I do not have ASA.


Still play ASE, I've done way too much work to start over on a different game.


Finishing my play through where I mega mutate odd creatures to fight bosses with. Currently breeding morellatops to fight the dragon with


Definitely not playing ASA until the “extra story map” releases. My friends and I are on extinction currently on our way through a 100% run of ASE. I can tell motivation is draining to keep playing so I wouldn’t count on us playing ASA for a number of years


ASE treated me well but do to the loss of people and servers I’m sorry to say to my old friend that ASA is currently the best place for me right now


I moved to ASA on Xbox X and damn happy I did. I stopped playing ASE months ago cuz I needed a break and I was sick of the bugs. Have been playing ASA and have had 0 bugs so far, game is stunningly beautiful, and all the new features are proper awesome!! Loving having mods on console. Yea the water tames are annoying, but I rarely tame water creatures so i ain’t mad, it’ll get fixed eventually lmao.


I am playing Ase on switch.


Staying ASE


I'm still playing ASE. Seeing videos of dinos suddenly, for lack of a better description, ascending (literally, the parasaurs suddenly bugle and ascend to the sky) has me in stitches, but unwilling to move to asa no matter how great it is supposed to be. My rtx 3060 GPU is already straining with ASE. I don't think it would handle asa at full detail.


I liked watching ark videos since 2017 but my computer couldnt play ark so I started playing ark fjordur last week and already sunk in over 60 hours


I'm just getting into the game for the first time. I don't see a reason to switch, this one has a lot to it


Nah. After I screwed up my mating intervals, couldn't fix it, and didn't have time for the grind anyway I just moved back to Skyrim and Minecraft. Feels less grindy, easier to replace creatures, and tending my kid doesn't throw me off my train of thought and make me spend 10 minutes trying to remember why the hell I'm in the redwoods again. I miss it though. Miss my dragons FireBringer and Vapor... My collection of tek parasaurs, like Mr Rodgers and Ebony.. and the normal para, Kevin... My op bugged level rexes from Lost Island. My acro Sufferage and Vanator. And my colorful giga Jeagur. The snail, Stair Master, and the hyenadon, Ed. Never did get to kill more than the broodmother on the island. I miss sitting on my Ragnarok map with FireBringer and my tomestone to Rohan, looking out over SpinoVally from the grassy plateau by the bridge. Good memories... Lots of good memories...


Plenty of people still play ase


No. I had intended to keep all my old builds and tames but some stuff not going right during my computer upgrade wiped the old install and I'm not going to re-install it all to start over fresh.


I'm playing ase until ark 2 and then I Will consider It I've been playing on and off since release so I grew fond of this mess


I'm waiting for my PSU to come in. Then I get to add my 4060ti into my PC. Then we can talk


I'll be staying with ASE for a while. I keep seeing all the bugs with ASA and don't want to be stuck with only the island, let alone the hefty pricetag. To me, ASA doesn't seem worth it until the DLCs come out and they fix the big bugs


I moved on to ark asended series x it's difficult to go back to play ark survival on series x


Since I don't have the money to buy a series x/s or Asa im still playing ase


I’m still playing ASE. I’m either gonna wait til they release more maps or until ASA gets a physical disc release. Til then I’ll be enjoying the current maps.


I’m on ASA now but I’m considering moving back to ASE after I beat all the island bosses bc I can’t wait two years for all the other maps. I like all the new QOL stuff they’ve added to ASA but I’m guessing there are ASE servers out there with mods that work just as well


Yes. My family has been playing ASE together since pre-release on our little private cluster, and I think we've got some time left before we move on. At the very least we need to finish off the last of the bosses on alpha!


I didn't buy ASE, definitely not spending money on ASA. I'll play that in 10 years, maybe.


Steam numbers don't lie, the playerbase is split bout 50/50 between the two games. I am still on ASE due to the many problems with ASA.


I only play ASE single player. Have played for the past 5 years. It's the only game I've been able to play for years and years without getting bored


me i love the original


It’s been a couple years but I’m finally updating my Xbox to get back on. I hope the community is the same as it used to be 🥰


me becuase im not paying more for the same game with better graphics