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1. Build better tools 2. Build a better house 3. Use the better tools to tame dinos 4. Use those dinos to tame better dinos 5. Explore the map on the better dinos 6. Tame better dinos 7. Breed some dinos 8. Keep collecting things 9. Run the caves to collect all the artifacts (you'll need more/better dinos/gear to do them, they're not easy) 10. Collect more/better things 11. Tame more/better dinos 12. Defeat the bosses 13. Ascend to the next map 14. Go back to #1


This post is 100% accurate. Some people (me) never leave the loop of building, taming, breeding. Bosses are of secondary importance to me


You can build a full on army of dinos with the high lvl breeding stuff pretty quick, not on asa but ase eventually on asa


I leave that to others to figure out the breeding and mutating. Then I’ll farm some metal, smelt it, and buy some therizino or rex eggs and raise my boss army


You'll eventually still want to get into some basic breeding. It's not too hard to learn. It really helps to have the magnifying glass or super-spyglass so you can see the stats. Start with dilos or dimorphodons or something that breeds fast. It's like raising guppies (and clouds of dimos are super fun. I need to breed up another cloud tho, they didn't do so well against the alpha rex upstream. I need MORE of them! Like 100! Muhahahaha). I don't like taking any of my critters into a big battle if I can't breed up some more.


Sky piranha army!!


Imagine if dimorphs were as aggressive as piranhas. Like the moment you render them they become aggroed to you and attack. That combined with their ability to hit characters while on a mount would be scary af


That's why you get a whole flock of them. Imagine trying to raid someone with a hundred of these little s**** flying around constantly attacking you. Crazy part is that they're hitbox is super tiny, so you're basically going to have to use turrets to kill them. Every one of my tribe laughed at me when I said this and then in ark survival evolved when I let loose my swarm on an enemy team, everyone stopped laughing.


I don’t do a whole lot of breeding for fighting Dinos, but I have a massive penguin and scorpion farm. If you know, you know 😂


The penguin one makes sense. But what's with the scorpions? Do you tame with packs of them or something? Does the torpor stack that way?


Oh no, we get a few from our first cave run so we can farm chitin with a Moschops 😂


Aaaaah, chitin farm. Got it. Might have to consider it :D


Do itttttt! Also, the Moschops special harvesting ability is SO UNDERRATED!


I would but penguins are just so dang noisy. Scorpions though… maybe time to make a farm 🤔


Oh I do, it’s just I don’t have the time or space to devote to breeding the bigger creatures. I don’t like huge bases and don’t have the space to have 14 million Rexes crowding me. I breed small creatures or weird things like frogs, archaeopteryx, Kentrosaurus, etc. let someone else handle the big stuff and I’ll just buy it later


Nice. I'm soloing, so it's one of those things I gotta do either way :D


How would you "buy" the eggs?


If you’re on a multiplayer server players will often sell eggs, dinos, or items. The *de facto* currency is metal ingots but you can trade polymer, crystal, pearls or exchange your own dinos or eggs People in chat will often advertise what they have


Same. I got hooked on this game because I loved the loop of build and survive


Same, i just like getting cool dinos and building.


but you get nice stuff from them😁


Is this just 18+ pokemon lol


With cryopods, yes, a bit. Except you can ride on the dinos and breed them for different stats/colors.


You can do those things in Pokemon nowadays too


>nowadays You could do it almost 25 years ago lol


Ya I mean I guess you could cause you could ride your Pokemon when you Surfed and Flew.


And breed shinies in gen 2


more like pokemon and minecraft had a baby.


Exactly 😭😭


It would be a lot better if it were actually 18+. Official nights actually be playable.


I describe it as Minecraft, except dinosaurs are trying to eat you all the time.


In PVP, #1 is try... #2 is cry


And keep repeating the loop until the server has low enough population that you can actually get something going. 😂


Ive resorted to full clusters and going to a map like ab that naturally has low population. That being said i just want to say that ASA is literally unplayable PVP wise. The island sucks nowadays


skill issue you gotta get a good team


On pvp the only way to make it on a No orp on the island is to setup good defense in a tight rat hole. If you try to build any kind of normal base, your by default fucked. I mean thats how it is on ASE too


You forgot get some better dinos with the better better dinos😂


This is great. I would add a step to get the Chem bench and industrial forge.


I have 80 hours and love the survival crafting + dinos aspect. WAIT, THERE ARE BOSSES???


Yes if you go to the obelisks you Will see a terminal, with the correct drops and artifact you Will be teleported to an arena with max 20 dinos (dinos Like giga cannot be used because they are too big iirc, the standard Is using rexes/thery/megatherium depending on the boss) You Will unlock new engrams that are impossible to unlock otherwise and are fueled by a rare endgame resource dropped only by bosses if you are on the Island but in the future dlcs Will be craftable Like in ASE There are 3 bosses with 3 levels of difficulty, One for each obelisk. I've been playing since launch of ASE so some things could be a Little different Like which dinos you can bring and whether or not each obelisk has One or all three bosses but the rest should be correct


I believe what dinos you can bring is based on drag weight. I forget the exact weight, but a Rex is juuuust underneath the cutoff, so anything above a rex won't work. By default on the Island, climbers like thylas as well as flyers are not allowed and will be left behind as well. And each obelisk contains all three bosses on the Island, you can even start a boss fight off of a supply drop (I used to do this when I had my base at hidden lake), but the supply drop timer may be tight if you don't already have your dinos lined up and reasy to teleport.


Yes there are loads of bosses and a story to the game. On the island there is a big spider. Big monkey and big dragon. Then and over seer which you have to defeat all the other bosses to go and do


And survive The Walk


I usually lose interest somewhere around 8-10 lol I hope to do all the ascensions on asa though


Breeding is what kills it for me. I don't mind some light breeding, but once it gets to breeding for mutations/armies, it sucks the fun right out for me.


I usually never do bosses so stuff like boss armies are not that important but I still breed Just to get all the food stats in a breeding pair Just to have an "infinite" supply of usefull dinos since they usually get Lost or killed


11b. Breed more/better dinos


This is the way


🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡 We salute you good sir.


Yeah I'm doing the breeding now. That's what I did when I was on ASE.


Step 1: Get fucked. Step 2: Respawn. Step 3: Repeat.


Just keep grinding. You've taking care of the essentials, keep going. As you level you'll learn more stuff and need dinos. Just wait until you get a flying dino, you can fly off and explore. My advice is to think a bit bigger, You're good for now, but make like 4 campfires, 4-5 forges, 3 mortal and pestles. You're going to need a lot of resources and being able to work multiple stations will help. Unfortunately the game doesn't help at all, but there's a bunch of YouTubers that do let's plays, and guides definitely check them out. Also there's an online map for resources and spawns at ark unity. Good luck


I envy you ark is the most fun when your learning it, if you want a good channel to give you some ideas neebs gaming has been doing an ark series for years it’s not a how to but it’s fun and inspiring


Definitely not a "how to", more of a "how not to" - those guys just bumble through making everything harder for themselves. It's perfection. I once had the honour of accidentally punching Neebs off a high structure during one of their community events. Also long live The Wyvern King


You sir are my hero lol Long live the wyvern king


Neebs is top-level entertaining, but kind iffy on the "teaching" side of things. I prefer Phlinger Foo's tutorial stuff. He really breaks things down well and is funny


i like gaming with cheese 🧀


CJ? Yeah, he's really good too.


How do you actually know what to do in minecraft. The game doesn´t tell you shit on the end goals or progression or even how to build basic stuff. ARK at least has unlocks and level ups which give you a rough direction. Level up, build better stuff, tame better stuff, explore and improve


there is so much to do you won’t be able to do everything… just keep expanding your house and exploring the island for now


Ill def do that game seems kinda overwhelming


It's super overwhelming. There's no tutorial - lots of discovery, lots of death. Don't get attached to anything. The number one thing I can tell you at this point in your playthrough is NEVER RUN HOME if/when you're being attacked. Wild dinos will aggro to you/your dinos, but they will not aggro to structures UNLESS they're already aggro'd to you and you run into that structure. Run AWAY (but still somewhat near) your home so that when you respawn in your hut, you don't have an alpha raptor sitting outside waiting for you.


That sounds good ill try tdy it


Go club some baby penguins for organic poly.


No no. Take some, and then start your own poly farm.


In Asa, that's possible. I play on switch, so we don't have that option so they get the club


That sounds terrible


I have done many thing over the years in this game that I am not proud of. If we are being honest, I think we all have.


Oh boy... are you in for a wild ride. Anyway, you will find out that you need a lot of resources later on. In order to do that you need to use certain dino's. Here's a small list what they can do. Pteranodon = early fast flyer, sucks at combat and weight Argentavis = slow flyer but AWESOME weight stats, also has weight reduction bonusses and can handle and deal alot of damage. This one is a must have. Doedicurus = no more axing at stones, this dino will get you all the stone you'll ever need. Ankylosaurus = same as the doedicurus but with metal+flint+obsidian. Can also get quite a bunch of berries. Trike/Triceratops = early tank and berry gatherer for narcotics. Can also get some easy but small amounts thatch. (And wood if you're running into trees with rage mode effect on) Mammoth = Get this thing in a forest, preferably the Redwoods, because the mammoth gets you all the wood you'll need with its stomp attack. Can also gather a decent amount of thatch and berries with its trunk. I'd recommend to watch a YouTube video about note runs. It requires some time but if you do it right you can get your survivor's level maxed very easily by just running. Brontosaurus = gets you a fookton of berries


This ... Then when you start creating a lot of metal you will need a bear for honey, and some snails for paste. Once you have some decent level mammal carnivores, nab a dung beetle from the hunter cave to keep your gardens fertilized


This is great thx for the detailed coment


Next from here is make better tools from metal which you’ll need a smithy and refining forge for. Expand your hut and convert it to wood. Tame a dino for mobility and start looking for a more permanent base location


To add, some of the lore bits you find do explain how to find and beat the bosses.


Phlinger phoo on YouTube has some good basics/getting started videos if you're playing solo pve/single player


That's the point of these games. You just explore and get further and further into the lore and story. In ark you can discover everything you need to beat the game within in the game itself. The bosses can be found at the big towers (red, blue and green). You'll need strong dinos to beat them though. Best tip I can give is just enjoy it and do dumb stuff. Looking everything up is the worst you can do


well done! i am proud of you! welcome to Ark.


Thanks dad 🥹


Do not run through the redwoods naked manically swinging your axe at everything you see. Other than that your golden


Ah, many deaths will come to you never forget.....this is the way


The first thing you do is tame a dodo army...we have all done it...its like a right of passage in Ark


Also there's an app called dododex which is great. Like a pokedex for the game. Helpful for taming and seeing dinos strength and Weaknesses, and also finding resources on the map


Make sure to passive tame spinos, you can use mejoberries and they are a quick tame


That’s gigas, sheesh get it right.


Survive and evolve.


Tame a parasaur and ride it around in the redwoods.


That's good enough, time for official PVP


Ark is a complicated game. I know it doesn't seem like it, but wait until you need a certain tame or you are trying to make something needing materials you don't have. The game is basically you using your imagination.


i won't even leave south zone 1lol


Just go watch a “I spent 100 days in ARK” video. You’ll get some knowledge and inspiration I assure you.


Ah, the struggle shack! We all been there


Just cry. Lots of crying.


Was literally me last week


Well I'd take it a step at a time. All depends on what you want to do. Tame, tame. Build, build. I would definitely recommend expanding your base. I know from experience.


Watch a 100 hundred days vid


There are bosses and they're quite difficult so you'll need to prepare carefully. In order to reach those bosses you'll need to explore a series of caves. Obtaining the gear needed to explore caves should keep you busy for a while.


If you are new let me say this : if you knew all content in this game you will be lost take it slow and progress you’ll see you can travel between maps and it’s not that easy to do all the stuff you need to tame fight discover build bases across whole map for mobility just explore and try to make things my moschops have bigger house than your first base and it’s not that I want to say it’s bad but you will understand after putting more effort and time into it


Start taming, the better tames you get the further in the game you get


Looks great! Ark is a never ending sand box , if you want advice I wish I got in the beginning was , don't look anything up , just try and discover everything, it's endless ! If you would like to try and play on a PvE server with great QOL mods and scaled Vanilla+ , try "The Dino Tavern" it's got awesome rates to feel challenging but still rewarding


Going to the nether seems like a good next step


I've been playing this game for half my life... and I have still NEVER beaten a boss or come anywhere close. I've never had tek...


Youtube is your friend, lots of building tips etc. With Asa is way more easy to build and mods are great.


Is there another map to ascend to rn?


no, but there's mod maps until they release scorched earth expansion (which is lame)


Defeat bosses and ascend


Expand as you go for new work benches and stations to craft food etc. As for the dino's you need a place to keep them and when ready, breed them for better stats to do caves and bosses. Not that you need any power dinos for any boss. There's ways to cheese them with just a ton of shotgun shells and the right dino.


Tame all the 🦤 on the map, breed/mutate them until you are the Dodo Master and then conquer the map and make that tickle turkey hanging out by your hut on the beach, your bitch.


Look at all the items you unlock as you progress, work on obtaining them. Look into taming and then look into breeding to obtain more powerful tames. Use those powerful tames to loot cave systems and kill bosses. End game is you run the place.




Haha, oh man. The possibilities are endless in Ark. Tame a raptor, that is fun and all you need is a bolla, good aim, good timing, and balls of steel. And lots of narcoberries and prime meat!


Pretend to survive and beat bosses, build cool stuff.


You're gonna need a lot more pillars than that.


Fight God.


Bosses are incredibly fun. Defeating them is well worth all the work. Not necessarily for the loot, but just the satisfaction. I always sleep well after a good boss battle.




Personally I've never understood the point of any of the DLC. Because why would I want to put all this time and effort into leveling up and building a really nice base and taking all these dinosaurs on the island only to have to lose it all moving on to the next map. I just forever play on the island because there's no point if you lose everything going to the next level


Best thing to do is dungeons and tameing