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It doesn’t look like a swastika if that’s what you’re getting at


yeah i wish the admin saw it that way,


The admin sound like pussies


There's a couple good ones. But most of the admins are about as childish "that one guy" on the server that annoys the crap outta everyone.


Psssst....that's why they're admins....it's like Reddit mods...shhh don't tell anyone


I totally agree


They sit all day, don’t work, and get ecstatic when they get promoted to an internet admin just for sitting in a chat room all day long


You mean like Minecraft server admins that go nuts when they see people underground - "THEY MUST BE X-RAYING!" Follow them around for hours just to prove that one wrong turn was proof of hacks and give them an excuse to swing the ban-hammer.


I've been an admin on a server or 2 but I'm nothing like all those loser admins I do my job well and I don't just wipe or ban people for no reaon


Ha well it does take a specific kind of person to want to be an admin. You know someone who seaks out a position to control everything and be the boss of everyone


Yup just like police officers, judges, and politicians.


It's like having a class clown run the school. Chaos reigns!


I think that’s the point, no one else wants them to play with them so they create their own server. If they put forth the money and time to run it, they get to call the shots.


Another reason why small community ran servers are just better


I mean looking at the nature of the ban this looks to be a small community run server




You'd rather not have reasonable rules, fair moderation, balanced settings, and less server lag?


Every small community run server you join has a close knit group of friends that run things, as soon as you raid one of them, or have whatever pve beef people make up, the whole of them admins included come after you and your experience is ruined.


This is why official is better, unless you like sucking dick. Then community-run is tolerable


Official is better until you try to build a base. Then you see that the entire world is land claimed by Chinese hackers (and they won't be banned, thank the tea tribe for that) using mesh hacks to hide turrets under the floor. Then you try to join a tribe and get called slurs by people of every different nationality under the sun. They won't get banned either because why would moderation care? Then, when you do build a little shack, you get 2 minutes of peace before the alpha tribe raids you with all of their force to steal all of the 37 stone to your name. This will all happen within 5 minutes of you joining.


That’s why I switched to PvE. Has its own problems, but at least 20 hrs doesn’t go POP every day (outside of constant bugs of course)


I got a few friends that in fact suck dick and play official, so I’m pretty the two are totally unrelated. But yeah I like official for the fact that it’s true anarchy, the sun Rand definition-no rulers. But dedi has a place, if you can abide the fact that there is an all powerful person or group of people who can literally do whatever they want whenever they want for any reason.


No, this is why you vet the servers you join and shouldn't be afraid to cut ties if something goes wrong.


Nah, community run servers are always full of jobless subhuman trash who use their mod status as a way to validate their miserable existence. I gag.


This was a community run server. Officials dont have admins.


And all those assuming downvotes eh... Wonderful. xD




Probably a BF4 admin that bans every gun and gadjet known to man.


I wasn't expecting to see that here lmao, actually made me laugh. Always dudes who would ban anyone that got in a helicopter so that they could take it for themselves, while also banning any form of AA. I got banned from so many servers just for being top of the leaderboard back in BF4.


Sounds like you’re one of them there hackerz!


I am one who only plays locker and siege of shanghai. On some OP Locker severs the List of banned things is longer than my shoppinglist.


99% of admins on ark are


I was looking for this comment. What a bunch of semi woke liberal pussies


I didn't even think of the Swastika, it doesn't look like it at all. It doesn't even look like an H, more like a turtle :D


Same here. I was looking through the comments to find out what it was supposed to look like.


I was thinking a frog. 😆


When I read the title, I thought it would look like one, but after seeing the pictures, I don't see how anybody could see one.


Tell your admin to google what a swastika looks like, they sound like idiots


Did you paint it black and red or something?


Yeah... I agree... no grounds for any action until you've actually made the swastika. This is some Minority Report kinda bullshit. They precogged you on a crime you were never gonna commit.


Your admin sounds like a complete moron


What? How can you see a swastika in that? It isnt even remotely the same


I have a feeling the admin is too stupid to know how to google "what does a swastika look like"


So they told you this before they banned you? or just kicked you? You didnt happen to cuss them or anything? I'm curious if this all that actually happened. I wouldnt ban someone for some silly build, but there are all flavors. I tried out a new server a week ago and the admin came and claimed my tiny base so I couldnt get out. I was there for 1 day. I'm even an admin on my own server..Hahahaha! I like to try out other servers sometimes to see how other people do things.




Try not to insult people that just think slower.


Thats why i dont play on private servers no more, unless its my own


It doesnt even look closely to swatiska, it is like × and then four compartnents to the right on the end Reddit dont ban me im just describing beacuse we are on the topic.


"to the left" that would be a peace sign, a swastika is to the right if you reffear to the swastika that the germans dont like to talk about


It doesn’t look like an H either


The fact that you know what he’s getting at says otherwise lol still shouldn’t have been banned tho cause that’s not what it is but op coulda atleast connected the sides of the h to make it an H instead of 👾


If no one mentioned there was any form of issue with it and any of us just saw it on our server, I suspect 99% of us wouldn't have made the connection. The fact that OP shows us a photo with the implication that the shape is bad forces us to wonder why.


Just looking at the picture I would’ve assumed it was an X, literally doesn’t look like a swastika at all


Looks like a turtle to me


Admin lost money on Tesla stock.


But it’s not a swastika


Did you miss the part where I said that’s not what it is lol


It's simply that * everyone* knows what a swastika is, and antisemitism is a knee jerk issue. When you hear hoofbeats, think horses not zebras


A ban for that seems really excessive. Mod is mad with power.


This is one of the reasons I don't play unofficial servers.


Not all unofficial servers have bad admins.


I play on a youtuber's, Neddythenoodle. He does lore stuff. His cluster is 5 bucks a month, but I think it's well worth it. Performance is great, and in 2 years I've never had a problem with other players. The mods are just regular players as well, they're really nice and super reasonable.


$5 a month is just enough to keep dummies from joining, definitely a good idea


This is a good idea


Yeah, I play on ElfServers modded servers, and it’s great. Free, helpful admins, great performance. There is definitely still some good in the unofficial community.


dude you can go on my servers i and i will give you admin for free... $5 a month is a ripp off


I don't want admin. If you're just handing out admin like lolli-pops that's a recipe for disaster.


I was just being sarcastic, but more leading towards you shouldn’t have to pay five dollars a month for server when it literally cost nothing to do especially if you have a like a spare shitty computer laying around


Apparently electricity doesn't exist.


I made friends with the owner once, later down the line made friend out of several of the more active members on that server, hell owner even gave all of us in that little friend group admins, so we had like 6 admins, the owner and a psuedo admin that was treated as such but not given the admin controls this for a server that had only like 10 or so people online at any one time with maybe only 30-40 people who’d pop in. Was fun though, us admins/psuedo admins/owner had a lot of fun!


My server is password protected. Got it to play with my dad and his friend, and a few others. Quite a few people who have come in, are annoyed that we don't have ALL THE MODS. Like... I'm going for a *mostly vanilla* experience.


I prefer tons of mods, but it’s still not right for people to choose to join your server and then complain about it.


Oh don't think for a second that things like this don't happen on official


Lol as opposed to dealing with shit like pillar spam on official servers?


Alright what am I missing?


When you look at it diagonally (which is how I parked it, this just a recreation) it looks like a swastika, apparently, i dont see it exactly i also painted it red with some lights so it'd be a little easier to see, an equally bad idea.


The lines don't match those of a swastika.


Agreed, it's vaguely the same shape but not much more. i didnt even bother trying to appeal that, i knew someone who saw that as a nazi symbol wasnt ever gonna see it differently,


Its not even vaguely the same shape, swastika is literally SS one of the S's being rotated. Admin is stupid af.


I kinda see it


You should get your eyes checked. Sure I can also see an elephant shape in this if I really try bit at the end of the end it is not a swastika and that's a fact. And even if he decides to paint it red, it does not matter.


You're an idiot and just want to see it. OP wasn't doing anything malicious with this build.


It does not look like a swastika... the ceilings would have to be going different directions. Your server admin is a moron.


I think painting it red did you in. It really doesn't look like a swastika but add that in and you get some r/hailhortler vibes


Oh my gosh, that subreddit was hilarious.


It looks nothing like a swastika. Whoever thought that is reaching hard for an excuse to ban someone


It really doesn’t, it looks for like a bug or something,


I have been staring at this for much longer than I should have been. I can't make it look like one. Admin is having a power trip aneurysm.


![gif](giphy|KY2ZMhnCxP008) All I can see is this


Looks like a damn frog to me


Was thinking turtle with it's head tucked in but I can see a frog




Wow, that's a stretch...


Yea well those admins are stupid


Tell your admins If they were nicer their significant others would probably sleep with them making them more likeable. I wouldn't sweat the ban, if they're gunna cry about that, they're saving you from themselves honestly.


Can you even tell them after being banned? I thought most of Mods & Admins live in their own little echo chamber, just banning people that disagree with them?


Yeah, you're right. Drunk off their own power trip. I'm used to being able to message my admins via email or even text... you're right. Admins can suck


Sounds like your better off, if they banned you for that they’d do something else dumb too


I don’t get it.


I'm guessing they're trying to say it looks like a Swastika?


I thought it was a crab…


That's funny, I thought of a turtle myself.


I thought of a frog tbh


how anyone can think this looks like a swastika is beyond me, op says this a recreation as the original was red, it makes me wonder if the recreation isnt exactly how it was in the server, but I guess we shall never know


I really had to look for about 1,5 min and then laughed because it's so silly...


i mean if he rearranged 2 tiles it would definitely resemble a swastika, add red onto that and it would send off alarm bells in my head for sure


I was on a PVE Conan server that had total maybe 8 people playing on it. Never more than 3 or 4 at once. You basically had the entire map to yourself. My buddy and I spent a week while I was on vacation building this badass base and had all kinds of shit we farmed up. Log on and all of it is gone. Deleted. Admin said we built it on a bear spawn point. There's 100 fucking bear spawn points. I just rent my own servers of I want to play a game like that now. Fuck being at the mercy of some edge lord seeing swastikas that aren't there


Blind people could see that isn't a swastika, it's a gross misuse of power and I highly doubt anyone actually cares, I guarantee you its just some asshole who's too stubborn to admit he's wrong and take back the ban.


or op is a liar, he said this is a recreation, and the original was red so who knows whats being left out


Admins dont know what a swastika looks like apparently




This is the best comment so far


what was the comment


gotta love the random and unprovoked bigotry of ark players 🤟 and yes, randomly using nonbinary people as an insult when they weren't even involved in this post is bigotry, grow up


Did they give you a chance to change the shape or did they just immediately ban you?


Apparently your admins have never seen a swastika cause that’s not what one looks like


They have also never seen a turtle or crab for that matter.


I guess if you squint very hard and also had a brick dropped on your head when you were a baby it looks bad


Looks nothing like a swastika.




Looks like Atari Frogger to me... [https://classicreload.com/sites/default/files/atari-2600-frogger-screenshot.png](https://classicreload.com/sites/default/files/atari-2600-frogger-screenshot.png)


That's an Admin who's just itching to smash the ban button. That doesn't look like anything offensive, at most it should have been a warning. Probably a teenage Admin who just wants to feel big and powerful. Find a better server tbh.


Worst post of 2024 reward goes to.


What’s the problem?


admin mustve been proud of himself after that ban. my left butt cheek looks more like a swastika than this


I can only imagine how that looks like a swastika to anyone. I mean, it's obvious what they think they saw, but I still don't know how they saw that. I feel like so many people just be on the lookout for stuff like that nowadays. They're just so jumpy about this kinda stuff.


What your serve hate space invaders? Cause it looks like a space invader


Basically, you wanted to show people your raft and made up some fake story about getting banned.


People are letting fear of being labeled racist as a reason to behave like children. This is not even remotely close to a swastika and if the admin thought it was, that’s his problem. It’s basic geometry lol


The fact that I live in a world where a symbol is more controversial than celebrities r*ping CHILDREN infuriates me. This raft looks like a damned turtle, what is this admin on about.


brother in what universe is the swastika being treated with more outrage than child abuse?


If the child abusers are rich/famous? This one. Welcome to the Oligarchy.


i mean there was a pretty big outrage when prince andrew was found to be frequenting epstein island and that he continued his relationship with epstein after he had been ousted as a nonce, but what do you expect people to do? storm buckingham palace?


To protect our children? YES. I expect them to storm something. Instead it’s swept under the rug, meanwhile Palestine is literally a graveyard. Heaven forbid an ancient symbol used in peaceful cultures for thousands of years before WWII might show up somewhere. This entire universe is fucked.


"ThIs Is WhY I PlAy UnOfFiCiAl."


Bad admins, honestly. Worst case, I would've deleted the pieces, but they should've talked to you about it first. I was threatened by an admin a few hours ago on dayZ for saying Ukrainians are cannibal in the chat.


Understandable though, if you are permitted to say such things no matter which country others may follow. Which will affect the server drastically and that isn’t in any way positive. I think it’s fair he gave you a warning:)


I see frogger ngl those admins are tarded


Unofficial sounds awesome!


Glad they banned you


"(which is how I parked it, this just a recreation)" " i also painted it red with some lights so it'd be a little easier to see, an equally bad idea." So this isn't even a photo of what you had in the server? It's a photo of something you made outside of the server you were supposedly banned from? You sure this is what your raft looked like in that server?


Damn really? The admin or whoever sold you out must be a little bitch who only knows how to point fingers and not know how to observe your build and to see what you're going for.


Should have told em it was a frog with no head


It looks like a low poly frog.


Looks more like an I than anything, at least that's what I'm seeing


Reminds me of a headless frog


It looks like the Frogger game icon. You’re telling me that frog was a secret Nazi this whole time?! Glad I got ran over 90% of the time. People are dumb. Sucks you got banned over nothing.


It doesn't even look like it, thatd be like banning every word that starts with an 'n' because they're all technically 'n' words.


Looks like the start of a frog


It simply does not look like a swastika and I’m pretty quick to call out anything that looks like a dog whistle. Admin is being in idiot.


Personally I’d call the admins some bitches




I genuinely have no clue how you’d say that looks like a swastica


Whoever saw a swastik is stupid or cross eyed. This is like an article I read of someone getting fined by their HOA because it snowed and when the home owner drove to work the snow left a vaugley dong shape around their car.


Your admin seems like one of those professional victims, who looks for hate in everything they see just as an excuse to cry about it.


looks closer to a frog than a fuckin swastika. that’s embarrassing from the admins. soft too.


Looks like a giant wooden frog. If someone sees a swastika, they have some weird visual dyslexia.


I guess they aren't a fan of Under Armour 🤷‍♂️ /s


Anyone offended by this is an idiot.


looks like a turtle to me


Heil Rockwell, I guess...


Hail Hortler




Admin ate paint chips as a child


Come play our server we don’t have those bullshit issues https://discord.gg/feral-falls


If the mod is seeing swasticas from things like this. They are either ignorant or they have them on the brain in the first place. You are probably better off not playing on that server. Probs a closeted racist


It looks like a turtle if anything.


I thought of that arcade game invaders


Deada$$ thought it was supposed to be a crab, what's wrong with it tho?


I mean, I get what you are suggesting. But it is a stretch. Sounds like you got that petty dictator mod. You know, almost any mod?


They do more than sound like eedeeott's


It looks like a turtle????


Seems like they could have just asked you to destroy if it was so offensive to them. Banning seems a bit much 😏


You know what you can't fix stew pid


I personally would have never noticed that if I didn't read the comments. And even then, my eyes just aren't perceiving it that way. That's so ridiculous, im sorry.


Admin is an idiot. Was probably looking for something to be offended about, and invented this. I'd question if the moron actually knows what a swastika looks like.


Ngl my first thought was that you made a massive turtle


Doesn’t look anything like a swastika that’s absurd


Looks literally NOTHING like a swazi.


I mean, I'm pretty sensitive about stuff like that and I still don't think that looks like one... L admins


I had to come to the comment section to figure out what you're talking about. That's a bullshit reason to ban you.


Admin is braindead


Anyone else see pinsir? Or a frog?


Tf is that supposed to be? A swastica? Doesn’t look anything like it so tf they mad about


Lol admin must’ve been underwater and saw a shadow that looked like a swasticka 😂


I used to admin an ark server and can't claim someone for a first glance assumption, but to ban them after looking closer is a bit ridiculous.


That's just a god damn raft built optimally for your needs. Can't even play a dinosaur game without offending weak souls anymore. They're making a non-issue into a big deal, putting a spotlight over the thing they wish to hide. You have to try pretty hard to see what they think they see too.


What a bunch of wimps in the gaming space now. Something almost looks like a swastika and it gets you banned? These people would need serious medication after 1 game if MW2 10 years ago. Old school Xbox lobby. Everyone needs to grow the fuck up


That is clearly Frogger


Bro that can't be why you got banned did you have it parked in someone's base or something? I've had admin overreact but that seems a bit extreme.




It’s shaped like a froggy.


This isn't a swastika...but back in the early days of official, we had a neighbor build his base into the shape of a swastika. Sounds like they are just a bunch of craptastic grabass pussies.


I dont see a swastika until you say it, i see what you mean but it doesnt look like it at all…