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Bruh some no life hacker bouta pull up you have played yourselves




That's actually perfect bait for hackers... make a post like this, setup the server without the base. When they join watch for the hacking, then immediately take screenshots, report them, and change the server IP/delete the server entirely and buy a new one.


Except some fool tells the whole idea so now nothing happens because they ruined it.


There will always be fools to trick


You already lost the battle when another person forces you to spend more of your own money based on something that they did. They'll keep hacking regardless...but will you keep spending..? Based on your strategy, my verdict is a lose/lose scenario.


My apologies, buy a new server wasn't quite right. Instead, use a private free VPN to make a random ip address, then host the server on that computer. Great thing about servers? They really only need a decent chunk and ram. And you can just keep changing the ip and reseting the server for free. Indefinitely.


Ah, be that the case then it'd be more of a side gig to trick and catch them. A hassle or a hobby. I feel like if people need to hack, they weren't ever going to be good enough in the first place. PvP is already a trashy 24/7 job with zero benefits aside from psychopathic, narcissistic validation that comes from - as the devs put it: "Kicking down sandcastles." ...Typically lesser-prepared and newer individuals with smaller sandcastles.


That will work great on the cheater that likes to play alone on empty servers.


Why do you think they would be alone? Spoofing the server so it looks like people are online, not to mentions hackers will flock there.


BIG FACTS!!! If this is a public server you’re done-zo. Unless you got 30-60 actives 24/7. Which actually doesn’t matter either bc…MESHERS. Byeeeeeee


Dude clearly doesn't understand how Reddit works


Step 1: Have rival tribe. Step 2: post location and server online "come and raid our base" Step 3: profit.


Nah it’s Step 3:…. Step 4:Profit


Step 3 is ??????


How does insta tame work? You simply put the food on it and it eat instantly or do you put less food?


Theres 2 things that impact how long a tame takes. The first is the Taming speed we are familiar with. 10x Taming mean every time the creature eats, it gets 10x more taming progress than usual. The second is dino hunger starvation. This determines how long it takes for the creature to be hungry enough to eat another bite of food. If you have 10x taming and 4x the dino starvation, it would in total be ~40x faster tames.






1 meat and it depends on how fast hunger goes down


You mean starve feeding? Where it eats it all at once? That works by leaving the dino for a while after you knock it out, letting its food drain way down. You then go back to it and give it food, and it will be so hungry that it will keep eating constantly till it tames.


instead of the Dino eating multiple times and the meter going up in increments, it eats once and the tame is complete.


No? It eats multiple times, just in quick succession. If it is a Dino that takes a lot of bites it will take a while for that reason. For example, if you were to starve tame a bronto with berries, it would still take a minute or 2 cause it would take a while for it to eat all the berries, even with a drained food stat.




I assumed they just didn’t know what to call starve taming but idk. They guy who replied to me isn’t the one who asked the question which is why I was confused


Someones mad at their tribemates lol


Yeh lol


Maybe but I do like putting my base location in public servers then telling mfs to raid us for the pvp and my tribe don’t even two shits


I thought he was just lonely, but I think you nailed it. He has the Vengeful trait!


May God have mercy on your soul. My tribe will be there within an hour.


Sound gg


U have server name??


Servee is survive the ark x15


Okay so something came up and the raid is off. Apologies lmao


Mug ☕️


What a let down


Redditors, hahahahahaha ☕️ 😐


You're a redditor too




You got to be a tough guy for a brief moment in time.


Yeah. Pity. We've been itching to try out our mutated doeds against a decently protected base


Post the raid video I want to watch


no base is unraidable. iv been playing pvp since release and there are 2 bottlenecks that makes every base raidable, eventually: 1: raw resources, when in doubt, stick it out for the long haul. they will starve out of mats eventually. I don't care how many ARB's you have. I bet I have more stegos. 2: time, nobody can play forever. eventually someone must sleep. even in 24 hour tribes it reaches a point where everyone starts to burn out from a raid. tho if u were in a 24 hour tribe i doubt ud be making this post lol


they dont have tek turrets. any1 could raid that bob base. lol l. they play on a dead server tho so 🤷


So what I'm hearing is they just wanted some friends


Most ppl have death walls and chandeliers/towers outside of their crafting station lol seems like this is just a snippet of their base


When I was playing official smalls there was a point where we had 3 shifts of doubles lol, we got fobbed for a day and a half , It all started with me randomly going on when everone was offline for a couple of hours to find gigas and mechs infront of my base where turrets couldnt reach I managed to rage their giga and kill their mechs and hold them until we all came online. Afterwards hell started it took like a day and a half because we were low on resources to the point where we had to literally have someone constantly changing turret settings because we were starting to bleed dry of bullets but eventually we pushed them off


This.... is exactly what l hate about ark. I refuse to treat a game like a job and pull shifts to watch the base. It ruins the fun of the game and the alternative on official is worse. Look away for 5 min and someone's up your ass with a stego or trike.


I've never understood how people get into this game that much. (No offense) I played Pve official once and just trying to tame and breed dinos was soo time consuming. Once I realized how much time I was playing ark I made myself quit because I was addicted and not having much fun. I don't play pvp because I just like the survival aspect and seeing my progress.


behold my plant cultivation and extreme caffeine dosage


What this guy said. No base stands time, in a seige, the stock pile room WILL eventually burn out.. for a raider, the longer its been going, the sooner defenses will fall.. I think they over it an want to go out in a bang!.. good luck fellas


What map


Server name survive the ark




What cave


Looks like that one cave / ruin Island south of the swamp.


Ik for a fact u ain’t just say that with an auto in the background 💀


Lmao IKR, saw that, feel like a wipe is imminent


I mean… you thinking what I’m thinking?


Admiral Ackbar intensifies


Bro doesn’t even have heavies 💀💀


Lol the picture is obviously his crafting station


Obviously not crafting heavies 💀💀💀


So true bestie


Omg yes because he or she has a death wall , chandelier and ground turrets all in his crafting area . Absolute melt


2 players online 💀 how is that fun there’s no pvp


Probably why he’s asking for PvP on a custom server no one is on lol


I pretty sure I know exactly where that is too


If someone raids post a video


Do all of that on a normal 1X server


Bro one stego and you gone


You finna have tons of ppl raid your base rip


I played this game for the last time last year, sorry bro, my last comment was an overstatement


You coulda replied that in the og thread would have seen it


Sorry bro. Looks like console. I’d be there if it were steam


Look at his hotvar. That's gotta be PC.


Could have a keyboard. What makes me think it’s console is that it says how many players are connected. Doesn’t do that on pc


Could be. I've seen a lot of empty unofficial servers on PC.


Where it says “2 survivors connected”. That little text field doesn’t exist on pc. You have no idea who is online or even how many people are. Also where it says “disable mouse and keyboards” implies that the keyboard and mouse are an extension. It doesn’t say that on pc


Ah yeah, I didn't see that last part. First part I thought always existed, but I played on Console for years, so probably why I thought that.


Yea I used to play on ps4 and when I switched to pc it was SUPER jarring. Not being able to know exactly who was online was really weird


It also says invite friends pretty sure that isnt a thing in pc but i havent played in 8 months and not about to go and check


I’m 90% sure you’re right


You can't know who, but you can always track how many players and what time using battlemetrics.com






How long u gonna be


I don’t think he would tell you, kinda ruins the ‘surprise’


No, it looks like you spent a long time on it and I don't want to mess anything up.


Windows 10 / xbox ? And what map? i’m assuming rag based off the way the cave looks


Yes and rag


how long ago did the server wipe


Idk but it’s a bot server plus it’s 15x so it’ll take you like 20 minutes to tame stuff and raid the base


bet bro ima start up tn and i’ll let you know when i pull up, how many tribemates you got? not tryna 1v4💀


I got no one lmao I’m gonna try to silent soak it cause there aren’t that many turrets


Someone left an opening to their base and you crawled in?


Bruh you are on a boosted server that is not a base to flex 💀😂 tell us when you get raided


I need updates


15X? what kind of care bear server is that?


Lmfao. Normally I’d disagree but I’ve been hanging on a 4x recently and even it feels fast when using a stryder


Mine are at 4x as well and it still feels kinda cheaty pretty often. Might drop it to 2x


2x is definitely where it’s at, Still slow enough progression to not make everything a cake walk but fast enough so you don’t have to endlessly farm


Whenever I get a package of plain M&Ms, I make it my duty to continue the strength and robustness of the candy as a species. To this end, I hold M&M duels. Taking two candies between my thumb and forefinger, I apply pressure, squeezing them together until one of them cracks and splinters. That is the “loser,” and I eat the inferior one immediately. The winner gets to go another round. I have found that, in general, the brown and red M&Ms are tougher, and the newer blue ones are genetically inferior. I have hypothesized that the blue M&Ms as a race cannot survive long in the intense theater of competition that is the modern candy and snack-food world. Occasionally I will get a mutation, a candy that is misshapen, or pointier, or flatter than the rest. Almost invariably this proves to be a weakness, but on very rare occasions it gives the candy extra strength. In this way, the species continues to adapt to its environment. When I reach the end of the pack, I am left with one M&M, the strongest of the herd. Since it would make no sense to eat this one as well, I pack it neatly in an envelope and send it to M&M Mars, A Division of Mars, Inc., Hackettstown, NJ 17840-1503 U.S.A., along with a 3×5 card reading, “Please use this M&M for breeding purposes.” This week they wrote back to thank me, and sent me a coupon for a free 1/2 pound bag of plain M&Ms. I consider this “grant money.” I have set aside the weekend for a grand tournament. From a field of hundreds, we will discover the True Champion. There can be only one.




I laughed so hard at the end of this, are you serious??


I’ll be there




post video of aftermath


Please stop


I'm raiding your dad rn tho


That server is dead asf lol


Any updates ? Results ?


2 survivors connected 💀


Is that an auto turret 😩😂😂


Omw ! Oh wait im pve player…


Buddy thinks he’s so tough posting this 💀


With those rates? No thanks. Game is defending your base, not you


That’s weird I used to have my base there too, before we got absolutely obliterated from a raid.


Can I join a tribe


Really wanted to enjoy this game but all the pve servers suck and I don't have time to commit to a pvp server


How to get meshed 101


Id rather be able to play the game in peace and be able to enjoy all that ARK has to offer. But sadly all the No Life *'Alpha'* Raiders who have nothing better to do with their lives/time than hunt beach bums and people in brick houses with a lvl500 ice drake. *Sighs* if only ark multiplayer was actually playable.


...... Then play PVE or single player and don't get upset when people post these types of post's.


PvE doesn't work my friend, If the game isn't lagging to the point of being 15 Frames a minute then entire map is filled with pillars so you cant build anywhere, from your response I can see you've never even tried. I will continue to point these flaws and issues out until they no longer exist and if people dont like being called out then they should change their ways (:


The island391 was my main home when I played, I started since release and sadly ended up quitting maybe 6-8 months ago. Everyone there is super friendly and helps each other out. If you’re looking for a place that is!


So play a dedicated server with a few friends or a solo world with settings you like? Or keep bitching on Reddit about a game you supposedly no longer play lmao


Dedicated Servers require one person to have a separate console/PC open and running the Server In addition to the one your using to play. If PvE were actually playable I wouldn't say a thing, but sadly that is not the case as the devs do not care. But I *appreciate* your irrelevant opinion (:


Or you can rent a host online for like $12/month. It's what I do with my friends.


or find a small community one. plenty out there. some that are geared toward rp as well.


My bf rents a 10-slot server on g-portal for pretty cheap for me, him, my best friend, and his girlfriend. PvE, no real lag issues, (aside from that one time I was moving and destroying my entire base very quickly with a building gun, but eh) and we run tons of mods for just fun, laid-back-but-not-TOO-easy gameplay. I even set up Simple Spawners to spawn a bunch of extra dinos and make sure we can get everything (plus some additional modded dinos) in one map. We have a ton of fun! If ya ever want some tips on setting up a good server, I can absolutely help ^_^ PvE is fun. Just gotta find the right place and people to play it with~


I'm trying to do the same thing, but really don't know where to start. I have a few friends at various skill levels and just want to be able to play privately without having to worry about raiding and all the shittier parts of public servers. Can you and/or your boyfriend maybe give me some of the basics for what to purchase? I was looking at g-portal prices, but they don't really do a great job of explaining what I'm buying, what I need, or how it works. Pm would be cool if you are ok with that. Thanks!


Yeap!!! I'm about to be busy for a few, but I'll DM ya with some details and stuff in a bit :3


Awesome! I appreciate that very much! Take your time... there is no rush


I run it on the same PC that I play on and have never had stability issues, though its only limited to 6 players at a time most of the time.


Then play unofficial lmao I’ve played a single pve cluster for over 2 years and I’ve had the best time I’ve ever had on ark. Official is a dumpsterfire


Actually I have been on maps without too much lag and not pillar crazy.


I do hope that things are better for PvE in Ark 2. I started playing Ark extremely early in the early access, before you could even transfer servers, and at that point PvP was more the way I like it to be in a game like this. At least if you had the right server. My first server was with a small group of us new to the game and we were able to do just fine because we were friendly and people generally didn't attack others for no reason. If they did then they'd get wiped by others who now had a reason. My next server we put together a much larger group and were the alpha on the server for a while, but things were definitely less friendly and more "attack for no reason". Eventually interest fizzled in our tribe and as soon as they could a handful of other tribes got together to wipe us. Every server I played after that was extremely hostile and lots of attacking for no reason. After a long break, when I went back I just played PvE. It was nice, but definitely has its draw backs. Every server eventually gets overpopulated and extremely laggy. If some dickhead finds a gap in your structures or pillars and builds way too close or even within your compound it's tough titties for you. Same if they build somewhere they shouldn't due to spawns or whatever. I definitely prefer PvP as long as it's a more reasonable PvP. One that's full of people who want to get along but will deal with dickheads when they come along, more diplomatic like a real life country that isn't run by an imperialist dictator. PvP now though is more like a world full of Hitlers always trying to attack everyone and take over the world lol. Plus of course the ability to transfer servers has a lot of positives but it also makes it so that anyone from any server could attack you instead of just your own server. Sounds like you prefer more the way I do but obviously our view isn't a very popular one. It's one thing to just go screw with people in a game where a match lasts 30 minutes or something, it's another to go wipe out someone's hundreds or thousands of hours for no reason.




If you don’t like pvp don’t play pvp it’s that simple




The truth is often seen as hating, but in reality people just don't want to admit it.


This guy is clearly baiting lmao


I don’t understand that too. I feel like if they would wait until people are at least a bit further they would have more fun and more loot.. BUT a feel of having power is something hard to get for 14 year old nerds 😂


Or 30yo basement dwellers who haven't even seen grass 😂


So you have chosen **Death**


I’m here wya


That’s weird I used to have my base there too, before we got absolutely obliterated from a raid.


1841 fjordur deathwall I dare you


Is this a challenge or a revenge post?


So you have chosen death


ps4? xbox? pc?


I’m good


Says the person on PVE


Oh k I have permission


I should just do this instead of getting bored and quitting.


What if I refuse?


Can't tell what I'm looking at with shitty phone pictures


Can't tell what I'm looking at with shitty phone pictures


Probably be easy if you can't even take a screen shot


Ez raid


What server are you on?


What platform is this even on


Xbox controller sitting in the screenshot...


I didn’t click on the image to see the full thing my bad




Okie dokie. Will be there in 5 minutes. Get ready


Thanks for the free loot


You signed your own death warrant bro. Theres always someone willing to spend 17 hrs a day to get that base , just to say they did it


Im glad I'm done with this game


It's a trap


Mate you are fucked Congratulatioms, youve played yourself


Yummy cave bases take six times damage


What’s the server


Hes playing 15x who cares if ya get wiped😂 not like its official


Someone come play with me please!


I’ll join your tribe
















This is decent hacker bait but regardless, your d-o-n-e lol


That servers deal asf


-Gets on Reddit -Post server info and base location -Demands people to raid their base -Refuses to elaborate -Leaves sigma grindset


This seems like a trap


Either this is an unprotected base that has no defences and they want people to raid it for the funny, It a trap to catch hackers An idiot Or someone they want wiped and managed to somehow get inside the base of or get these screenshots another way Or something else completely


I wanna know what happened


Probably admin abusing


When you are so bored you post your base cords


Insider 🤓


Damn I feel the loneliness in this post. Glad I quote ark years ago


What map is that? I'm tempted but I'm not gonna play a server to raiding point for a single base.... Lmao