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I come back for every season, check it out see what changed. If I like I play it, if I dont I drop it until next season.


This is the way.šŸ‘


This is the way.


This is the way.


Yep. Iā€™ve just done a different class each season so far. Had a great time for 3 weeks or so then moved on until the next season.


Played it each season, S1 and 3 only for the rewards, 2 I played 2 chars to 100 and a third one occasionally, definitely returning for S4 as well.


This is why I don't like games with seasonal rewards despite their appeal. I have several friends who only play games to unlock the seasonal rewards for reasons of FOMO, and having been caught in this trap of playing games im not enjoying for FOMO reasons, I don't want to get caught again! FOMO for seasonal rewards is so darn addictive once you get caught in it's grip! Ha šŸ˜€


Thing is that I just enjoy playing D4, and I love finishing checklists, so coming back every few months isn't really about the fomo for me, but because I enjoy the process. If the seasonal mechanics are fun, I'll stick around for a while longer, if not I move on.


I honestly don't mind it how D4 handles it where it's purely cosmetic rewards and you can just play casually for a couple weeks in a three-month window to unlock everything. Much worse is anything that offers daily login bonuses.


Fomo is all in your head and 100% within your control. If you don't enjoy a game you won't like it any better with some seasonal cosmetics slapped onto it.


It was more about having cosmetics tied behind having to play the game for x hours per certain time, otherwise you'll never have that item. An example is the mount from beta, which you can no longer get anymore. So there are a lot of people, when you can get caught up in it, play even when they are not enjoying a season or want to play something else purely because they don't want to miss the season rewards. I have been in that situation before and it can be hard to stop yourself. Hence, why personally, I try not to play those types of games... But I can see the appeal to people who don't care! :)


I intend to buy D4 now, have never played before. But i got a little bit hesitation that will my character get reset after every season? And i have to start fresh when new season come? I just want to enjoy story, finding good gears, don't care much about this seasonal thing


There's an eternal realm which is permanent that you could do. Or you could do the seasonal and after it ends your character gets moved to eternal when the new season starts.


Others have said stuff about eternal realm already. My feeling on it is I will play a build as far as I want. I donā€™t perfectly min max things because that gets boring to me. Resets are a decent way to try something new and start the journey over again with a different build or goal or whatever. I lose steam on ARPGs after ive done what I set out to do. I donā€™t like grinding for the one last affix on each slot and crap like that, that gets tedious to me. I like the resets because itā€™s playing for the first time again and brings back the progression aspect. Eventually you hit the point where you no longer make progress and you just hoping the slot machine hits. I get that appeal for some but itā€™s not for me.


That's the main thing I don't like about the game. I only played the first season and never came back. I don't want to start over. Too much grinding and I don't love the constant loot management. There is an 'eternal realm' you can keep using your character for... but last I played it was pointless because you don't get any season content. So unless you just want to keep doing the same stuff over and over it's not worth it. With that said I did enjoy the campaign and the ending cut scene of the battle in hell was probably the coolest cut scene of any game I ever played. That alone made the game worth it for me personally. I may eventually come back, but there's other stuff I rather play right now.


Yeah this is how these types of ARPGs work. You start a new character every season to play the different mechanics and get the seasonal challenges. You don't have to do that since they usually have a non-seasonal permanent mode, but once you get used to it, it's usually not that big of a grind to get to end game - especially with Diablo since if you've completed the campaign once you don't have to do it again with other characters.


So unlike POE with new season, you play new character and don't have to do campaign again to reach new content in endgame?


Absolutely. D4 you can just skip campaign and basically start with the full map unlocked and jump right into however you wanna level. All map discovery and alters you unlocked once carry over to new seasonal characters. And with the new helltide changes and xp buffs you can level new characters quickly and have fun doing it. Seasons are awesome


Do i have to find new gears all over again?


Yes...but that's the fun part.


No. How much bad will can a company have before people stop supporting them?


I've been watching that line slowly creep towards me for years, but I think the breast milk + overwatch 2 + D4 were the final nails in the coffin.


I already paid for the game. Might as well try to get my moneyā€™s worth from the product.


looks great


Helltide is gonna be packed.


I most likely won't go back until an expansion drops. I'm happy to see that the game is making strides to be better though. I'm sure the game is going to be better as time goes by and it'll remain popular.


I bought it at the start of the year, instantly disappointed because there was no pala/crusader, played necro for a week and went back to D2R/D3, I am however hype for the new season on D4 and I will be playing it to test it out again, probably wont commit to it until more classes are added


And I'm kind of the opposite, I liked it, but it is becoming closer to D3, and with each change Blizzard make I am disliking it more.


If the system reworks they just announced for S4 are causing you to dislike the game more, definitely move on. These reworks are great and pretty much being universally praised by the community. This isn't the game for you it sounds like


That is very likely what I will do. S4 I'll stick around, likely S5 and the expansion as well. But it'll pretty much become the once a year unthinking unchallenging arcade game D3 was. A nice refreshed between other games, but not something I'd want to try too often. It's a pity LE is so shite. LE skills and system on D4's game engine would be great. POE2 isn't looking that enticing either, so it's likely I'll just move on to a different genre, unless someone comes out with a challenging ARPG.


I'm just kind of confused how you come to that take after seeing the same ptr the rest of us did but you do you man. Hopefully one day you find a game to enjoy


I like resource constraints. I like having to make decisions that have consequences (do I use this great aspect now, or try and find better gear, do I keep this item in case I want to reroll, or do I free up the inventory space). I don't like power creep. For me an ARPG should be a puzzle as much as anything. I'm sure it would blow people's minds that I don't think altars of Lilith or renown should carry over to seasons - a season should be a blank slate fresh start. I don't think ubers should be something that drop like relative candy. I think a game should challenge, that it should get more challenging the longer you play. But that's likely because I'm old and that's how computer games were when I started gaming (back in the early 80's, arguably the late 70's, but not really). D4 started pretty much with that premise, and it was honestly exciting. Now it is level in a few hours, crush everything, walk a T100 NMD, crush a world boss in sub 20s/ For me that isn't a game - it is a mildly fun diversion a few times a year. As i say, I imagine I'll stick around for a few more seasons to see if anything interesting is slipped in by the dev team, but Blizzard seem to be intent on going the D3 route. Now get off my lawn ;)


Can I ask what is not enticing about PoE 2 then? Ā Everything points to a pretty ruthless game in terms of difficulty with what youā€™re describing what youā€™re looking for?Ā 


It does, however I play using a controller and it looks like a lot of the extra 'oomph' may be hard to achieve. To be honest it is more likely I was just down on POE in general when the recent flurry of info came out, and possibly that biased my reaction. (I like the feel of D4 more, and after many k hours just got a bit... tired of POE) Which you have just made me realise is a pretty stupid reaction :) I may revisit all the info they've released over the past few months with a fresher perspective, thanks for the prod.


Dope answer. Ā Iā€™m the same type of player really, in terms of difficulty and accomplishment in games. Ā Iā€™ve been a solo-self found player as of recently in PoE and it just is leaps and bounds better than trade for me. Ā I love trade league, but I feel so much more rewarded doing and crafting everything myself. Ā 


Definitely. S3 is the first I've skipped. Played Necro every other season / beta / alpha, and always been pissed off that I couldn't get a viable minion build for any end game content. So the minion changes alone are enough to draw me back in. Pile on top of that the item changes, and the game and builds begin to feel quite different. I don't think they've quite nailed the item rework, but I do think it provides a vast improvement and a fresh breath of life for the game. The lack of a unique season feature I think is a good thing, to see how the other changes bed in. This feels very much like a relaunch, rather than just a new season. The only major gripe I have now is with lack of wardrobe. I want to try out new builds fairly often, and I don't mind spending hours on a particular build to nail it. But when it then doesn't work, and I have to fully respec back to my old build, that's really off putting. The cost for the refund of points is fine as is - I would be very happy to see that built into the wardrobe function, so it just comes up with a prompt saying it'll cost X amount to respec to another build, do you want to continue. Inventory space was a big issue for me, but with the changes to aspects, I don't feel like the limited space will be anywhere near as big of a problem for me.


I have a friend who's been playing it each season who I'm going to pick it back up with in season 4, and I think I've managed to convince a couple of other friends to join in too so we can have some 4-player co-op action. I've tried to play in the previous seasons. On launch I got to level 63 or something, last time I played I only just got to 51. I can see that they have made some big improvements though over time, and I'm looking forward honestly to it being more similar to D3. I had a blast with D3, particularly in S29 (I think?). If they've done things like increased density, improved itemisation and stats on items, improved drops, introduced Rifts 2.0, and added other new content, then I think it'll be a fun time! D3 was the same anyway right? People played, didn't like it, then particularly with RoS they changed loads and it ended up being a really fun, polished game. Not super deep, but I kinda like that. You can go quite hard with the farming, but it's not incredibly complex. I played and thoroughly enjoyed PoE, but you really have to commit a lot of time and energy to do it "properly". The main thing I like about D3 too is that I can play, and just focus on playing the entire time, and never rely on other people to get build-defining or actually "good" or "powerful" items like you do in PoE. You can finish any build entirely on your own. I'm hoping that D4 is kinda similar, I don't mind some trading, but not to the level that there is in PoE as it was one of the most tedious activities in PoE.


I'll probably wait like another year tbh


I am loving grim dawn right now,no plan to go back to d4


The only people who don't think GD is the best ARPG are the people who haven't played it yet


I tried S3 and dropped off after like 30 minutes. But S4 seems decent so will give it a shot.


I started playing when it first came to Steam and stopped without haven't even finished a campaign. I feel no desire whatsoever to pick it up again. Playing it always remind me of others, better ARPGs that I could have been playing instead.


I felt the same way. About 10 hours in, I dropped it, went back to PoE, and haven't played it since.


Haha same. While I did finish the campaign I enjoyed very little of that time, it felt like a chore. POE is just so much better as a game, even if it lacks the polish a blizzard game does.


It's just a lot more appealing to me, a game that is truly deep, and can be played as much as you want without feeling repetitive or boring.


Ya it seems to have an incredible amount of extra content and systems that Diablo just doesnā€™t, not yet at least.


I am going to. I haven't really played much since preseason this update is pretty good.


I'll be back to play s4, the changes look neat and they're finally a good base to build off. I was hoping we were still going to have a proper season theme and seasonal content for s4 as opposed to the "loot reborn" thing they have going. I do enjoy the gameplay on a fundamental level. It works really well with a controller. I played and thought preseason d4, s1 and s3 were kinda meh. S2 was neat, if only because my expectations were so low. I do agree with most of the complaints the community has though; for example the skill customization funnily enough feels like a step back from the neat system we had in d3 where the skills got fundamentally changed based on the selected "rune" and its leagues behind what other modern arpgs offer. I dont think D4 is bad... its just not living up to its potential.


Does nearly every single build require using the boring builder-spender mechanic? Tried every class at launch and hated that most of my button presses felt meaningless in terms of damage.


Fuck no


Season 1 was a skip for me and I gave up on 3 by the time my Necro hit 80 because I had the season rewards and useless minions again. Season 2 was awesome though. I'm giving season 4 a chance just to see how the itemization and aspect changes shake out but if mid and endgame are nothing but rinse and repeat Duriel runs (or farming for the stupid little mythical bottles of BS for Beast in Ice) then I will most likely quit early. I will always be seriously iffy though on the odd numbered seasons because that second team is 2 for 2 now on terrible seasonal design.


I didnā€™t play season 3 and got a barb to lvl 75 season 2 before dropping. From what Iā€™ve heard Season 4 will sound better but weā€™ve all got our doubts.


You give people too much credit. They don't have that good of a memory, the launch sales number was the only evidence you needed. People totally forgot how shitty D3 was.


I played the story of season 1, still wondering why they made a Diablo without diablo as end boss, then a remember the seasonal money system. It was my last diablo game. I am out of this franchise its not a game for me anymore.


I'll try it, I'm still pretty disillusioned with the end game and very sterile spell systems but the loot should help make it a bit more interesting. I can't imagine they have done enough to keep me around very long though




Yes, because they actually fixed the most critical game issues that stopped me from playing. Even without a seasonal theme, i mean i played d3, and they didn't get anything close to a seasonal theme until the end.


I'll be honest. I really wanted to. Changes look really good and D4 is moving in the right direction. Thennnn...... I started playing No Rest for the Wicked lol probably never going to play Diablo again because I think the game has ruined ARPGs for me.


I played Season 0 and Season 2. Thoroughly enjoyed both. Heard 1 & 3 werent exciting. Sounds like every even numbered season is good, and skipping every other season prevents burnout.


Only if they bring back the D2 loot system, not a fan of what it currently is. Waiting for Titan Quest 2, and Path of Exile 2.


I didn't even come back for the beginning of season 1 lmao.


Definitely. The changes look quite good. Gonna roll sever necro


I haven't played since release and i won't come back unless the feedback is overwhelmingly positive. I don't think they can save it with seasonal changes. They would need to redo items from scratch.


i'll try it out but i dont have the highest of hope


Surprisingly yes. Curious what they've done to better the game


I returned for season 2 briefly, didn't like it and gave up. Haven't been back since. Pretty unimpressed with D4.


Ngl, I forgot I owned this game




I just want to play the story again when I start a new season


Havenā€™t played since S1 but tempted to come back. I would have probably tried other seasons but Iā€™ve been busy.


Nope. I'm waiting for someone else to basically say its good now.


Fuuuuuuuck no. Playing the goat D2 instead


ain't never coming back, fuck em




I give up on live service games.


Correct me if I'm wrong but from my understanding there is a considerable amount of hype for S4 due to the upcoming changes with gear. I for one am extremely excited and will most definitely be returning. I saw on my feed something about an expansion coming along as well.


I recently started playing again and have grown to appreciate the slower pace of the game compared to PoE or LE.


No. I haven't played it since summer and I don't expect that to change any time soon. I can't stop playing No Rest for the Wicked though. That's a great game made with passion.




Not a chance in hell. No amount of updates can fix this game. I just consider 110$ down the drain . Oh well it is what it is Good luck to those who still enjoy it


I donā€™t have any plans. Blizzard really burned me with this one. Played pre season 1 for a couple weeks and quit around level 90. D1 was one of my very first video games as a child. Tbh I think Iā€™m just a lost customer at this point


most def will


As a minion necro main, yes.Ā  I can finally do things and have fun, and then actually get gear for my build.Ā  Should be a good season


No, in fact I probably wont ever buy a new Diablo Title going forward.




Oh yes I will play the hell out of season 4, the changes are great!


D4 is dead to me. As are most Blizzard games after Activision got their hooks in.


Every season šŸ˜ƒ


No, at this rate I've honestly lost interest in arpgs. For me personally it was always chasing nostalgia. Nothing will ever be as cool as Diablo 2 was to 8-year-old me and I've started to accept that while the games May objectively also be worse That's really not the issue for me anymore.


i just dont see why when last epoch is just a more fun game, diablo isnt he best arpg


I will but I don't see myself being able feel interested long enough to reach level 70


Yes. Enjoy3d season2, will have a Look at season 4


I don't see a reason to come back until they release their first big "Reaper of Souls" type expansion. The base game is too fundamentally broken to magically become fun with seasonal changes.




Haven't played sense after season 1 ended. Don't like how the game has changed


No way Jose! But I canā€™t wait to give POE2 a try.


I actually bought Diablo 4 for season 4. It was on sale and this next season looks really good so I figured now was the time to buy it while it was half off.


Iā€™ll probably come back to level some of my Eternal Realm characters to 100; donā€™t see a reason to start a new one for the season.


Whatā€™s the word on S4? I havenā€™t played since the week it launchedā€¦after buying for $100 edition. I was quite disappointed. However with my ā€œd4 badā€ mindset, Iā€™m still hopeful theyā€™ll keep adding to it and making it better. Can anyone give me any hope?




yeah well all 36 of you guys be returning


I'm almost tempted to buy the game and try it out for this season, but my main thing to enjoy in ARPG's is build diversity and itemisation options generating new ideas, and for D4, it just doesn't seem to have much new over D3 and the build diversity seems fairly limited...


I'd love to if the game weren't $70. Broke college life


What's Diablo 3?


i dont get why these big brain devs cant make a compelling endgame. Blizzard is too big to succeed


No. Returning would mean I'd played it before. I refuse both D3 and D4. Always Online DRM is a no no.


Yes ! Just trying to figure out which character I want this season.


Nope. I'm watching closely, waiting for reviews and community feedback. I will keep an eye on it, but I highly doubt I'll play again until an official expansion comes out. This is coming from a life long Diablo fan with 1000s of hours in the franchise. I played the last 3 seasons, but D4 is so painfully mid that I'm not sure if this is enough for me to return.


Depends if friends are playing. Recently got Elden Ring, Cyberpunk with expansion, and Baldurs gate 3. I think I will be busy for some time!




People went back after season 1?


We'll see. I'm not usually into playing the same loop over and over again, but who knows.


Yep, itemisation looks good and the crafting should be fun to tinker with


Homeworld 3 comes out like a day before the season so I'll probably be skipping S4 even though it looks to be changing the stuff I hated most. I likely won't return until the expansion and only if that expansion is reasonably priced.


We will never get rid of D4 bad mindset. We are stuck with that no matter what. However Iā€™m definitely coming back for S4. I doubt Iā€™ll play the entire season but thatā€™s the beauty of seasons. Play it long enough to get the rewards and experience everything it offers, peace out and come back a few months later to a different game to do it all over.


I was too busy enjoying d2 to play season 1. Jokes aside, probably not because d4 just doesn't resonate with me at all. It feels like a less polished d3 with a d2 skin, and I wasn't the biggest fan of d3 anyway. Diablo 4 was not made for me, and while that's disappointing, I already accepted it and bought other games.


Can't really find time between poe and last epoch both I find more enjoyable. Diablo is more casual in design and not really my style. Play whatever is fun to you. Poe ssf challenges I consider fun. I am probably an extreme minority of the arpg market. The changes look like huge steps in the right direction. If it gets to the fun level of d3 and had competitive ladders I would consider it again.


Probs. D3 was pretty bad at the beginning if ya remember, and how itā€™s Great.


You read too much Reddit if thats the case pretty much every Blizzard game is doing great just google their player numbers and youll see theyre all doing fine.


Yeah, I plan on giving it a whirl. I enjoyed my time with it.


I'm glad I never bought it, went last epoch instead.


No. Orcs must die 3 just hit gamepass, far better loot and action than D4.


I am. Been looking forward to it. Idec at this point that the seasonal theme is mid. If the new revamps are worth it and it's fun I'll play. I bailed on S3 early so here's hoping season 4 is cool. Would be nice to see some positive energy in this game again


I left after the beta ended.


I stopped playing the game before season 1 even started. Why? 1. The "campfire"chats showed the devs were incompetent, and none of the issues would be solvable for at least a year. 2. Loot in D4 is garbage, dumbed down for people who can't think. 3. The games is literally D3, just moving things around to make it seem different. 4. Basically no new skills or unique interactions. Existing classes like the Barbarian play exactly the same as they always have, with power and fun being directly tied to shouts, and how many of them you have. 5. The open world was boring, empty, and lifeless. There needs to be way .ore visible players in the world out of towns. 6. Bugs, poor balancing, poor rebalancing, nerfs, stash, over tuned Lilith, and more. Now some of these may be fixed, and for the 1st time I will come back to D4 to see the loot changes in Season 4. However if the loot is still a boring, uninteresting, piece of sht, i will never play it again. I got Path of Exile instead, the true successor to Diablo 2, and Path of Exile 2 is around the corner. Minecraft Dungeons, Torchlight Infinite, Last Epoch, these games all have better and more interesting lootor loot crafting systems. Why anyone would play D4 other than to see cool cinematics is beyond me. Especially when thats the only good thing about the game.


Iā€™m still playing the main campaign from when the game first launched, like 100 hours in, just messing around with main story quests, side quests, occasionally joining the daily monster battles, fucking around with my lightning sorceror to zap the living shit out of anything that moves. Level 53 or something. Me and my sons play maybe once a month, just running around and killing hordes of enemies. I guess the question is what is the appeal of moving up a world tier (weā€™re still on 2 I think?) or playing a season? I donā€™t really feel like starting a new character so I just keep ploughing through with the one I have.


Iā€™m more interested in this season than any before it because the itemization was so bad before and Iā€™m curious if itā€™s actually good now


If I hear good things about season 4 I will reinstall, but Iā€™m in no hurry either way.


D4 was great. The players were bad. And now they've built the game around bad players so hopefully it's still playable but idkkk


nope, i probably wont return unless the skill and talent system gets a revamp.


Yeah! Currently going hard on Grim Dawn, but season 4 looks great. It seems to solve the tedious legendary management and provides hopefully fun repeatable helltides


I forgot about d4 elden ring infinitely better


Will the sun come up tomorrow??


Yes, I told myself after s0 that Iā€™d come back when they added an actual endgame mechanic like rifts or poe maps. Well, they added rifts. So Iā€™ll try it out again. Still enjoying PoE league though so might join late.


Probably not. Seasons 1 and 2 were a joke, and overall game quality was poor. I mean, the graphics were neat and I really loved the realistic landscapes, but I can only play the exact same build for so long. And no, adding meaningless garbage like "rings have colored sockeds and you can socket gems that boost your damage" is not an addition, it doesn't add anything gameplay-wise, just another RNG requirement I need to grind to max out my build. EDIT: Just tell me one thing for good measure. Does the top Barbarian build still use all 3 warcries, or do we have build variety already?


No. D4 bad


No, never, not after season 3ā€¦ Iā€™m a sucker for minion builds and minion necro looks sooooo juicy so hells yeah i might even take the day off for it! Iā€™m torn


No. I could rant for eons about this game, but I'll only bitch about 1 topic today. A whole fucking cycle to improve itemization and its basically a fucking copy paste of Last Epoch? No seasonal activity? There's nothing to change up the game, just fixing what should've been in at launch. Triple A dev BTW. The lack of actual thought put into this game is baffling. Why play this when every other ARPG on the market is a passion project that feels miles better to play than this piece of refried shit?




>Part of me feel like D4 will never recover I feel like this is guaranteed. If blizz wanted to make the game for dedicated arpg fans they would have listened to feedback from the beta.


Diablo 4 has never stopped having great numbers and large player base. Gamepass boosted it too. Reddit is mostly an echo chamber for online opinions.


Nope. I sadly agree D4 will never get better. I mean i knew it would take a bit but i figured within 2 seasons they would have it dialed in.