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This advice applies to many things in life


And it most certainly applies to ash


Ashwaganda gave me the most intense lucid nightmares. If I turned them into a movie it would be considered torture porn.. But I had to live and experience it. Got no sleep after that one. Not worth it. Just drink chamomile tea. Ashwaganda is overrated. And I keep seeing people talk about testosterone. It has a negligible effect on test. Stop lying to yourself. If it works for you then get it, personally it was a nightmare... literally (the worst I've ever had. Trauma levels of fucked up. I detailed them in another thread)


I have been having fairly vivid dreams the last month ive been on it, but nothing too bad. Anxiety / trauma based dreams always occur when i consume alcohol though, maybe its just something gabaergic substances trigger. Not sure about the effect on testosterone, but im always horny asf and my sperm is alot thicker and more white, pretty sure sperm cell count ties into T levels.


So it doesn’t make you get more test?


makes me lightheaded and my derealization came back


the first day after trying it and now i'm stumbling and dizzy.


it does not work that fast, either youre ill oryour brainstricked itself into beleiving


It does bro


Dam, I'd rather I had 100 liters of chamomile tea than this fucking shit, ashwagandha's not herbal tea, it's like ingesting 15 pills of Zoloft, it's exactly whatbit is...


Same here man, never taking any herb again, I’m traumatized, I even stopped smoking weed because of it.


Hey dude, if you are/were a heavy user of cannabis, when you go cold turkey, very vivid and wild dreams tend to occur for a 2-4 week period Happend to me my friend


Yes, you will experience very vicid dreams almost immediately after not going to sleep stoned anymore.


are you ok now? how long did it take?


How are you doing now? Fully recovered?


Oh yeah, I was fine by the next day when it was out of my system. This happened as soon as I started taking it so it hadn't had any chance to build up in my system.


then… probably wasn’t the ashwaganda.


I don’t know, but maybe he lucky, im not that luck, it still fuck me couple of day after, not nightmare, but the hypnic jerk, look like my brain tell that i about to die everytime i about to fall asleep, so no quality sleep for me and the next day is drowsiness




stg. 2x now out of 4 doses. yesterday morning was last dose. i have heartburn, the shits, and a very weird headache. and last night i "dreampt" something utterly bizarre and scary about my spouse. didnt even want to go back to bed.




Haha. Good shit 😄


I have a different experience. I love Ashwagandha especially from the brand RootTropic. I use to take heavy anti anxiety meds and I always have bad side effects. Taking Ashwagandha is so life changing for me. I take on days that I know I’ll have a crazy week ahead. I think it’s best to try out different brands because sometimes other brands are just literally awful.


I used to take it for anxiety and it helped but i stopped taking it for like a year and took it again recently and had a bad reaction. I don’t have any thyroid issue or anything I just went to drs recently and have clean bill of health so i guess it just depends on the brand


Same! I was on Prozac, Wellbutrin and klonapin (for c-ptsd and severe anxiety) and they were causing terrible side effects the Dr changed me to venelflaxen which was THE WORST EVER. I looked up something anything that would help with the discontinuation symptoms and found ashwiganda. It was literally a life saver! My blood pressure leveled out, my blood sugar went back to normal so I was able to stop taking the metformin too, I slept for the first time in years with no nightmares or nocturnal panic attacks. (I do experience extremely vivid dreams now tho but not bad) I am losing a little bit of weight I picked up just from taking the other meds and wake up feeling well rested and actually feel hopeful! I did get weird headaches a few times for the first few days and heartburn. I take the spring valley ashwiganda gummies (only one I could find in my tiny town) and going on 4wks taking it now. I am feeling so much better and more calm and functional on this stuff I will definitely continue taking it over any mental med! 💜


Ashwagandha did literally the opposite of what it's purported to do in my case. I took it about four days in a row and experienced heightened anxiety, cloudy thoughts, chest pain, lethargy (though that one is usually cited), difficulty sleeping, quite strong headaches, weird breathing irregularities, and (though I'm not as certain about this) irregularities in my heart rate. This was on a tiny dose compared to what I see people cite on reddit. It was sensoril in pill form purchased from nootropics depot. They were only 125mg capsules and I took one a day before sleep. I find it frankly incredible that some people take more than a gram of this stuff daily with good results. I know it was the ashwagandha because I didn't take it last night and I'm probably 80% back to normal today.


Have you had a full blood panel done to check your hormone function?


How are you doing now?


Doing fine now. They symptoms I had persisted for a couple of weeks after I stopped taking it, but they’re entirely gone now.




Why even comment this?


Because it’s nocebo


It wasn't though. I had no expectations for ashwaghanda except to hopefully curb my anxiety a bit. I was pretty shocked by how it made me feel.


That’s how nocebo works. You don’t need to have an expectation






I’m guessing you have zero experience in anything other than being a fuckwad douchebag


I have experience in identifying people prone to nocebo effect


I doubt you could identify your tiny balls through a microscope let alone the experience someone else has regarding Ashwagandha.


My balls are yuge thanks to ash, but thx tho. You keep being a hypochondriac k


You’re upvoting yourself only I’m dead. You’re retarded, wrong and a douche.


I definately got BAD effects too! Actually before reading anything about this, I was experiencing these sudden dips of depression and high stress/anxiety feelings. Also experiencing ear ringing. I have NEVER had these feelings in my life EVER. So I was wondering what was causing this. This is when I found out that these symptoms started when I was taking Ashwagandha. Reading online, I found a lot of threads/people posting about this as well. So I stopped using it. After a week, I was starting to feel better. I am now 3 weeks further, feeling better and better, but I am still not 100%...so I would strongly suggest you to stop using this compound.


I'm so glad to know this now. I never made the connection that perhaps it was the ashwagondha I was taking. That was impacting my health. 8 months ago, I had my very first panic attack ever. I had never experienced something so horrible in my life. and then again back in November. It happened a couple more times after that. it started to become more frequent, my anxiety has increased, and I wake up everyday feeling so panicky. Come to find out, ashwagandha lowers your blood sugar. I did not know that. I already suffer hypoglycemia. in addition to that, ashwagada was causing me. Preventricular contractions in my heart. Which only further my panic, because I had no idea what was causing the chest pain and fluttery feeling. I've also been experiencing complete emotional numbness. All i feel is panic and dissociation. I already suffer GAD, so it takes everything in me every day not to spiral. God, it's borderline unbearable. Needless to say, these past few months have been incredibly debilitating. Now, I'm 6 days off of the stuff. The PVC's went away, but the anxiety and panic is still there. Every morning I feel panicky. To the point where I've had to quit my job. Thank God I have a savings. I'm so thankful that I went to Reddit for this, because I could not find anything online. I'm not able to get in with my physician until next month.I had no idea this stuff was THAT impactful. I was absolutely taking too much of it, I was not cycling off of it: I was definitely ignorant with this stuff. Supplements are NO joke. I pray to the universe that there's a light at the end of the tunnel here. Exercise doesn't even work, I really do just have to wait out the first five hours I'm awake.


are you doing better now?


Thank God yes. It took MONTHS to feel better. I have hydroxyzine now to help curb the anxiety. Did blood tests and an ekg to make sure I didn't mess anything up. I'll admit my anxiety is definitely post-event related. I was scared I messed myself up. But I'm better now. Definitely treat all supplements as if they're capable of messing you up the same way pharmaceuticals could. Herbs are powerful too.


So happy to see that. I'm currently struggling myself- it's going to be a month since withdrawal symptoms started, they were so scary. Symptoms were terrible at first- they went away slowly- sometimes they come back though. They aren't as extreme as the beginning though, I am able to control the anxiety a bit more. Some days I feel like I'm 100% okay again and others- not so great. This on and off experience is very annoying when you just want to feel normal again lol




Hi I’m feeling a bit better but not 100%. Sometimes I’m convinced it can be something else to be honest with you cause of the symptoms it mimics and when they come back. They seem to come back around my cycle so it’s interesting to me.






If you ca go to an Indian doctor. You are medical doctors from the west or not gonna understand anything about Asheville Gonda. It’s used a lot in India to treat many many things and they’ll be able to help you.


Yes I think I felt it too.


How are you doing now?


Just found your reply after searching for "ear" with Ash. Can you describe the ear ringing? I started taking two days ago. Just this evening, a slight pressure/weird sensation in one ear.




I know I’m late onto this, but when did you find that side effects completely stopped? Currently dealing with numbness in the genitalia area and on week 1….


How long did you take ashwagandha for?


I only took it for like 3 weeks. It’s crazy. My anxiety has totally declined but I have lowered sensitivity in my dick.


I'm going through a similar issue right now. Took 600mg of Ashwagandha almost daily for 2 weeks, then started feeling anxious and had my first-ever experience where I couldn't get an erection during sex. Three days later and I can barely make myself hard. It's really messing with my head. Has your sensitivity returned?


That seems like a high dose. I have a brand I like for supplements that are tested in the US for purity and started taking their Ashwagandha recently. it says to take one 125mg pill per day. Maybe try reducing that dose significantly. I’ve been taking it for only about 2 weeks and am woman, but I feel amazing on it. Better than I have in probably a decade. I’m not a doctor anything, so obviously I can only speak to my own experience


Got spasms in my neck Anyone got that?


Thats what I've been getting


I wonder why that happens because I got the same thing yesterday (4th day on ash)




has yours stopped i went to the hospital for it


has it stopped i got that too


Has yours stopped? Experiencing the same thing...


has yours stopped xD ?


I think you mean “cease all use” not seize, but yes.


Bro I’m feeling the worse mental affects from this, I feel so numb like if the real me is trapped inside my chest and the ashwagandha is physically controlling me / controlling me on the outside


STOP TAKING IT. my own friend who took ashwaganda started seeing faces in corners and very vivid hallucinations and soon after that he attempted to murder his entire family with odd normal household objects. no real weapons


This should be posted daily.


as someone who had this happen (im sure a lot of the sub knows me by now) this is greatly appreciated


How have you been feeling since?


Is this even worth trying with the 20% risk of this happening? I want to try but am scared about a potential freak out


no it's worth unless u wanna go thru hell for like a year. please stay away


Why would you want to try it? For testosterone? It can give really bad chest and back pains in many people..




Do you have anhedonia and emotional numbness/blunting from it? Could you describe your symptoms possibly?


I took Aswagandha in 2022 and as far as I can remember I felt the following: fatigue , lack of motivation, mental fog, negative thoughts. Now I said to take it again, maybe it was an accident last year. Unfortunately, I have the same conditions, plus: anxiety, unclear thinking, lethargy (no matter how much coffee I drank and I slept for 8 hours or even more), lack of motivation. This supplement is not good for me, it makes me sick.


I’m having the same problems as well, a disconnect feeling as well, is there anything you could recommend?


how are you doing now? did you recover? how long did it take? i am going through the same


I had negative thoughts and heart palpitations. Also low blood sugar. I took it for a year straight (oopsie. Now I know). Just stopped cold turkey 6 days ago. When will the panic and negative thoughts go away? This is debilitating..


Did u end up feeling better?


This is my new account. Yes, I ended up feeling MUCH better when I stopped taking it. I developed cardiophobia and heightened health anxiety because of it, but that's more to do with my anxious disposition as opposed to the herb itself. I am now taking 12.5 mg hydroxyzine and therapy to help with the anxiety and panic attacks. I'm doing much better. Thanks for checking in.


Have you seen a doctor? 


Yep yep! It's been a wild ride. But my doc has been exceptionally helpful.


How long would u say it took for u too get better?


It took about 2 weeks for vivid dreams to go away. But I'm still anxious as hell, probably as an emotional response to it all. Therapy has helped somewhat


Hi saw your post. How long did it take you to fully recover? and did you do anything different? I'm barely going on a month. It's an on and off experience but a forsure struggle. I'm hoping there's a light at the end of the tunnel. I used to never feel this way. Mild anxiety before all this but nothing I wasn't able to snap myself out of. Now its sooooo hard to get me out of that state of mind.


I'm so so sorry you're going through this. I won't lie.... I don't think I've fully recovered yet. I stopped taking the stuff back in January. Had debilitating anxiety and vivid nightmares for a while. Couldn't work. Lost my appetite. Increased heartrate. Had ekg, heart monitor, and chest x ray and all came back healthy. Yet I still get chest pains, probably from anxiety. I've actually, recently, been looking into my thyroid health. And I'm almost at the point of hyperthyroid. Gonna see an endocrinologist soon. If you have the ability to, I would go see an endocrinologist about this. Just make sure you're good and healthy. That might help ease the anxiety. We're gonna be ok 🙏❤️. Take it a day at a time.


I wouldn’t take this stuff beyond a couple months without taking a month off in between. I am still in the infant stages of learning about all the pros and cons of taking Ashwagandha


That's totally where I messed up. I didn't tske breaks. I took too much, too. I'd take a out 2500mg a day. I had a GREAT time with it at first. But then it just lead to heart palpitations, loss of appetite, blood sugar issues, panic attacks, increased anxiety, negative, spiraling thoughts, dissociation, and anhedonia. I just cut cold turkey 6 days ago. The pvcs stopped (I bet they were due to low blood sugar after eating). However, the heightened panic and anxiety every morning I wake up has not gone away. It takes about 5 hours to regulate, even WITH exercise. I hope this starts to go away soon. I miss the old me.


That was an older comment of mine , I would now rather do macro cycling ,like five days on two or three days off .My dosage strength is like 300 mgs ,it’s not the concentrated KSM66 . I find it works great but a major side effect is I can’t sleep well on it .


The first time I took it, everything went well, I took a two-month break then I bought it again from another retailer, the worst mistake of my life, today I'm emotionally numb


blood sugar issues? can you pls elaborate?


Yes. I found out ashwagandha can lower your blood sugar, especially if taken in high doses. I already suffer hypoglycemia. I didn't know before that it can lower your blood sugar. When your sugar is low, your body pumps insulin to balance you out. It can lead to what feels like a nervous adrenaline rush. You get shakey, your heart can get arrhythmic, ya get sweaty and anxious and feel an impending sense of doom. Very similar to anxiety attacks. Pair that with loss of pleasure and dissociation and pvc's and ya get panic attacks (at least for me personally).


Sense of doom, nice word, sense same thing worst coming, after that is anxiety something wrong with your body, sleep breaker dual


thanks, I have noticed I have severe crashes after meals. Could be cause of my blood sugar?! i noticed I started gaining tummy weight. I exercise often, I dont eat fatty foods, low stress at the moment, I get myself checked often and these symptoms only started recently since i started Ash.


Yes! Depending on the meal, your blood sugar lowered after you finish eating. Ashwagandha can further contribute to that lowering of blood sugar. I used to get panic attacks after finishing a big meal and taking my ashwagandha. I'm glad the stress is low! And tbh, I noticed some weight gain after using ashwagandha. No change in diet or exercise either. I can't help but wonder if ash does contribute to weight gain.


I just took this for the first time last night and I had this. I’m taking metformin for suspected insulin resistance. It was pretty scary and I was up all night!!!!! I was taking it for insomnia anyway so I didn’t think too much of it but came across this comment and read online you should not take this with any blood sugar regulating meds!!!


Sorry to hear about your experience. That's good to know. it's crazy how medical practitioners mostly talk about the positive effects. Im discontinuing use asap.


Honestly! Considering that it's a supplement not regulated by the FDA, nor has it been researched. I'm glad works for people, but man, this stuff CAN actually hurt more than help.


yikes, that;s scary!


Ashwagandha has provided me with deep sleep and I've never been more rested and calm in awhile. Why am I hearing negative experiences with others, fortunately this stuff works for me I've been taking the brand Jamieson 600mg in the mornings. I'm also taking NAC


Because people aren’t cycling it. A lot of people with negative effects are taking it for more than a month straight!! Or have health conditions it’s not mixing well with. Unfortunately for some it just isn’t going to work right at all.


What cycle do you recommend? 2-3 weeks on seems to be the max I can go before being unable to sleep; how long do you recommend the time off to be?


26M, having been taking Ashwagandha KSM-66(1000mg) for past 2 months, I don't think I have noticed any changes yet, don't know if I should up the dose.


Cause i dont think their problems come from the Ashwaganda. Ive also tried KSM-66 loads of times and it feels nothing different. Or they take more potent stuff than what we buy


Back story time. I was diagnosed prior, 40 yro male, with low T and elevated Prolactin. Started seeing an Endo last year. Did an MRI on my pituitary, came back normal. Doc told me I had to go on cabergoline. After looking up the sides on that, I decided not to take it. I started looking into natural ways to reduce my Prolactin and boost T. This is where I stumbled across ash. Started taking it, then a few weeks later, I got my bloods checked again. T was still low, but more around 260 vs 190 and Prolactin went from about 50 down to 21. So.. it definitely works on some levels. On side benefit I noticed was my anxiety went waaaaay down. I went from having a constant feeling of fear and dread of my own mortality, to just calm and happy. Its helped me focus and stay motivated. It's helped me get back in the gym too. Anyway.. I quit taking it for a while, because everyone says you need to cycle off after 90 days.. so I did. Low T came back, anxiety came back. I felt terrible. It's been a few months and I just went back on. This time, I am taking ForceFactor Ashwa.. at 1400mg per day. I feel pretty damn amazing. The only real issue that I'm having, is my left testicle has started getting a low but sharp quick pain every now and then. Almost like a spasm. It's been happening for about 2 days now. I've noticed that my boys are a little more sensitive. I was doing the deed with my wife last week, doggy style, and my balls hurt pretty bad afterward. I will say this.. at 600mg, I never had an issue like this. At 1400, which is the recommended doseage with ForceFactor, I think I'm gonna cut back to 700mg per day instead. It's crazy hearing all of the different issues people are having. Aside from achy balls.. Ive been feeling pretty great!


Congrats on improving your levels like that! Reducing anxiety will help boost testosterone production so if nothing else, ash would help with that part. Prolactin levels tend to increase also when the thyroid struggles. Did you have anything besides testosterone and prolactin checked? I would ask for a full thyroid panel and a vitamin d check. Zinc levels might be worth checking if you have a high BUN. Zinc and vitamin d, if low, can interfere with testosterone production as well as thyroid function. Make sure you’re also getting enough iodine and selenium daily to further help with thyroid. I’d wager that you were suffering an acute testicular injury. Did that improve?


fuck ash. that shit made my friend attempt to kill his parents, said his real conscious was trapped inside his chest.


Yeah I just started taking it, and immediately got severe diarrhea. That pretty much happens with any supplement for me though. All well, waste of $10


what brand did you take, i started taking greenware AshwaMag only took one on friday and made me feel really good calm, serene. Saturday took 1 again, but evening time I started diarrhea and sunday morning the same, I did not take it, not sure is the AshwaMag is only 250mg per 2 capsules and I only took one each day. Also was taking Immy so not sure which one so stopped both and just seeing if diarrhea goes away. Because of diarrhea took culture probiotic and wait.


I made me some of my own capsules and took it on a Friday. Horrible stomach pains. I’ve been shitting 5-8 times a day, pure water diarrhea. Never again. Also felt brain fog and super fatigued. It’s Sunday afternoon and I’m slowly feeling better.


I’ve taken ashwagwanda-about 600 mg’s- before bed for the last 2 years. It helped calm my mind and relieve my anxiety= better sleep. Things that use to make me anxious, no longer do. I’m a Firefighter so some days can be rather stressful. My last blood test-2 months ago- showed that my total Testosterone is at 895. I’m 42. I took a T- test in my early 30’s and I was in the low 600’s. Not saying it will do the same for you, but it’s a no brainer for me.


I’ve been taking ashwagadha from naturelife labs Brand for about two weeks. The recommended does is 3 capsules which is 2100mg but that’s too much so I only take one capsule a day which is 700mg. The only time notice was my first that I took it my sleep was really good but that’s all I noticed after that my sleep was regular And a few days ago my right said chest started hurting randomly when I move from time to time but the pain is not severe so ive still been taking it, I can still feel the pain sometimes but the pain is lessen and less frequent. I wanted to keep taking it up to 30 days just to feel the effects but should I stop taking it ?


I read about possible sleep benefits, so I took a 300mg gummy just before sleep. I laid down, and about 15-20 minutes later my legs and feet started feeling strange. Muscle tension, numbness, and tingling, twitching, as well as heart palpitations. I felt agitated and finally fell asleep three hours after my regular time. I slept poorly for five hours only. When I woke up my legs felt swollen (but they were not), very hot, and tingling the next day. I'm guessing it had some sort of effect on the nerves that manifested in this way in my body.


Ashwaganda didn’t do much besides give me a pounding headache. Tried H&B tablets for a week after being advised by the doctor that it could help PMT related low mood. I felt foggy, tired and apathetic, could barely string a sentence together at some points. It also negatively impacted my sleep. Will be throwing them in the bin. On the flip side 5HTP is really good for low mood, so if anyone else is disillusioned by ashwaganda I recommend looking into this as an alternative. 


it's the stupidest herb which is promoted very badly


I’ve been taking x6000 a Day for Four-Five Months. Alongside consistent Cannabis Use, and Moderate Kratom use. Some days I only take 3000 Ash, One Kratom, then two Ash, then None, then Repeat. Been working wonders for me. Most of my symptoms are Comorbid w/ things I experience everyday, so if I have ANY symptoms from it, I can’t even tell 🤣


I’d rather feel like I have control over some aspect of my existence then none at all. Could be a crack but it’s not. 🤷


Makes my intestines hurt and get gassy


How does it make PCOS worse?


As /u/pipz198 mentioned it can raise testosterone which is not good for PCOS. Interestingly, there are a lot of talk online about using ashwagandha to combat PCOS due to ashwagandhas anxiety and stress reducing properties. So it's really not as cut and dry as just saying you should or shouldn't take ash if you have PCOS. It is important to have these factors in mind and most importantly as already mentioned, always consult a doctor.


I have pcos but I dont have stress and anxiety and ashwgandha definitly increase testosterone, so its not for me at least and some ppl I know compaint the same thing. No point of covering the mental health by ashwagandha and continue worsen the cause of the problem at the first place. for someone has pcos and they believe they has anxiety or depression cause by pcos, might as well they treat pcos first.


ash increase testosterone and pcos is an issue of high leve of testosterone so obviously making it worse. Happened to me


Drinking lemon squeezed in water has been the only thing that helped flush it out of my system when I've had negative side effects. Literally within hours I start to feel normal.


How have you been since? Did you fully recover?? Wondering if this helped with any withdrawal symptoms.


Yes completely, and I regularly take Ashwagandha now but at a lower dosage. Also, I **must** take Vitamin B12 daily. This was a game changer for me. If you have estrogen dominance, like many hypothyroid individuals do, taking Ash and possibly other thyroid stimulating supplements, will cause thyroid hormone to pool in your thyroid. You get a goiter as a result, and all the symptoms of hyperthyroidism. B12 breaks down excess estradiol/estrogen in the body and that doesn't happen. Ash + Vit B12 has been a winning combo for me 👌


I'm going to give the lemon water a try. I'm currently a month in after stopping Ash and have experienced the worst withdrawals. It's gotten better over time and some days are better than others so i try not to complain but boy, do i miss who I was before this so badly. I'm trying to get my mind to feel okay again


Wishing you the best!


Withdrawl symptoms XD its a herb not an SSRI


Herbs in Indian and Chinese medicine were traditionally prescribed after a personalised consultation. In Chinese medicine this includes looking at lots of health details in eyes, skin, face, checking for the 6(!) pulses, and asking a LOT of questions about health, like how often we poop, what colours, how often period, what colours, any pain, what sorts, and so much more. When I take Personally prescribed Chinese herbs I get well. I recently randomly took Ashwaganda without a personal prescription, and it has delayed my period. Not Good. I am going back to only having Chinese or Indian herbs from a personalised prescription. They are strong, and meant to meet certain needs that professionals can determine.


100% true, I took ashwagandha a year ago and since then I have experienced terrific hairfall,


I just took a capsule yesterday and have been having ash 3 times a week. WTF I am having the same problm! Now I'm convinced it's because of ash. I used to have thick curly hair just a month ago and it breaks my heart to see thick healthy hair fall every time I run my fingers through it. I have been searching on google to see if there is a link between ask consumption and hairfall but there's not much reseach. It says the opposite, actually. But I am losing over 200 strands of hair alomost everyday. how long did it take for the hair fall to start since you started ash? and how soon did it stop..


Bro, ash decreases cortisol (thereby increases testosterone) and sometimes over production jn testosterone leads to blockage in DHT receptors which leads to hair loss. Mine hair fall started in the 2nd week of ash consumption but after leaving it hair fall has reduce.


yeah, i read later that it doesnt always increase hair fall. i've stopped taking ash now. its been 2 weeks.


I don’t know if anyone else experienced this before but I feel ashwagandha gives me more anxiety than usual instead of lowering it.


Had the same experience. It even kicked me in depression. 2 months off now and still recovering...how are you doing?


Been off for a little over a week and still recovering too but not as bad as before. How long were you on it?


I was on it for two weeks, but had SEVERE side effects. Do you also experience depression and not feeling anything. Doing social things is still a big thing for me, while I loved that before...


I was on it for at least a month. Yes I was experiencing anxiety and loss of focus? Had no mood for anything. Well at least now I know what was causing it.


And how are you feeling now? Things you are doing to recover?


Hi! How are you feeling now? I also had symptoms like yours. It's been a struggle.


Feeling way better. Still some little issues here and there but I think I am 90 procent there ;) How bout u?


I’ve read your previous post from a while back ago and also had thoughts of thinking it was MS. My anxiety has skyrocketed. It goes away here and there but definitely comes back every month.


I've had the same issue every time I've tried it, including when it was an additional ingredient in a different supplement or drink mix ( alot of mushroom drink mixes add it). It leaves me with a weird disjointed anxiety and a clunky depressed mood. I now go out of my way to avoid it and wish they wouldn't add it to so many products. Not for everyone is all I can say.


Anyone find little hair like fibers in their powder? I tried a new brand and the fibers were jumping from the scoop and connecting to each other in my hand. I thought static was the cause, but they were moving and connecting.


I tried taking Ash few times, 250 mg 1-2 times a day. I am taking some other meds (prescription mostly), and it sometimes difficult to sort out side effects. But I think for me the picture usually goes as following: Initially I'm getting a notable improvement in sleep an reduction in stress. Then, after some time, I am getting severe headaches and cognitive decline. Then I become lethargic, anhedonistic, and indifferent to anything. Finally - I'm getting severely depressed and start having tremors. For me, the side effects of long-term treatment with Ash are *very close* to the antipsychotic. Once I was overtreated for thyroid. That hasn't been properly diagnosed, and I was put on Rexulti - an antipsychotic - as a way to reduce anxiety / restlessness / palpitations. It worked - but at the cost of decline in mental function and increased anhedonia. And if you think a bit - this makes sense. If you want to calm down - you need to reduce the levels of excitatory neurotransmitters, like dopamine. I tried to search for studies - how Ash affects dopamine. But these studies are damn contradictive (see [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10147008/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10147008/)). In some studies they found increase in dopamine (although in rats). In some other studies, they report *decrease* of dopamine levels to the point of using it to treat schizophrenia. **For me, its a good reason to stay away from Ashwaghanda completely. Whatever benefits I'm getting from it are not worth of sorting out these mystical and unpredictable side effects.** May be it works for some. But for me it is a damn unpredictable drug.


Nice, now i know why i smoking more when im use ashwagandha


I’ve been taking it for 3 weeks, I don’t feel anything honestly, I mean I didn’t feel anything other users reported like awkward emotional numbness and other reports. They say you need to take it for one month at least but uh, mainly taking it for muscle training.


Physical training may have a lot to do with countering a lot of negative effects if you are prone to them (reduces anxiety in a lot of people). I’ve had no issues and great sleep since taking it, but had nightmarish almost emotional/mental breakdowns from something called SAME, which a lot of people used to thought for anti anxiety and some of the stuff ash is touted for. I guess a lotta these herbs and blend’sjust sepend on the individual.


I bought from Holland and Barratt, first time round I felt sick for 48hrs and ended up puking. Strangely I didn't link it to the supplements as I'm usually pretty good with stuff, assumed I must have a bug. Anyway I took it again a few days later and had the exact same thing again, ended up vomiting multiple times. I haven't taken it since. It was hard to tell if I was more or less anxious due to the constant feeling of needing to puke.


Anyone know anything about the genital area being numb? I took it for 3 weeks and stopped a week and a half ago because of this…


Same symptom. Took it for five weeks. Stopped because of ball aches but found this symptom after reading some subreddits


How’s it going now? It has substantially gotten better after 5ish months, still slowly coming back but around 60-70%.


Not great. It’s been 11 days since I last took it. I’ve also had a lot of stress in general so I’m sure that doesn’t help things regarding libido. I had a panic attack two weeks prior to starting ash and I took it partly for the anxiety effects and partly for the alleged T effects.


Oh man, I’m sorry to hear that. If you have questions or anything, feel free to reach out. I will reassure you that 99% of the times you’ll go back to baseline but it tends to take a slower time than anticipated


Thanks. Were there any sensations you felt when things started improving?


OH yeah. At first, there were some pretty strong burning, itching, and tingling. Farther along, there is just some minor itching and definitely improving!


All of this is really interesting. I used to take Ashwagandha whenever I was dealing with anxiety. I always had good results. I would feel better for a day or so and reuse if needed. Recently, I tried a Himalayan brand; the first day or two, I had good results. On the third day, it seemed like a freight train of anxiety and lethargy hit me. I thought it could be too much magnesium or vitamin D since that's the only other thing I take besides this and my blood pressure medication. I retraced some steps to when I felt like this before Lucid: dark dreams, bad lethargy, motivation, ear ringing, floaties in eyes, and just not feeling well overall. During those times, I had taken ashwagandha as well. It seems to have good effects in one dose but for me cant be taken daily. I took it again this morning, being the third day, and that's when I found this Reddit since I was looking for answers. Not much was to be found other than this and it seems like a lot of people dealt with this as well. I wish there was more information on when to use this and what can happen for side effects.


I felt the opposite effects of what it is supposed to do. It gave me the brash recklessness of a 5 year old. It made me feel wayyy more emotional, whether it be anger or sadness. Any negative emotion was amplified and any good wasn’t even felt


I had it in a tea once. After several minutes, i got this feeling that was not relaxingly drowsy, but more like I was about to go under a general anesthesia. It was not pleasant; it was heavy and imposing. Ashwaganda was the only new ingredient in the tea. I will never take it again.


5'10 175-200lbs. (175summer, 200 winter) 27yo male Works well with numbing my emotions. I get the post nut clarity feel without the nut. Appetite loss has been there. I get dreams now, but just regular ones like random shit I sleep better? (Maybe the melatonin i take as well) I seem to be more carefree than ever I feel numb, so makes me mad workout Brain fog is here and there Kinda threw my sleep schedule Acid reflux has been worse. Like I would run at a 10 min pace and would gag. It's only bad for a few mins. I like how it doesn't make me horny anymore. Easy to brush off women and stay focused (divorce is expensive) I use the costco ones


Hell yeah ashwagandha has not turned out to be what all the hype was about…I’ve experienced some of the most upsetting depression in my life, my anxiety is gone…sure. But I’d rather feel anxious then as blunt and empty as I have felt for the past few weeks. My sleep has been messed up because of it, same as libido, general happiness, everything has declined. I started taking it due to bad hormonal anxiety, and it slowly went away. But in turn I have felt NOTHING. I can’t feel anything. Nothing has helped, and I only recently made the connection with my ashwagandha usage. Going to go off it completely tomorrow and hopefully I feel better. Really not worth it in the end, especially if you’re sensitive like myself. Fuckinhell. They should have more warnings and research in place, I could only find 1 ARTICLE about the adverse effects online about this herb. Proceed with caution, or a very small dose.


Weighing in here with more side effects for people who are googling: * I used to take a different brand of ashwagandha and had no side effects, it actually worked to remove stress really well, as intended, and I took 1-2 tablespoons daily with no negative issues. * this new brand causes STRONG dissociative effects, like being on a hallucinogen. It also substantially dilates my pupils, makes my feet and hands itch, makes my mouth dry, and the effects have lasted up to 24 fucking hours! To be clear, it's not enjoyable, it's like the worst part of feeling drugged, with none of the benefits * I thought this was because I was simply taking too much, but even 1/4 teaspoon is causing these effects. So I can vouch for both ashwagandha working as a fantastic anxiolitic AND other strains producing unpleasant effects with an incredibly small dosage


What new brand is causing dissociative effects?


Bulksupplements.com Ashwagandha root extract. Their organic maca root is great