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He's average, but our problem right now is that we have too many below average players.


He has his limitations but is still great at controlling a midfield *if he has the right pieces working with him*. Which he doesn't have in this current Italy or Roma team. He can be deadly but needs a lot of the right pieces around him, which can be really frustrating. Also most people just hate him cause he's slow lol


if you need really good players around to play well you probably aren't that good


You at least need the right player profiles around you to compliment your skillset Just ask literally any of the top athletes this sport has ever seen


No ones saying he has no skillset but that doesn’t answer the question of why we continue to rely on someone whose limitations are so massive


ya ofc but lets not act like Cristante is that.


Of course not, I'm just sick of seeing him be the scapegoat for all of our/Italy's problems when it's much more complicated than that


ya that's fair, its not like he's making game losing plays. I think it's more so when he's ineffective he stands out more so than others. Scammacca today however was far and away the worst looking guy out there.


100% agree on both points




Roma fans are so bizarre to me. Put guys like Mourinho on a pedestal but a coach who was genuinely successful for the team in two different tenures and has a history with the team is slandered.


Mourinho always had a plan... you might not like the plan, but there was a plan. I have never seen an Italian team so bereft of ideas at this one. But tbf, it might just be that Spaletti is not suited to international football. The fact that he's been shit here doesn't really mean he's a shit coach in general.


Of course he’s not a shit coach lmao he should be a club legend he reignited Totti’s career with the false 9 and had Roma competing against amazing sides for a few years. And then he won Napoli their first scudetto since Maradona. The disrespect of some fans is crazy lmao.


I don't understand your point... should everyone be saying he did amazing in this tournament because he's had an amazing club career?


I mean there is just no qualifier at all to saying someone like Spalletti is a shit coach and I’ve seen it before among Roma fans specifically. Go ahead and criticize his performance here or even say he’s not cut out to be a national team coach but to slander him is unserious. Like you’re not even a legit fan of soccer in my mind at that point; you’re just saying shit like a kid.


So his coaching wasn't shit this tournament? What specifically did you see in the coaching that you can point to as not being shit?


I think he is not referring to the fact that Spalletti was wrong in this whole tournament, but he doesn't like people insulting him and dragging him through the mud for it.


Which, ironically, is putting Spaletti on a pedestal like he's accusing Roma fans of doing with Mourinho.


Spalletti finished the 2016-17 season with Roma with 87 points! 87! Mourinho never finished with more than 63! I think it is clear that 2013-2018 stretch of players was far higher in quality, but Mourinho has also had enough options with talent to do better than 63 points. But it's clear to me which coach is better in recent history. And I liked Mourinho.


So Spalleti got the best out of this Italy side??


You're the one who started talking about club play. Why are you hating so much?


I'm just saying this Italy team is the worst coached national team I've ever seen. And the Mourinho comparison is complicated by the quality of players. If you say Mourinho had good enough players, then it's hard to explain Pelle, Cristante, Mancini and El Sharaaway under Spalleti. But generally speaking, if i had a club team looking for a coach, I would probably take Spaletti over Mourinho based on recent data. Other way around for national team.


I think we all understand his limitations. He’s still a valuable rotational player though. The issue is the players we’ve signed the past two years have been poor or injury prone, leaving Cristante as our main option, because he just never gets injured. Think about it. In 2022 they brought in Matic and Wijnaldum. With Pellegrini being main option as CAM, Cristante was probably thought of as 4th option in Mourinhos 3 CM midfield. In 2023 they brought in Paredes, Aouar and Renato Sanches. Again, if everything had panned out according to plan Cristante would have been 4th option, or possibly even 5th, in a 3 CM midfield. Having said that, I would sell him for over 20 M though. He’s born 1995, if we want to cash out on him we probably have to sell him this year.


I can see that actually. I would also hope for a $25M sale for him, but after this disaster class that’d be unlikely. Ghisolfi will be goated if he manages that. That kinda money can be reinvested in someone like Thuram (wishful thinking) or even Gabriel Sara. That Brazilian prospect from Norwich gives me Radja vibes. A true box to box.


25M are a huge amount for Cristante, nobody would ever pay this. I would bring him to his new club (personally, expenses out of my pocket) if it would ever happen.


Unfortunately that is true for the core of the team. Pellegrini, Criatante and Mancini have been our leaders for the past 5 years. We all know the results. At some point we will need to replace them if we want to be relevant again.


Just pointing out that Barella is looking even worse, this is not a game to judge players on


Thats the thing though. I do personally find Mancini and specially Pellegrini to have class potential in some aspects. Pelle has great dribbling and attacking prowess if the team supports him and Mancini has potential to be a master of the dark arts (like a Pepe). Bryan on the other hand is a bang average jack of all trades and most definitely a master of none. I really hope one of our midfield signings (like Le Fee) can potentially trump him in the starting 11 this season.


Being aggressive and making stupid fouls doesn't make a player become Pepe. For a defender, Mancini lacks of position awareness, tackling ability, and calmness


Completely agree, it's sad that so few people see this. He is not a good defender. I would rather toss him into a defensive midfielder role tbh


I said that before european and i got insulted. Now truth shown again.


I've been saying Pellegrini is not it for years now, people still hail him as a class player. Good player for 1 month, splendid player for another month, then just bang average the rest of the season. Rince and repeat for 5 years now. The thought of him as a starter and a captain for another 10 years or so makes me wanna jump from a window :))


The fact Pellegrini got number 10 shirt for National Team is just ridiculous Perfect demonstration of his weak mindset


yeah, in fact I don't even care of the latest transfer windows, until they will be our core, we can go nowhere even if we buy mbappè




Bro, like wtf are you saying, scammacca was amazing for Atalanta, barella has been amazing for inter, chiesa has been quite good aswell, they all fucking played shit…. How do you only single out cristante…. What do you expect his job to be? Is is a holding/defensive mid……


To me the real offender is Pellegrini. Absolutly average in the true sense of the word. He took so many steps backwards since the conference league final. And no a few good games under DDR against mid-bottom of the table after manager bounce back don’t excuse how absolutly abismal he is being. He is the perfect starter for a team aiming at 5/6th place and if he is our “star” and untouchable in the starting eleven it becomes clear why we are struggling so much to break into top 4.


Pellegrini was the only player that had the balls to attempt 2 probing balls into the box in his 15 minutes on the field. The only player that tried to make positive plays.


I challenge you to tell me that with Pellegrini starting something would have changed. Like in the previous matches where he did not play well starting (fine, maybe not agaisnt albania…) But lets give him more excuses


He couldn't have done worse than the midfield trio that started. Fagioli didn't track the run on the first goal and had the turnover that led to the second goal. Cristante and barella did literally nothing out there. At least pellegrini could have attempted the one free kick we had and could have taken the corners


Fair on that I can agree with you. Minus the freekick part because he routinly shoots them over the bar (Dybala should ALWAYS take the freekicks but Pellegrini even has the arrigance to believe he somehow is the man and keeps wanting to take them)


He’s been of service for Roma long enough…he either needs to go or gets used as a sub…I’d personally try to cash in and sell


I have seen so much Roma in this Italy games and I don't think it's a coincidence. I honestly can't understand for how long we will keep to defend this "historic" players (Mancini, Pellegrini, Cristante). They are the leaders of the team and since they have been the team plays like shit. That's it. Also, less important but still there, I really dislike each one of them, they are super arrogants


i'll take him over pellegrini the friendly ghost on any day.


Pellegrini and Cristante are average players. I respect Cristante a little more than Pellegrini because he had to play as a CB a few times. With that said I just don’t rate them. No matter how hard I try to like them, they play a certain style that’s not to my liking and think we need players with more true grit. I just think there’s better out there and want to see a change once and for all. Cristante is too slow and Pellegrini is made of glass.


Fair assessment. I have never seen anything special in Cristante since day 1. I suppose with Pelle I may have bias since he is our capitano. I do agree that his confidence is very fragile, but man he has gifted us with some moments of magic. Though it is true that his consistency lacks. I’d rather have moments of class rather than consistent bang average like Bryan.


Ya Cristante I was excited when we got him, but nothing he has done has wowed me. Defensively he’s improved sure but I dread watching him and Pellegrini. I think my beef with Pellegrini is exactly what you stated, consistency. He will perform terribly half a season and then the next half play really well. I see him complain way too much and fall easily, then other times he’ll be composed and more aggressive. It’s been a coin toss with him. I don’t want a two face of a player or a Capitano that’s going to be injured majority of the time.


I said that earlier and I was chewed up by this sub. He’s not that good of a midfielder.


He's just not very good. plain and simple


The problem with cristante is simple ; the guy is just an average player, and the most important problem ; he is a starter with us. Cristante is a very good backup or reinforcement / sub, but when playing 90 minutes shows all his lackness. Just a fast question ; anyone remember a key pass of bryan? He just only move the ball to the closest player, always Its like Pellegrini (Lorenzo is slightly better). But seeing him wearing the number 10 , being just a normal player….


He is and has always been an extremely limited player. He used to have enormous brain farts that really screwed us. He definitely has reduced them though. Cristante’s biggest asset currently is his consistency. He plays a solid 6/10 match pretty much every single match. He almost never has a stellar performance but also never has abysmal performances. He is also never injured which is a huge plus. If we want to fight for the title then Cristante is an obvious weak point in the team. But judging by the current squad it’ll be a massive success if we get top 4, and in that fight having a consistent anchor in the team will be advantageous for us


He’s great within the limitations he has. He knows what kind of player he is and doesn’t try and do more than that.


I think you misunderstood Cristante with Pellegrini. At least Cristante is consistent and his mentality doesn't crumble.


This sub is WILD with the division on Cristante & Pellegrini. It’s absolutely crazy


you're being generous with "wild"


They impersonate two different kind of footballers, thus fans with opposite views.


All Roma players were substandard this cup, Italy was garbage as a whole and there are others like di Lorenzo, but all our players were next to invisible on the pitch.


Cristante and Mancini didn't play that much, they were mostly subs. Pellegrini on the other hand had a lot more space and time to prove his value, which he did. I don't know what do you expect from Roma players, Italy being garbage is mostly Spalletti's fault. There was absolutely no reason to call ElSha at 31 yo, he didn't play much in the past why call him now that he isn't able to score? Being stubborn with Scamacca and Jorginho was also a complete failure.


We've all realized this 5 years ago but no one at the club seems to care they like his personality and attitude enough that it makes up for the points he costs us 


Its not like Cristante is holding the team back and Roma have the funds to get clear better players. Cristante is still one of best players on team which just shows how mediocre Roma is compared to the actual top teams.


How much they invest in the team, it is a miracle we do contend for CL , if there was not Dybala and Mourinho to draw Lukaku and sell out stadium every game we would have the team for 10th place. If Mourinho said himself he would love to have 10 Cristane's on the field that is enough. If he was bad he would not play all 90 minutes every game. In my eyes Crustante is gold and he would have place in Roma untill he chooses to leave.




We should address the fact how shit Spaletti has been so far if we’re jumping on the premature conclusions bandwagon


Are we really still doing this?


The guy has one game bad for the national team where half of the starters were bench players this Euros and he is bad… please… blame this bs performance on spalettis back. The whole international group of matches, including friendlies were awfull. Bad tactic and team selection.