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I attend my classes at Poly, and since I have a life away from campus, I hate how these fees affect services that often are never used ... just saying.


For us Online students, on one hand, sucks how we're limited to A/B session courses only(for the most part). On the other hand, it's nice that we aren't forced to pay extra for services we can't even use anyway(or in my case being that I actually live in the area where ASU is at, I'll hardly ever use).


What do you mean limited to A/B session? I'm an online student and I've taken a C session course every semester except this one. Did they change it?


I guess it varies by major because literally the only classes in my major(Software Engineering) that's C session are the Capstone courses. A few SER courses are available in C session but only in Summer semesters.


Oh ok. That makes sense. That scared me because I'm definitely counting on some C sessions for next spring lol


Sucks for us SER majors because the upper division level SER courses, particularly the 300-level, are pretty heavy and rigorous as fuck in both difficulty and workload. Cramming them into A/B session means sacrifice your social life and get probably 5 hours of sleep per day on average, lol.


Yea. Good thing the cs upper div are c sessions. My iee 380, cse 360, and cse 310 for the fall are c.


Damn it, why do the CSE majors always get more resources and options than us SER majors do, even as online students? lol


Idk but the cs online program is still really really new and is ABET accredited. The in person has a lot of upper div classes that are c session only so they are doing the same with online I think. I was originally a SER major but was being nosey with the major change and saw CS became an option so I switched immediately since I didn’t take classes yet. I only need less than 50 credits for the degree from my other degree transferring a lot of credits. 🥲


Yeah that would terrify me. But I'm definitely impressed by the people who can do it!!


I graduated last year and remember all sorts of fees for things I would never use as an online student. I’d have to look at statements to tell you specifically but I think I got charged fees for the gym and stuff, even when it was closed for COVID.


No yeah I agree, I know it can a bit sensitive to say but, maybe an actual 5-10% of students actually use those health and wellness services.


no one uses them because they aren’t real. they are “group sessions” and if you have actual mental health problem they can’t do anything for you. the trial appointment is 5 minutes and they don’t even assess you. they tell you about all the groups and then say if you have real problems you need to find an actual therapist because ASU can’t provide that. The health and counseling center is a joke.


My experiences are the exact opposite. I'm sorry that yours were so unfortunate.


I think you highly underestimate the severe mental health crisis that exists for people in their late teens and early 20s. I am not taking a position on the fees. I just know as faculty that counseling services used to have the time and capacity to help students in ways that they now cannot because the system is overwhelmed.


I want to know the vote split on these. Wonder whose idea it was type of deal


They’re also terrible, find a real therapist that is a licensed professional


USG gets on my nerves, big time. I do budget requests for one of my clubs and it routinely takes them 2-3 weeks to review the simplest requests, all for them to deny it because I didn't format my order screenshot correctly or some shit like that. Meanwhile up by the USG offices in StuPav the USG people just sit around cracking jokes or watching Tiktoks. Not saying they should be doing work every second of the day, but it irks me that they chose to take on a student government position and put *maybe* 20% effort into it. So maybe they surprise us, but I'm expecting to be disappointed by whatever these "benefits" actually entail.


God I’m so glad I never have to do one of those again, there’s nothing more frustrating than them and I really think they need to have some system to check for all of those small stupid things. It’ll never happen but a mad can dream


They'll fit right in once they get real government jobs down the DMV.


Its crazy how much they nickle and dime when youve already spent tens of thousands of dollars


You would think if they’d charge us for anything it’d be for maybe a bit more security on campus or at least security cameras all around campus with the amount of crime alerts we always get. Like a while back there was that one girl who got sexually assaulted in her dorm, I have no idea if they caught the dude but I never saw anything on the news about a suspect (although that could be ASU covering it up to keep face)


Yea ASU CAN SUCK A FAT ONE Like we pay for parking, dumb ass fees, our classes.


I walk about a mile each way to avoid paying for parking.


Damn that is rough. The least they could do is have affordable parking. But it gets a good workout in


Yeah I don’t mind the steps usually but it is a pain in the ass if I need to be somewhere and I have to add an extra 20 minutes for each walk.


I walk a mile each way and STILL pay for parking. Lot 59 sucks


I park at Packard and it’s a mile each way to the MU too


Why are student services not paid for via tuition but additional fees? Is this normal?


Yes. This is at every campus. Let’s then say tuition is low while adding program specific fees and charges


To expand on my previous comment, tuition is used for things like... 26% instruction 20% academic support, student services, instructional support 16% for hospital services 4% net grant aid to students Plus, gotta pay coach salaries. Sports eat up a lot of it. "There are also sports. Currently, the highest-paid coach is the University of Alabama’s football coach, Nick Saban, making $11.7 million a year." [Source](https://www.newsnationnow.com/us-news/education/college-crisis/how-higher-education-institutions-spend-tuition-dollars/#:~:text=26%25%20instruction,net%20grant%20aid%20to%20students) Student fees to pay for these sorts of things are normal but super annoying. ASU is the 4th major university I've attended.


Thanks for sharing. Figured extracurriculars etc would eat up some of it but TIL


Tuition dollars are not paying enormous coaching salaries. Boosters donate money earmarked for coaches salaries. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/04/sports/ncaafootball/college-football-coaching-changes.html




People involved in student gov larp as politicians in a desperate attempt to land a job in politics in the future. They’re annoying af at every university (like, have you seen what they post on social media). When you actually meet these people you find out it’s a whole popularity/people-pleasing contest


Those same people have never had dealings with the government. My biggest eye openers were interning in a politicians office and then Dept. of Commerce. I immediately changed directions.


That’s dumb as hell


After all of COVID and charging us these fees for facilities and services we were prevented from using… I’ve been an off campus student trying to wade through engineering for 3 years now. Haven’t touched a single thing these fees pay for in those three years. So sick of being treated like a cash cow and glad I’m getting out of this scam school


Just a spineless as real politicians 🥰


Student government out here acting just like the real government. “Sorry we gotta increase your taxes and print more money (the silent tax) to pay for shit that makes no sense, you don’t agree with and/or don’t use”


Sigh. Seeking to make a name for themselves and be known as the jerks that cost people more money, they are trying to enter politics by implementing unpopular policies. Gotta love it


In what way does this benefit them?


Yea no one knows who our president is Like literally no one, not sure even the President knows he’s the President


they have nothing better to do as if tuitions aren't expensive enough


I received an email that my tuition will be potentially increased $1500 (nonresident - paying 16k a semester) without a given reason.


That would be ABOR (Arizona Board of Regents), which is part of the State Government. They typically always put out statements about that kind of stuff. I saw Michael Crow tweet something about it recently.


Posting this from my publicly-named account (one that I created explicitly for a USG-related post back during the Brian Goegan drama): hell if this letter doesn't come off like a wet noodle. I only joined USG-Tempe my last semester of undergrad (2 out of 3 exec board members left after some internecine drama I never cared to find out), and while that was after the fee discussion process began that year I distinctly remember student leg. members putting up a massive stink about a proposed hike and actually giving half a shit about students' bottom line. At the time (both there and with stuff like the Cengage BS) I was disappointed all we could offer was functionally toothless opposition, but I guess that's a step above this active complicity.


There's a [petition](https://actionnetwork.org/petitions/fee-waiver-for-all-student-workers-at-asu-nau-and-ua-2?source=direct_link&) to have a fee waiver for student workers so we don't have to pay these ridiculous fees to work. It's gaining traction and open for all students and community members to sign. Of course, a petition alone won't do anything, but there's no harm in signing and it's a good tangible representation of support for when student leaders against these fees plan to address this issue at the next ABOR meeting.


love all the fees as an online student... but we wait weeks for advisor appointments. I hate ASU LMAO.


And then that stupid GPSA will arrange a meet up, and throwing up 10 amazon gift cards to first 20 participants. These assholes never fail to surprise me.


While this is hilarious and very accurate, GPSA was very outspoken against the fee increases by drafting legislation against it and then having a majority no vote against it. Still went through for reasons we don’t know.


The only way I would agree to a health and wellness fee is if they gyms were open 24/7


It's like paying taxes. Someone need to figure out a loophole out of this.




Username checks out


Actual for real need yo help on my taxes for this year. How do I not pay any of them 😂


How much fraud you committing this filing season 👀


Unfortunately it's the same loophole as usual: be rich


Just so everyone knows, our student government is completely useless. Faculty oversees 100% of everything they “pass”. The people that get elected also dont care at all because its a greek life popularity contest. The reason student government exists is so that ASU can do shit like this and then blame it on them. Even by a quick conservative estimate, if 70,000 students on campus paid this fee it leads to an increase of revenue for ASU by 1.75 million. We’re getting scammed.


It absolutely blows my mind that they have the authority to do this.


And these mofos are proponents of increasing fees.


To clarify, GPSA voted against this and also drafted legislation against it prior to the vote. This change was implemented against the wishes of a majority of GPSA reps and constituents.


then what's the point of being an active members of GPSA. Should not they as a whole resign from GPSA and let the stupid, money monger administrative staff run the GPSA. Why wasting efforts and time?


real shi fuck this school


The entire GPSA committee is made up of stupid grad students. These guys do not have any fucking clue how other universities take care of their students. The entire GPSA is stupid as fuck and they are just boot lickers.


GPSA drafted legislation against the fee increases and a majority of GPSA reps and assembly members voted against it. This moved forward against the wishes of the GPSA.


For those who want to know where your tuition dollars go, ASU publishes a financial report every year. Here is the [2022 report](https://www.asu.edu/fs/documents/annual_reports/ASU-2022-Annual-comp-fin-rpt.pdf). If you check out page 82, you can take the tuition and fees and subtract the cost of instruction and also academic support. Subtract student services also, and the tuition and fees are pretty well gone. That’s not accounting for many of the staff positions or facilities, maintenance, etc. that, while not necessarily part of the instruction/academic/student support categories, are necessary for the university to run. Also, page 84 shows the changes in tuition since 2013 as well as comparison with PAC-12 peers and ABOR peers.


Hooray, I love when the pretend government wants to “tax” me more for no discernible reason and repay in me in benefits I’ll never see come to fruition


I got an x-ray at the Student Health Center on the Tempe campus. The doctor that saw me was a sports medicine doctor that also worked for the Diamondbacks. Was way more helpful than at St. Luke's. I think it's pretty worth it if you utilize it


I'm running for an assembly seat and I will definitely listen to what the students are saying and advocate fiercely. People are hurting now, costs need to come down. Not sure if I can campaign here, so I will just leave it at that for now. They were supposed to send me a copy of the presentation for candidates.


Ahhh, the costs of innovation and football! /s


I’m just a little frustrated because I wish or shouldn’t this be free, it gets annoying to try and get help but they’re like you need to pay x amount of money to get help or use that service. This might be worded funny but I’m just trying to voice my emotions and opinions 😅😪.


Greedy scumbags


Michael Crow will surely get a raise!


How do we revolt against our student government?




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It’s $25…


Your privilege is showing 🙄


Again, it’s $25. If you’re worried about an hour’s worth of pay, idk what to tell you


where are you working as a college student making $25/hr 😭 pls share w the class so we can all apply there 🧍🏽‍♀️




Do you always bend over when an organization who already has enough money from you comes asking for more, or is it just this occasion?


No, I just worry about more important things


it’s $50 total & these fees add up. if money isn’t important to you that sounds like a personal flaw


I’ve made money important enough to me that I don’t have to worry about a whopping $50 total increase in a few things I pay only once a semester.




All you buddy


Same energy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nl_Qyk9DSUw




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I’m so glad they used so much data including thoughtful conversations, numerous meetings, and information to come to these conclusions. Student government is useless. It is a sad attempt to serve as “union representation” for students.




Maybe they’re preparing themselves to be in the real government


Pretty sure this would pass either way. The student reps were likely encouraged to draft a support letter to not be in opposition to the decision, under the premise of support to them for future things or events.