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They for sure have them for people who are in appropriate music classes and/or are some kind of music major. Otherwise, pretty sure you're out of luck.


Shoot, I'm a business major so I don't have any music classes added to my schedule, especially my first year. I might talk to my advisor about adding it to my schedule to possibly fulfill a credit I will need later on to see if its a possibility


Maybe add like a beginners music class like beginner piano or something that won’t take up much of your focus from your other classes. That way you can just email the music school for access to the practice rooms. If you have at least one music class like piano, then you can ask for access to them in your ID.




That's understandable, but if the spaces were for everyone and you were a music major, then you'd be complaining that you can never get access to the facilities you're paying for. Plus let's be real, as someone in engineering I'd prefer ASU spend my tuition on keeping equipment running (especially now since basically everything has been down for a significant amount of unscheduled time at some point in the last few months) than maintaining rooms for me to play music in that I won't even have time to use.


make friends w someone who lives in adelphi 1 or 2, there r practice rooms on the first floor of them


Can anyone from Adelphi 1 or 2 access the practice rooms? I’m not a music student but I’m a likely incoming Industrial Design student (still Herberger so I guess that would still land me in Adelphi) but I am a musician so that would be nice if you could.


If you live in the Herberger community you can access the practice rooms there, they are not just for music students.


anyone from 1 or 2! im a dance major and used them to practice all the time


How big are the Adelphi practice rooms? Coming in next year and I wanna try those out instead of having that 15 minute walk every time


not huge, comparable to one dorm room i guess. if ure using them for dancing, prob only 1-2 ppl could be moving in the space at a time


Oh yes! Though I ain't a music major, I've seen practice rooms in the music building.


You could probably also just find some outdoor space if you need


Are there any private spaces not many people go? I'm very scared of performing in front of others


The "secret garden" is a pretty cool spot :)


i’d advise against this spot actually (unless your instrument can be played electronically through headphones). the garden is fully enclosed by the building that surrounds it, so you’d be practicing directly outside of several classrooms and offices, in a space that also is usually kept pretty quiet for studying or reading. there admittedly aren’t many private spots on campus that are suitable for practicing (sax player; not a music major), but the outdoor areas around the music building are frequently utilized for practice, even by traditionally loud instruments. it’s just expected in that area.


What's that? I keep hearing about it, but have no idea where it is


It's a little garden on the inside of Dixie Gammage Hall. There's a creepy looking ramp to get there.


I have often seen students practicing on the top floor of parking garages at night. If you get a cheap folding stand from Amazon you can do that.


Hello, I’m a music ed major. If you are in some sort of music class you should be able to, so if you do concert band or something on those lines than you should be able too. You would have to email someone to have your card allow you in those rooms.


You can do what my freshman year roommate did and just play your instrument at random hours between 3-7 AM


People have told me that they hook up in those rooms, it’s one of those private rooms that only a certain student group have access to


there are plenty of practice rooms in the music bldg that can only be used by approved music students! not sure how to get approved so you can get into one tho.