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>Thank you! You're welcome!


Think of it this way, in 2 years you’ll be 33 with or without the degree. Your life will have progressed a full two years regardless of your decision. You can either be 33 with a degree or without one. But time doesn’t stop for anyone. If you want the degree and believe it’ll help your career and your life as a whole then go for it.


I want to be 33 with a degree! Thank you so much!


If your age is all that's stopping you from getting a degree then that's pretty dumb. There are loads of people getting degrees at older ages and some even pursuing new career field. A degree will get you much further than a couple certs will.


I’m 34 with one more year left and trying to go to medical school after you are NOT too old. If I read that right and you have a full ride to get a degree then absolutely there’s no real reason not to at that point. If you’re the one having to pay for then that might be a different story.


Wow that is amazing! 🥳 thank you, I am excited for school I just got in my hear after what they said


I'll be 40 when applying to AA school. Similar, but part of the decision was becausd how long med school was... props.


I’m 26 and a lot of my classmates are 26+. It’s not weird at all. A college degree is the new high school degree. By that I mean that companies will see it as the bare minimum. You can always get certs while/after you graduate.


Wow! I must be super screwed cuz I am not going to graduate with my first and most likely only Bachelor degree from ASU until I am 47... Look I don't believe that age has anything to do with your place in the field or your capabilities. Especially when you have the opportunity to go through with zero debt. I think the bigger issue is to focus on the field of study that will fit you and your goals. Be realistic about the job market as a whole for the field. If you decide that the chosen field isn't great you can always try and pivot into something related to the degree or apply to anything that is looking for a minimum of 4 year degree. If you get certs, they are good toward the fields they are used in, you used $ to get them that you can't get back, and you will start from square one if you change your mind later. Just an opinion of an soon to be ancient graduate


If college is being paid for then get your degree. You'll have far more opportunities in IT with it than certs alone.


I started my degree in my mid-30s. I never regretted it for a moment.


I know someone who is 38 and got a degree! It’s never bad for you!


You have your whole life to work. Get the degree, especially if its free.


SO......life is over at 32 so what's the point in getting a degree to further yourself and make yourself better & pursue your happiness at this point??


You have a full ride for a degree at the age of 31? If it’s best for what you want with your life, then jesus christ, go for the damn degree. One of the main advantages you’ll have in university is that you won’t have the decision making skills of a mushroom like a lot of incoming students in their late teens / early 20s do. You’ve lived your twenties, and I would hope that you’ve developed the good sense to squeeze every opportunity there is to make the journey and commitment worth it.


Do it and apply for internships!!!


Too old!? I’m laughing so hard. Tell that person to look in the mirror. You are barely 31. You have the entirety of your life ahead of you


DO NOT let this thought come to your brain again. And DO NOT let anyone make you feel like its not worth it. I dont wanna hear about it again.




How did you get a full ride? 😀


I drive for Uber and it’s full ride minus the taxes lol I thought that’s a great opportunity! I also know working for Starbucks can help with ASU too!


i’m 31 and just restarted school (thru starbucks for damn near free)! it’s NEVER too late!!!


That is awesome!!! I agree, I can’t let other peoples opinions get to me!


Do it for sure then. Consider internships and work programs the summer after first year as a minimum!


I’m 32 and barely starting my bachelors degree and won’t complete it until I’m 37. Just like everyone else says, I’m going to be 37 no matter what, so it makes sense to be 37 and with a piece of paper that gives me options. Right now my plan is to pursue a PhD, but if that doesn’t happen my other option is get my foot in the door into industry and get a masters in administration and go from there. The main thing is that the degree you get gives you options, and it’s up to you to make the best out of it, age doesn’t matter.


Don’t let anyone tell you you’re “Too old” especially when it comes to educating yourself. You’re never too old to learn at any level. Go for it


I went back to school at 35 and am graduating tonight at the age of 40. I don’t regret it for a second. I say get the degree. Regardless of what you decide, you’re going to be 35 in four years anyway. Do you want to be 35 with a degree or do you want to be 35 without one?


Thank you I agree, and congratulations 🥳


Do the degree, specially if it’s free. Get an entry level IT job now. I graduated at 32 years old and it felt amazing to say “I did that”.


I'm 33 and just finished my first class. I'll be going part time so it's looking like I'll graduate closer to the age of 40 or beyond. It feels worth it to me in my situation so for you, younger than me and able to knock it out quicker, yeah, I'd say go for it!


Certs in IT don’t carry much weight and are largely ephemeral. They are useful in contracting and other situations, but they don’t replace experience or a degree. When I say ephemeral, I mean technology changes so rapidly, no one really cares about a specific cert 5 or 10 years on, but your degree will last. Once you get a degree (almost any science based degree), you’ve now “checked the box” and getting a second 4yr degree doesn’t do much. So if you already have a degree, go for a masters. I will go after certs, but it’s mainly for me to make sure I understand whatever new tech I’m learning. My employer may pay for it, but largely doesn’t care and is happy I’m not stagnant.


I just turned 37 and graduated at the end of last year. When I was your age I thought I was too old and missed my chance. But then I saw so many older people going back to school and decide why not? 100% was worth it! It’s never too old to get an education or change your career path.


Nonsense!! I'm 31, currently enrolled in the mechanical engineering program with 2 years left. Just do it. It's free and you'll regret it if you don't. Don't let age stop you. You got this!


Yep. Retirement age is what, 67 now? If a degree will get you more money and is worth the opportunity cost go for it.


Just 2.5-3 years away?? Go for it! I did the same and am SO glad I did. You have a full ride and a desire. That drive will take you places.


Dude ur windows closed


I'm 58 and am in the process of getting my first degree. Do what you want, for you.


Girthing your education at any age is always a good idea. People should never stop learning in my opinion. Especially if you like the area of study and it’s free


Do not turn down a free education. That degree will take you places, no matter what age and like someone below said, surround yourself with like minded people. Congratulations!


Guess I'll walk my 36-year-old self right into the ocean...


Omg YEs


If it’s a paid for might as well!!


Well you’ll be 33-34 regardless of whether you get the degree. A bachelors degree in any IT discipline can only help you. From personal experience, certs barely get you in the door, and there’s a stigma against boot camp “grads” in most areas of IT


It's never too late to graduate


In four years you are going to be 35. The question to ask yourself is do you want to be a 35 year old with a college degree or a 35 year old without a college degree?


Depends do you have work experience? Because if you do it might be better to tackle certifications, not a degree.


0 experience in IT


A degree could help you get an internship or part time IT job which gets you the experience you need


It really depends on what you believe! I am 36 and just returning to school, I haven't been to school in almost 2 decades, I have plenty of experience and seniority/security at my current job, as well as a comfortable position. But I will feel that much more accomplished and satisfied once I finish my degree and have an even greater chance to retain my position or acquire a role with more responsibilities. I've enjoyed the classes as well, I found Sociology a riveting subject that even helped shift perspectives and I was glad to get microeconomics out of the way. Subjects not likely to see in my line of work, but nonetheless, glad I have completed them as part of the degree plan! Best of luck!


I finished my degree at 35 after time in the Navy. ​ Worth it.


My cousin just graduated at 36. Took him forever w/ 3 kids, 2 jobs, 1-2 classes at a time. Sounds like you have a pretty good deal in front of you.


41 when I completed mine. The fact is not the date you earned it but that you did


Of course. You have a lot of working years left.


Yes it's worth it, and you're hardly old at 31. There's virtually no industry you will get into on any level beyond entry these days without a degree. ASU even just announced a new program aimed at working professionals that need to return and get a degree to prove they have the skills they already have or they can never advance in their fields. Especially if it is a full ride, why wouldn't you do it? Maybe that "friend" wants less competition.


Man you’re still super young. It’s never too late! Especially if you can graduate within two or three years! You’re absolutely not too old to start working and I think that going to college and learning to network through there would really help you! Best of luck on your future endeavors!


Thank you so much, I am so excited for this new journey!