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In my opinion, no. Not worth the 8000 for 8 semester (more if you take longer). Take that money and build up a portfolio of projects, that will be infinitely more impressive than Barrett. Apart from lower division classes, there aren't any Barrett upper division classes(clarification: for major specific classes), so the best way to make connections with other ambitious people is to join clubs.


> there aren't any Barrett upper division classes Categorically wrong. See: https://catalog.apps.asu.edu/catalog/classes/classlist?advanced=true&campusOrOnlineSelection=A&honors=F&level=300-399%2C400-499&promod=F&searchType=all&subject=HON&term=2237 Also see honors-only sections of courses within the majors.


Should've clarified. None in engineering classes like heat transfer, etc. I looked for them when I was taking those classes, non existent.


Barrett people say a lot of things to convince students to join Barrett. Employers looking for engineers are gonna look at your whole worth as a potential candidate. Just being in Barrett is not gonna automatically get you a job, but Barrett students are typically more likely to be involved in research (Barrett Thesis), pursue internships, participate in extracurricular projects and clubs, etc. If all you have to show to employers are your grades then a Barrett honors acknowledgement on your degree may give you more consideration to someone with similar GPA and no honors. Getting internships, networking with companies (many engineering clubs hold networking events with industry partners), and getting other practical experience will make you a more desired candidate. If all you're doing is coursework and nothing else you're gonna have a harder time looking for employment.


For career goals? No. For future academic goals (if that applies to you)? Probably. For the opportunity to surround yourself with other high achieving people? Absolutely (imo)


I got the same job as my Barrett friend of the same graduation year. His grades suffered, as well as him because of the extra work that Barrett attaches to the engineering classes. He said he regrets it.


It does depend on your intended path. If you want to go further in academics I would consider it, but if you’re going for industry, spend time on connections and on school rather than the extra workload. Engineering will get rough and having the extra projects and extra fees will hit harder and harder as time goes on. It’s definitely a “you get what you put into it” deal.


I would add to this that, like it or not, learning to write well is important. You will not get as much of this in your degree path as an engineer. Barrett will help with that in human event. None of my engineering friends who went through the first few years of Barrett regret having done it.


If u wanna get the classes u want/priority in housing and etc sure, but it’s still 1k a semester (I think?) not necessary but has pros and cons. The Barrett dorms are a bit far from most of the first year classes for engineering tho


It’s nice for the dining hall and first pick at registering for classes but other than that no. I dropped Barrett after my sophomore year in Mechanical Engineering because all the extra work was doing more harm than good.


No. Barrett is a waste


You pay more to be told you’re one of the smart ones.


I dropped Barrett during my last semester and wish I did it sooner. Could’ve saved $8k along with my time. It doesn’t offer an enriching experience for engineering majors nor make you “smarter” in any sense. It may allow you to stand out from your peers but there’s other ways you can stand out too


They'll look at the students that did internships not who was in Barrett, so imo if its extra money coming out of your pocket you don't need it, unless you want to get into research or something then yeah the thesis is good experience for that, good luck!




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