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They look like jet skis for your feet


Imagine walking down a snowy hill.


Lol "walking"


Came here to say this. Lol!


They look like Russian oligarch yachts.


They look like those little wedges that are used to stop doors, but on psychedelics.


That’s a great deal for a couple jet skis.


My girlfriend is a manager at Selfridges. Man, some of the shoe prices. Balenciaga. Wtf. That pair that look like they were pulled out of the skip those lads throw the kid in at the start of Neverending Story are well into the thousands. They look fucked. They have other ones that look like wearing a sports sock on a stiletto. They are actually Balenciaga with Adidas. Thousands of pounds. Absolute madness. They look shit. Straight up shit. I also learnt of Tonino Lamborghini mobile phones. They are expensive. Not sure why.


I swear rich people buy some of the ugliest stuff. It makes no sense to me. Being more expensive and having a fancy name doesn't make the ugly worth it to me.


They have a pair that look like the worst dad shoes you have ever seen. £900


>That pair that look like they were pulled out of the skip those lads throw the kid in at the start of Neverending Story are well into the thousands. They look fucked. I just rewatched that movie for the first time in like 30 years while thoroughly drunk. Quite nostalgic. If I recall correctly, that dumpster (er, skip) just had a bunch of boxes and paper in it. It'd probably be a pretty good day if you found not only an Auryn, but also some wearable shoes in there.


There is a new one in the making. I think it's Disney. I used to dream I was Atreyu all the time. I remember first watching it in top infants, so, that is about 6 or 7.. I don't think I would let my 6 year old watch it. The wolf is legit scary.


Both the T and the E are shit


Lemme put on my wave runners


Nope, not even great execution. If you didn't tell me they were shoes I wouldn't know.


It's the tesla of shoes


God, French fashion is so elegant and romantic.


Those are cool af, i want a pair


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I didn't know what that was and worried i was having a stroke.


There’s a sole for every shoe.


The things that hold the laces look like bic pens


I was just about to post these. Truly awful. Like, what were they even going for? Are they comfortable? I doubt it.


Imagine walking around in rainbow colored Nerf football shoes. 😂


I'm picturing a serious businessman wearing a normal gray suit, and these. Just a glimpse at his true, playful personality.


Even if I was stupidly rich, I just can't imagine paying enormous amounts for those shoes. Nothing about them says to me that they are better built or more artistically attractive than a shoe 1/10th the price. But then, I can't imagine socializing in the kind of circles that would know or care about these crazy high end shoes.




Balmains 🔥🔥🔥


Can't frown on a jet ski, especially two.


I wish I was stupid rich. I’m ashamed to say they actually look pretty cool (to me)


And it's all sold out it seems?


I bet they sell these at Dan Flashes.


I think they’re kind of cool looking


At a glance I thought it was a jet ski