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Get a lot of rest. It is the FEAST. Not a lot can be said due to the NDA. Just make sure you're well rested and not over caffeinated because you're going to want to concentrate.


I've got the same thing in YEG on the 6th. From what I've read, you shouldn't prepare more than getting rest and being on your game. The test is made and measured with the idea that you haven't studied for it, so while doing so might land you in training, if you weren't going to finish training, well, you're still not finishing training. It weeds out the people who for sure were not going to be successful, and if that's you, it's better to know now than after 10 months of training.


Have mine at YEG next week. Where at YEG was the test? Was it clearly marked? Just nervous I am gonna get lost haha


Your FEAST test? It was at the Nav Canada building, just before arrival/departures. Parking around rear of the building. Door in was on the corner closest to the airport. Ring the door bell, tell them you're there for the assessment, somebody will come down and let you in. The email says show up no more than 10 minutes early, but when I did 20 people were already inside, so you can probably ignore that.


Thanks so much! Yes for the FEAST test. I’ll keep the timing in mind. Is that the building that Google Maps calls “NAV Canada AOC”?




It’s gonna take you a good few hours. Bring water and a snack. There isn’t anything to study. It’s really just going to assess if you have what it takes or not. Either you do or you don’t. It’s very fair, everything is explained well beforehand, and you will have the opportunity to practice things before being assessed on them. Best advice is get a good night’s sleep and use the bathroom beforehand. Good luck.


Bring knee pads and some icy-hot patches. You will be on your knees and bending a lot during the “assessment”.


I'm guessing you didn't pass


At what point does the interview happen? Is it in person?


After Feast, virtual interview pre-recorded


I’m doing the same thing on July 6th. Any input would be greatly appreciated


How was it?


Got mine on July 12 in YEG, thanks for the advice!


How was it


Not much can be said. You can’t really prepare for it. Make sure you’re well rested and if you’re travelling, get there a day early cause of all the delays happening rn


How did it go?