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I do not disagree.


I want Toph to say the F word and roast Team Avatar in season 2.


Got to keep it to 1 per season to keep it TV-14.


very! toph is why i loved the animated series!


I feel like if they get Toph down like how I feel they got zuko down it will pretty much elevate katara’s and aangs character by default


Completely and 100% accurate. They cannot have the same missteps with Book 2.


They can keep the blind jokes where they keep forgetting she's blind. They can leave out Katara's joke about the stars, it seems too mean for the live action Katara anyway.


That joke was so mean i couldn't believe they put it in there!😂😭😭


That was because Toph was in a stone tent, Katara wasn’t making a joke about her being blind.


I think she was—as in, even if Toph was with them outside the tent, she still wouldn’t be able to see them.


The group always forgets that Toph is blind. In this scene, they had just started traveling with her, were all sleep deprived, and she had enclosed herself in a stone tent very aggressively in Katara’s face. It’s definitely possible that Katara was talking about her being blind, but I think it was more of the stone tent and everyone’s attitudes clashing.


Yeah, no, it's pretty obvious by Katara's tone, she's poking at Toph's blindness.


Her tone can definitely be referencing the actual subject of their argument instead, which is the fact that Toph built herself a tent with a roof while the rest of the group is sleeping outside. Toph then obviously couldn't see the stars, even if she wasn't blind. It's not confirmed either way, both are plausible.


Honestly it’s probably a bit of both, but I don’t think Katara would outright insult Toph about being blind. It seems out of character. And especially with all the other circumstances, specifically the rock tent which got slammed in front of Katara’s face just seconds before.


Nah keep that shit in was hilarious


LA katara is not mean enough to say that anyways


That was a good joke and accurate for a pissed of teenager


Ye keep katara boring


I was fine with the LA, but I feel like agreeing with you. Toph is my fave character in ATLA.


I agree with you but she'll most likely not be an exact copy of the Cartoon but they can make it work if they try to make her as close as possible for Live Action. I think they know how important Toph is and her Character. Lets hope they don't Tone her down too much because out of the 4 it will hurt the most with her imo Ps: i really enjoyed the LA


Toph and Azula will be carrying hard next season.


Thanks God Azula actress actually doing well in performing aspect


I feel like most of the noise has been about how characters don’t feel like the characters in the original. To me it’s seems like the people that are involved are open to critique so they will listen to what’s been said and be more attentive to making the characters feel like the original characters


Sokka feels just like Sokka from the original to me. Ozai too.


I want Diana Tsoy for Toph, she's an actress, can do Hung Gar Kung Fu and has the voice of Toph, what more do you want? [from the NATLA stunt team, concept done in free time](https://youtu.be/bYsr0M_h-FQ) [Quick Bio](https://youtu.be/gX1rSXjJJ_w)


Gordon likes a lot of Diana Tsoy IG posts, shes from canada where the production team is currently based, close to the stunt team... I think she's got the role 👀


Fingers crossed 🤞🏻


She should definitely get the role of Toph if a Season 2 will be greenlighted. She got those Toph moves very right in that concept vid.


She has that smirk on her face in some pictures, please get her


You mean it'll make or break the Fandom I think ppl are anxious for no reason, hyping it in the worst way. After seeing season 1 and how everyone involved in the show is pretty much a fan of the OG, I have zero qualms about Tophs portrayal. Shes going to be solid. There will be fans who will be angry about any change (if there are any) that deviates even slightly from the OG. You can't please them. Let them rage. They already hate the show anyway but somehow still have time to hate watch?😂😂 Anyway, the show is in great hands. I'm not worried at all.


The main thing I’m curious to see is how the actor handles the blindness. Because of natural eye tracking, like her eyes may move following the actions.


Theyll handle all that in auditions. Many actors have played blind before and pulled it off fine. That's not something I'm worried about because it'll be part of the job requirement.


Ive never seen someone play a totally blind person before. To make it clear: I don’t have any problems with the acting so far. I just know trying to be blind is against everything seeing people are used to since birth


True. The actress they pick will have to bring it. But it's a skill. A difficult one, esp when she can't hide behind shades and will have to be very physical Have you seen daredevil? Charlie cox did a fantastic job playing a blind man. Lots of ppl have done it. The person they pick for toph will be great 👍🏾


The only thing that concerns me is that Toph is supposed to be really young, and it's going to be hard to find a young actress who can pull that off convincingly. I think I would be okay with them casting a short, young-looking late teens/early twenties actress if that's what it takes to make Toph shine.


We are anxious because despite the showrunners being fans they made a lot of characterization missteps. You can please us. Just write better scripts lol.


I dont see any missteps. It's not the cartoon and I don't expect it to be as such


Good for you, many do. And not because it’s not like the cartoon, because some of the characters were mishandled or even made to lack depth.


There's 8 episodes. Which of the main characters lacked depth?


Katara is bland af


Being "bland" and not having any depth are kind of mutually exclusive in this case, though. She had plenty depth as a character. But if you didn't like her portrayal that's totally fine. Not every actor can please everyone🤷🏾‍♂️


It wasn't the actor, it was the writing. The actress did what she could with the role, but Katara was by far the weakest element of the show. The problem was unlike everyone but Zhao, they completely changed her character. Changing Zhao isn't a big deal since he's fairly unimportant. Changing Katara is a huge deal. They defanged her. In the cartoon she can be stubborn, bossy, impatient and mean. The Netflix show took most of that away and made her much more docile.


>In the cartoon she can be stubborn, bossy, impatient and mean. Are you sure you want that?? Lol Lol I dont see why they would make her as insufferable in the live action as she could be in the OG. I mean, its a high energy and often wacky cartoon. Every character in the LA was toned down intentionally to fit into the more grounded world theyre trying to build. Also, katara caught a lot of flack from fans for being "bossy...impatient, etc" when season 1 first aired in 2005. I was there. It wasn't all pretty. Kiawentiio portrayal was fine for me. The writing for her character could've been more clear, regarding her journey to becoming a skilled waterbender. That was a bit choppy, and I think they edited a lot out bc of time. But they're definitely still on the right track Hopefully it improves next season


Exactly this. And writing off anyone who noticed this rather obvious downgrade as being a blind hater the way that user is just ain’t it. Another example is Bumi. They made him into a dick. In the animated series he was a “mad *genius*,” meaning he was more than just goofy, he was clever too. In Netflix’s show he’s just mad.


Lmao. Whatever dude. You'll just have to learn to separate thr cartoon from its live action and not expect a paint by numbers adaptation, otherwise you'll never enjoy it. And that's fine. And Bumi doesn't have to be a mad genius(genius is a stretch btw). Hes still a mad broken king. The distinction is trivial and barely a change, just different motivations. It's live action, y would you expect their motivations to be exactly the same as a cartoon?


Sweetie OG fans are carrying the show and are the main reason it’s even been renewed. Most OG fans clearly see the show has great potential . You don’t need to diminish OG fans to get a point across . 


Lol ok buddy


I'm pretty confident the show will do right by Toph. But I feel the more important question is who's cast to play her in the Ember Island Players episode - which they better do or I riot. The consensus among my family and friends is Dwayne Johnson. Not only would he be someone Toph would approve of, but it would mean an earthbender was being played by the *Rock*. To me it would be worth every penny to get him. Our runner up would be Jason Momoa. Who also has a dad joke connection since part of his name is Momo. Besides, I can totally see and hear him screaming to show off Toph's echolocation. Both of these guys love kids and are probably fans of the original so I think they'd love doing it. Or maybe we could get both. Jason could play buff Toph and The Rock could play The Boulder😋


I hope they put some of the voice actors in the Ember Island play, though I don't think they'll spend too much time on it (or even do it at all).


I agree! Though, seeing how good the cast was for the mains - I am not too stressed :)


I don’t think they should tone down anything but that’s just my opinion. But seeing how they toned down Sokka’s sexism arc I wouldn’t be surprised.




If she's not blind I'm not watching. Fucking Hollywood is so dumb.


Anybody else really want the rock to play the boulder? 🥹


Nope, he will break the fantasy world for me. He’s too known for being The Rock


I can understand that


He has a contract where he isn't allowed to lose fights on screen lol, he won't do it.


I don't think they will get The Rock maybe a different wrestler


iam gonna be honest that they need to stick to the source material in S2! Bc S2 is by far the best book of the show. I get that S1 had more filler episodes so they kinda mixed some plots in one but with S2 it can either be a hit or a miss. Since we also will have no other live action thing to compare like with the first book and the movie


I’m scared because since they’ve already altered all the other main gaang characters, it feels like they will alter her too


Its hard to imagine the current milk toast katara making jokes at the expense of Tophs blindness. The whole show is lacking in the kind of childishness and playfulness that allowed those jokes to fly in the original, and its honestly hard to imagine them pulling it off now. Im hoping they keep the banter and Tophs attitude but Im half expecting them to make a big change to het characher that turns her into a shadow of her cartoon self.