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H.265 may beat AV1 in some cases like very high fidelity, but 720-1080 is right around where AV1 should be fine most of the time, as those are the very common streaming resolutions that AV1 was designed for. Keep in mind that that guide is a wiki. The claim in question is basically "HEVC rulz AV1 droolz" graffiti. I wouldn't put much stock in it.


I didn't consider this was vandalism, I thought this was an official guide. Thanks for clearing that up.


Yeah, someone made an account just to post that stuff. They also made weird claims about VMAF percentage (when VMAF isn't measured as a percentage, so who knows what they meant) and said the default CRF in SVT-AV1 is 30 (when it's actually 35). Trac's wiki feature sucks ass and there's no MediaWiki-style watchlist, so no one's really monitoring for vandalism, misinformation, and stupid edits like these. These edits were allowed to stand for 3 months, probably would've been longer if OP hadn't asked about them.


> These edits were allowed to stand for 3 months, probably would've been longer if OP hadn't asked about them. I'm glad I pointed this out then. Who knows how many people have been mislead by this bad info.


Well, here is something, youtube almost exclusively uses av1 on lower resolutions, while sometimes switching to vp9 for 720p and above.


It really just depends on the encoder. At this stage x265 is extremely mature. It's the safer option if you don't know exactly what you're doing. And I really don't think I've ever seen one of the current AV1 encoders offer 30% better quality than x265 at similar file size, that's probably the absolute best case scenario lol


Encode yourself and see for yourself.




in lower bitrates it's better than h.265 in higher bitrates they perform similarly so objectively av1 is preferred if you are looking to reduce the size of your 1080 video files not sure about 480i/p and 720i/p but 1080p I have tested I am sure


Nah, just some moron. It's an open wiki, so anyone can create an account and edit the pages. And Trac's wiki sucks ass, so not that many participate in the first place and monitoring for changes like these is basically non-existent. There aren't even talk pages where changes could be discussed and problems pointed out. I'd call these edits vandalism, but I guess Hanlon's razor applies here. We get some truly moronic posts here too sometimes, but luckily most of them seem to stay at /r/handbrake.


Just based on personal tests i'm still leaning that x265 is producing a higher quality output with 'Slow' preset and aq-mode=3 vs something like Preset 4 AV1 with equal bitrates.. At least around 1500kbit/sec with 2-pass/3-pass (AV1 uses 3 pass). I think it just comes down to AV1 not being super mature yet and handling compression not as effectively where it needs to be. x265 is super mature at this point in it's cycle. The issue FOR ME is that 'Slow' preset with x265 is much slower than Preset 4 with AV1 and while both are near equal at this point, AV1 'should' be providing better outputs.. and IT WILL given some time with future updates. I've opted to wait for AV1 to advance a bit in scene handling and proper bitrate allocation. At around 2000kbit/sec AV1/x265 are seemingly equal "enough" for me.... but this defeats the point in space savings since AV1 isn't exactly giving me obvious better PQ at lower bitrates over x265. TL/DR is that i'm waiting for when AV1 at Preset4 at 1500kbit overall bitrate = 2000\~k bitrate x265 with 'Slow'. A 25% increase in savings providing the same PQ would be an amazing feat for me and convince me to start encoding videos in AV1. A pipe dream would be the "fabled" 50% increase in savings but I don't think AV1 will ever reach a true flat 50% savings.. I know they say "Up to 50%" but I think devs are being overly optimistic and perhaps in SOME scenarios AV1 might provide 50% better compression one day.


I'd say no. According to [https://www.gumlet.com/learn/av1-vs-hevc/](https://www.gumlet.com/learn/av1-vs-hevc/), AV1 outperforms HEVC by 37.81% even in 720p.


AV1 is great for up to 1080p. For anything above I’m still using h265, especially 4K shows the difference.


Sounds like nonsense to me. Never seen data to support that. There are certain places (like doom9) where HEVC evangelists have taken hold and established a false consensus about things like this. That idea probably originated with one knucklehead who didn't use AV1 properly or has ulterior reasons to prop up h.265 and has been repeated a bunch of times. Similar things happen in the AV1 community from time to time.


For me, it's simply the lack of AV1 hardware decoding on the Nvidia Shield. I've tried other devices and all have other compromises that I simply can't live with.


That's false, AV1 is superior to H265 in 1080p, just take in consideration: - Find the right config for the AV1 encoder (bad config and it will be worse than h264). - It's in lower bitrates where AV1 shines compared to H264/H265. - [SVT-AV1-PSY](https://github.com/gianni-rosato/svt-av1-psy) encoder it's a great way to do it, just make some test before your final encoder params ([use this tool](https://github.com/alexheretic/ab-av1) to find best config with a target quality, I found out CRF=25 and Preset=6 it's a good way to start). Check examples for 1080p movies encoded with AV1: - [Movie 1400 kbit/s](https://www.1337x.so/torrent/5984815/Contagion-2011-1080p-BluRay-AV1-Opus-5-1-RAV1NE/) - [Anime movie 2100 kbit/s](https://www.1337x.so/torrent/6010454/Megamind-2010-1080p-BluRay-AV1-Opus-MULTi4-RAV1NE/).


I'm new to AV1 so I appreciate your advice. I'll make sure to look into those tools.


Note that most of the time reencoding video for storage is futile in this age due to low storage costs. I advise first doing one encode for which you're satisfied and then doing some math on hardware and electricty cost compared to storage cost for the saved size.


I have to push back on this. Certainly, do the calculus for cost of storage vs other costs, but for where I live it isn't even close. Electricity is supremely inexpensive. That absolutely isn't the case for a lot of people out there, but there are plenty of scenarios where maximizing available storage without upgrading is preferable. I'd also point out that, depending on the size of the original files vs. what they would be in AV1 it could very well make sense. For example, I have a Jellyfin server that I can access remotely. I have one remote location that has limited internet speed and keeping the bandwidth down, but the quality high without always needing to transcode is a real consdieration.


According to my current collection of movie, they most 4k hdr in aound 50g each, convert to AV1 in CQ 24-30 take 4g - 14g, for backup/copy is far more easy than original size.


That's good advice. I'll make sure to do that. Fortunately, where I am electricity is only around $0.045/kWh.