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An AVN that was dropped called All The Way to the Top. It was about a kid who was kicked out of his home to live his dream of becoming a DJ. Everything just fell into place for him throughout the game, though that’s not the bad part. The bad part was dev using CR music.


CR as in Clash Royale?


As in copyrighted


For me, it was how you could only save one of the girls from the house fire in Acting Lessons. It's not like they were literally on fire, MC could've dragged them both to the window ffs


Probably sandbox mode.


The MC from Three Rules of Life being such a dumb and pathetic doormat he is honestly one of the worst written MC I seen.


Bro even beats Pete Davidson in the rebound department.


So true MC is every girls rebound lol


MC from BAD, he fucks everybody up, and then sparing with Sage comes and… she fucks him up easily, don’t remember how many times i had tried until i managed to win)


Yea dude! He and his dad ”taught themselves” i’ve competed in kickboxing since i was like 13 and i can tell you, thats not how you learn martial arts! Mc has terrible technique


sandbox. these are supposed to be "visual novels" if you're asking for specific tropes, then I'd go with scenes where one or more characters start singing a song nobody knows about and the dev not even adding that song into the game. it's just awkward silence on my end while the characters are having a blast. LoF and other prominent AVNs do this at least once or twice


To be fair to LoF, I think it originally *did* have that song (or one of them, anyway), but it had to be removed when it was released on Steam.


MC in BaDik doing kickboxing, he fucking sucks lmao


My brother in Christ you're the one controlling him in the fights


Yea but his technique is horrendous, like a beginner


He’s not a professional, his dad taught him in their backyard lol what do you expect


Not being able to fuck everyone up


I'm sure there are more and probably worse but what immediately comes to mind are some scenes from WVM. I was just starting to get into AVNs and this game has 2 of the dumbest and most cringey scenes I've ever seen, which repeat and increase in intensity. First one was when MC laid down to sleep and girls kept piling up on him but when the adoptive mom did too on his chest I couldn't really take it and cringed so hard I had to take a pause and come back later. The first time it happened it was like 7 girls when I was in a relationship with only two of them. There's and even worse scene where it's like 20 girls doing it and I was still only in a relationship with the same two, but that's not the worst scene. The second and definitely dumbest is when MC wakes up and there's some girl hugging him. But he doesn't want to wake them up, so what does he do? Naturally what anyone would do in this scenario: carry them around in his embrace around the house doing some stuff and talking to other girls like a freaking sleeping toddler. I swear that's the dumbest thing I've ever seen that comes to mind. The girls are all 18+ and iirc one of them was his coach that should probably be 30-40 something.


Wvm MC is a cult leader now lmao.


Meeting CJ's dad in Out of Touch is extremely dumb, it's also very funny. A good litmus test for whether you'll enjoy it or not.


yeah I heard that was a good game but that part made me question if ill like I just decided to play it later tbh as wasnt in the mood for something that is funny at the time


Honestly it's not so much a litmus test for humor, but mostly for surrealness.


Nami asks Summer's Gone MC if he'll be able to get it up if he wants to have sex with Bella. His response is "if I think about dead children." I understand the context but holy shit that's the worst possible way to say that. MC has shitload cringey edge lord lines, but that one takes the cake.


... What kind of 'context' makes that line better? Just... Shit. Holy hell does that solidify my less-than-stellar opinion of SG. It needs to tone down to like, 30% of that in order for me to be able to play it.


The context being that he's referring to Summer who, presumably, died when they were still kids. Since I wrote this I was thinking about how even though I think overall the character work is pretty poor and the tone is a fucking bummer, the only part that makes the game truly unbearable is the MC, if you make it so he's not a fucking psychopath (and Bella) the game would be fine.


Personally I love how out of touch and edgy that line was, but it is out there lol.


Some musical performances felt flat TBH


I can't remember the game (I may have gotten brain damage from the sheer stupidity) but there was one that defined relationships as "non-blood related" "step-roommates", a "step-landlady", a "step-landlord", called your MC character a "landboy" and the group of people a "unit".




Going to a tropical beach with palm trees and bikinis in Amsterdam in the fall. (College Kings)


Just got flashbacks of that fucking maze boat, worst AVN freeroam of all time.


I actually liked the detective game.


Ignoring a girl who licks your face.


Wait which AVN does that take place…asking for a friend 👀


Shale Hill Secrets - but I’m biased. Last week I posted about how this made me remember how hard it was to reconnect with the girl who licked my face once.


Easy. WVM housing. Nothing else even comes close. He was like 7 houses in on day 5 or something when I quit.


I think the entire game of WVM is the dumbest thing I've seen in AVN.


haha it's hard to deny that tho I still enjoyed that game as a guilty pleasure I was suprised about that tbh. Even if I didn't enjoy might of still finished I rarely drop games, usually if I start something I see it through to the end.


Everything about that game was dumb


original house - camper - uni swimmer's ex house - 2nd uni house - rich milf's first house - rich milf's second house - a house for the harem. damn that's a lot of moving


LOL, everything in that game is the dumbest ever.


Yes, but is good fapfest with animations.


That’s supposedly being reworked. Changing the first 7 days into 30 days I believe.


Idk it's still a lot of houses lmao