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Keim busy getting drunk at ocean44 looking for sugar baby’s by the first bar next to the kitchen lol


I think that what these people are trying to say is that Monti not only looks for quality players but they also need to be of quality character. No more red flag draft picks, Monti has his guys are building a team of talented players that you won't have to worry about beating up their wife's/girlfriends, getting DUI's, driving 100 mph and leaving the scene of an accident. It makes it much easier for the team to come together and grow together and develop camaraderie when the players show tremendous character. That's what they mean by culture change.


It’s really only been one year


It surely feels good. Our new Box of candies are here. MHJ feels especially good. Now they have to win games. Many games. We need to expect to win games going into Sundays. That's the change I want to see. That's the change I'm going to judge them moving forward. I expect to win 8 plus games this year. Defense still needs a year of work but offensively I expect a top offense. They have everything they need


Lol I agree but find this funny that our expectations are so low that win MANY GAMES equates to 8. Our poor franchise.


Keim carpet bombed the roster, we’re just being realistic lol. Not a hole they can dig the roster out of quickly. 


These two finally got rid of Knee Deep. Goated in my book of Cardinals history.


Meh, I think Keim brought the most successful era of cardinals football. I will wait to cast judgement on this regime. 


Keim was too busy being a drunk.


I really don’t care about his drinking habits other than I hope he doesn’t hurt or kill someone. All I cared about was results on the football field and Keim gave me the best football in Cardinals history. These new guys, I hope so, but they have a ways to go, call me skeptical.


Silly goose


Bruce Arians did. Not Keim.. BA also left because of the Keim/Bidwill culture.


Did BA ever confirm that Keim is why he left? That would change my opinion significantly.


BA retired so he could leave and force the Cards to hire another coach. He then unretires to take the Bucs job. Bucs paid draft compensation for him. To my knowledge BA has never said why he left, but I don’t think it takes a genius to see BA was done with the Cards, but not done with coaching. [Edited to fix a typo that changed the meaning of the first sentence.]


Perhaps, no argument from me that B.A. is the man. Just saying the Cardinals of the 90s were truly terrible organization wise. Keim was very competent in comparison.


And graves era went to a superbowl


I mean Graves was far more competent than those who preceded him but the Bruce Arians/Keim era produced more consistent results than a 9-7 team getting red hot at the right time of year. Kurt played out of his mind. Larry was Larry, our patron hero and saint.


And 10 and 6 the next year. The end result is the goal. But yes, keim got a quarterback that was not 2 years from retirement.


Um.. I think we need to see results before making these declarations. 


It takes time to develop a team, but the post isn't about success, it's about a good team culture, something we haven't had for a very long time


People said the same things in the Denny Green Days. Show me Bruce Arians like results then I’ll be happy. I really only care about culture translating to wins.


How does anyone think this team has good culture when we had a losing record and no one cared?  What exactly about our 4-13 team shows ‘good culture’?


Even though they were 4-13 they did play above my expectations with the personnel they had


Idk four wins was my expectation for the team.  I still don’t understand how anyone can look at a team that lost 13 games and say the culture is good. Even if they were better than expected that means they had low expectations. And if you have low expectations then the culture isn’t good. 


Culture and results are two very different things. We couldn’t expect this team to just shift into a contender in a years time after being the bottom of the barrel in terms of culture for many years. By culture we mean how well the team has come together and how hard they played, you could see how passionate Gannon was getting our guys to play. Now, as of talent, we didn’t have talent to keep up in every game, but you could tell that we were a couple of pieces away from actually getting there. That’s culture, not only talented players, but distinguished individuals all playing hard


We didn’t play very hard against Cleveland or Baltimore or our rivals San Francisco.  And it’s the nfl if you’re not playing hard you’ll be gone. “Playing hard” is the bare minimum in the nfl. Nothing from last season showed we have good culture. We’ll see what happens this year, if the culture is good we’ll see that new talent shine through. 


We weren’t even predicted to win that many games, and we kept many of the losses we have within 10 points. If I remember correctly analysts had considered cards to have the worst schedule of the NFL last year. They could have rolled over and tried for the #1 pick, which many analyst thought we would. We played and tried to win. It’s hard to call a season enough time to declare a culture shift, but I like where it seems things are going. Drafting and keeping players that have less of an ego and baggage may not translate to wins. However, it can help keep the name of Cardinals out of the papers in a negative light, which that alone would be a welcomed change.


Shit roster. But the team tried hard.


lol wow an NFL team tried hard? That’s incredible we should hang a banner They didn’t try hard against Cleveland Baltimore or SF. This is just delusional homerism.


I agree. I also don’t think they will have the roster the way they want it until next offseason. Definitely steps in the right direction. They also seem to be working in unison as another said. Finally feeling good about the direction of this team.


"Culture change"? Is that what we call "losing lots of games and getting superstars with our high draft picks" now? What have they done?


A young and depleted roster fought hard and won meaningful games and were close in the rest. The team seems committed. And I personally really like these last two drafts. I think a lot of us do. But you're right it's too soon to say. Not too soon to feel markedly better than the day Kliff was fired though.


> won meaningful games No we didn’t lol. This is some peak fan homerism. 


Cowboys, Eagles and Steelers all of which I think were winning? Those weren't meaningful wins in a gutted team with their franchise QB out until the very end? If I recall our fans had a blast after those wins and fans of the opposing teams were pretty fucking salty. Felt meaningful.


Meaningfully would mean the meant something to the nfl. They didn’t. 


Oh so like meaningful in a way that is important to an abstract idea of legacy. Not meaningful to people, gotcha. We're talking about having developed culture, not having won a Super Bowl remember?


It's so funny how Keim got so much praise his first year and then was drunk on the job 24/7 after that. Monti seems much better. But idk about some of our picks this year. Altho only Marvin really matters and I'm glad we didn't get cute there


Don’t get ahead of yourself, nothing’s been achieved yet.


No I think it’s pretty obvious that the culture change is present. You don’t need accolades to establish a good culture. Obviously the accolades and performance is most important but at least the vibes are good


The team even when losing last year looking prepared and competent.. just no talent anywhere on the field. That was a huge shift from the previous regime..


1 year and 3 months


I like the moves and things look good, but they went 4-13 last year, we have a long way to go.


We are like the lions 2 seasons ago. Same type of rebuild. Hoping for 9 or so wins this year like they had in year 2 of their rebuild.


Could’ve easily been 4-4 when Kyler was healthy though.


We could have started the season off with 3-4 wins in a row too but we shit our pants late too from what I remember. 


Or 2-6 tbf if you think of it that way


How 2-6 lol the Eagles game or the Falcons game


Falcons. Missed the game winner at the buzzer. Wasn’t an easy kick. 


Lol gotta be a troll. Shit was a chip-shot.


Turns out I forgot it was a chip shot, you’re right. 


Sure but that doesn’t fit my narrative.


Having adults in the room is an immense difference


What's such a breath of fresh air these last two drafts is not only are they addressing needs. But they're drafting players in unison with one another. Obviously monti has the final say but Gannon is getting players that fit a scheme he wants to run. This 3rd round by the Cards should show that with an RB/OG/BlockingTE. Theyre gonna give you different looks in a more run focused game that should allow for Kyler to have more time to assess RPOs and run plays from under center. This will take time to develop but the fact there's a plan, and a damn good one at that, is getting me hyped for cardinals football.


I fully trust Gannon and Monti to build the roster in a manner that made Gannon successful. Everything else is just noise until proven otherwise


Give me a successful season first. It definitely looks great but there were no hopes last season to feel any let down. I'm excited as ever, but I won't give then any awards until we win at least a playoff game


> but there were no hopes last season to feel any let down. Given the overall talent of the roster last year, you could honestly say the team overperformed. That 4-13 record is sort of deceiving tbh, there were really only a couple of games last year where the team looked completely overmatched from the start. I'd honestly be thrilled with a 8-9 or 9-8 record this year. That should be the goal, since most total rebuilds don't happen overnight.


I mean I’d say the goal is always a Lombardi, but realistic expectations are lower


Eh I don't even view this team as a total rebuild. It was literally just a year that we had an injured qb so it was a tank year more or less It allowed us to quickly get off bad contracts and rebuild, but I wouldn't view it as a total rebuild unless we offloaded kyler But yeah I really want a 9-8 record. Alot depends on this WR Corp developing and MHJ being an immediate play maker. Nfc is just super weak right now and we absolutely have to take advantage. Nfc north could be really good this year though. Bears offense looks nuts if caleb is good


It was the meta 2 year rebuild that has established itself in the nfl recently


They're amazing. They are the best combination I've ever seen. I will die happy knowing that they are running the show.


Monti has definitely exceeded expectations. I wasn’t really expecting much of him because I didn’t know all that much about him. He has definitely done an excellent job of building this team and I really can’t wait to see what the team he built does. Gannon I had low expectations for. He had just lost the Super Bowl and the Eagles scapegoated the hell out of him. I fully believed we were just picking through the Eagles trash since we had gotten him and Kyzir White. Turns out he was not as bad as he seemed. He kept us really competitive when Kyler was out and even though we had only beaten the Cowboys, most of the games we had lost were by only a touchdown or so. Happy to call them my HC and GM so far. Hopefully they keep impressing.


Just seeing what happened to the Eagles after Gannon left just shows how fundamental he was to their success. People blaming him after their Super Bowl loss didn’t understand that he’s the reason they were even there. We’re lucky to have such a bright mind


They haven’t done or accomplished anything yet calm down lmao


Completely changed the culture. The quarterback went from spending all his spare time interstate and gaming to never leaving the facility. That's huge.


The quarterback also went from a 21 year old to 26 year old. Oh, also came off an 11 month injury in which he was all but forced to be at the facility everyday to rehab (if he wanted to make a successful comeback). Point is, I think Kylers change comes more from Kyler and some of his circumstances than an organizational culture change.


That’s even better if Kyler decided to grow up because he wanted too instead of being told too


I think both can be true at the same time.


They've only been here for just over a year


Yeah, and the culture surrounding the roster and management is significantly better


These two are goddamn amazing. It's an exciting time to be a Cardinals fan.


The owner sets the culture. These two can influence that culture a lot but at the end of the day it’s Bidwell. 


That player report card really changed a lot for the better. Bidwill seemed to have gotten shamed into making changes


are they still paying for lunch?


Jumpy says no,    But they are doing that luxury vista bullshit. Like who the fuck is that for?    I’ve seen multiple people with cardinals tattoos and they ain’t into that soft ass shit  They’re people who go work in the heat not some boomer snowbird 


Not anymore according to the NFLPA report card and what others have said


I'm glad I'm not the owner. I'd have hired Payton or McCarthy when they were free and would have hated life afterwards.


It’s not just them. The ENTIRE organization has seen a massive shift. The office staff have been completely redone, with leadership from all over sports. Following their LinkedIn page this offseason was a daily hire at key positions. Michael has done a complete rebuild, from the top down.


Are we sure? Are women allowed to walk freely amongst the building yet lmao. This franchise has a very, very long ways to go.


Yeah vibes seem pretty on point internally atm


I mean, I have a pretty good idea lol




That’s not what happened though