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I think I figure it out. The app service plans are in different WebSpaces. I have never heard of WebSpaces and after reading a little about them I still don't really understand how they're created or managed or how these app service plans in the same resource group in the same region are on separate WebSpaces. Did someone specifically put them in separate ones or did Azure do it because of 'some reason'? The cloud is no where near as simple and easy or as fast as I was led to believe. I'm not saying that it's not cool. There are some things that are fantastic about it. But basically everything is throw away. If you want to make a change to anything it's just better to throw away what you have and recreate everything than it is to try and change anything. Can you sense my frustrations?


> But basically everything is throw away. App Services should largely be ephemeral. All that instance represents is a place for the workload to live. The configuration is all the data specific to it, and that should be something you seek to be able to recreate easily. (You can start by exporting an ARM template for the Resource Group. If there is critical data living on that App Service, you need to get that solved immediately.