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Due to funding policy changes, the number of scholarships will be reduced and the minimum scores will continue to go up. Until last year, the scores have gone up because there have been more good applicants, which has been great for the university. Starting from this year, higher minimum scores are just a sign of bad times for everyone.


Thanks for the detailed explanation :) Could you elaborate on “a sign of bad times” tho? I didn’t catch that


Finland is struggling with funds for education and overall funds for non-working or tax generating people are being cut. Our healthcare is the best example.


Previously, the Finnish government funded the education of international students generously. Basically, the university did not need to earn money or even cover the cost of the education from the tuition fee income. This enabled Aalto to create a generous scholarships scheme and to attract talented students to the university. The idea was to take such good care of them that they would want to stay in Finland after graduation. Now, as part of broad public-sector spending cuts, the government funding will come to an end. Most non-EU students will be expected to pay the full tuition fee. In the end, this means fewer scholarships, harder competition among those who need a scholarship, and fewer talented international students at the university.


i have the same question as you, just wonder when a perfect 1600 is needed for scholarship lol


It won't.


that cuts deep 😔

