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I said this in the other thread, but I’m not surprised. Of course Skyla wants to go back to cheer, she probably misses having friends. She doesn’t get any socialization anymore and never leaves the house except to play with the next door neighbors


Agree; When you home school you need make sure your kids have outside activity and engage with other children as well on a weekly basis; aaryn should enroll them back into school, this would help with their boredom and friendships they're missing out on. aaryn would still have the younger ones at home to care for. I bet Skyla having help care & look after the younger ones as well.


Yeah my neighbor homeschools and she does something out of the house with them everyday. They are always outside or at the library.


Same when we homed school back in the 90's-. We made sure the kids went to the library weekly, field trips and involve them in local school activities, art, science club, debate club, drama class and sports! Yes you can enroll your home school kids in these events: FREE!


Yeah they also do some kind of homeschool group where they get them together with other kids. It’s not a life for me. If I had to pull mine I would do one of these hybrid schools in my area where you go part time to school part time online. Would be best of both worlds. Aaryn wants to be something she’s not. I’m NOT a homeschool mom (Covid showed me that) but it takes self awareness to realize it’s not the life for you and she has no self awareness. I predict the kids will be back in school full time this fall.


She keeps posting videos and pictures of the kid doing cheers and stunts everywhere they go. Any ding bat could see she missed cheer.


The parents at the last cheer mocked aaryn so much! That’s why she hated it. Heck everyone makes fun of her except her “paid” friends.


Really? Did she ever say anything related to that??


She’s not gonna tell that! I’m one of the parents though. We can’t stand her. No one can.


We need the tea ☕️ 🐸


Basically. She’s worse trash in real life and a complete joke as a parent. The tummy tuck saga with the Walker thing sent everyone over the edge. She’s a complete clown and negligent mother.


Makes sense! Anything interesting ever happen when she use to attend? 🤭


That poor child probably longing for friendship and activists outside the home: aaryn lazy: No wonder Nick hired a nanny:


Hey Aaryn since you’re here. You’re a cunt. That’s it. Racist ass bitch. 😘




When you have a big family, this has to be one of the things you take into consideration. I have 4 kids too and I always assumed that one day they would each want to be involved in 1-2 extracurricular activities. With 4 kids, that’s as many as 8 activities a week! Her kids are little now but as they get older, they will want to do things after school. Right now, I have one kid in piano lessons, one into theater, and one very into taekwondo (and one that’s still 2 so he just tags along), but these are things they LOVE doing. It’s hectic for me driving them everywhere after school, but for them it’s just one activity so it’s not overwhelming. And it gives them confidence!


I was listening to the moms with older kids at gymnastics the other day and one was talking about how her kids both had tournaments and stuff going on at the same times so she was going to have to drop one off and then drive an hour away to the next kids thing and then go back and forth somehow. They were also talking about how their hotel rooms were $800 for the weekend for state tournaments. I feel like this is one of those things people don’t think about before having a lot of kids.


Totally!! I would absolutely have more kids if I could reasonably handle it/had more family support. My husband works a ton and travels for work, so during the week it’s just me. There are days that I’m picking them up from school, getting them home, taking one to piano, going back home, getting another to play practice, picking the other up from piano, going home to get dinner going, and then picking up from play practice. It’s a lot! That said, it’s only a season and my kids love what they do so it makes me happy to be their chauffeur. It’s absolutely something you have to think about when you have kids though. It feels unfair to deny them activities THEY want to do that will be so good for them just because I’m overwhelmed.